True to form, I am only now really getting into Rotary Club even though I have been a member almost a decase. Yes, that is true. I am a little wierd about commitment. Most people jump into an activity head first and then burn out quickly. I creep in, little by little, get wet some, and then a decade later dive in. But there I am and having a great time. Maybe part of it is that we are getting some younger members, and they are more fun to mingle with at meetings and parties. I feel like I am finally getting something out of it.
More of the speakers are doing power point presentations now, which is great, because it helps to have a visual. More and more of the speakers are just bringing a flash drive with their info on it, and then one of our members plugs it into their computer. And walla! There is the presentation. Makes it easier on the speaker for sure.
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Friday, June 25, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Companies Not Hiring The Unemployed--Another Good Reason To Keep The Job You Hate
When told that companies aren't hiring the unemployed, your reaction might be: So what's new? There has been an age old maxim that it is easier to find a job when you have a job. And that makes sense. Everyone likes a winner and a busy person, and an unemployed person may (unfairly) seem like neither.
But when you realize that companies are systematically using unemployment as a way to cut applicants,the problem takes on bigger proportions. It really is unfair; anyone can hit a snag and be let go. That doesn't mean they are useless and worthless and dead weight. See this article from CNN.
How are unemployed people supposed to support themselves? It just seems too awful.
But when you realize that companies are systematically using unemployment as a way to cut applicants,the problem takes on bigger proportions. It really is unfair; anyone can hit a snag and be let go. That doesn't mean they are useless and worthless and dead weight. See this article from CNN.
How are unemployed people supposed to support themselves? It just seems too awful.
Friday, June 11, 2010
My Car Insurance Rates Have Gone Down!
Strike one for saving money! My car insurance rates just went down to the reasonable level. I guess enough time has passed since that bad wreck I had in law school....
And just about time. I was tired of paying out all that money every month. That is more money for the hopper, and I need a bigger hopper.
I'm glad my car insurance rates went down, because that saved me the effort of having to shop for new car insurance. Time is money too!
Now, I have to make sure the rates stay low. No more wrecks!
And just about time. I was tired of paying out all that money every month. That is more money for the hopper, and I need a bigger hopper.
I'm glad my car insurance rates went down, because that saved me the effort of having to shop for new car insurance. Time is money too!
Now, I have to make sure the rates stay low. No more wrecks!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Countdown To Reunion
We had another reunion planning meeting tonight, at the same restaurant, and I was not happy when I saw my reflection in the full length mirror in the bathroom. Tick Tick Tick. Countdown to the reunion. But only three people have responded they are coming so far. (Maybe I don't have to worry about anyone seeing me in this condition.) But I know how I look. Tick. Tick. Tick. I need to lose weight! Someone sent me a xyphedrine review to read, and I am going to read up on other diet aids. I need to get on the stick. Going to the YMCA pool tomorrow.
New Blog Design By Default
I logged onto my blog tonight and noticed that Blogger had some new templates. So I decided to check them out. But once I tried a new design or two or three, I couldn't go back to my original design. I was bothered. I wasn't sure I wanted to change! But I am resigned now to let it go. There are more important issues in my life right now. And I kinda like the new design. It is peppy. And I need peppy.
Craft Shows
I love to go to craft shows. We have two good ones in town--one sponsored by a statewide group and the other by nationwide group. I usually just walk around and get a trinket or two, because I never really have the money to buy some of the nicer items. Some day I would love to get a nice piece of custom jewelry. Some vendors have loose diamonds and other jewels, such as aquamarine, and you can choose your stone and also your setting. And wala! You get your special ring. I know I can't do that this year, but maybe at next year's shows.
A Taste Of Rejection
I have a job, one that would be considered good. It is good, except I am not sure I want to be there for the long haul. Hard words to say. Especially since I left a job I really loved to come here. Ove the past year or so, I have kept one eye open on the job market. And boy do I have bad timing! Even a year earlier would have been a much better market for a job search. I have applied for two law jobs and didn't get interviewed for either one. One I never heard back from; the other, I received an email today saying they had filled the position, but to not feel bad as they had received more than 300 applications. Wow--a small taste of rejection that the rest of the country has been feeling. But at least I have a job. I would hate to not have one. How awful that would be.
Cooking Meat In A Healthier Way
I don't eat that much red meat, but I eat enough. Probably a couple of times a week. I don't have an outdoor grill, so I either broil, bake, or cook meat in a pan on the stove. I don't have a broiling pan right now, so I admit I mostly cook meat in a pan on the stove. That is not the best way to cook meat, so I try to get the excess grease off the cooked meat with a paper towell after cooking. What I really need to get is an
electric grill, I hear that is one of the healthiest ways to cook. I used to have a little one, but I don't have any idea where it is now. I probably need to get a larger and better model than I had anyway. Bon appetit!
electric grill, I hear that is one of the healthiest ways to cook. I used to have a little one, but I don't have any idea where it is now. I probably need to get a larger and better model than I had anyway. Bon appetit!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
AC Is Finally Fixed
I live in the south where it gets hot as hades in the summer. My building is brick, I am on the second floor, and the heat rises. All in all misery if my AC goes out. It was fine until I had it cleaned over the weekend, and suddenly it isn't working. Long story short, I had a miserable 48 hours until it was fixed again. The second guy came and said the first guy put in too much freon. I basically lost the whole weekend, because it was so hot I felt sick. Oh well. At least it is working now. I hate it that we have to be so dependent on such things, but there is no alternative, at least in our part of the country.
Color Printing Is Really A Craft
I work for a printing company, and we do black and white printing, as well as color printing. I work in the marketing area, as well as some project management, so I don't do the printing myself. I marvel though at the work the printers put into the jobs. It is very technical and detailed, and can take some time to master. We run a bunch of jobs a day, so they also have to know how to print a variety of kinds of items. At the end of the day, I think they are proud of their accomplishments. Not many people understand how much work goes into printing and how complex the different jobs can be.
Sad News About A High School Friend
I am on the planning committee for my high school reunion this summer, and it has been a lot of fun. We haven't had a reunion in a while, so everyone is anxious to see each other again. It has been a lot of fun reconnecting, but there has been a downside: Finding out the classmates who have died or currently have cancer. The number is not huge, but it is larger than you hope. None of the ones who have died were that close to me, but I just found out that someone I have known quite well has late stage cancer. I don't know the particulars, but she may just have been diagnosed. I am in shock about this. We used to get together frequently a few years back, but I haven't seen her in a while. My heart goes out to her, and I hope and pray there can be a miracle. I want to help her in any way I can.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Need To Lose Weight!!!
Ok, what else is new? I have said this before, and I say it again: I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT! I need men to look at me again. OK, some men do look at me, but not enough. I used to be really cute and got lots of looks. The only thing different is that I am heavier and don't look as good. So, therefore not many looks. And I miss that. I read an article where it said that men almost prefer thin women over pretty women. That is hard for me to believe, but maybe it is true. Something about thin turns them on. At least most of them. I haven't tried quicktrim yet. Maybe that will help me? I am not sure. I have never talked with anyone who has used it. Maybe I will gie it a shot.
Law Dinner Last Night
I went to a law dinner last night sponsored by my school. It was pricey but worth it. I didn't see that many people that I know, but I did see a few that were helpful. First, an old friend from the past, a lawyer for a long time, who I can contact if I need help. Very good. The woman sitting next to me graduated a year before I did, but has been in solo practice for the whole time. She told me I could call her any time. Very, very good. She also gave me a few pointers about the bankruptcy case that may be coming my way. One of her pointers was: Don't take the case. She said it really wasn't enough money to go bankrupt over, and that the client could do slow pay instead if he is truly sued. I knew this, but it was good to get reinforcement from her. She also gave me some other tips, such as be careful if you are going into some kind of "sharing" arrangment with another lawyer. Basically, she meant, don't get taken, paying half of the other person's rent, if you are not going to get something out of it. She speaks from experience.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Battle Of The Bulge
I feel like I have lost a few pounds. (ounces maybe??) I just must have. I am eating much better (at least most of the time) than I did the last two years of law school and during bar study. I may eat a little junk food here and there, but that is better than eating a lot of junk food all the time. Isn't it??
I don't have any scales, and I am not going to buy any. For a long time. I just couldn't bear it if my weight was even higher than I suspect. But I have cut down on my eating, and I am trying to eat healthier food. And I think it is paying off. (Isn't it??) My clothes are starting to fit a teensy bit better. But I looked at some pictures taken of me last weekend, and I still look like a pudge. Ugh. Maybe I should try nuphedragen? Or something else. I have two months until my reunion, and I need to LOOK GOOD!
I don't have any scales, and I am not going to buy any. For a long time. I just couldn't bear it if my weight was even higher than I suspect. But I have cut down on my eating, and I am trying to eat healthier food. And I think it is paying off. (Isn't it??) My clothes are starting to fit a teensy bit better. But I looked at some pictures taken of me last weekend, and I still look like a pudge. Ugh. Maybe I should try nuphedragen? Or something else. I have two months until my reunion, and I need to LOOK GOOD!
Speaking Of Old Friends
I am meeting another old friend tonight, and I hope it turns out better than the friend I visited last weekend. Well, for one, this is a male friend. Plus, I can't imagine him going on like the friend I mentioned in my last post. He and I never dated in junior high and high school, but I think we had a little crush on each other. I dated several people throughout high school, but I don't think he did. He was very smart, but a little on the nerdy side. But I still kind of secretly liked him anyway.
He is in town visiting family, and we decided to have dinner. I am not sure whether this is just going to be a friend thing, or if we are going to be "checking" each other out for a dating possibility. If it is the latter, I am going to be so nervous! For one, we will have to shift from being friends to something else. And then there will be the question of where is this going? I don't know whether he needs to use enzyte or any other male enhancement, but what if he does? I guess I wouldn't necessarily have to know about it. Things get complicated, don't they?
He is in town visiting family, and we decided to have dinner. I am not sure whether this is just going to be a friend thing, or if we are going to be "checking" each other out for a dating possibility. If it is the latter, I am going to be so nervous! For one, we will have to shift from being friends to something else. And then there will be the question of where is this going? I don't know whether he needs to use enzyte or any other male enhancement, but what if he does? I guess I wouldn't necessarily have to know about it. Things get complicated, don't they?
I Visited An Old Friend.....And It Didn't Turn Out Well
toAt least it didn't turn out well for me. I think it turned out well for my friend. This is a friend from way back in grade school. We were best friends.....and then I moved away. We were both miserable, but in a few years time (which is a lifetime when you are a child) I had made a good life for myself in my new town, was happy, and well liked. My friend, it seems, did not fare as well. She was considered an odd ball (her words). I am so sorry all of that happened. We renewed our friendship a few years ago, when she came to town for a wedding and stayed in a hotel. I saw her quite a bit during the stay and had fun. But I felt that she was very intense, and after she left, I felt drained.
I went to visit her last weekend, and it occurred to me that it might be awkward. And boy was it. I felt "talked at" all weekend and dominated. Whatever subject I brought up, she disagreed with me, lectured me, or made me feel ignorant. Hello???? I bit my tongue the whole time and did not say a word. I do not think she really knows what she is doing. I was only there two and a half days, but I was never so glad to go home and get away. I feel bad for her, but there is nothing I can do. I still care about her and will never tell her. But I will see her sparingly, for sure. Toxic Friends: The Antidote for Women Stuck in Complicated Friendships
is a book I might need to read.
I went to visit her last weekend, and it occurred to me that it might be awkward. And boy was it. I felt "talked at" all weekend and dominated. Whatever subject I brought up, she disagreed with me, lectured me, or made me feel ignorant. Hello???? I bit my tongue the whole time and did not say a word. I do not think she really knows what she is doing. I was only there two and a half days, but I was never so glad to go home and get away. I feel bad for her, but there is nothing I can do. I still care about her and will never tell her. But I will see her sparingly, for sure. Toxic Friends: The Antidote for Women Stuck in Complicated Friendships
Problems With Chins
If you are young and have acne, that is bad but acne on chin is doubly worse. I don't know why that is. I guess cause your chin sticks out for all to see. (Sort of like growing older and having hairs on your chin for all to see too. Yuck!) Chinny chin chin. Chins come in so many varieties too. Good chins, bad chins, double chins, weak chins. So any of these chins plus acne is too much to bear. But there are good treatments out there now for acne. The best treatment of all might just be growing older though. And then you stop getting acne. But then you have to look out for those chin hairs. Live hard and then you die. Ugh.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
My New Business Cards
I got my letterhead and envelopes a while back for my legal practice and have sent out some legal letters. But I had not gotten any business cards. I guess I didn't want to spend the money, but at some point, you just got to do it. It is a necessary item to cultivate business. I ordered some digital business cards on Friday and picked them up today. They look great! I am going to a law school alumni dinner this weekend and thought I definitely needed to hand them out. I need to start being serious about networking.
It's Summertime And That Means Swimming!
I love the water almost more than anything. I love creeks, lakes, oceans, pools and above ground pools, I have never had one, but a friend I work with does, and she loves it. She says her extended family loves it too and can't wait until she has it up and running this summer. She tells me about how she does the chemicals and such to get it ready. I think she loves doing this prep work. My cousin used to have an above ground pool at their previous house, and I loved swimming in it. Any kind of water, and I am there.
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