Tuesday, December 25, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life

There is something special about that movie It's a Wonderful Life. I just can't get enough of it. I watched it again tonight. It is Jimmy Stewart at his best. And what a wonderful message--that each life is important and touches others in immeasurable and measurable ways.

I remember when I had a philosophy course in graduate school. We talked about the fact that from a philosophical point of view, an individual life does not make that much difference. That whether you are a George Bailey or an Adolf Hitler does not matter that much in terms of philosophy on the universe over the long haul. That your impact is de minimis.

That may be true in the extreme overbroad sense. But I prefer the other view: that we each have an impact and that it can make a difference.


I went to a homeless shelter tonight and took some gifts for a four year girl, whose name I had drawn. I did not get to meet her as she was staying somewhere else, but I got to meet her mother and saw photos of the daughter. She is adorable! I hope the clothes and shoes I bought her will fit.

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