Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Making My Skin Look Better
I have to admit that my face looks pretty good. Not to boast, but people consider me pretty. And I am aging well: I probably look 5-10 years younger than I am. That is because I have spent a lot of time constantly looking for the best wrinkle cream. I also have used spf on my face religiously. What I have not paid so much attention to are my arms. The skin on my arms does not look as good. For years, I have forgotten to use spf on my arms and I have sun damage. I gave gotten a new product to use, and I am going to make sure I use spf on my arms everyday. Plus I need to drink more water. Much more water! Maybe soon my arms will once again look as good as my fact does.
Dreading That 800 Call?
Like most people, sometimes I dread making the 800 phone call. Whether it is to talk to customer service at a credit card company, or my cable company, or my mutual fund company, and particularly my computer company, I have to really think about it, because I am afraid it is going to be a real time suck. I don't know how many times I have called to talk about why I can't connect to my wifi in my own house, and I am still on the phone hours later. Who has that kind of time? Fortunately, there are companies out there focusing on call center services. That is good news, because I don't have time to spend as much time as I have in the past on call centers calls, and I certainly don't have time to get annoyed by it.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Going To A Mini High School Reunion Tonight; Hope I Don't Feel Frumpy
I have a mini-reunion to go to tonight, and I hope I don't feel frumpy. I may, because I sort of look frumpy. I wonder if everyone else will be buff and toned. My luck. But maybe not. I do look better than I did just a couple of weeks ago. I guess because I have started on a small exercise routine, and I have cut down my eating. Except last night when I went through Wendy's. What can I say? I dropped by the law school, and there is an automatic path from the law school to the nearby Wendy's. My car just goes from one place to another on automatic. I want to ask a pharmacist what are the best diet pills. I feel like a pharmacist would give me the honest lowd0wn.
Mesothelioma Is A Deadly Disease
Mesothelioma is the cancer that develops in the lungs from exposure to asbestos. You don't hear as much about asbestos as much as you used to, but you do hear about those with mesothelioma as a result of having being exposed to asbestos. Some researchers think even a single strand of asbestos can trigger asbestos, which is a frightening thought. It is a terrible disease; there is no cure and the outlook for one with mesothelioma is poor. But there are clinical trials going on, and it seems as if people who are treated at a hospital with a clinical trial fare better. With clinnical trials going on, you know the treatment and survival rates will only get better.
Missed Out On Outer Banks Vacation
When I was in college, I had the chance to go to the beach. My family had rented one of those Outer Banks rentals.. I had stayed up at college for summer school, but I had a ride: I had asked a friend to go, and she agreed. She was going to drive her car, and we were going to meet my parents there. Then on the morning we were supposed to leave, my friend called and said she couldn't go. I was so disappointed! But I didn't let it show. I didn't have another way to get there, so I missed out on the Outer Banks. I have always heard how nice it was. Maybe I will get there one day!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thinking About Buying A House In My Old Hometown
I may be crazy for thinking this, but I have a dream to buy a house in my old hometown. It wouldn't be my primary home, because I wouldn't live there full time. It would be like a toy, a vacation home. Anyone in my family could also use it. Houses in that town are beautiful and inexpensive. I love them. I would love to have one. But who am I kidding? I really need to buy a house in the town I really live in. But they are expensive, out of my reach. But I live here. I want both: a house here and a house there. I need to get working so I can afford both. If I bought one in the other town, I would have to hire long distance movers because it is pretty far away. I could buy cheaper furniture here, I am sure, and then move it. A good dream, even if maybe unattainable, at least for now.
Losing Weight The Safe And Easy Way
As I mentioned in my earlier post, I need to lose weight. I have been remiss in not doing so. I am much more attractive when I am thinner. I don't need to be too thin, just thinner. Not Madonna-arm thin, just in shape. And healthy. Stopping eating loads of ice cream might help. But how to cut my sweet tooth? And all of my other cravings? That is why I would like to find a product that cuts my appetite and maybe revs up my metabolism too. I am going to check out ultra 90 reviews. I'm hearing from a lot of guys from my past, and they would remember me as cute. If they saw me right now, I don't think they would think I was cute. I definitely need to get in shape so I get some looks again.
Losing Weight: Continuing Saga
I still need to lose weight. I am making a little headway--I am exercising more and cutting down on food some. Still not as much as I need to do. I really need to find a product that will help cut down my appetite. I have thought of trying some ephedra products. I think some are being reworked some, but I think you can still find some on ebay. I may just wait until the new version comes out and give it a whirl. I want to be buff and in shape, and I need some help! I am going to the beach this fall, and I definitely don't want to be embarrassed in a bathing suit.
Visiting Mickey Mouse
I have taken a number of orlando vacations in the past, but don't have plans to go back in the near future. Some of my friends, who had never been to Disneyworld before, just went on a vacation there. I haven't talked with them yet about how it was, but I know they were very excited about going. There is so much to do down there, and their children were very excited about it. I used to go a lot as a child, because my grandparents lived in the area. I have gone once as an adult, and it was still fun. I haven't been to Universal, so that may be a good trip for me for the future.
Getting Insurance Quotes
I am in the process of getting free insurance quotes for two kinds of insurance: disability income and lawyer's malpractice. I used to have disability insurance, but don't have it any longer, and I have felt very vulnerable without it. I also need lawyer malpractice insurance. Since I will only be practicing part time, I only need a part-time policy. I have done some research and come up with the plans I think I want. I will have to work the cost into my budget, which is always tight, but the plans are necessary, at least I think so, and reasonable.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Getting My First Cases
Suddenly, I feel more like a lawyer. In the last couple of weeks, I have been approached by people to take a couple of cases. I got my first disability case, which is good, because disability is something I might really like to do on down the road. The wife of someone I work with has been denied her benefits, and I am helping her with the appeal. And then a friend recommended me to do someone's will. I am a little nervous about the will, as my wills class seems like a long time ago. But at least two people have said they would help me with this. I am impressed with how lawyers help each other. It has gotten me thinking about keeping my options open for taking cases. Would I take a personal injury case? Previously, I thought not, but maybe if someone approached me about it I would. Until I get up to speed though they would need to choose from one of the many Tennessee injury lawyers to handle their case.
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