It is amazing what those of us in the U.S. take for granted. Like this blog--I can slap down any old post (even though I hope at least some of my posts are informative and entertaining) and not think twice about it. I wouldn't get in trouble unless I defame someone, and even then that might be hard for someone to prove damages. But in other countries--those in the Middle East for example--the penalties for posting a negative or critical blog can be much higher. You may pay with prison time or your life.
I attended a blog meeting, where someone was talking about what it takes to be a blogging activist in the Middle East. First, it takes courage. Second, it takes smarts. Third, it takes networking to find people to help you with it. Fourth, it takes other people to share their stories. Something as simple as being able to set up a blogging platform quickly can help save a life. Check out to see some amazing stories.
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Kettlebell-A New Workout
In keeping with my desire to get back in shape and look better, I will soon start working out with the "Kettlebell". I don't know everything about it yet, but am anxious to try it. It will be handy, because it is a small workout tool, and you can not only use it at home but take it on the road with you as well. I think I have lost a teeny weeny bit of weight since the bar exam, but it is nothing to get excited about. I want to look more attractive and be healthier, so I need to get on the stick and lose weight and work out. I think the kettlebell will definitely help. I also need to eat smaller portions. That is a must.
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Skateboard Jockeys
I have to laugh when people talk about skateboards and skateboarders. A number of years ago, people would talk with derision about skateboarders, because they were always skateboarding where they shouldn't, tearing up pavement, getting hurt, and crowding the sidewalks. I would chuckle and tell them that I had a skateboard when I was kid, but it was a little different then; I was the first generation of skateboarders. I was so timid and bad. I would put one foot on, then push with my other and roll about 5-6 feet. That was the extent of my ability. I'd tell them that it isn't the fact that someone has a skateboard that is bad; it is how the skateboarder uses it. Now a days, you don't hear so much complaining about skateboarders. That may be because they now have their own special places to skateboard--skateboard parks and other areas that are outfitted with skaetboard ramps and such. It must be fun to be able to manipulate the skateboard and do all of those tricks. I'll never know!
A Week At The Beach With Chick Flicks
I am so stoked! In two weeks, I will be going to the beach with two friends. We are going to eat, drink lots of wine, swim, walk, do whatever we want, including watch chick flicks. At the beach condo, we will have a DVD player, but we will also have several laptops. I have been watching a lot of streaming TV on my laptop recently, and wondered if video cards are what enable that. Being able to watch video on a computer is helpful, as you are not always by your TV. It is good to know where to buy computer parts like video cards in case you need them. I know that if I suddenly couldn't watch video on my computer I would want to get it fixed pronto. We'll be covered for video at the beach, I am sure. Can't wait!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Teen Skin Problems
I spent Labor Day weekend with my niece and was reminded how it is to be a teen with problem skin. Her face isn't very broken out, but of course she thinks it looks terrible. I think most teens in the world would like to have her skin, but she agonizes over it. Every tiny pimple is a Mount Everest to her. She is on a mission to figure out what is the best acne treatment. She and her parents were talking about what has worked so far and what hasn't. She hasn't been very happy with the treatments she has done so far, so I hope she can find one she likes.
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