Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I Need To Lose Weight!
I am going to the beach in January and need to start losing weight now. Not just losing weight but getting in shape too. I think I have lost a little weight since graduation, but I can't tell. I may have lost a little, but I am far from my goal. I have noticed that TV commercial about the pharmacist talking about her experience using the alli weight loss pill. I might actually ask a pharmacist about it the next time I am in a drugstore.
Tennessee: Let's Go Blue!
Tennessee, I wanna see blue. Blue eyes in the rain. Blue skies. I wanna get the blues. Blues brothers. Blue Moon. Blue popsicles. Blue, blue, blue. I wanna see blue. Bluer than blue. Let's vote democratic! Obama! Change we need. Obama! Tennessee is red right now. But it is a thin red line. Tennessee, we are blue bloods! Let's get out and vote and show that we actually know what is what. Not that tired old republican tripe. Not that republican tripe where they want to sit on their hands and do nothing. Do nothing while the problems of the country escalate and worsen. Let's go Big Blue!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Ted Stevens--Another Republican Gone Bad
Timing is everything. Ted Stevens, senator from Alaska, was convicted today of an ethics breach, just days before his reelection, and he thinks he is going to win. Really? I guess he does. He could get up to five years in prison, but because he is in his 80s, he would probably get a lesser sentence. And he is the longest-serving Republican in the Senate's history, so I know he would hope for a pardon from George W.
All I can say is Yeouch! What bad timing for the Repubs. But good timing for the Dems!
All I can say is Yeouch! What bad timing for the Repubs. But good timing for the Dems!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Trendy Places To Live
I have to admit--I am a sucker for tony living spaces. And tony work spaces. And tony parts of town. I live in such an area. Cool condos and homes and places to eat all over the place. I feel very blessed to live there. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be able to afford my condo now. I got it years ago at a steal.
I also love to see trendy condos and areas in other cities. Usually, it is the downtown areas, or areas that are being rehabbed and rejuvenated. I have been to Dallas a couple of times and remember seeing some trendy areas there. Braden Power apparently has been in the real estate development business in Dallas and has been rehabiliting buildings in the rundown parts of town. He realizes that single, professional people (me!) like convenience but also consider design and community to be important. I know it would take dynamite to get me out of my community!
I also love to see trendy condos and areas in other cities. Usually, it is the downtown areas, or areas that are being rehabbed and rejuvenated. I have been to Dallas a couple of times and remember seeing some trendy areas there. Braden Power apparently has been in the real estate development business in Dallas and has been rehabiliting buildings in the rundown parts of town. He realizes that single, professional people (me!) like convenience but also consider design and community to be important. I know it would take dynamite to get me out of my community!
Western Pennsylvanians For Obama
I don't live in Western Pennsylvania anymore, but I hale from there. There has been a lot of talk about Western Pennsylvania lately. Like how they are racists. That they cling to their guns and religion. And how they aren't going to vote for Obama.
I do know from first hand experience that some people in Western Pennsylvania are racists. But guess what? There are some people from everywhere who are racists. Do they cling to their guns and religion there? Not from my experience--not anymore than anywhere else.
But I don't think Obama was saying that as a put-down. He was saying that in times of stress, people do cling to what they know. It wasn't a criticism of the people. He was criticizing the conditions that would make people cling to these things if they felt insecure.
And will Western Pennsylvania vote for Obama? I hope so. Pennsylvania is a blue state, but where I hale from is solid red. But I am hoping that they see that Obama would be a much better friend to them and to this country than the Republicans. Much better. I am hoping Pennsylvania will go for Obama. They deserve better.
I do know from first hand experience that some people in Western Pennsylvania are racists. But guess what? There are some people from everywhere who are racists. Do they cling to their guns and religion there? Not from my experience--not anymore than anywhere else.
But I don't think Obama was saying that as a put-down. He was saying that in times of stress, people do cling to what they know. It wasn't a criticism of the people. He was criticizing the conditions that would make people cling to these things if they felt insecure.
And will Western Pennsylvania vote for Obama? I hope so. Pennsylvania is a blue state, but where I hale from is solid red. But I am hoping that they see that Obama would be a much better friend to them and to this country than the Republicans. Much better. I am hoping Pennsylvania will go for Obama. They deserve better.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hooked on TV
I have to admit, I am hooked on TV. That might sound wierd for someone like me (brainiac, law student, etc. ) but I can't help it. I guess it is because I am a news junkie. And I live by myself, so it is entertainment and company rolled into one. I love the news channels, especially at election time. I also like to watch Court TV, now Tru TV (hate that new name). I wish they had their trials on around the clock. They only broadcast them during the day, and I am not home then. I also used to watch the medical channel, but it is not on my lineup anymore. Sometimes that channel gets gruesome when they do close-ups of operations. But for some reason, I like those shows. Part of me wishes I had gone to medical school. (Is there still time????) I need to get an HDTV. After the first of the year, I may budget for one. I need a TV for my bedroom and my spare bedroom.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Wow! Colin Powell!
I was so heartened by Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama yesterday on Meet the Press. He was so eloquent, and he explained his reasons for his endorsement so well. Truly it was a great moment. But today, I heard Repoobs say Powell didn't explain himself--that he was all style over substance. Either the Repoobs are truly ignorant or they just don't want to hear. But then, these were the same people who never admitted (until recently, most of them) that there was something wrong with Bush.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
UT's Body Farm Aids In Caylee Anthony Case
Quick question: Who has been a UT-Knoxville student who has had Professor Bill Bass for intro anthropology? Raises hand. Dr. Bass is now again in the spotlight as the Body Farm that he started at UT in Knoxville (not Oak Ridge as the Nancy Grace show is stating) has helped in indicting Casey Anthony, charged with murder of her 3-year old daughter Caylee Anthony in Orlando.
What a wierd case. I hope the details finally come out. We are not sure what the Body Farm helped with, but it had something to do with the decomposition of the body in the trunk of Casey's car, as well as traces of chloroform in the same trunk.
Here is a link to the body farm that explains it better than I can: http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/criminal_mind/forensics/bill_bass/5.html
What a wierd case. I hope the details finally come out. We are not sure what the Body Farm helped with, but it had something to do with the decomposition of the body in the trunk of Casey's car, as well as traces of chloroform in the same trunk.
Here is a link to the body farm that explains it better than I can: http://www.trutv.com/library/crime/criminal_mind/forensics/bill_bass/5.html
Monday, October 13, 2008
Yummy Casseroles
I will soon host my first dinner party since getting out of law school. My entertaining has been almost zilch in the last couple of years. Not only could I not afford to entertain, I didn't have time to clean my place to get ready for entertaining. I am looking forward to having this event. I am going to look at some casserole recipes that I might be able to serve. There are some yummy casserole recipes out there. They are easy to fix and to keep as leftovers too. I still have a little time to plan my menu, and I will have a good time getting ready for this.
I Didn't Pass The Bar
I can barely believe the words as I write them: I did not pass the bar. How can this be? I am the queen of test takers. The empress of last minute pull-it-offs. But not this time. I saw the list of those who passed, many of whom had lower GPAs than mine. Some had higher GPAs. I can't believe it. I am sore. I am embarrassed. People have told me not to worry about it--that I will pass it next time. And of course I will. But I should have passed it this time. I needed to get into overdrive mode, and I just didn't. And this is the result. It is not the end of the world. Just disappointing. I will write more when I can.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tomorrow is D Day: Did I Pass The Bar?
I am sitting here tonight with my glass of chianti, watching Hardball, wondering if I passed the bar. Tonight it is still just a theorertical question. But I know I have already passed or not. I only need to find out which it is. I have a really good feeling that I passed. I had a meltdown early this week--a crying jag at work that lasted all morning long. Since then though, I have reverted to feeling pretty good. The trouble is with law tests, that good feeling can be deceptive. You can easily do well when you think you did badly and vice versa. You just have to play the waiting game.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer
Do you know the song, "The Lazy, Hazy Days of Summer?" Well, I do. It is a little before my time, but I would hear it on the oldies channels. I don't even know who sings it. But it reminds me of my grandmother and my old home town. I really don't like the song, but I like the memories. KWIM?
Well, here it is two days before the bar exam results are released, well into October, and I still feel like I didn't have a summer. Let alone one that was lazy and hazy. And for me, that is deadly. Deadly, I say! I'll have to make up for it next summer by having twice as much fun. I really don't have a patio or a balcony, and I miss that. My next house will hopefully have one or the other or both. Driving around, I see some outdoor furniture now, with patio furniture covers. They really dress up a porch or patio. I think sitting out on the patio or porch with a good book or a newspaper, and a glass of wine sounds really great right now. Too bad it is October, and summer is gone. Next summer for sure!
Well, here it is two days before the bar exam results are released, well into October, and I still feel like I didn't have a summer. Let alone one that was lazy and hazy. And for me, that is deadly. Deadly, I say! I'll have to make up for it next summer by having twice as much fun. I really don't have a patio or a balcony, and I miss that. My next house will hopefully have one or the other or both. Driving around, I see some outdoor furniture now, with patio furniture covers. They really dress up a porch or patio. I think sitting out on the patio or porch with a good book or a newspaper, and a glass of wine sounds really great right now. Too bad it is October, and summer is gone. Next summer for sure!
Sign Wars At Belmont Presidential Debate
First, I want to compliment Belmont University on how beautiful it looked last night. It always looks nice, but it was particularly gussied up last night for the presidential debate. It was gorgeous.
I am so glad I went over to campus before the debate. I was not one of the 80 lucky ones that got chosen to sit in the pod inside. But it was really fun outside. I hung out by the MSNBC tent and saw Chris Matthews broadcasting his show Hardball. In between things, he stood up and came over to those lined up, but I was about three people back in the row, so I did not get to talk with him. It was neat seeing him though.
There was definitely some sign wars going on last night. Surprisingly, and luckily, it was an Obama crowd that showed up for Hardball. We did have the occasional unfortunate McCain/Palin supporter flounting their usual drivel on a sign, something with the word terrorist on it. Jeez, get a life. And a brain.
But there were also some Obama sign wars. The polite v. the tacky. Most Obama signs were tasteful--the usual campaign stuff. There were a few that were distasteful--ones that spouted "Palin Makes Me Puke" "Palin the Parrot" and one that had McCain and Palin depicted as Frankenstein and Frankenstein's wife.
The Obama staff quietly and politely asked such people to put their signs down--that they didn't want the signs on TV. They were asking because they wanted the event to be positive--no negative campaign stuff. Most of the people put their signs down right away in the spirit of the event. Some didn't--they wanted to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.
I am a 1st Amendment nut, but even I can see the problem with showing such tacky signs. You want to take the high road and not be the campaign that disparages the other side.
One of the sign holders stood her ground and would not lower her sign. I did my good deed by covering her sign with my sign. I had a typical Obama sign. The woman never even seemed to notice I was doing that,which I thought was wierd.
I did my part for a positive campaign, and that makes me proud. I hope Obama's campaign can stay positive these next few weeks. We want to be the winner, both in the numbers and in the high ground territory.
I am so glad I went over to campus before the debate. I was not one of the 80 lucky ones that got chosen to sit in the pod inside. But it was really fun outside. I hung out by the MSNBC tent and saw Chris Matthews broadcasting his show Hardball. In between things, he stood up and came over to those lined up, but I was about three people back in the row, so I did not get to talk with him. It was neat seeing him though.
There was definitely some sign wars going on last night. Surprisingly, and luckily, it was an Obama crowd that showed up for Hardball. We did have the occasional unfortunate McCain/Palin supporter flounting their usual drivel on a sign, something with the word terrorist on it. Jeez, get a life. And a brain.
But there were also some Obama sign wars. The polite v. the tacky. Most Obama signs were tasteful--the usual campaign stuff. There were a few that were distasteful--ones that spouted "Palin Makes Me Puke" "Palin the Parrot" and one that had McCain and Palin depicted as Frankenstein and Frankenstein's wife.
The Obama staff quietly and politely asked such people to put their signs down--that they didn't want the signs on TV. They were asking because they wanted the event to be positive--no negative campaign stuff. Most of the people put their signs down right away in the spirit of the event. Some didn't--they wanted to exercise their 1st Amendment rights.
I am a 1st Amendment nut, but even I can see the problem with showing such tacky signs. You want to take the high road and not be the campaign that disparages the other side.
One of the sign holders stood her ground and would not lower her sign. I did my good deed by covering her sign with my sign. I had a typical Obama sign. The woman never even seemed to notice I was doing that,which I thought was wierd.
I did my part for a positive campaign, and that makes me proud. I hope Obama's campaign can stay positive these next few weeks. We want to be the winner, both in the numbers and in the high ground territory.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Real Time At Belmont Presidential Debate
The debate just started and the town hall focuses on 80 uncommitted voters from Nashville. The first thing I see is someone I used to work with. Cool!
The candidates are limited to one minute answers, and so far neither are cooperating. Tom Brokaw has to keep reminding them that they agreed to that.
They are taking questions from the floor and the internet. How can people trust either one of them with their money when it was both parties who contributed to this economic problem?
What sacrifices would you ask people to make to restore American dream.
Obama wants to use a scalpel not a hatchet on the budget. Good. He also talked about how Americans want to sacrifice, and not just by shopping after a terrorist attack. Good again.
Is health care a privilege, right, or responsibility? McCain says responsibility; Obama says right.
At least health care is on the forefront--surely good changes will come.
Re Iraq: McCain again says Obama doesn't understand. Obama says it is true he doesn't understand why we invaded the wrong country. The war has put an extreme strain on our troops and our budget.
Regarding genocide, when we stand idly by, it diminishes us, Obama says. We need to be able to work in concert with our allies on some of this. Good!
The candidates are limited to one minute answers, and so far neither are cooperating. Tom Brokaw has to keep reminding them that they agreed to that.
They are taking questions from the floor and the internet. How can people trust either one of them with their money when it was both parties who contributed to this economic problem?
What sacrifices would you ask people to make to restore American dream.
Obama wants to use a scalpel not a hatchet on the budget. Good. He also talked about how Americans want to sacrifice, and not just by shopping after a terrorist attack. Good again.
Is health care a privilege, right, or responsibility? McCain says responsibility; Obama says right.
At least health care is on the forefront--surely good changes will come.
Re Iraq: McCain again says Obama doesn't understand. Obama says it is true he doesn't understand why we invaded the wrong country. The war has put an extreme strain on our troops and our budget.
Regarding genocide, when we stand idly by, it diminishes us, Obama says. We need to be able to work in concert with our allies on some of this. Good!
Presidential Debate Tonight in Nashville!
First it was ESPN CollegeDay on Saturday, and now Nashville is hosting the presidential debate tonight. Belmont College's Curb Center is beautiful with its red, white, and blue drapes and special floodlights. What a boon for Belmont University and Nashville! When I went home today for lunch, I got caught in traffic that was stopped for the Obama motorcade. I sat in my car for a good 20 minutes and thought about turning around and finding another way to work. But the excitement grabbed me, and I stayed. Soon, the motorcade came by with all of the police escorts. There was a string of SUVs, a small bus, and a big bus, and you could not tell had Obama in it. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I thought--Obama is a celebrity! But that is a good thing. MSNBC is broadcasting all of its shows today and tonight from Belmont. It has been raining off and on all day, so I hope it holds off for the rest of the night.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Countdown to Bar Exam Results
Bar exam results are being released in Tennessee next Friday, the 10th, at noon. I am holding my breath. I had a meltdown last week. I cried all morning and felt terrible all day. Not sure why. I think it had something to do with knowing the bar exam results were coming out in a week. Since then I have felt better but still nervous. I know it doesn't really matter if I pass or not. I can take the bar exam again in February. I have a lot of friends taking it then, so it wouldn't be so bad. But of course I don't want to do that. I want to get on with my life and my other projects. But I am driven type person, so of course I want to pass. I don't want to have to say the rest of my life, "I didn't pass the first time." So I want to pass, but it won't be the end of the world if I don't.
But I want to pass. I want to pass.
Send good thoughts out there--like attracts like. I did well. I did well. I passed. I passed. I got more than enough questions right. My name is on the successful list. I am on the successful list.
But I want to pass. I want to pass.
Send good thoughts out there--like attracts like. I did well. I did well. I passed. I passed. I got more than enough questions right. My name is on the successful list. I am on the successful list.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Vanderbilt's Big Day On ESPN
Vanderbilt is having such a big year in football this year, they are being featured on ESPN today. All day long. Believe me, Nashville and Vanderbilt University are in Commmodore heaven today. And it is well deserved. It is being held at the new Commons area on campus. I may have to walk my doggie, Stoopot, down there later. Dynamite, my alma mater!
Damn! The Dores are on a roll!
Damn! The Dores are on a roll!
Trying Out My New MP3 Player
I am a little behind the time-I just got my first MP3 player, and I have yet to take it out of the package. But I am thrilled to finally have one. I wish I had had it during law school, as I could have listened to profs' lectures on MP3, and you can never get enough of that! At least I couldn't. But now I have time to listen to more music and even audio books and such. I found a link where you can occasionally get free audio books. I could listen to audio books while driving, doing housework and such. After four years of law school and bar study, I have a lot of books to catch up on.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Palin's Miss South Carolina Moments--Wink, Wink, Wink
Ok, so Sarah Palin sort of redeemed herself last night in the debate. She didn't look like a total airhead like she had recently. But, she didn't answer all of the questions, and she totally diverted some. Repubs, did you catch that? But she seemed scripted, like she had memorized a series of discrete paragraphs that she could pull out of the air and stick in anywhere she wanted.
Her earlier Miss South Carolina moments: To Palin: What publications do you read? Palin: uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
To Palin: What case besides Roe v. Wade do you disagree with? Palin: uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
Her earlier Miss South Carolina moments: To Palin: What publications do you read? Palin: uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
To Palin: What case besides Roe v. Wade do you disagree with? Palin: uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
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