Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Selling Used Books
I am hoping to make some money online in various ways. One way is to sell used books through eBay and Amazon and such. I sold some of my bar exam prep books online, but I have a lot more of them, as well as study guides and other books. I also have some other books I would like to get rid of. I have too many around my house and not enough storage for them. I am not one of these people who feel they have to save every book they have ever bought. So, I could easily unload some. Would really like to make some extra cash in this way. I have heard other people talk about how successful they have been at this.
Feeling Gratitude
I try to lay in bed for a few minutes every morning when I first wake up and think about what I am grateful for. I started this a while back. I don't do it every morning, but when I think of it. Some mornings I forget or am stressed and didn't sleep well and then I just struggle to wake up.
But like this morning, it was bliss to lay there for about 30 minutes, dozing in and out and expressing gratitude. I think it is important to feel gratitude for the good things in our life. It is too easy to feel jaded, mad, hurt, resentful, and think the world is a bad place, and we have no luck. I like to feel grateful that I am healthy, am smart, have a job and a house, good friends and family. That is the basis of a good life, I think.
But like this morning, it was bliss to lay there for about 30 minutes, dozing in and out and expressing gratitude. I think it is important to feel gratitude for the good things in our life. It is too easy to feel jaded, mad, hurt, resentful, and think the world is a bad place, and we have no luck. I like to feel grateful that I am healthy, am smart, have a job and a house, good friends and family. That is the basis of a good life, I think.
Dating Older Men
I haven't been in a serious relationship for a while. Couldn't really do that when I was in law school. Heck, I could hardly take care of myself, let alone try to get a relationship started and then maintain it. Now, I am about a year out from passing the bar and still feel like I am getting used to a normal life again. Still trying to straighten up and clear out my condo and stuff. Get some things repaired. Read for fun. Get in shape, etc. Somewhere in here, I want to meet someone new. I am noticing that in online dating sites, older men are starting to contact me. I have never dated men too much older than me, but it is getting to the point where I might be dating some men with "the problem" if you know what I mean. Seems like it might be kind of awkward. How in the world do you talk about such a thing? I know there are lots of ads for Viagra, Extendz, etc. And there are some vigrx reviews out there that makes it sound like a viable option. Ouch. Just makes my head hurt to think about it.
I Need To Step Up My Weight Loss Program
I have been wanting to lose weight and get in shape, but I have been thinking about it more than actually doing it. I did the 4-day diet once, and that was OK. I just need to do it again. It is hard for me to find 4 days in a row where I can be on a diet. Lame excuse, I know, but true. I just have to be more proactive about it.
Have also tried Alli some, and that seems to work, but sometimes I forget to take the pill. Lame again, I know. I have been reading some hydroxycut max reviews and I may give that a try. But with these supplements, you are never sure you are really getting the real deal, you know?
Is there something I can take that will exercise me in my sleep, so I don't have to think about it? If someone would develop something like that, that would be very helpful!
My gym membership has also been languishing, but I am sure I will use it more when it is warm enough to use the pool.
Have also tried Alli some, and that seems to work, but sometimes I forget to take the pill. Lame again, I know. I have been reading some hydroxycut max reviews and I may give that a try. But with these supplements, you are never sure you are really getting the real deal, you know?
Is there something I can take that will exercise me in my sleep, so I don't have to think about it? If someone would develop something like that, that would be very helpful!
My gym membership has also been languishing, but I am sure I will use it more when it is warm enough to use the pool.
Beautiful Article From Alicia's Coworker
One of Alicia's friends and coworkers from the Chronicle just wrote this beautiful piece for the publication. I am so glad I have been able to find and read all of these posts and articles on Alicia in the last weeks. What a beautiful person. I am so sad she is gone. We need more of her.
Friday, April 23, 2010
We Must Protect the Children: Let's Have No More Calista Springers
Once in a while, a story reaches out and grabs you by the throat and won't let go. The story of Calista Springer is one of those. I have been plugged into this story, watching about an hour of the trial every day on TryTV while home during my lunch break. It has been heartbreaking.
Was Calista a special needs child as her parents said? Maybe, but the evidence doesn't point to the monster they said she was. Many of the defense witnesses seemed coached--painting a picture of caring parents with a monster of a child. But others said she was a pleasant if not scared lonely isolated child. Grabbing at straws and bits of food she could find. She wasn't fed appropriately as a 16-year-old child should be. Chained to her bed and tethered to a pole in a cold barren basement. Not shown any love and affection. And people turning their backs, even though they knew abuse was occurring.
People, wake up! There has to be a zero tolerance of child abuse. Too many people think that they shouldn't interfere with parent's child rearing. Give me a break! Parents lose their way, they get over their head, they lose sight of what is important, they don't know what to do and don't bother to find out, they can be selfish and evil. And the child suffers. No more. Do not let it happen to any child you know. Please, for all of us.
Was Calista a special needs child as her parents said? Maybe, but the evidence doesn't point to the monster they said she was. Many of the defense witnesses seemed coached--painting a picture of caring parents with a monster of a child. But others said she was a pleasant if not scared lonely isolated child. Grabbing at straws and bits of food she could find. She wasn't fed appropriately as a 16-year-old child should be. Chained to her bed and tethered to a pole in a cold barren basement. Not shown any love and affection. And people turning their backs, even though they knew abuse was occurring.
People, wake up! There has to be a zero tolerance of child abuse. Too many people think that they shouldn't interfere with parent's child rearing. Give me a break! Parents lose their way, they get over their head, they lose sight of what is important, they don't know what to do and don't bother to find out, they can be selfish and evil. And the child suffers. No more. Do not let it happen to any child you know. Please, for all of us.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Alicia Parlette RIP
Alicia Parlette died this morning after a gallant fight. It is so sad--only 28 years old and so much life left to be lived. Yet she lived much. Cancer does suck. We have to work harder at finding a cure, and not ignore the rare cancers like sarcomas.
"We Need to Talk about Kevin"
I have to admit it--I love books that are "out there." And the book We Need to Talk About Kevin: A Novel (P.S.)
by Lionel Shriver is certainly out there. A friend of mine told me that she had read it in her book club, and she talked about it all weekend on a trip to the mountains. After hearing her comments, I knew I had to read that book!
It is a tale about a child with a dark heart. But is his mother to blame for that? After all, she didn't want him. She didn't want him, because it would have changed her perfectly happy and carefree existence. She was a married woman and successful businesswoman, but a baby didn't fit into her life scheme. Did Kevin even in the womb know that his mother didn't want him? To me, Kevin really doesn't fall all that far from the tree, even though he takes his mother's disdain for others to extremes.
The author was very brave in writing it and talking about it, as she admits that the main character to some extent is patterned after her. And no, she does not have children.
I really have to read this book again. I am sure I will pick up things I did not get the first time. And I want to read her other books, especially The Post-Birthday World: A Novel (P.S.)
, which is hear is just as good (or wierd, however you want to put it.). If you are pregnant or wanting to have a child, I am not sure I would read the Kevin book though, as it might scare you! A lot of the reviews I have read of the book, however, have been by women with children, and they seemed to have found it fascinating, albeit at least somewhat troubling, as well. It almost has taken on a cult-like following.
It is a tale about a child with a dark heart. But is his mother to blame for that? After all, she didn't want him. She didn't want him, because it would have changed her perfectly happy and carefree existence. She was a married woman and successful businesswoman, but a baby didn't fit into her life scheme. Did Kevin even in the womb know that his mother didn't want him? To me, Kevin really doesn't fall all that far from the tree, even though he takes his mother's disdain for others to extremes.
The author was very brave in writing it and talking about it, as she admits that the main character to some extent is patterned after her. And no, she does not have children.
I really have to read this book again. I am sure I will pick up things I did not get the first time. And I want to read her other books, especially The Post-Birthday World: A Novel (P.S.)
New Acne Treatments
My niece is 14 and is still at that stage where her skin is acting up. Acne and all that. She has tried the regular treatments--the special soaps, the toner, the facial wash, the pore cleansers, the proactives out there with not much success. She recently read some acnepril reviews and may look into using that product. She said you take it orally, so that is really different.
I know at some point soon, she will outgrow acne and the need for acne treatment. But she is still there right now. What you do or don't do when you are a young girl can affect how you look later. Some of my friends my age still have acne scars--some pretty bad--and I bet they wish they could have found a better way to treat acne when they were my niece's age.
I know at some point soon, she will outgrow acne and the need for acne treatment. But she is still there right now. What you do or don't do when you are a young girl can affect how you look later. Some of my friends my age still have acne scars--some pretty bad--and I bet they wish they could have found a better way to treat acne when they were my niece's age.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Alicia Parlette: A True Journalist
Alicia Parlette's blog published a new post earlier today that made me chuckle despite the overarching bad news that Alicia is not physically doing well now. They were explaining to the readers why Alicia and her team of friends had made a blog, a twitter, a facebook page. They mentioned that Alicia wants to type more of her story and talk into a tape recorder, and that she wants to keep all her readers informed of her situation. To reach out to all of those who had shown an interest in her. And to create an online community where other people can talk about their struggles with cancer as well.
I am sure that is true. But maybe another reason is that she, plain and simple, is a real journalist. And a real journalist can't stop documenting what is going on around her. No matter how bad things get. It is impossible. Well done my friend. Writing is truly in your blood.
I am sure that is true. But maybe another reason is that she, plain and simple, is a real journalist. And a real journalist can't stop documenting what is going on around her. No matter how bad things get. It is impossible. Well done my friend. Writing is truly in your blood.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Finding Good Hires
What is one of the worst business decisions you can make today? Make bad hires. You hire someone who doesn't fit your office environment, someone who is negative, a bad egg. And then you are sunk. By the time you figure it out, if you ever figure it out, you probably have your hurt your environment and run off good employees. I think one of the worst problems business problems today are bad middle managers, who are running roughshod over their underlings. And of course upper management not paying attention until it it too late. There is no excuse. Businesses need to employ good employment screening. Don't put your emploiyees and your company through years of good management and heartache. Try to hire the right person upfront.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Alicia Parlette Not Doing Well; Please Donate To Help Medical Expenses
I have written about fellow journalist Alicia Parlette on my blog before. I have never met her, but like many people learned about her zest for life as well as her struggle with cancer through her wonderful series at the San Francisco Chronicle. In her articles, she talked about her treatment, her hopes, her ups and downs, and her amazing network of friends and family. She has the special gift, that all writers strive for, of being able to connect with her readers. Her readers would feel as if they were in the doctors' offices with her, or at home with her when she was visiting her family, or in the back seat of the car when she was on an adventure with her friends. After reading a few of the installments, I was hooked.
She has been struggling with sarcoma, a rare form of cancer that does not have a cure or even very good treatments at this point. Despite her situation, she has been able to live a fairly normal life. Very recently, however, has had a setback and is in ICU. While she gets disability payments, we all know that medical expenses can get out of hand. If you feel so moved, check out a new blog about Alicia, where you can also make a donation.
She has been struggling with sarcoma, a rare form of cancer that does not have a cure or even very good treatments at this point. Despite her situation, she has been able to live a fairly normal life. Very recently, however, has had a setback and is in ICU. While she gets disability payments, we all know that medical expenses can get out of hand. If you feel so moved, check out a new blog about Alicia, where you can also make a donation.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
What Are Some Good Ways To Lose Weight
I know that sounded like a dumb question. Of course, the best ways to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more. Duh. But what if you just can't stoke that fire anymore, or you can heat it up the way you used to? That is how I am feeling. I used to be so vain, I would go into diet drive very fast and lose 10 pounds quickly. Now, I am still vain, but I guess I just don't want it as badly. I do, but I can't seem to do anything about it. You know what I mean.
I have started taking Alli, and I have been on the 4-Day Diet. Not at the same time. I am on my last day of the 4-day diet now, and may take Alli again once I stop tomorrow. I just need a jump start. I have also been wondering how to find out what the best colon cleanser is. I have never done that before, but I may just check it out. I have not been good with my exercise, but that will change when the pool opens up. I am a pool nut and take every advantage of being in the water.
I have started taking Alli, and I have been on the 4-Day Diet. Not at the same time. I am on my last day of the 4-day diet now, and may take Alli again once I stop tomorrow. I just need a jump start. I have also been wondering how to find out what the best colon cleanser is. I have never done that before, but I may just check it out. I have not been good with my exercise, but that will change when the pool opens up. I am a pool nut and take every advantage of being in the water.
What To Get For My Brother-in-Law
My brother-in-law's birthday is coming up, and I'm trying to think what to get him. He likes a lot of odd little gizmos, but I am not sure how to shop for a little gizmo. Not sure where to look, or what kind he would like???? He likes sports, but I don't know how to shop that kind of stuff either. Like, what kind of sports stuff does a guy really like? I know he does like to play poker, so maybe I could get something related to that. I have been looking at game tables,and I know he would like one of those Maybe I could make it a combined birthday/Christmas present. I think he would be thrilled with it, and he could start having his poker buddies to his house. Maybe having a nice new table would make him win! I know my sister would like that.
Fun On Facebook
I have been having a blast on Facebook. Not only are many of my law school classmates on there, but a lot of my high school and college friends as well. I know that is not a newsflash for anyone who knows FB, but it is worth repeating. It really is fun. I have connected with people from my past that I knew very well and some not so well. But maybe I will get to know them better over time. It is just nice to have that connection. I don't understand these people who get so uptight about facebook and what it all means. It just means what you want it to mean. Have fun with it. Get to know people better.
Pump Me Up!
Remember those hilarious skits on NSL about the two weight lifters, Hans and Franz? What a hoot. Those have to rate as some of the funniest skits ever. I need to lose weight, but I am not a body builder. Far from it. I don't even know any body builders. My cousin is the closest thing to it--he does some bodybuilding, but I am not sure he would call it that. He is just really in shape and works out. I need to get in shape and lose weight. Tone up. Look buff. Right now I need all the help I can get, so I need to learn more about supplements. Supplements that can help me lose weight, curb my appetite, build up my muscles maybe (but not too much.) I have a reunion coming up this summer, and I want to look good.
My Joints Feel Great These Days
I come from a family with bad joints. My mother and aunt and grandmother were always in pain. It was just a part of their lives. The problems haven't seemed to affect any of the people in my generation. I say that, but I was having a little trouble with my ankles feeling wierd when I would stand up after sitting for a long time. I am not sure what that was. I have lost a little weight though, and that went away. Poof! I was getting to the point where I thought I might have to try some of those joint supplements: click here. I never had to try them, and I haven't even doen any research on them. I do see the ads on TV for some brands. But if it comes back, or something like it, and doesn't go away quickly, I will maybe check out some supplements.
TN Bar Exam Results Come Out Tomorrow
I'm holding my breath for my friends who find out tomorrow if they passed the bar exam. The 2-3 month wait is such a scary time. I know from personal experience. The ups and downs--part of the time thinking that you did well, the other part thinking you probably failed it. Up and down, up and down, good feelings and bad feelings. I think everyone taking the bar exam goes through this. (Oh, there are the few who are so sure they aced it that they go ahead and sell or give away their study books right after the test. We wish we could have been one of them, but NOOOOOO!) I will keep a close eye on the bar examiners website tomorrow and hope for the best. It is not fun to have to take it again, and I hope that none of them have to.
A Lawyer's Milestone: My Very First Disability Hearing
I have been a licensed attorney for not quite a year now, and things have moved slowly for me, since I am doing law part time. I am still at my old job and taking a few cases on the side. I am doing that because the job market is so tight, and not even lawyers are getting hired. I am also doing that because I am afraid to hang a shingle out right now, afraid that I might not be able to support myself. I still have too many bills, and I don't know how much work I could get in every month. Plus, I'd have to buy my own health insurance, etc.
But a glimmer of sunshine is that I had my first disability hearing yesterday. I got my first client last August, after she had been denied her benefits. I helped her through the reconsideration stage, where she again was denied. Then we filed for a hearing before an administrative law judge, which was held yesterday. I stumbled a little bit during the hearing--it probably wasn't too bad, but I can beat myself up because I am a perfectionist.
The judge hinted fairly clearly that she will probably get her benefits. I was hoping he would announce at the bench, but he did not. We'll get a letter soon with the outcome. I sure hope she gets them, as she can use them. And I would get paid too!
It was good experience for me, and right now I feel like I am walking on air. I like doing that kind of law, and I want to do more of it.
But a glimmer of sunshine is that I had my first disability hearing yesterday. I got my first client last August, after she had been denied her benefits. I helped her through the reconsideration stage, where she again was denied. Then we filed for a hearing before an administrative law judge, which was held yesterday. I stumbled a little bit during the hearing--it probably wasn't too bad, but I can beat myself up because I am a perfectionist.
The judge hinted fairly clearly that she will probably get her benefits. I was hoping he would announce at the bench, but he did not. We'll get a letter soon with the outcome. I sure hope she gets them, as she can use them. And I would get paid too!
It was good experience for me, and right now I feel like I am walking on air. I like doing that kind of law, and I want to do more of it.
Skin Care Can Be So Confusing
I need to do some new research about skin care. I used to know all the products and what I needed. And I think I did a good job, because my skin looked great! Because of law school, I haven't paid as much attention to those things recently. But I better watch it, or all of that previous hard work will be for naught.
Right now, I can walk into a drugstore and see all the rows of skin care products and feel totally overwhelmed. So much has changed since I knew what was what. Like right now, I have no idea what would be the best day cream for me or the best night creme. Or what other products I should use. I am going to read up on skin care on the web and figure it out all over again.
My skin still looks good for my age, and I want to keep it that way.
Right now, I can walk into a drugstore and see all the rows of skin care products and feel totally overwhelmed. So much has changed since I knew what was what. Like right now, I have no idea what would be the best day cream for me or the best night creme. Or what other products I should use. I am going to read up on skin care on the web and figure it out all over again.
My skin still looks good for my age, and I want to keep it that way.
Need To Update My Skin Care
I took such good care of my skin for so many years, and then law school hit. Skin care and other beauty regimes came to a screeching halt. No time for pampering then! My face still looks good, but now the skin on my arms and hands looks like it needs some serious attention. I now have the time, and actually a little money, to spend on beauty routines once again. Not sure what I will need to get. I keep wanting to run by Sephora and check their products out. Such a cool store. I need some anti-aging formulas, which means I can probably skip an acne remedy. Something good about getting older! I also need some serious moisturizers and night creme, and such. I made myself a promise when I was younger that I would age really well. I think I have done a good job so far, and I want to continue throughout my years. Not to put my money again where my mouth is.
Using Airline Miles To Keep Off The Street
Saw this article on CNN today. Kind of poignant account of another successful business person laid off and not able to find another job. Also lost his house a few months ago. His solution for temporary housing: Use his airline miles to stay in hotels while looking for a new job. He has enough points to keep himself off the streets for a couple of months. Fingers crossed for him and the other job seekers.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Need To Get To the Gym
I went to the gym one time last week which is not great. I love working out, so why I can't get myself there is a big mystery. I think I just haven't incorpoated working out into my life yet. Haven't gotten the pheromones kicking n yet. When I have gone, I have used the treadmill, which is fine but I really like the elliptical too and have not used that yet. I need to get my feet moving, head over there, and jump on the equipment and take off. For some reason, I haven't made this gym "mine" yet--haven't explored the different classes and offerings and hung out there. Hopefully I can change that soon. I want to look better and feel better too.
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