There is less than a month now until the Feb. bar exam. I have to pass this time. (I choked in July. My bad.) I came pretty close to passing though, a tremendous feat for how little I prepared. But once again, the time has gotten away from me, and I am sure I will not have time to do everything I want to do.
I am taking tomorrow off from work, and here is my game plan: Tonight I will finish my contracts portion of the lawdecks flashcards. Then maybe do some MBE questions on the computer. Tomorrow I will finish reading through the Mini Conviser, or as much as I can get through. I will do more MBE questions, but not sure if I will finish my last set of the lawdecks cards or do more questions in the book. Saturday and Sunday I want to pick up my reading in the lecture handbook, the book where you fill in the blanks. On both of those days I will also do more MBE questions, maybe some on the computer this time to get my speed up.
I'm just going to keep on plugging as best I can. There is no doubt I will be more prepared this time; I just hope it is enough. Hey! It has to be enough! I am going to live and breath the bar exam this next month.
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Yes, Yes, We Can!
I was out of the country last week (but studying for the bar exam anyway!) and I was thrilled to watch the inauguration on CNN. And to hear CNN mention the Nashville English First proposal. (Thanks to all who voted against this. We did it!) Are we Reinventing America? Not that America really needs reinventing. But we need to be reminded of what America really is. What it can be again. What it has been for the last 8 years is not what it is supposed to be.
Law Decks: Great Tool For Studying For The Multi-State Portion Of The Bar Exam
I am studying for the bar exam--again--and I am getting worried. It is one month down to the count. I have been studying over the last two months but at a leisurely pace. I need to make this last month count. I don't want to go through this again. I need to move on with my life. I had heard of Law Decks flash cards that help you study for the bar exam. In the last couple of years, I have rediscovered the value of flash cards. They really help you pinpoint and memorize the facts you need to memorize. I got some of these flashcards for Christmas. I have been studying them over the last week, and they are great. They have really helped me cement some of this info in my head. I definitely recommend them for bar study.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Acne Treatment Isn't Just For Teenagers
I had problems with my skin when I was a teenager. Most teens do. Now my niece, a pre-teen, is starting to have to deal with acne. When I went to visit last, she and her parents were going around and around about her acne treatment. She didn't like it, it was too expensive, etc. But acne isn't limited to young people. Some friends of mine of a "certain age" are still having problems with acne. I don't see their acne, but they say it is there, hidden, kind of under the skin. Almost a bruise or something??? Not sure what they are reallly talking about, but I know it drives them crazy.
Miracle On The Hudson
Most people by now have heard of the Miracle on the Hudson--the plane that made an emergency landing in the Hudson River in New York City today without a single fatality. The plane hit a flock of Canadian geese, or is it that the geese hit the plane? Well, anyway, both engines were blown out, and the pilot had no where to go except in the river. But he did so gracefully and expertly that someone on TV said that it didn't feel much different than going over a few speed bumps. Watching the coverage brought tears to my eyes.
Looking Forward To Losing Weight
What are the best diet pills? I am tired of looking bad, and my cohorts in law study feel the same. I want to be pretty again and turn men's heads. I hardly turn any heads now, and I know it is because of my weight gain. I love ice cream, and one thing I have started is buying those little tiny one serving scoops of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. That limits what I can eat. But I need more help than that. I need some help in the form of exercise and diet pills.
Mad Madoff
I have been watching the news about the financial mess. Which financial mess, you may be thinking? Well, all of them, but I think the news about the frauds of the financial planners, or whatever you call them, is fascinating. I can use a word like fascinating, because they did not steal my money. If they had stolen my money, I would use the word horrifying. Come to think of it, I will use the word horrifying anyway. It is horrifying that anyone would steal money like that and leave people in the lurch. Apparently Madoff was aware that he did not have a good pedigree--he hadn't gone to the top schools and such. So, he made his business exclusive by only accepting money from some people. You felt like it was a privilege for him to invest your money. Sort of like a money version of Studio 54. Even though the investors had a lot of money, they don't necessarily now. And apparently, his fraud is even affecting some charities in New York. If that isn't horrifying, I don't know what is.
I Need To Learn To Twitter
Ok, I am linked in. I want to do facebook. I actually have a myspace page that I never use. So far, I am just not diggin it or twitterin it, if you know what I mean. Must have something to do with all of my free time being spent on studying for the bar exam.
What Would Apple Do Without Steve Jobs?
The news has come out today that Steve Jobs is taking medical leave from Apple. He had lost a lot of weight recently, and he explained that it was a hormonal imbalance problem. Now he is saying his health problems are more complex than he first thought. Everyone is worried because he had pancreatic cancer in 2004. Those at Apple are afraid that he will not come back. I hope he will be fine. He is so cute, and he is certainly an innovator. I haven't kept up with what he has been doing lately. I kept up with him more in his early days at Apple. I thought it was interesting when he was fired and then came back. See, they figured out they needed him. And it looks like they still do.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Exclusive Fashion Watches
I have been researching fine watches, and I am learning quite a bit. There are some that are so expensive, it would take about a third of my annual salary to pay them off! I just learned about the brand Patek Philippe. Their website said they created the first wristwatch. How neat!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ann Coulter Is Disgusting
Really, she just needs to shut up. Even though she has a good schtick. Her schtick or niche is just to get a rise out of people. It is really brilliant. You can just be as disgusting and off track as you want to be--and you make a lot of money by just getting a rise out of ignorant people. People who can't think for themselves. Really. Does she not have anything better to do? The answer is no. She doesn't have anything better to do than to make money off of ignorant people. And she is laughing all the way to the bank. What a shame.
I Am Serious About Weight Loss
I am really looking bad and need to get in shape. Law school and bar exam study have not been kind to my girlish figure. I have joined a gym, and as soon as I take the bar exam in late Feb., I am going to burn up the equipment there. Everyone will know my name! Actually, I can't wait. I love the feeling you get when you start exercising and you feel the burn. Very nice. I may also seek out some appetite suppressants or fat burners too. I need all the help I can get. I'll check into Lipovox. After the bar exam.
I Voted No For Nashville English Only Amendment
I voted early yesterday in Nashville's election for the English Only Amendment. I got there in the knick of time--they were closing the polling place, but I got there just in time. I asked the pollsters if they were having a good turnout, and they said they had had about 1000 people vote a day. Which is great for a special election like this. I am hoping the vast majority of those voting are voting no. The proposal is ridiculous, and it is a waste of time. Most of the people and efforts I hear aimed at the amendment seem to be against the proposal. I think the conservatives who want the amendment are probably really be too lazy to go vote. Which is fine by me. We progressives do have the energy to do the right thing.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Can't Wait To Get In Shape
I promised myself I would get in shape before my trip to the beach. I would really like to feel good about myself while on vacation, and I would love to meet a guy! I will be in a good place, where maybe I could meet someone. But I did not get in shape, and I am mad at myself. There has been no time with working and studying. I have read studies, where it says that men prefer women in shape. Duh, that is a no brainer. But I have heard they even prefer someone in shape to someone who is pretty. Huh? I am pretty, but I am not in shape. I just need to get back in shape, and then I will be both. I promise myself I will be in shape by the end of April. I can't wait to get on the treadmill and get to work. To get those endorphins pumping and to feel better about myself.
Yuck, I Looked At Myself In A Bathing Suit
I am heading to the beach for a week. (Don't worry, I am studying while gone!) When you go to the beach, you usually wear a bathing suit. I almost had cardia arrest, when I tried on my new bathing suit I ordered online. I ordered the right size, but when it came, it was anything but the right size. I mean, it was the size I ordered, but it did not fit! My stomach pooched out, and my legs looked terrible! I am so disgusted with myself. So much so that I went and joined a gym today. I won't get to use it much until after I get back, but I thought I should go and join, so I can rush right there when I get back. It is not the best gym in the world, but it will do. I will actually enjoy walking on the treadmill or using the elliptical and watching TV. Or using the cardio theater. That is cool.
Cute Hats To Keep You Warm In Winter
You've probably heard that wearing a hat helps keep you warm. I don't know the science behind that, but I find it to be true. I didn't use to wear hats--I felt self conscious about wearing them and didn't think I particularly looked good in them. About 5-6 years ago, I found some really cute felt hats that were in style, and I bought a couple of them. Not only did I look good in them, but I looked younger! Can't beat that combo. Now I don't wear hats, only because I don't have time to think about it. But in our area, the weather is coldest in January and February, so there is still plenty of time to remember to wear hats this year. I found some beanies online recently. They seem like they would be easy to wear.
Nashvillians: Vote No For English Only Amendments
Nashvillians--We need to band together and vote no for the English only amendments. (Early voting between now and Jan. 17 at the Davidson County Election Commission--800 2nd Ave. So; election day Jan. 22) It is very bad for business. Listen to Tom Oreck. He just relocated his Oreck vaccum business to TN. He says that if this amendment had been in place when he was considering TN, he probably wouldn't have moved his company here.
We have had great success in attracting international companies to the state, Nissan and Volkswagen for instance. Many American companies that are located here or might want to locate here do business with international customers. It would just be rude and ridiculous to force Tennesseans not to speak to them in their native tongue. Much of the time, they might be able to speak English anyway, but it is courteous to at least try to speak to them in their native tongue and make them feel welcome.
With the economy as bad as it is, we don't need to put Nashville and Tennessee in a down position. We have actually fared pretty well, compared to some other locations, so let us not kick ourselves in the behind.
Frankly, I am surprised this initiative got this far. The person who spearheaded this seems to be an intelligent person, but he dropped the ball on this one. We can't afford to put the state in a handicapped position just because of his bad judgment. This is a very expensive proposition to get nothing in return, and in fact to do damage to the state.
Some people from other locales still think of Nashvillians and Tennesseans as hayseeds. We know we aren't. If we pass this amendment, it will just reinforce their idea that we are not sophisticated and because of that should not be players in the international arena.
Quick facts about the amendment here:
We have had great success in attracting international companies to the state, Nissan and Volkswagen for instance. Many American companies that are located here or might want to locate here do business with international customers. It would just be rude and ridiculous to force Tennesseans not to speak to them in their native tongue. Much of the time, they might be able to speak English anyway, but it is courteous to at least try to speak to them in their native tongue and make them feel welcome.
With the economy as bad as it is, we don't need to put Nashville and Tennessee in a down position. We have actually fared pretty well, compared to some other locations, so let us not kick ourselves in the behind.
Frankly, I am surprised this initiative got this far. The person who spearheaded this seems to be an intelligent person, but he dropped the ball on this one. We can't afford to put the state in a handicapped position just because of his bad judgment. This is a very expensive proposition to get nothing in return, and in fact to do damage to the state.
Some people from other locales still think of Nashvillians and Tennesseans as hayseeds. We know we aren't. If we pass this amendment, it will just reinforce their idea that we are not sophisticated and because of that should not be players in the international arena.
Quick facts about the amendment here:
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Doggie Stoopot Is A Good Sport
My doggie Stoopot is the best dog ever. He is low maintenance and seems to appreciate what I do for him. He loves me and I love him. But because of studying and working, we haven't had as much quality time lately as I would like. I want to take him for more and longer walks, take him to the dog park more, and just do everything for him more. Isn't that what pet owners do? He makes me feel safe, and for that I am grateful. He is also good company. I just wish he didn't bark at dogs on TV. We are a good team. I may start buying his pet supplements online. I am looking forward to the time when soon I can focus more of my attention on him. I bet he is looking forward to that too!
Everyone's Favorite Bar Exam Topic: The Rule Against Perpetuities
Talk to any fellow bar exam taker, and invariably you end up laughing and snickering about the Rule Against Perpetuities. Why this is so is a mystery, since really this rule is not any harder or complex than other legal rules. I think it is because the rule just sounds so antiquated. Just using the word perpetuities conjures up the image of lawyers in wigs.
But here is the rule plain and simple:
No interest is good unless it must vest, if at all, not later than 21 years after some life in being at the creation of the interest.
This applies to contingent remainders, executory interests, options and rights of first refusal, and vested remainders subject to open. The rule can also apply to class gifts. I won't swear this is a complete list. After all, I am still studying for the bar!
But here is the rule plain and simple:
No interest is good unless it must vest, if at all, not later than 21 years after some life in being at the creation of the interest.
This applies to contingent remainders, executory interests, options and rights of first refusal, and vested remainders subject to open. The rule can also apply to class gifts. I won't swear this is a complete list. After all, I am still studying for the bar!
Fossil Watches

I need a new watch asap. My good Kenneth Cole watch is a little worn. I still wear it, but I guess I am just in the mood for a new watch. I bought a really cute generic watch when I took the bar exam in July. They suggested we wear a watch, even though there was a clock in the room. Have to keep a close watch on the time during the bar exam! But it is a cheap watch and won't hold up for long.
A friend of mine has a fossil watch I have always coveted. It is very attractive, and she is always getting complimented on it. I am looking at Fossil watches as well as other brands.
A friend of mine has a fossil watch I have always coveted. It is very attractive, and she is always getting complimented on it. I am looking at Fossil watches as well as other brands.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Harmony Korine at Vanderbilt

Photo from Korine's exhibit at Vanderbilt
If you are a fan of Harmony Korine, you must make it over to Vanderbilt University's Fine Art Gallery, where the screenwriter, film producer, film director, and author has an exhibit of black and white photographs from his private archive. Titled "Harmony Korine-Pigxote"--it is a series of 49 photographs that follow an unnamed woman through various scenes. Like most of the work connected to Korine, it has a sexual overtone. The show, that opened today with a reception attended by Korine, runs through Feb. 26.
I saw his first work--the controversial Kids--and thought it was very good. I won't share the plotline in case you haven't seen it yet. I was drawn to it because he was from Nashville, and I have to admit I am attracted to art on the edge. Disturbing art. It is true. There, I said it.
I never saw Gummo, another of his films, even though it was shot in Nashville. Well, I take it back--I have seen a few snippets here and there. I want to see it, but maybe I am glad I didn't. I hear there is a cat drowning scene it, and that would be horrific to me. But it is filmed in Nashville, and rumor has it I may even see some people I know in it. So, maybe I will try to watch it at some point.
He has had some other films and projects, and they are equally or more disturbing. Who would have known that Kids was the most normal of his works? Lol.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Linked Up Madness
My newest pastime is Linked Up. I can't help it. I have the fever, I'm hot, I can't be stopped! Seriously, in the last two days, checking for people I know on the site has become an obsession of mine. I haven't done the MySpace or Facebook thing, so I guess I am entitled to a little social networking. I guess this is more like business networking though. I don't know how well it is really going to attract business or new work opportunities, but the idea is a good one.
For me, it has been more like old home week--finding people I haven't seen since college, etc. It has been fun. And frenzied. It's like high school or college but funner! I wish other people I know were on there. They may be before long. I must stop now and study for the bar exam. Have to keep my hands off their site. (You do have to wonder why some people don't respond to your invitation to join your network. Do they just never check their email, or do they really not want to be connected?? hmmmm. But enough people do want to be connected that I guess you can just ignore the snooty ones!
For me, it has been more like old home week--finding people I haven't seen since college, etc. It has been fun. And frenzied. It's like high school or college but funner! I wish other people I know were on there. They may be before long. I must stop now and study for the bar exam. Have to keep my hands off their site. (You do have to wonder why some people don't respond to your invitation to join your network. Do they just never check their email, or do they really not want to be connected?? hmmmm. But enough people do want to be connected that I guess you can just ignore the snooty ones!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Discount On Leather Jackets
I really like nice leather. I have had a few pieces of nice leather--a skirt and vest. But my leather pants were more like faux leather. I think it was called "pleather" or "plether," which was popular a few years ago. They were fine for then, but I don't even know where they are now, and if I did, I am sure I could not fit into them. With law school and bar exam study, and all that. All the eating and not excercising during law school and bar exam, and all that.
I recently learned about Jillian Leather. They also offer children's leather jackets.
I recently learned about Jillian Leather. They also offer children's leather jackets.
Need Modified Work Schedule For Bar Study
I turned in a modified schedule today for bar exam study. I am being conservative in asking time off for study. My boss said he would think about it later. It has upset me that he didn't just go ahead and say OK. He has known I need to do this. And my law degree will benefit the company. But does he understand that????
OK, I feel better. At a meeting held later today, we found out that we are having to cut our workweek from 40 hours to 36. That hurts financially, but I guess is mild compared to some totally losing their jobs. I asked boss if I could do my modified work schedule for the bar, since it is even less hours than what he was asking. He said yes. I just wished he had gone ahead and said that earlier, so I didn't have to sweat it
OK, I feel better. At a meeting held later today, we found out that we are having to cut our workweek from 40 hours to 36. That hurts financially, but I guess is mild compared to some totally losing their jobs. I asked boss if I could do my modified work schedule for the bar, since it is even less hours than what he was asking. He said yes. I just wished he had gone ahead and said that earlier, so I didn't have to sweat it
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Attention All Goobers: Free Calls Throughout The U.S!
Remember all the hype about Skype? I haven't even heard of Skype in a long time. I thought it sounded neat, but never signed up for it. It seemed like it benefitted the international crowd, and I don't have much need now to make international calls.
There is something else called It says it is free to landlines or mobile phones in America. The service is free because it relies on ad revenue. And I love the name of the service: Goober Networks. I wonder if they are Andy Griffith fans?
There is something else called It says it is free to landlines or mobile phones in America. The service is free because it relies on ad revenue. And I love the name of the service: Goober Networks. I wonder if they are Andy Griffith fans?
BarBri Classes Start Again Tomorrow
Yes, Barbri classes start again tomorrow. I am not taking them, however. They are just going to play the videotapes from the classes I took in July, and I have all the books and the notes, so there is no need for a do-over. But I am playing a trick with myself--pretending I am taking the classes. I feel that is a good way for me to pace myself and to keep up with the schedule. Yes, this time keep up with the schedule, something I didn't do in July.
Upgrading TV Apparati For The Home
I guess everyone has heard about the digital TV changeover in Feb. Luckily, I am protected by having cable, so I dont' have to worry about it. My non-digital TV is still working well, and for that I am grateful. I do want to buy another TV for my bedroom, but can't do that until after I take the bar exam again. The question is what size of TV would I get, and where would I put it? I am going to have to look at tv stands and figure out what kind of set up I want to have.
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