Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Needed Repairs Around Home
Now that I am through with the bar exam, I am trying to catch up on my life. One of those things is to get all of the repairs done around home that I have needed to get done. Last week I got my bathroom sink unstopped, and my washing machine fixed. It would wash the clothes but not spin well enough to get the water out of the clothes. I had to run each load through the dryer at least twice. This weekend, I am going to get my kitchen faucet fixed. The hot water spigot won't turn off, so I had to turn the hot water off under the sink. I might actually need to get a new faucet put in. On down the road, I need to get a new sink too. Mine is looking pretty dated. I am going to look at a Kohler sink.
Ridiculous Online Writing Fee
I am a longtime writer who isn't writing so much these days. I love blogging, but I would love to try to make some money online from my writing, so I have checked into some online freelance writing sites. I have not won any assignments so far, so I probably need to amp up my bids. But some of the requests for writers are just ridiculous. Someone was looking for a writer who would rewrite a 1,000 word article for $8. How ridiculous. A writer commented on it saying that fee was ridiculous, and the offeror had the nerve to defend it.
Home Theater Seating
I have gone on a couple of home tours recently, and many of the homes on these tours have a common denominator beyond the fact that they are tremendously fantastic and expensive: They all seem to have home theater seating . The rooms in which the home theaters are contained are often called the "media room. It is all pretty cool: big comfy chairs, cocktail tables, and a big nice theater screen. What fun for a party or just for the family to enjoy. I don't have room for home theater seating in my small condo, but I would love to enjoy myself in someone else's home theater!
Bad Law Career Market
I had dinner tonight with a law school classmate who did pass the bar in July, and she has yet to find a job. Well, she had a part-time job for a while, but it was barely paying her anything. And then she was let go last week. Now she is looking around again. She has a few interviews scheduled, so she is hopeful but not optimistic. Another friend of mine who is a partner in a law firm hasn't gotten a paycheck in almost six months. Another classmate of mine is taking criminal defense appointments and seems to be doing OK. I guess even in these times, criminal defense work is necessary.
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Laptop Is Joined To My Hip
I really have become a laptop addict. Almost the minute I get home, I fire up my laptop. I have been blaming my house looking like crap to being in law school and studying for the bar, but it is really because I am a laptop junkie. When I could be washing dishes or cleaning out cupboards, I am on my laptop instead. Maybe I need an intervention? Between blogging and visiting my forums and checking email and reading news, a few hours fly by. What is a girl to do?
I am on it so much I am afraid I am wearing out my computer. It has gone in for major repairs several times already. I am hoping to wait a while until I buy another computer. But when I do need to buy a new one, I will have to compare computer prices online. I have a toshiba right now. I'd really like to get one of those cute laptop cases that I have seen around. I was on a tear around town trying to find one, and I eventually did find one, but there are a lot more choices online.
I am on it so much I am afraid I am wearing out my computer. It has gone in for major repairs several times already. I am hoping to wait a while until I buy another computer. But when I do need to buy a new one, I will have to compare computer prices online. I have a toshiba right now. I'd really like to get one of those cute laptop cases that I have seen around. I was on a tear around town trying to find one, and I eventually did find one, but there are a lot more choices online.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Microdermabrasion--Good For The Skin
Now that I am finished with law school, and hopefully the bar exam, I want to spend more time on beauty. I really need to get in shape and lose weight. Yesterday! I also need to eat better. And I need to get more sleep. All of which will make me look prettier. I have been pretty good with skincare over the years, wearing sunblock and stuff. One thing I haven't tried is microdermabrasion. I know there are some doctors in Nashville who do it, so I might look into it.
Law License Interview
I received the much anticipated (and dreaded) law license interview letter recently. It was sent from a local attorney who has been assigned to do my interview for the bar examiners. The letter said the interview would be held soon and would last about 30 minutes. I have heard stories about people being grilled at these interviews and also of interviewers recommending that their interviewees not be licensed, at least for a while. Ouch! I hope that is not the case for me. I doubt it would be, but being the worrier I am, it has to cross my mind. I have also heard of a lot of interviews running smoothly. (A better outcome.) The rumor going around (totally unsubstantiated) is that you get the letter if you passed the multi-state portion of the exam. Of course, that may not be the case at all. Do I dare be optimistic? (knocks on wood)
Wii--I Want To Have Fun!
I have yet to play any Wii game, but I am dying to do so. I don't know when I will do that. I won't buy one myself, so I will need to use someone else's. I will probably have to wait until I visit my cousin this summer. Her children have Wii. I want to play. I want to play! I am not much of an athlete, but I might be a better Wii athlete! I will have to look into the system, how much they cost, etc., and what kind of Wii accessories are available.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Natasha Richardson Dead
I didn't follow Natasha Richardson's career much. I didn't even realize she was married to hearthrob (to me at least) Liam Neeson. It is hard to believe that she died from such a small accident. It didn't sound like a big deal at all. How many times have people, including me, hit my head in some fashion. OK, not from skiing, but from a car door, etc. It didn't sound as if she was taking much of a risk. Someone mentoned to me that maybe it was just her "time" to go. As sad as that seems, maybe it is as simple as that.
When You Are Involved In A Motorcycle Accident
The husband of a friend of mine lost his leg in a motorcycle accident many years ago. I knew him for many years before I was aware of what was wrong. I knew he limped but didn't know the reason. I thought he just had arthritis or a knee problem, or something similar. But the reason is because he has a prothesis. He is the first to know the dangers of motorcycles and that if you have an accident, you should look for one of those motorcycle accident attorneys. Such attorneys would have the know-how to succeed in such litigation.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Sad Story About A Busted Boomer
Story just goes to show that this economy can negatively affect anyone.
Story just goes to show that this economy can negatively affect anyone.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I Could Use A Long Vacation
Now that the bar exam is over, and my regular life has resumed at least until April 17 (when I find out if I passed or not), I feel the need for a lot of pampering. I want to get manis and pedis, and massages. I could use a long vacation. I want to really save money now so I can do things like go on extended vacations. I have been researching some extended stay hotels. I want to get back out and rediscover life, away from the books!
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