I couldn't watch the Celebrity Apprentice finale on the original night, because, shock, I was watching the Lost finale. Too much good TV n one night. .
So tonight I am watching it on On Demand. And writing about it as I see it .
The two finalists are Holly and Bret, who are very different. Holly is a very organized, no-nonsense type, and Bret, a rocker. And we all know that Bret has had some very serious medical problems. A brain hemorrhage and a TIA stroke? Good gosh--how frightening.
Watching both of their videos (in real time) I thought both were not as good as they could be. But Bret's was better. It had snap, which is good for a product like "Snapple."
The execs said Bret had the snapple attitude (snappitude) but they would put Holly on their board. They said it was close to a draw and that Trump would have a hard time deciding.
In the boardroom, Trump questioned Bret about choosing a diet Snapple. He said that he never thought diet drinks tasted right, that a diet drink is at a disadvantage I agree. But Bret said it is an exploding brand.
Trump asked why Holly didn't use Maria in her video, to use her celebrity to get better attention. (Trump said he thought Maria was beautiful.) Curtis, the chef, on her team helped create a very tasty drink.
Tropirocka was the name of Bret's drink--cool! Bret incorporated himself into the brand. was the name of Holly's drink.
Exec's thought Bret's label was too dark and it would get lost on a grocery shelf. Bret said it was bold.
Holly said her label was better, and Trump agreed. But Trump said he liked the inside of Bret's advertising materials better.
Summer Sanders thought Bret was very creative, Ivanka asked Summer if she wanted Holly to win (they are BFF, but Summer is on Bret's team). Trump asked Summer who she wanted to win. She chose Bret. Bret said he knew her heart was with Holly, but that her hard work was with his project. Trump and his son said it took too long for Summer to say that Bret was a good project manager, so they wondered if she really meant it.
Trump got advice from the first apprentice Bill Rancic and Joan Rivers. Joan talked about the two candidates--Holly, who was coming from the standpoint of a mother with a child with autism, and Bret, who came back from death's door to be at the finale.
Bill Rancic said that Holly has raised more money than any other apprentice member. Joan Rivers said she chose Bret. Rod (the fired ILL gov) said it was a matter of the head vs. the heart, but don't fire Bret, he said.
Bret's father, in the audience wears a bandanna on his forehead too--too funny! Very emotional to see Bret walk out onto the set and hugging everyone. Bret's doctors didn't want him to be there. Trump asked Bret if he was risking his life to be on the show. Bret said it seems like anymore he is just risking his life by standing up.
Holly said there was no animosity between she and Bret. "We all love you Bret," she said. It is Bretmania, she said. But I still did a good job, she said.
Trump asked Bret if he thought he was going to get a synpathy vote. Bret said that after looking at Holly in her hot dress, that he would definitely take a sympathy vote.
Trump said they both came here for personal reasons: Bret for the diabetes association, and Holly for autism. Holly said families struggle to pay for autism treatment. My son will be fine, she said. She is fighting for families who can't afford to pay for their treatment. Holly during the show had already raised more than $300,000 for her charity.
Cyndi Lauper sang, "I am just your fool."(A song that sounds way too country for Cyndi, IMHO.)
Holly making her case--what can I do if I get on the show? Talk about autism, which affects so many children, and I am not as mean as I seemed on the show! She found her extreme determination and she came to play.
Bret: I came to win, to make awareness for diabetes. But I didn't have to cut anyone's throat to do that.
Don (Trump's son) said he was not surprised to see Holly at the finale, but had never thought he would see Bret there.
Tension mounts......Drum roll. Who will become the Celebrity Apprentice? One good point, Snapple will match the prize, so both charities win $250,000. So in that way, no one loses. But Trump still has to choose the CA.
Trump says Bret has proven that he is really brave.
Final showdown: TRUMP FIRED HOLLY! Or actually, he said Bret was hired. (Of course I knew that already since the finale first aired last Sunday.)
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I'm Getting All The Cool Gadgets!
After being way behind for too long on the cool o-meter, I am finally catching up. I never have extra money to buy new gadgets, but when I got my tax refund this year, I earmarked some money for some fun new toys. Among them, a new high def LCD TV (love it!), a red mini dell computer (love it!) and some new blinds. I know they are not techie, but actually they look kind of techie. The one thing I still need to get is a smart phone. I had a wonderful phone, but it got wet, so I have been stuck with a cheap phone from Wal-Mart. And that is definitely not cool! I am eligible for a new phone this month, and I may make it an Iphone. I can get one pretty cheap, after rebate. I would love an iphone. I could really use the extra access to the internet. There are also some great iphone accessories out there that I will have to check out. Once, I have an iphone, I will really feel up-to-date,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Not Losing Weight Fast Enough
I only have two more months until my high school reunion, and I still have not lost enough weight. And I am not in shape. I know I can do it if I put my mind to it. I could lose at least 10 pounds in that time. Maybe more. I have got to do it. I have lost a little--maybe a couple of ounces. But not near enough. I want to go to the reunion and look attractive. I must. I will. I may look into phentermine to see if that could help me with my goal. Something has to help me. I will, I will, I will get on the stick.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
So Much To Say, So Little Time
I have so many wise and provacative things to say. To advise. To ponder. But alas, I have no time to put them into words. So sad.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My Very Cute Dermatologist
I used to have a huge crush on my dermatologist. (And I think he kind of had a crush on me too, a little bit). We used to have a lot of heat when I would be in the office, just the hot looks and thoughts kind of heat. Nothing came of it, much to my dismay. But I would go for my regular treatments and was wishing I could go for anything I could think of, acne treatment included. But a few years have passed, and the heat is not really there between us anymore. Oh well, he is still a good dermatologist however. It is just not as fun go on office visits though.
Floods In Nashville--Devastating
The rains came down in Nashville on Saturday harder than anyone can remember. By Saturday night, one of the bedroom communities was shut down because of flooding, and two interstates were flooded. On Sunday, the devastation grew as the waters rose, and subdivisions were underwater. People were rescued by boats, taken to shelters, and were recovering from losing their homes and possessions. Some lost their lives. The national media was not covering the severity of the event. Now it is Thursday, and the waters are receding. Homes have been cleared out, and life is starting to get back to normal. But for the people who lost everything, real recovery will take a long time.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Cigars For Fun
I don't smoke cigars, but I know people who do. They love them. Cigars are great, because people usually smoke them when they are happy or they are celebrating something. It is usually a good thing. There seem to be lots of cigar bars now. There is one next door to the Starbucks where I would study for the bar exam. My study buddy and I would get a kick out of looking into the cigar bar and seeing the guys sit around in a circle and puff on their cigars. It would be pretty much the same people there all of the time, so they must enjoy it. I was in another city last night and must have seen 2-3 cigar bars within a few blocks of a tourist area. Couldn't believe there were so many in such a small area. One thing I have to admit--I do like the smell.
Eva Markvoort's Blog--Compelling Stuff
I had not heard of Eva Markvoort until last week, when I read the CNN article about her death last month. Apparently, I was one of the few who hadn't heard of her. She suffered from cystic fibrosis and was a beautiful, vivacious person. She started a blog in 2006 to connect with others who suffered from CF, but others found her blog too. She detailed her good days, bad days, the hard times with CF with excruciating details. She also starred in a film called 65_RedRoses about her double lung transplant. Unfortunately, she started rejecting the lungs, and she was waiting for another double lung transplant, but it did not come in time.
But her efforts to spread the need for research for CF and the need to be an organ donor will live on. She wanted to make an impact on the world, and she did. In a big way.
But her efforts to spread the need for research for CF and the need to be an organ donor will live on. She wanted to make an impact on the world, and she did. In a big way.
Behind On Housework
Why can't I get a handle on my housework? I am looking at a huge pile of laundry, a huge stack of junk mail, and dishes in the sink. I still haven't cleaned out my laundry room. Things haven't changed in weeks. Or months, or years, if you count my law school years. Why can't I be one of those people who has everything in its place, all of the time? Maybe because I have too many things on my mind? Too many irons in the fire? I am on the internet too much?
Need To Work Those Abs
I was trying on clothes again today at a department store and was reminded once again of how out of shape I am. At least this time I found a few things that looked good on me, so I know I am making a little headway with losing weight. Just a smidgens. But I tried on a lot more that still looked tight on me. Oh well, back to the diets, the Alli, the gym, the ab workouts and such. I really need to work on my stomach. It looks awful! I miss looking good in clothes and I miss getting the looks guys used to give me. But I am determined I am going to get in shape, and I need to do it in the next few months. High school reunion this summer, and I must look good. And do it to stay in good health too.
Terrible Rain In Nashville
The weather situation in Nashville right now is terrible. Torrential rain, with interstates shut down. Cars and tractor trailers underwater on I-24. People are being rescued from their cars by boat. Water is chest deep and rushing--at least two people have been swept away and died. I was driving home today, but luckily I was on I-40 and so far, that is OK. The water is not receding, and it is going to keep raining tonight and tomorrow, so it is only going to get worse. It doesn't look good.
Planning Special Events
I love planning parties and other events. So much so, I have thought about trying to get a job in that field. Oh well--maybe in another life. I just got a law degree, so I probably need to concentrate on that field or my other field, journalism.
But I do love planning parties. I used to do a lot of Christmas parties, Easter brunches, any excuse for a party. It is good to have a good source for party supplies--because you do need Christmas plates and napkins, birthday hats and balloons, wedding napkins and other necessities. If you have a place to buy these items for a good price, you are a step ahead. Also, you need to enlist someone who has good organizational skills, if you are lacking in that area. But most important, you just have to want to plan these kind of events. If you do, it will be fun. If you don't like these kinds of events, it will be torture. If that is the kind, you better hire someone to help you.
But I do love planning parties. I used to do a lot of Christmas parties, Easter brunches, any excuse for a party. It is good to have a good source for party supplies--because you do need Christmas plates and napkins, birthday hats and balloons, wedding napkins and other necessities. If you have a place to buy these items for a good price, you are a step ahead. Also, you need to enlist someone who has good organizational skills, if you are lacking in that area. But most important, you just have to want to plan these kind of events. If you do, it will be fun. If you don't like these kinds of events, it will be torture. If that is the kind, you better hire someone to help you.
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