Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Getting My Law Life Organized
Not only am I trying to get my personal life organized, I am trying to get my new legal life organized. I have taken on a couple of clients, mainly for wills. Yes, I am nervous about doing this, but also energized. I am a lawyer! Those words sound awfully nice. I will be writing a first draft of a will soon and need to get a rubber stamp that says "draft" that I can use to stamp in red ink on the pages. I also need to get some other office supplies. Right now, I don't need anything really fancy. Mainly just extra time to figure out what I need to get started down this new road!
It's Important To Get In Shape
Getting back in shape is one of the top things on my mnd right now. Going to law school was bad for my waistline. Too many times I was stressed and eating junk as comfort food. And I had no time to exercise. Not only do I not look as good, I am worried about my health. I'm fine now, but what about down the road. I don't want to develop heart disease or any of the other diseases connected with being overweight. I have joined the YMCA, and have gone a few times. I need to step that up. In the last two weeks, I have been very good about my eating, and also eating less at night. I think I have shrunk my stomach somewaht. But I might need are some diet pills to help start me off on this process. Right now my hunger is out of control, but next week it might come back full force.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Can't Wait To Get Thin Again
I am not meant to be a fat person. I am small boned, and extra weight looks terrible on me. Some people gain weight, but don't look so bad, because their faces remain thin. Not me. As a roommate once told me, every ounce I gain shows up in my face. Great. As a thin person, I am kind of a babe. As an overweight person, I become invisible. I have been invisible for quite a while, and I am sick of it. I have lost a little weight lately, and I am excited. Some friends have told me about weight loss pills they are taking and like, so I might give them a try. I just don't want another year to pass where I feel like a fattie.
Anxious To Install New Security System
I used to have a security system, but I let it lapse. I was always setting off the alarm by accident and chancing getting penalties for doing so. Then the batteries died, and the whole system went haywire. It was going off with nonstop shrieking sirens. Enough, I had them snip the wires. Couldn't stand it. However, now I am thinking I should get another alarm system, maybe one of those wireless alarms. I fell asleep on the sofa not long ago, and woke up at 5 a.m. when I heard a knock on the door. My blood went cold. I live in an urban area, and I do not want people knocking on my door at 5 a.m.
Why Does It Take So Long To Get Rid Of Bad Bosses?
I heard some good news the other day. My hateful and narcissistic boss from my previous job has gotten the boot. Oh joy! I haven't worked there in a while but I am celebrating as if I did. She brought so much pain to so many people. No people skills, confrontational, sneaky, rude. And those are just her good traits. I am glad she is gone, and my former coworkers are thrilled. But why does it always take so long to get rid of a bad middle manager? Karma usually sets in, which is a good thing. But unfortunately there are casualties along the way.
Ponds Improve The Landscape
A friend of mine built a pond in her backyard, and she kept me filled in on how she did it. She told me what pond supplies she bought, where she located it on her property, how she built it, and what fish she put in. She has huge goldfish! I haven't seen the pond yet, but it sounds lovely. I think any water, even a little pond, creates a lovely and serene landscape. Add a little waterfall in, and wala! Tranquility scape! A quick and easy way to relax.
Bar Exam Result Blues
Today the bar exam results were released for our state. I am happy for my friends who passed, but sad for the ones who didn't. I am a member of the second time around club myself, so I know it is not the end of the world. Sometimes for whatever reason, you need a second go at it. I am a better person for it. But it is still not fun to not see your name on the list. So public and all!
What you have to do is assess where you went wrong the first time and fix that first. Then go back and study the other things. But make sure you plug up the holes from the first try first. That will put you way ahead in your studying.
What you have to do is assess where you went wrong the first time and fix that first. Then go back and study the other things. But make sure you plug up the holes from the first try first. That will put you way ahead in your studying.
Maybe I Am Losing A Little Weight??
It is sad when you are not sure whether you are losing weight or not. My bet is I am--I have not been eating big bowls of ice cream or fast food for the last two weeks. And that has to have an effect, doesn't it? I need to research and see what are the best weight loss supplements. I need to curb my hunger. I may be doing okay this week, but what about next week? I need to keep the munchies at bay.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Rackmounts--Configured Systems
I have been thinking about computer systems and just heard about something called a rackmount. There are some explanations on the internet about what they are and how to use them. At my previous place of employment, we used such a system and I know other workplaces do so as well. Check out the website and see what you think.
Let It Snowe, Let It Snowe, Let It Snowe
I am so happy that Snowe, a republican, voted yes for the health reform plan. She is my new hero. And she is Greek-American! Even better. Wonder if she could be the new republican candidate? I don't know much about her, but I really like what I have seen.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Buying A Bathing Suit: A Woman's Nightmare
I am on a late season beach trip in Florida and decided to buy a bathing suit on sale. Aaack! That was a nightmare! I ran down to one of the many places that sell suits to take advantage of the discounts. I had to ignore the racks of bikinis and headed for the one piece suits. I found onet hat is sort of OK on me, but it wasn't without pain. I definitely need a fat burner. Soon.
I Bought Malpractice Insurance: I Must Be A Lawyer
Yes, it is true. I have bought a malpractice insurance policy, so I must be a real lawyer. I am still working at my regular job, so I just bought a part-time policy. I was so pleased to see that there is such a thing. It makes the premium much more affordable. With this policy, you can't make more than $35,000 from the practice of law (no problem for me anytime soon), and you can't take securities, personal injury, or intellectual property cases. Again, not a problem for me, at least right now. Having this policy makes me feel so much more secure.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Disclosure Policy
This blog accepts assignments for compensation. Each individual post may not always indicate that it is a paid post. This blog may also accept paid assignments that are in conflict with each other. Despite the paid compensation, the owner of this blog will strive to be honest with the readers and only recommend a product or service if the blogger has actually used the product or service and thinks it is good. If I recommend a product or service, and get paid for that recommendation, I will indicate in that individual post that it is a paid review. Other paid posts may be neutral in character. If you want more detailed information on a product or service highlighted in my blog, contact the manufacturer, retailer, or provider directly.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Smoking Cigars
I have never smoked a cigar myself but know people who do. One of my law school buddies gets together with some of his friends once in a while and drinks bourbon and smokes cigars. When I was studying for the bar exam, I would camp myself at a coffee shop, which had a cigar store next door. I would see men come and go all day to that store, but some would stay and sit around in a circle and smoke. Looked like a real powwow! The store sold at least one kind of discount cigar if not more. To me it looks like cigar smoking is one of those things you savor.
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