Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Don't Overlook Life Insurance
I am one of the few people in life who may not need a lot of life insurance. I am a NMNK, or never married, no kids. So at least as of right now, I don't need to pay for any kids' college or leave a spouse in a certain financial situation. But I know plenty of people who do need life insurance, and lots of it. And you never know when my situation may change. I need to check the life insurance rate for my age and the amount of benefit I would want. As with many things in life, with life insurance it may be better to be safe than sorry.
Credit Insurance And Extended Warranties
Some people scoff at credit insurance and extended warranties. I would not take out insurance for every debt I have, but mortgage life insurance would be valuable. Especially in this climate when people are losing their homes hand over fist. What if you were to die, and your spouse or beneficiaries couldn't pay the mortgage and consequently lost the home?
I have an extended warranty on my car, and I am so glad. It has paid for itself time and again in just three short years. I wouldn't be without it, for sure. I understand the views of those against it--that rather than paying for the warranty or such, just save up money to pay in cash when a problem arises. But how many people can save up thousands of dollars to pay for repairs?
I have an extended warranty on my car, and I am so glad. It has paid for itself time and again in just three short years. I wouldn't be without it, for sure. I understand the views of those against it--that rather than paying for the warranty or such, just save up money to pay in cash when a problem arises. But how many people can save up thousands of dollars to pay for repairs?
Have I Met The One?
Oh, come on. I am smarter than to say something like that. I have met someone online. Okay, I know that is not meeting them in person yet. But one can dream, right? He is nice looking and educated. Seems to have ambition, yet laid back. He says he is easy going. Have I found my laid-back executive I am seeking? Only time will tell. Watch this space.
Need To Update My Blogs
I attended a blogging conference, and it was great. Good to be around like minds. I am a word person, and I miss not working with other word people. So, the conference enabled me to be around a lot of word people for a change. And of course some techies were thrown in as well. I learned a lot of valuable info, not the least of which was how to submit your blog to a web directory or too. I need to do some updates to my blogs, but there is never enough time. Ya know? But I will do it soon.
Finding The Perfect Skin Cream
One thing I have been avid about is keeping my face looking young. Even during law school and bar study, I made taking care of my skin a priority. And I am so glad. I look at some of my friends' faces and they have a lot of cheek wrinkles. These are people both my age and younger than me! Everyday I use sunscreen and face wrinkle cream. I gently suggested to my friends' a number of years ago the value of using sunscreen and other preventive products, and they had a million excuses why they didn't want to use them. Well, the proof is in the treatment jar!
It Is So Nice To Spend Some Time At Home
I am spending this afternoon (Friday after Thanksgiving) at home, catching up on my housework and, of course, my blog writing! I got my nails done this morning (both mani and pedi) and have come home. I have been doing laundry and cleaned out one cupboard. I really need to go to the post office before it closes. I feel so happy doing all of this. My life is so hectic and crazy, just a nice day like this renews my energy.
Looking After My Doggy Stoopot
My doggy Stoopot is strong and lively, but he is getting older. Not that you would know that by looking at him. He is lean and sleek and runs like the wind. Everyone comments on how fast he is at the dog park. Makes me proud! But, since he is getting older, I do want to start paying attention to what I need to do for him. Maybe I should change his diet or give him pet supplements just to make sure he is getting what he needs as he gets older. I will go into the pet store sometime soon and start looking to see what there is for older pets.
My New TV Favorites
Now that I am not studying for the bar exam now (yay!) I am rediscovering TV. I am not one of those insufferable snobs who say they never turn on their set. I don't believe them for a second anyway. Just trying to impress everyone, and they don't fool anyone! Anyway--here are my current fav shows. Madmen for sure. What a gem! And I have just discovered The Prisoner, also on AMC. The show is a little confusing, but I guess it is supposed to be. Comcast is also featuring the original version of the show until 11/30. I hope I get to watch at least a few of the episodes before they take it down. I also love Lost, but I am having to watch the prior shows on the computer. The new season starts in January, and I still have 2 1/2 seasons to watch before then.
I really think it is a great show. It appeals to my sense of adventure.
I really think it is a great show. It appeals to my sense of adventure.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Need New Sandals For My Cruise
I have signed up for my cruise again last year and I am so excited! I really shouldn't spend the money--I had to take the funds out of my paltry savings--but hey, I am wacky and couldn't say no! I bought some nice cruisewear for last year, which I can take again, and I don't need to buy too many more clothes. I could use some cute sandals and found some Naot sandals online and thought I might go and try some on. I need something cute and stylish for my trip.
Getting My House Back In Order
I have been getting my house back in order, literally, little by little, and boy does it feel good! Cleaning out cupboards and closets, and throwing stuff out and giving it away. It is starting to look livable again and cozy like it used to. Before law school and the bar exam! I want to get it to a place where it is easy and quick to maintain it every week!
The Geico Ads Are Cute
I haven't looked around for new car insurance in a while, and maybe I should do that soon. I think I pay way too much, and I bet I could find some good insurance a lot cheaper. I think the Geico ads are cute (at least some of them) and I have heard it is really good insurance. But I have also heard that you have to have a really good driving record to get that insurance. I had that bad wreck about 3 years ago (my fault), even though I did not get a ticket for it. But I still caused the damage. So I am not sure I would qualify yet. Maybe in a couple of years I could. But I just hate to keep shelling out all that money for something I could probably get cheaper.
Attended Transitional CLE
I attended a CLE a few weeks ago that is geared toward the new law graduate. Some of the sessions were more useful than others. It talked a lot about ethics, which is good, except all of us have been pretty welled versed in lawyer ethics by now. One thing I did find useful is that it talked about how to start and end a relationship with a client, and even had some sample letters in the handout. That is useful, as I would need to know how to do that, and having sample forms or letters seems to be worth its weight in gold!
Friday, November 20, 2009
I Need A New TV
I am blessed, or cursed, with one of those old TVs that won't quit. It is actually quite good--it has never had to be worked on, and it keeps on and on, like the energizer bunny. I am thankful for that, because I once had a TV that conked out way too early. But it old enough that I can't even hook up a DVD player, without a bunch of rigamaroll. I bought something at Best Buy that did't work and am going to go back this weekend to get something else. I need a new TV, especially for my bedroom, so I think I will check out tvs sometime soon. Hope I can get a bargain. I don't need to spend a lot of money now, but do need an updated TV. I watch it so much and love movies that it only makes sense.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Feeling Better But Not Bathing Suit Ready Yet
I felt really good about myself the other day--I was walking up a hill, and I didn't even get out of breath. Didn't have to stop. A few years back, that wouldn't have been a problem. In the pre-law school days. But law school and the bar exam played havoc with my eating and physique.
I have been more active lately. Actually have gone to the gym a few times! It doesn't seem to take long to start getting back in shape. Actually a little bit of work can get you back into fine working order in no time.
But now looks are a different thing. It takes more work to look good, to be bathing suit ready. I am going to take another cruise in January, and I am determined to look better than I did in my photos from last year. I am going to try to figure out what the top diet pill and see if that helps. I need to cut my appetite. But I also want to take something that is safe. I'm doing better, but I need to ramp it up more. January will be here in no time.
I have been more active lately. Actually have gone to the gym a few times! It doesn't seem to take long to start getting back in shape. Actually a little bit of work can get you back into fine working order in no time.
But now looks are a different thing. It takes more work to look good, to be bathing suit ready. I am going to take another cruise in January, and I am determined to look better than I did in my photos from last year. I am going to try to figure out what the top diet pill and see if that helps. I need to cut my appetite. But I also want to take something that is safe. I'm doing better, but I need to ramp it up more. January will be here in no time.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What Is Wrong With Ifreelance.com?
Over the past week, I have had a lot of trouble signing onto ifreelance.com. Sometimes I can log on, but mostly it comes back saying the link is broken. This is on top of getting a message from ifreelance.com saying my bank declined my monthly membership, when my bank says they did nothing of the sort. Does anyone know what is going on? I would love to find out what is wrong. Please share if you know. Thanks!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Personal Injury Law--Mesothelioma
As I sit here wondering what direction to take my career in--stay where I am, go back to editing full time, or go for the law career--I want to think carefully about what to do. My overriding reason for going to law school was to be able to help myself and others. Help in the form of not letting people take advantage, knowing rights, understanding how to navigate the legal arena, and how to get relief. One of the most helpful and satisfying things I could do is help people get the money they deserve for injuries they have received. Mesothelioma is such an area. The stories are so sad. People don't even know they have mesothelioma for 20 to 40 years after exposure to asbestos--that is how long the latency period is. I don't know if there are actual mesothelioma laws or not, but I am going to research that. People who want a good settlement need to choose a mesothelioma law firm that specializes in that area. I love editing and can continue that on a freelance basis, but I thinking I am answering my own question. I need to go into the law where I can help people who can't help themselves.
Good News About Health Reform
I was thrilled to find out yesterday that the House passed the dems health reform bill. Good news indeed. We are on the first step towards finding a cure for our ailing health care industry. Hard to believe the people who are against it. Many of them are people who would be prevented from health insurance if they were to lose their jobs and could really use the reformed version. Can they see this? No. But not unusual for repubs and conservatives. Mental giants they are not.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Working Out With Kettleworx Kettlebell
I am tired tonight, but it is a good kind of tired. The kind of tired you get after a good workout. I have been working out with a Kettlebell for a few weeks, and it has been great. It is this cute little 5 pound, yellow kettlebell (they come in different weights and colors) that you hold in your hands and use in various exercises. It is better than using canned goods or weighted balls for exercise, because it has a handle, enabling you to do more things with it.
The workout program I have comes with a kettlebell, an introductory CD and six DVDs that are entitled Introduction, Fast Fat Burn, Fast Abs, Cardio, Core, and Resistance. I have not done every single workout on every single DVD yet but I have done enough to be impressed. The workouts start with a warm up, then the workout, and then a cool down. I am bad about doing warmups and cooldowns, so I am glad they are included to remind me to do them.
I have seen some improvement in my body in the short time I have been using the kettlebell. I am so flabby in my midsection, a workout geared towards abs and core is perfect for me. I have been using the treadmill at the gym, but combining that exercise with the kettlebell is doing the trick. You only need to do three 20 minute workouts a week with the kettlebell to see results, so that is good too. As busy as I am , that is about all I can devote to it. And the whole program only lasts six weeks, so I should be in great shape in no time. It is good to feel my body in motion again, and getting in shape, and the kettlebell will be a big part of my success.
-----------------------------------------Paid Review----------------------------------------
I have seen some improvement in my body in the short time I have been using the kettlebell. I am so flabby in my midsection, a workout geared towards abs and core is perfect for me. I have been using the treadmill at the gym, but combining that exercise with the kettlebell is doing the trick. You only need to do three 20 minute workouts a week with the kettlebell to see results, so that is good too. As busy as I am , that is about all I can devote to it. And the whole program only lasts six weeks, so I should be in great shape in no time. It is good to feel my body in motion again, and getting in shape, and the kettlebell will be a big part of my success.
-----------------------------------------Paid Review----------------------------------------
At A Career Crossroads
Here I sit with a background in writing and editing, a law degree, and in a job that is not working out. What to do? The boss will not move forward, and in fact will not listen to me. He has threatened to fire me if I disagree with him. What lame is that? Another valuable coworker has been dissed by him and feels unappreciated as well. I came to this company with a plan and a promise to take over. That doesn't look like it is happening. Does he even care how much I gave up to come there. Of course not! Maybe there is not much confusion after all.
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