After fretting about my extra weight for more than a year, I finally decided to do something about it. On a trip to Krogers, I walked over to the diet aid aisle and looked at various diet supplements. I chose Alli, as I had heard that was pretty safe and effective. I have only been using for a little over a week, and feel like it is working, at least to a little extent. I just need to be better at eating low cal and exercising, something which has not kicked in for me yet.
I have also been using a weight loss multivitamin pill. A couple of times, I took the vitamin late at night and had trouble going to sleep. It was only yesterday that I looked at the ingredients and saw that there is as much caffeine in a vitamin tablet as in a cup of coffee. So I guess when I take a vitaminat 2 a.m. I am wired until daybreak1
I have also heard about conjugated linoleic acid. I don't know that much about it yet, so I will have to do some research. But it is another product that is supposed to help you in weight reduction plan. That may have to be my next plan of attack!
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Yay For Healthcare Reform!
My premonition was right, and healthcare reform passed. I am shocked but grateful and relieved. What brave souls those reps were. They put their jobs in jeopardy, but for a good cause. I am so proud of them. I think they will be rewarded however, and won't lose their jobs. Not all of them anyway.
How could anyone be upset at the healthcare reform?
Who wants a continuation of the health care reform that
--doesn't cover 33 million people
-will drop people who are sick
--have pre-existing condition exclusions
Only the Republicans, I guess. They will live forever in perfect health, I guess, and they see no need for the reform. I guess it is that republican indocrination and lack of empathy for anyone else.And naively not seeing beyond their present condition. Thank goodness they are not in power anymore. Who needs that? Not America.
How could anyone be upset at the healthcare reform?
Who wants a continuation of the health care reform that
--doesn't cover 33 million people
-will drop people who are sick
--have pre-existing condition exclusions
Only the Republicans, I guess. They will live forever in perfect health, I guess, and they see no need for the reform. I guess it is that republican indocrination and lack of empathy for anyone else.And naively not seeing beyond their present condition. Thank goodness they are not in power anymore. Who needs that? Not America.
Monday, March 15, 2010
I Am Really Happy Tonight--Is That Because I Think Healthcare Reform Will Pass?
I am happier tonight than I have been in a long time. Is that because--
--suddenly I think healthcare reform will pass?? (please, please)
--I have a date set for my first disability case before an ALJ judge (see previous post)??
--that if we win the disability case, I will get some very needed money??
--that I may start using Alli and lose weight (never mind the anal leakage)??
--that I just bought a lot of neat clothes on deep sale this past weekend??
--that I am just plain foolish and have no reason to be this happy??
Whatever the reason, I am happier tonight than I have been in months, so I am going to ENJOY!
--suddenly I think healthcare reform will pass?? (please, please)
--I have a date set for my first disability case before an ALJ judge (see previous post)??
--that if we win the disability case, I will get some very needed money??
--that I may start using Alli and lose weight (never mind the anal leakage)??
--that I just bought a lot of neat clothes on deep sale this past weekend??
--that I am just plain foolish and have no reason to be this happy??
Whatever the reason, I am happier tonight than I have been in months, so I am going to ENJOY!
My First Disability Hearing Has Been Scheduled
I am still at my old job and am developing a fledgling law practice on the side. I have written a couple of wills and have one disabiity case in the works. I filed for a hearing before an ALJ for my client, and the judge's office called me today! They said they had an open date and did I want to take it??? I was shocked--I have never heard of this happening (of course, I am a newbie, so what do I really know??). The date is about 3 weeks away. I told the woman who called me that I still needed to get some evidence in and that I also needed to check with my client. She said do that and call me back tomorrow! Amazing--is disability suddenly getting really efficient or something?? I called my client and she said that that date is fine. I'll call the judge's office back tomorrow and accept the date. Then I need to get my treating source statements in. Can't believe this is actually happening!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Term Life Insurance Is The Way To Go
If you listen to Dave Ramsey, like I do, you know that term life insurance is the way to go. People still buy whole life insurance, where they build up cash value, but it is not the best way to save money. With so many other investment vehicles available today, whole life insurance is not that attractive. Term life insurance is usually less expensive to buy and naturally gives you a smaller return. But that is OK--that is what you want. You don't want to spend money on something you don't need.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I Love Wii!
I went to visit my sister and her husband over New Year's, and I asked specifically if I could play their wii. I had never played wii before, and I was dying to do it. They said sure, and we did one night. I am in love with the tennis game! I made my avatar and everything. It looks like I did in 9th grade, but that is the closest I could come. We also played bowling, but that was not as fun. I would love to get my own wii and some wii accessories. It is now on the list.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Safeguarding My Important Computer Data
Now that I am a lawyer, I really need to safeguard my online data. I have had computer crashes before and have lost all my information. That was bad enough when it happened in school, but now that could be disastrous. You have to safeguard your clients' data--to lose it would be unthinkable. I am thinking about looking into online backup--I hear that is the easiest and is also affordable.
Need Filtered Water
I am tired of buying bottled water, and also there is the problem of the plastic bottle waste. I know you cn recycle, but why buy them to begin with? I alternate between bottled water and drinking out of the tap. I hear our tap water is fine to drink, but who really knows? I would rathe try to find to filter some water 4396710. If I bought some kind of contraption to filter the water, it would save money on buying bottled water and buying it in plastic.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Employment Wake-Up Call
Even though I have a very good job now, I have been looking to the future and what do I want to do with my law degree. Now that I am starting to look around out there, I see how very dismal it is. Of course, I have known that for some time. The stories of people getting laid off and no jobs to be found. The few companies that are hiring don't have many jobs and none for new attorneys. At least I have a job until I want to find another one. Chin up--it is a waiting game.
Our Company Needs Spruced Up!
I think a nice looking office can help employee motivation and production. Our office is so dated--it needs a major overhaul. In this economy though, I doubt the boss will spring for new office furniture and appointments. He didn't even do that when business and the economy was booming! But it does need a facelift--kind of depressing actually.
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