I won my second social security disability case! Woo hoo! I am thrilled, and of course so is my client. I have not gotten my fee yet, so am anxiously awaiting it any day. I have two other cases in the pipeline, and maybe a third one signing on. Can't take too many since I am only doing it part time. But two or three at any given time would be just fine with me!
I have been dismayed by the news that social security disability may run out of money by 2017? I really want to make this my next "second" career going forward, and I want to do it much longer than 5 years! I am hoping this is just hype and more social security doomsday talking. I want to make a go of this!
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Saturday, December 31, 2011
Disability Law Being Scrutinzed
The Wall Street Journal has been running a series of articles about disability law and problems therein. I have not read all of them yet, but hope to do so soon. The articles have pointed out problems with law firms (they name Binder & Binder, one of the national law firms that run social security disability ads seemingly nonstop) not turning in adverse evidence for their clients. For example, they may not turn in medical records that show their client is not disabled enough to get benefits.
Another article pointed out the disparity in judgments in SSA cases. Some judges have very high approval rates, while other judges don't approve many cases at all. Can the numbers of disabled people really be that disproportionate across the country, or is a problem with the judges decisions? Is that on purpose? They also feature an article talking about a judge in West Virginia who approves almost all of the SSA cases that come before him. And a lawyer in town who has made millions of dollars in SSA fees who has worked with this judge. This sounds bad.
As a new disability lawyer, I am definitely paying attention to any news concerning disability law.
Another article pointed out the disparity in judgments in SSA cases. Some judges have very high approval rates, while other judges don't approve many cases at all. Can the numbers of disabled people really be that disproportionate across the country, or is a problem with the judges decisions? Is that on purpose? They also feature an article talking about a judge in West Virginia who approves almost all of the SSA cases that come before him. And a lawyer in town who has made millions of dollars in SSA fees who has worked with this judge. This sounds bad.
As a new disability lawyer, I am definitely paying attention to any news concerning disability law.
Guest post written by my buddy Bernardo Graham
I know that I have gone on and on about how people are accessing their news these days and how much it has changed over the past ten years or so but I am going to write another post about it just for fun. I feel it is important to take note of how quickly technology has changed our world over the past decade or two. Think about the first time you saw an ipod. Did you know what it was? Did you have any idea that only a few years later everyone on Earth would be walking around with all of their music on a tiny device in their pockets? I like to access my national news stories via cnn.com. I find that they provide a ton of information about things happening in the U.S. as well as around the world. They are also usually one of the first news sites to bring the news to the front page of their site. If you are like me and don’t live in a metro area and have a hard time getting the internet you should check out Wild Blue Deals to find ways to access your news online like me.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Will I Ever Be Able To Buy A House?
Here I am, approaching mid-life and living in a small condo. Granted I love my condo, and I own it clear and free. But it is small and awkward when you have overnight visitors. It is a two bedroom, two bath, but somehow you feel like you are on top of each other. There is not a lot of storage space. And on and on.
So why don't I buy a bigger condo or a house? It is a great time to buy with the bad economy and the great low housing prices and rates. Why? Because I have a lousy credit score and not enough money saved. I really messed up when I was younger and accumulated too much credit card debt. I spend money like craxy. It passes through my hands like water. I'll be honest--my credit score is an F. How can I get a mortgage with bad credit?
Since I own my condo, I guess I could sell my condo and buy another property with the help of a bridge loan
I may have to do that, but I would really like to keep my condo and rent it, and apply those payments to my new house payment. The rents in my neighborhood are high, so that might be doable. But I have never done this before, and I have a lot of organization to do before I can accomplish that. I would have to keep up with what repairs need to be done and have enough money banked to do it. I really want to do that, but am I ready for it?
When I was in New Orleans this last May for the Rotary International Convention, I went on a Katrina tour and saw the work that is being done with rehabilitation of the homes that were destroyed. I hear there are rehab loans that you can apply for to fix such homes. Homes in other cities can also qualify for those loans, but not sure if any in my town would. I love the idea of fixing up such a home. .
Right now I need to concentrate on getting my credit score up. I know there are some companies out there that can help you buy a home with a low credit score. But rather than that, I just need to get the score up. Part of it is just paying attention and paying bills on time, something I have had trouble with lately. Focus, focus, focus!.
So why don't I buy a bigger condo or a house? It is a great time to buy with the bad economy and the great low housing prices and rates. Why? Because I have a lousy credit score and not enough money saved. I really messed up when I was younger and accumulated too much credit card debt. I spend money like craxy. It passes through my hands like water. I'll be honest--my credit score is an F. How can I get a mortgage with bad credit?
Since I own my condo, I guess I could sell my condo and buy another property with the help of a bridge loan
I may have to do that, but I would really like to keep my condo and rent it, and apply those payments to my new house payment. The rents in my neighborhood are high, so that might be doable. But I have never done this before, and I have a lot of organization to do before I can accomplish that. I would have to keep up with what repairs need to be done and have enough money banked to do it. I really want to do that, but am I ready for it?
When I was in New Orleans this last May for the Rotary International Convention, I went on a Katrina tour and saw the work that is being done with rehabilitation of the homes that were destroyed. I hear there are rehab loans that you can apply for to fix such homes. Homes in other cities can also qualify for those loans, but not sure if any in my town would. I love the idea of fixing up such a home. .
Right now I need to concentrate on getting my credit score up. I know there are some companies out there that can help you buy a home with a low credit score. But rather than that, I just need to get the score up. Part of it is just paying attention and paying bills on time, something I have had trouble with lately. Focus, focus, focus!.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Fun Of Trade Fairs
I may be nuts, but I really like going to trade fairs. Sometimes I think they are an afterthought for people attending conferences. Like during a meeting, they may go look at the trade show exhibits to take a break and to see what is there. But it is not really a destination. But I enjoy walking up and down the aisles looking at all of the items and picking up literature and freebies.
The most recent conference I attended that had a trade exhibit area was the Rotary International Convention in New Orleans. There you would see table top display after table top display showing the various and valuable Rotary service projects from around the world. The trade show room, with people from all over the world, was almost like a mini United Nations. It was very exciting.
I have attended many trade show fairs but have only been an exhibitor one time. I previously edited a trade show magazine and had a booth at one fair. It was a lot of fun to be on the other side of the coin. We sat in directors chairs and had fun answering questions and handing out our magazine. I would love to do it again if given the chance.
The most recent conference I attended that had a trade exhibit area was the Rotary International Convention in New Orleans. There you would see table top display after table top display showing the various and valuable Rotary service projects from around the world. The trade show room, with people from all over the world, was almost like a mini United Nations. It was very exciting.
I have attended many trade show fairs but have only been an exhibitor one time. I previously edited a trade show magazine and had a booth at one fair. It was a lot of fun to be on the other side of the coin. We sat in directors chairs and had fun answering questions and handing out our magazine. I would love to do it again if given the chance.
Monday, December 12, 2011
I Want To Buy A Home Somewhere!
I live in a condo and have what Dave Ramsey calls "house hunger." I need a bigger place, and I really want a home. The problem is, my money isn't there for me to do this yet. So, I won't. But I need to look ahead and figure out what I want to do when I can afford it.
I would love to buy a house in my neighborhood but they are waaaay too expensive. I could get a nice house farther out in the burbs, but I don't really want to live there.
I could continue living in my condo but buy a part-time home. Somewhere I could go for fun. That could be in my old hometown, where they have wonderful homes at rock bottom prices. Or it could be a lake house in one of the neighboring counties, where the real estate is priced low.
I could splurge and buy some Oahu real estate. Now that sounds silly, but I do have a couple of friends who are wanting to do the same thing, and maybe we could go in together and share the cost? One of my high school friends says one of her relatives has quite a bit of Oahu real estate. Maybe she could advise us?
I think I better sit still for a while and continue paying off my bills and saving money. And then I can find my dream home, wherever it may be. Maybe even if it is Oahu real estate!
I would love to buy a house in my neighborhood but they are waaaay too expensive. I could get a nice house farther out in the burbs, but I don't really want to live there.
I could continue living in my condo but buy a part-time home. Somewhere I could go for fun. That could be in my old hometown, where they have wonderful homes at rock bottom prices. Or it could be a lake house in one of the neighboring counties, where the real estate is priced low.
I could splurge and buy some Oahu real estate. Now that sounds silly, but I do have a couple of friends who are wanting to do the same thing, and maybe we could go in together and share the cost? One of my high school friends says one of her relatives has quite a bit of Oahu real estate. Maybe she could advise us?
I think I better sit still for a while and continue paying off my bills and saving money. And then I can find my dream home, wherever it may be. Maybe even if it is Oahu real estate!
Pampering Yourself Is Important
I work awfully hard, so it is important for me to pamper myself equally hard. I don't do that enough and need to start. A pampered self makes a happy self. So say I.
I am looking for ways to make my skin softer and younger. I used to be very good at keeping up with things like that, but now that I am working multiple jobs, skincare is one of the things at the bottom of the list. But it shouldn't be.
I was at the mall the other day, and there was a kiosk that was selling dead sea salt. The guy really wanted me to stop and try the product, which I did. It was wonderful! He talked to me a little too long, which was annoying, but the salt made my hands feel so smooth. I need to use more products like that.
I am looking for ways to make my skin softer and younger. I used to be very good at keeping up with things like that, but now that I am working multiple jobs, skincare is one of the things at the bottom of the list. But it shouldn't be.
I was at the mall the other day, and there was a kiosk that was selling dead sea salt. The guy really wanted me to stop and try the product, which I did. It was wonderful! He talked to me a little too long, which was annoying, but the salt made my hands feel so smooth. I need to use more products like that.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Saving For My Next Improvements At My Condo
I never have a lot of money for sprucing up my condo. I would love to buy all new furniture and such. But no such luck. I have to really plan out my improvements. In the last year, I have bought new carpeting (which my cats have promptly clawed in certain places), a new dinette set, and a new accent chair and ottoman. For me, that is a lot.
What is next on my list? Well, my kitchen sink is old, so I may get one of those undermount kitchen sinks. A new sofa is also in order. The one I have is so comfy, but old, and again the cats have left their marks with their claws. I also need a new water heater. Further down the road, I need a new stove and maybe a new refrigerator.
It is fun to see my condo look better with every step. I just wish I could do it faster. Back to the freelance tabe!
What is next on my list? Well, my kitchen sink is old, so I may get one of those undermount kitchen sinks. A new sofa is also in order. The one I have is so comfy, but old, and again the cats have left their marks with their claws. I also need a new water heater. Further down the road, I need a new stove and maybe a new refrigerator.
It is fun to see my condo look better with every step. I just wish I could do it faster. Back to the freelance tabe!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
When You Have Car Trouble, It Is Good To Have Pros Nearby
I went through a bad period with my previous car, where every few days it would not start. That is not good. I would take it back to the dealer, and they would fix it, or say they had, and it would work fine for a few days. And then, bam, three days later it wouldn't start again. This went on for weeks and weeks. Needless to say, I was getting very frustrated. It is not good to not be able to count on your car. And I got stuck more than once and had to call a tow truck. Not cool at all.
One of the times my car wouldn't start, I was still at work. At least I wasn't stranded somewhere in a bad neighborhood, but there was still the inconvenience. Then, I remembered the tow truck guys that worked next door. That is right! A tow truck company is right next door. I went over there and knocked on the door, and asked if maybe someone could help me.
They jumped right on the case and put my car on one of those asedeals auto lifts or something like that. They fiddled around with it for a little while, and walla! It started! It didn't solve it permanently, but it got me on the road for another three days until it broke down again. Finally, the dealership took care of the problem once and for all. Despite all of that, it was a good car, and i miss it.
One of the times my car wouldn't start, I was still at work. At least I wasn't stranded somewhere in a bad neighborhood, but there was still the inconvenience. Then, I remembered the tow truck guys that worked next door. That is right! A tow truck company is right next door. I went over there and knocked on the door, and asked if maybe someone could help me.
They jumped right on the case and put my car on one of those asedeals auto lifts or something like that. They fiddled around with it for a little while, and walla! It started! It didn't solve it permanently, but it got me on the road for another three days until it broke down again. Finally, the dealership took care of the problem once and for all. Despite all of that, it was a good car, and i miss it.
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