The article written by Frances Blevins
Although The Office is still producing new episodes it is still possible to catch reruns on NBC and other channels that cable tv offers. I can never get enough of the day to day events of Dunder Mifflin, even though I have seen most of the episodes two or three times. It has almost become an addiction, where I have all the seasons on DVD but still find myself watching them all the time when they are on TV.
The Office is a made in the style of a mockumentary that follows the day to day happenings of the fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin. Set in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the workers of Dunder Mifflin are well aware of the cameras that follow them around the office. Manager Michael Scott loves the extra attention that the camera's provide, often times pulling the cameras aside so that he can talk to them. Other members of the office are not as thrilled about the cameras, such as Angela the accountant, who would like nothing more than to get back to work.
As the show progressed, it broke free from the office setting and began to focus on stories that were happening outside of work. The first story of this sort was when Michael began to date his boss Jan. Although it didn't work out for Michael, it did provide viewers an opportunity to look into Michael's condo for the first time. Another important storyline that happened both inside the office and outside was the marriage of Jim Halpert, and receptionist Pam Beesly. The show can often be found later at night, and is a great show to start watching if you have never seen it.
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Biden Came To Town And Inspired Us All
Vice-president Joe Biden came to town and gave an inspiration talk. It is not one republicans would like to hear though. He revved up the democrats in attendance and reminded all of us that the country's mess is not their/our fault. Republicans get tired of hearing them say they inherited the mess. But they did. On their first day in office, before they had time to do anything, they were handed a bill for the nation's debt. It was about a trillion dollars, he said. If that isn't clear as to who is to blame, then what is? And he is right: Why would we want to get those same people back in the White House that brought this mess on us in the first place?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Need To Reassess My Insurance Policies
As I am trying to focus more on my finances and getting my life together, I want to reassess my insurance policies and make sure I have what I need in the way of insurance, including car insurance, and that I am not spending more than I should.
I am sure that after I got that speeding ticket on vacation, my car insurance rates will go up, but hopefully not. Or hopefully not very much. I have updated my longterm care insurance, and my rate is still amazing low, because I bought my policy at such a young age. I need to get disability insurance as soon as possible. I think my homeowner's insurance is up-to-date, but I better check that again. I do need to focus on disability and car insurance though, and make sure I am covered the way I need to be.
I am sure that after I got that speeding ticket on vacation, my car insurance rates will go up, but hopefully not. Or hopefully not very much. I have updated my longterm care insurance, and my rate is still amazing low, because I bought my policy at such a young age. I need to get disability insurance as soon as possible. I think my homeowner's insurance is up-to-date, but I better check that again. I do need to focus on disability and car insurance though, and make sure I am covered the way I need to be.
More Problems With My AC
When is this going to end? My AC unit is again freezing up and not cooling. I have a serviceman coming out Saturday morning and hopefully he can fix it. I just can't afford to buy a new one right now. I have thought about it because of the tax credit and state rebate. Tempting, but still can't afford it. Need to keep it running for a few more years.
Needing To Sign Up For Disability Insurance
I am a few months away from applying for disability insurance. I used to have it where I previously worked, but do not have it through my current employer. And that is a real shame. It is so much harder to get an individual policy than to be part of a group disability policy. Many people get turned down. I hope I don't. I am putting applying off for a few months, but want to make sure I apply before my next birthday, so I don't get into the higher price category. I need good but cheap insurance. Hope it works out for me.
What To Do With All The Receipts
I am in a cleaning out mode now. Cleaning out closets, the laundry room, the spare room, etc. And I have too much paper! Too many papers from law school still around, too many magazines, newspapers, receipts from an epson receipt printer, old birthday cards I don't want to throw out. Good golly! What to do? All I know to do is sort through and throw out a little at a time. But I need to step it up. I want my house like it used to be.
Homeless Newspapers
Does your city have a homeless newspaper? Mine does, The Contributor,
It is a member of the North American Street Newspaper Association. I have picked up a paper several times now. They cost $1, and I always give the vendor at least $2. The articles are very insightful bout various aspects of homelessness, and I think most articles are written by homeless or formerly homeless people. The most exciting part is that the vendors, by selling the newspapers, are helping themselves out of homelessness. What a powerful thing.
It is a member of the North American Street Newspaper Association. I have picked up a paper several times now. They cost $1, and I always give the vendor at least $2. The articles are very insightful bout various aspects of homelessness, and I think most articles are written by homeless or formerly homeless people. The most exciting part is that the vendors, by selling the newspapers, are helping themselves out of homelessness. What a powerful thing.
Marketing Class
When I was edited a business magazine, and I often would sit in on various business classes. I loved it. I got to hear the latest research on human resources, finance, marketing, including POS systems, entrepreneurship, innovation, operations, and such. It was great to hear news before the rest of the world did. They had some top notch speakers, including famous CEOs and other newsmakers. I really miss that environment. I miss being on that kind of cutting edge life. Maybe someday I will return.
Should Bloggers Be Concerned About Shutdown Of Site?
Interesting article detailing controversy about blogging site being shutdown. Apparently, there is some indication there had been some Al Qaida material on there, in addition to other infractions. Is there a concern about free speech? Maybe. Many innocent bloggers lost their blogs without warning, and that is an issue. You would think authorities could hone in on offending bloggers and leave the others alone.
Is Ben Stein Dissing The Unemployed? I Think So
I caught wind of this interesting back and forth today. Apparently, Ben Stein wrote a piece for the American Spectator, saying among other things that most of the unemployed he has known has bad work habits. I did not read this original piece. His article prompted this response from Aaron Crowe. That in turn prompted this redirect from Ben Stein. Again, I did not read the original article by Stein, but his redirect will suffice to show his point. I believe Crowe had a point. Stein does seem to be dissing the employed. Stein is entitled to his opinion, but he shouldn't be surprised when people have a bad reaction to it. Especially a bad reaction that is predictable from the stuff Stein put out.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I Need A New Toilet
I have two full bathrooms in my condo, but only one has a working toilet. That is OK, since I am usually the only one there, but what about when I have company? I need to get the toilet replaced. It has been out of commission too long. Not sure what kind I will get. I don't even remember the brand of the other toilet. So they probably won't match. But maybe that doesn't matter??? I will start looking soon and see which ones I like. Maybe check out some Kohler toilets and other as well. Getting a new toilet is close to the top of my condo makeover list. A must do in the next couple of months.
New Lawyer Update: My First Win!
I have to brag a little bit. I recently had my first win--I got social security benefits for my first client, and I am on cloud 9! Yes indeedy! Get out the champagne. Not only does she get her benefits, which she desperately needed, but I got paid too. And that is great! I make a decent salary at my regular job, but not a great one, and I need more money. I am hoping to keep this money for my emergency fund, even though I have already had to dip into it some. But not anymore, I hope. On top of that, I got my second client. Hope I can win for her too, but the case will go until after the first of the year sometime. That is the downside with disability cases--they take a really long time. You just have to persevere and hope you win. I wish I could figure out a way to do this full time.
My Friend's Mom
I had a friend in high school who was so cool. We were in the marching band together. He was cool personified. He wasn't that good looking, but he had shaded glasses and looked like a cool jazz musician. He played the clarinet, so he was actually was a cool jazz musician. We also worked in the school library together and had a lot of fun together. He was so smart. Unfortunately, he died a number of years ago--way too early. We all still miss him. I just recently ran into him mother, and she is traveling around the country in a motorhome. She was saying it has been a wonderful lifestyle, but every once in a while she has to come back to reality and do something like get motorhome repairs. I hope I am that adventurous when I am her age!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Hangin' Out, Lookin' Cool
You're sitting there checking email, looking for the latest from your honey. Then you read an ebook on the latest hot topic. You grab a drink and pump yourself up with positive self-talk. You need to go make a good cool impression on the difficult person in your sphere. You need to look in control and that you don't give a darn. Walk through the room with a cool dispassionate look on your face. Look in control and unapproachable. And have an e cigarette on you. Gives the impression of don't touch me.
Family Problems That Never Go Away
I feel punched in the gut. I have had problems with an abusive mother, and sort of father too, most of my life. The problem never gets any better, never goes away. Or it may get better for a short time, and then pow--I get it in the kisser again. The first chance my mother gets to throw me under the bus--and then back over me and run me over again--she does. I feel pummeled from top to bottom. A recent problem with another relative has brought these issues to the fore again. I think she and my father think that the more they can say how good they are and what perfect parents they were, the more people will believe it. But the problem is, i was there, and I know what BS that is.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I Love Sitting On A Deck
I was at my cousin's house for a few days, and we spent a great deal of time on the deck. Her wonderful husband built the deck, and it is so beautiful and relaxing. We sat out there talking, laughing, drinking margaritas, and just spending quality time with each other. We only spend a week together every year, so the time is precious. At night the deck looks so pretty with its low voltage deck lighting. And the potted plants and flowers placed around are such a nice touch. We had a wonderful time, and I can't wait to go back next year.
I Hope Mel Gibson Is Finished
I thought Mel Gibson would have learned his lesson when he was called on the carpet before for his abusive rants. But I guess not The man is really sick. I hope he doesn't get anymore work. I had heard that Whoopi Goldberg had defended him, and I thought that was unfortunate. That is not the case. All she said was that she had not seen evidence of his racism while he was at her house. So that is better. I can't believe that anyone thinks they can get away with treating people the way he does.
I Think I Am Looking Better
Not everyone knows this, but I am vain. I mean really vain. I don't like to be seen when I don't look good. Which has been hard for me lately, because I haven't looked good for a while. I'm overweight, etc. from law school and the bar exam. And I haven't worked it off yet. But you can't just become a hermit. So I have had to go to work, parties, Starbucks, etc. not looking my best self.
A month ago, I started working out. And boy does it feel good. And I have started getting manicures and pedicures again. And trying to get enough sleep. And to relax. I think it is working. I think I look a little slimmer and better. I am paying more attention to my beauty routines, and that is paying off too. I need to get caught up on what is good now for anti-aging and find out what are the best wrinkle creams. I use to look much younger than my age, but now I think I look my age. And I don't like that one bit. I need to change that.
A month ago, I started working out. And boy does it feel good. And I have started getting manicures and pedicures again. And trying to get enough sleep. And to relax. I think it is working. I think I look a little slimmer and better. I am paying more attention to my beauty routines, and that is paying off too. I need to get caught up on what is good now for anti-aging and find out what are the best wrinkle creams. I use to look much younger than my age, but now I think I look my age. And I don't like that one bit. I need to change that.
The Telltale Look Of A New Lawyer's Face
I am only saying this because I am a new lawyer myself. When someone asks you a legal question, you get this faraway, blank look on your face. This is because you are usually familiar with the subject the person is asking you, and you might have known the answer when you were studying for the bar, but now the answer escapes you. You have the blank look on your face, because, darn it, you can't remember the answer. You had to learn encylopedias of information during law school and the bar exam, and it just doesn't stick. I know I have had that look on my face when someone has asked me a question. I saw that same look on another new lawyer's face recently when I asked him a question. I felt sorry for him, because I knew how he felt. I felt better for me though, because he actually works at a law firm, with other lawyers and answers at hand, and still didn't know the answer. Made me feel better, because I am out there by myself.
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo--A Must Read
I bought The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
for my book club, but didn't finish reading it in time for the meeting. No worries, though, because I had read enough of it to know it is a keeper. OMG!! I love books that are so good you can't put them down. This is one of them. I then took it to the lake and pool on vacation. Was reading it every chance I got. It doesn't hurt that the main character is a journalist, as I am, so the issues in the book were near and dear to my heart. . I am excited there are two more books in the series, and I will be reading the next one in record time.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Seeing A Better Me, Little By Little
Rather than eating junk food and sweets all the time, I just do it once in a while now. I started excercising again a few weeks ago. I think I am looking better, but not good enough yet. Like everyone else, I want to find a quick weight loss product, but not sure there are any out there that work or won't hurt you. I am going to keep looking though. Because I need to trim up fast! I think if I keep on eating right, exercising, and drinking enough water, that will help. But hopefully, it won't take forever.
Perking Up My Skin
I have been spending more time now on grooming and beauty, and it is so nice to be back in the game. I am even exercising and eating better. Shedding the pounds and bad eating habits from law school. Never again! I can never go on that downhill slide again. I am also taking better care of my skin. Using anti-aging products and trying to learn what is new. I used to know the best products, but haven't had time in the last five years to get up to date. Just read an eye cream review and will keep on looking at what might be best for my skin. Getting buff is my newest goal!
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