Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Friday, May 30, 2008
Termite Damage
I own a condo and used to worry about termites a lot. But then I quit worrying about them when my property manager seemed to to be on top of all that. Maybe I should start worrying again. A friend of mine had to replace her whole bathroom because there was so much termite damage. I saw it not long ago and couldn't believe it--they had to even dig a hole under the floor and replace everything. I think the amount of damage took her by surprise. It is good to be knowledgable about termite damage and how to get rid of infestations. I know her damage cost her a lot of money. I am sure she wishes she had caught it earlier.
Bar Review: Two Month Countdown Until Bar Exam
Hey, didn't I say that just a couple of days ago? But today is really the two month countdown. I want to use the time wisely. Everyone is still feeling pretty good, with two months to go. But that time will be up before we know it. Using my time wisely means catching up on my reading and trying to read the material the night before the lecture the next day. One thing that is bad is that my BarBri books are coming undone, and I still have two months to go! I can't stand it when books come unglued. And it is not even from a lot of wear and tear.:)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sign of the Times
I have a friend who I think is the only busy real estate agent today. I mean this man is burning it up! He sells morning, noon, and night. It is unbelievable, especially in this real estate market. With him, you wouldn't even know there is a slow market out there. Even though his business is thriving, he could do even better if his name was out there more. He doesn't spend a lot of money on advertising, but I think he uses real estate signs. He could get some signs for his car, and a variety of other real estate signs for his business. The problem is, I don't know when he would have time for any extra clients! He is so good that when I start looking for a house, I am going to use him too.
Bar Review: Is PMBR Worth It?
I remember when I was starting this past school year and worrying about the various bar reviews. First, I was worried about how to pay for them. They are not cheap. Secondly, I was worried about to schedule time to take them. They don't post the schedule until very late in the year, which makes it hard when you are trying to schedule time off from work to take the review classes. (This is one of the times that it would be very convenient to be a traditional non working law student.) But all of that aside, I did manage to come up with money to pay for PMBR and BarBri. I have already done the PMBR 6-day foundation course. Last year when I was researching the various courses, I saw some posts and articles about how people did not think PMBR was worth it. It costs around $1000. I will reserve judgment for later, but as of right now, I think it was worth it. Maybe mostly because of the test taking tips you get. I have so much to study, but I think the PMBR notes I took will help flesh it out some. At least I hope so.
Bar Review: Two Months Until Bar Exam
It was announced in the bar review class today that there are two months until the bar exam. Yeesh! He told us that it was normal for us to feel confused at this point. Oh thank goodness! The bad part is I haven't even gotten into the review or studied enough to feel confused yet. And that is what worries me. We are supposed to read material before class every day, and so far I have not once read completely through the assigned material, only making it through a third or half of it. And that concerns me. I am going to dig in this weekend and catch up. That two months will be over before we know it.
OK, Enough Whining
I have written several recent posts about my insufferable boss. But enough is enough. My goal is to be a good boss and a good leader. Part of that is putting up with or learning how to deal with obnoxious people. My boss can't see the big picture and he can't see how to make a situation a win-win. And he doesn't even know that he should. But part of my becoming the next boss is to have to put up with him. And to not let it make me sick in the meantime. I will employ The Secret. That has been helping me in other areas of my life recently.
Big Bad Boss
What do you do when you have a big bad boss? The kind that you can't believe exists anymore. You know the type--they are still doing things the way they did it 50 years ago and think you should do it that same way too. They are controlling, mean, and vicious. They use words like "insubordination." They catastrophize small things like misplacing a pen while letting big things get out of control. They rant, they rave, they demean. They don't have an original thought and they don't want one of yours. Then they walk in the next day like nothing is wrong. And they can't believe that you don't like them! What a shock! Oh yes, self reflection isn't one of their skills either. I don't know whether it is sad or funny. Funny that he thinks he looks so good. The type that you would dump in a second if you didn't have a lot to lose.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Get Rid of Pests
My dog Stoopot is an indoor dog, so I don't worry about fleas too much and luckily he has not really had a problem with them. I remember when I would see almost every dog wearing one, but that isn't the case anymore. I have read that flea collars are not really that effective, especially on big dogs, since the vapors from the collar do not reach the tail where fleas gather. Not only that but they sound dangerous because they expose people and pets to vapors 24 hours a day. The chemicals are absorbed into the bloodstream, and animals can get dermatitis and people can get rashes. There are hints on pest control online, and I will have to check them out.
Rocky Times
I just graduated from law school and in one way am sitting on a cloud. So exciting. So happy. So glad to have made that accomplishment. Another part of me is anxious and worried. Work is not going well. My boss can be very difficult. He likes to be the head hauncho. He has to have complete control and the final say so. Which doesn't really work well in the workplace. Not really. Not when you want a productive workplace and work with professionals. But then he never sees anyone as a professional. He never listens to anyone. He thinks he has all of the answers. He has a lot, but he doesn't have them all. And he doesn't even realize this.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The Day After the Day After Law Graduation
I want to write this post before the feelings from graduation disappear. First, it is hard to have any feelings about graduation--We had to start studying for the bar review before we even finished our exams from law school, so there is sort of a letdown. We haven't had time to celebrate or be happy about graduating. Just the forward motion of going on to the next deadline.
But when our class speaker said from the podium about all of the sacrifices we have all put into our degree, I did have a moment where I teared up. I didn't want to cry, so I stifled it. There were a couple of other moments like that. It has taken us four years to get our degree; some spent a longer time. There have been sacrifices, be it family, health, financial, social. We have all had the stress of working full time and going to night law school. Not an easy task by any means. You have to juggle a million balls. All of us at graduation realized that there were many points along the way that would have prevented us from being there that day. And getting that degree. And we are all humbled by that. Even typing this, I teared up a minute ago.
So maybe I don't feel the rush and yayas from graduation that you might think. But I appreciate and celebrate the fact that I was able to walk across that stage. And having family at the ceremony certainly meant a lot to me.
But when our class speaker said from the podium about all of the sacrifices we have all put into our degree, I did have a moment where I teared up. I didn't want to cry, so I stifled it. There were a couple of other moments like that. It has taken us four years to get our degree; some spent a longer time. There have been sacrifices, be it family, health, financial, social. We have all had the stress of working full time and going to night law school. Not an easy task by any means. You have to juggle a million balls. All of us at graduation realized that there were many points along the way that would have prevented us from being there that day. And getting that degree. And we are all humbled by that. Even typing this, I teared up a minute ago.
So maybe I don't feel the rush and yayas from graduation that you might think. But I appreciate and celebrate the fact that I was able to walk across that stage. And having family at the ceremony certainly meant a lot to me.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Day After Law School Graduation
Today is my first day post law school graduation. Hard to believe. I meant to get up early, but I slept in. So exhausted from everything. I pulled out my PMBR book and finished answering the property questions last night. So this morning, I looked at my answer key and found to my dismay I had gotten half of the questions wrong. I am hoping that is because I was half asleep when I answer the questions. I am going to bone up on property today and tomorrow. I need to get a handle on the exhaustion and move forward as fast and hard as possible on the bar study.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Black Friday the Easy Way
The big thing used to be to go to Atlanta for black friday, which is the Friday after Thanksgiving, the biggest shopping day of the year. It was quite the undertaking. We would leave from Knoxville the night before, stay in a reasonably priced hotel, and hit the stores early on Friday morning. We would hit both of the big malls in Atlanta back then, as well as go to the J.C. Penney outlet store. We would get great deals.
At some point, we quit doing that. Maybe that is because quality malls were springing up elsewhere, and we didn't feel the need to go to hotlanta to shop. Also, we just got tired of going there on that day. The traffic is horrible, and it was hard to get around and find parking places.
I think I am going to do an online black friday.
At some point, we quit doing that. Maybe that is because quality malls were springing up elsewhere, and we didn't feel the need to go to hotlanta to shop. Also, we just got tired of going there on that day. The traffic is horrible, and it was hard to get around and find parking places.
I think I am going to do an online black friday.
Today I graduated
Today I graduated. I graduated with a law degree after four hard years. It is hard to believe. It doesn't seem real yet. I am so tired I can hardly move. I can't keep my eyes open. I need to get some rest before I start on the next hurdle: the bar exam.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Work Headaches
I nearly blew a gasket at work yesterday. I just got my last law school grade on Monday, and I started BarBri yesterday. I am still not getting enough sleep. So, I am a little on edge perhaps. We have started doing some government work in our business, and while it is interesting and gratifying, it is so detailed it can be a nightmare. The phrase "close enough for government work" does not apply here.
I love details, but usually when I am dealing with details, I am dealing with them myself. I see every detail through from start to finish. Not so here. The work on these projects start, and poof it goes all over the building, everybody doing something to it. I am the one overseeing this work, and I need to keep on top of every step along the way to make sure everything gets done. That is fine, but the workers are not used to that. And they also don't want to change the system, even though some have been good at making at effort to do this. It is not work as usual for us anymore, and we have to be at the top of our game. We weren't at the top of our game yesterday, and we almost forgot to do a key part of the project. I just have to figure out a way for us to be excellent at this. Even Barbri is more relaxing.
I love details, but usually when I am dealing with details, I am dealing with them myself. I see every detail through from start to finish. Not so here. The work on these projects start, and poof it goes all over the building, everybody doing something to it. I am the one overseeing this work, and I need to keep on top of every step along the way to make sure everything gets done. That is fine, but the workers are not used to that. And they also don't want to change the system, even though some have been good at making at effort to do this. It is not work as usual for us anymore, and we have to be at the top of our game. We weren't at the top of our game yesterday, and we almost forgot to do a key part of the project. I just have to figure out a way for us to be excellent at this. Even Barbri is more relaxing.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Polygamy Cults
Watching the news coverage about the children who have been taken away from the polygamy compound, you definitely hear two camps telling their sides. One is the camp saying how sad, this is America, with our constitution, how can this be? The other camp is having interviews from women who were former members of the cult, saying they were forced into marriage at a young age. While I agree it is sad that the women have temporarily lost custody of their children, and that it must be scary for the children to have been removed from the compound, how much scarier is it for them to stay there? Their mothers were forced into this lifestyle, and they want the same for their children? That is a classic neglect and dependent case. I just don't see anything sad about removing children from a situation that would eventually expose them to child rape.
Bar Review: Starting BarBri Tomorrow
I am starting the BarBri tomorrow, which makes the whole bar exam thing come quickly into focus. I just finished up PMBR, but somehow that felt comfortable and sort of like the warm up act. Something about BarBri seems formal and serious. I haven't even looked yet to see what subject we are tackling tomorrow. All said though, I am kind of looking forward to it. Call me wierd.
I Need a Vacation!
Now that law school is over, and I am starting to study for the bar exam, my mind is on the important things such as when can I take a vacation? It is not that I am just exhausted and so sick of the sofa where I spend long interminable day after long interminable day studying that I feel the need to take a break and get out of my routine. Well that is true. But I am actually a world traveler, or was one in my former life. One problem though is I don't have the cash right now. I may have to get one of those Vacation Loans.
I Am Officially Graduating!
It is true! I will be full of pomp and circumstance on Saturday morning. I got my last grade today. I was disappointed that it was a B. But handful of people got Ds, so I am lucky I am not among them. I am thrilled. Actually, I am too tired to be thrilled, but if I weren't exhausted, I would be thrilled. I can't believe I have done it. Many have had to quit or flunked out along the way, so I am very grateful to have made it.
Obama Gets Firm With Tennessee GOP
The news came out today that Obama had to get firm with the Tennessee GOP and tell them to lay off his wife. Good for him. They had been giving her a hard time on YouTube about her comments about being proud of being an American. They can be the most mean spirited group of people, underhanded, and just plain spiteful. McCain has gotten on to them before too. Their antics make me embarrassed to be a Tennessean. The ones that make such a ruckus are such hicks.
Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!
Remember as a child when you were told as you were going to sleep to not let the bed bugs bite? I just thought that was a cute little saying. I didn't realize that bed bugs are real bloodsuckers that come out in the early morning while you are sleeping to eat you alive. OK--that is a little dramatic, but apparently not too far from the truth. Bed bugs hide in your mattress or anywhere you sleep. You can bring them home with you after spending time in hotel rooms. But the good news is that most people don't get sick from the bites. If there is any repercussion, it is usually itching or a slight infection. Still the idea of these little beasties in your bed is kind of gross. You can do things like buy a mattress casing or call a pest control company to help you out. But the goal is to get rid of them. Click on the link to find out more. Yucky poo.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Waiting for My Last Law Grade
This past week saw me pay my last tuition payment (yay!) and also take my last test. I am now waiting on my last grade. The end of a chapter. But the bar study is just starting, and in typical fashion I am already behind. And I don't think it will be my last time I am behind.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Earthquakes and Cyclones
The news about these tragedies is so sad. And uncomprehendable. I saw clips about people in China now being evacuated for fear of flooding after the earthquake. I just can't imagine being in these people's situation, or why in the world we have to have these tragedies. It is like Katrina all over again, but bigger and worse. I wish I could help--I just don't know what to do.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Trouble Brewing at Starbucks?
First let me say that I am a huge fan of Starbucks. I think coffee shops such as Starbucks have done a wonderful thing for society. It lets people get out and have a neat place to meet and greet. To study for the bar, meet someone off an online dating site, etc. These places have done wonders for people's lives. That may sound silly but it isn't. Before there were such places, there weren't many places to go and just hang out. Or do some work in a place that isn't isolating. They are sort of our version of Europe's cafe society. Now I hear some people are wanting to boycott Starbucks because of their new Mermaid logo, which shows more of the mermaid. To them I say, "Get a Life." Geez.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Frightening 911 Operator
From the Associated Press:
911 operator fired for cursing after report
1 day ago
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A Nashville 911 operator has been fired after he was recorded saying that he didn't "give a s---" about what happened to a woman who had just called to report her ex-boyfriend was threatening her.
Emergency Communications Center spokeswoman Amanda Sluss said Wednesday that Frank Roth was in training during the February incident and was fired a month later.
Roth made the comments after promising police would arrive soon for a woman who called saying her ex-boyfriend held her at knifepoint and later was threatening her.
After hanging up with her but while still being recorded, he said, "I really don't give a s--- what happens to you."
Sluss said incident is not reflective of how 911 operators treat callers and that "a series of errors" led to the three-hour delay in response to the emergency call.
"Certainly this particular caller didn't receive the service she deserved," Sluss said. "This is not indicative of how our employees treat citizens. It's not something that should have been said. It's not what we train our employees to do."
Nashville TV station WTVF first reported the story after one of its reporters obtained the 911 recording.
911 operator fired for cursing after report
1 day ago
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A Nashville 911 operator has been fired after he was recorded saying that he didn't "give a s---" about what happened to a woman who had just called to report her ex-boyfriend was threatening her.
Emergency Communications Center spokeswoman Amanda Sluss said Wednesday that Frank Roth was in training during the February incident and was fired a month later.
Roth made the comments after promising police would arrive soon for a woman who called saying her ex-boyfriend held her at knifepoint and later was threatening her.
After hanging up with her but while still being recorded, he said, "I really don't give a s--- what happens to you."
Sluss said incident is not reflective of how 911 operators treat callers and that "a series of errors" led to the three-hour delay in response to the emergency call.
"Certainly this particular caller didn't receive the service she deserved," Sluss said. "This is not indicative of how our employees treat citizens. It's not something that should have been said. It's not what we train our employees to do."
Nashville TV station WTVF first reported the story after one of its reporters obtained the 911 recording.
Human Rights
Today bloggers are united in writing about human rights. What a great idea! Blogging about such a topic is a powerful way to bring it to the forefront. We in America have it pretty lucky--we will never know the ravages that people in some other countries have to put up with. Some of the human rights violations are just incomprehensible. But we are not totally absolved here--we have the death penalty, which is also a human rights violation. I look forward to the day when we do not have that punishment anymore. And I think that day will be here sooner than we think.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Making a List
In marketing, audience is everything. Know your audience is the mantra. I don't know how many times I have heard that in my career. But it is good advice. After all, you need to get your message out to those you are trying to reach. That is how to get more bang for your buck. To get lists of people you are trying to reach, you can use a list broker. They can help farm lists to you and make suggestions on how to maximize the lists, and also help evaluate the lists. Sometimes there is some trial and error with using lists. But lists are a great way to target appropriate segments for your business. Since part of my job involves marketing, using a list broker may be a good strategy for me.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Down to the Finish Line
I am sitting here studying for my last test for my last class, which is just an elective, so right now I am so sorry I took this course. Not that the course is not valuable--it is an area of law that interests me-but it is making me have to study a whole week later than I would have had to do otherwise. I would have been finished with law school a whole week earlier. Like some of my friends. I can't tell you what that would have meant to me. It would have meant that I could have already cleaned up my condo. Started exercising. Started sleeping more. Started bar prep. BUT NO. I am studying for this stupid test. And I feel so unprepared. I know my answers will just be a hatchet job. But, oh well--gotta do it. It is the only thing standing between me and GRADUATION!
Seeing Clearly
When you are very nearsighted like I am, you have all kinds of hangups about your sight. Like what if you are stranded in a tragedy, and you lose your glasses, and you can't see, and you are a virtual idiot because of that? OK, that is a little extreme, but I am not alone. I told a friend once that this was one of my deep down fears, and she confessed that both she and her husband felt the same, and that is why they had lasik surgery. It was nice to know that I am not the only worrier!
But they had lasik, and I have not. Why not? Maybe I am not afraid of getting stranded without glasses anymore? Well, not really, but I do have some very comfortable contacts now, so I can see well without glasses. (I really do not like how I look in glasses.)
One reason is that I have bad astigmatism, which can be a hindrance, but the real reason is that there are times that I like to not see clearly. That is right! Sometimes I like my world a little blurry. I won't go into details, but there have been a couple of times that I have walked into a room and was glad that I could not see someone clearly. Sometimes life as a Monet painting is good.
But I am sure I will have lasik someday. I know some people have gotten Lasik in Walnut Creek.
But they had lasik, and I have not. Why not? Maybe I am not afraid of getting stranded without glasses anymore? Well, not really, but I do have some very comfortable contacts now, so I can see well without glasses. (I really do not like how I look in glasses.)
One reason is that I have bad astigmatism, which can be a hindrance, but the real reason is that there are times that I like to not see clearly. That is right! Sometimes I like my world a little blurry. I won't go into details, but there have been a couple of times that I have walked into a room and was glad that I could not see someone clearly. Sometimes life as a Monet painting is good.
But I am sure I will have lasik someday. I know some people have gotten Lasik in Walnut Creek.
Monday, May 12, 2008
TN State Gov. Buyouts
Our governor today announced that they are going to ask some state employees to take a buyout, which will save a lot of money next year. The buyouts are only $25,000 though, so that would not be a very good deal for many people. The only way it would be a good deal is if you were leaving to go to another job anyway. Well, there may be some people who would want this package and could benefit from it, but I just don't see how it would be beneficial for a lot of people.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Studying for My Last Test
As unbelievable as it seems, I am studying for my last law school test. It is kind of a drag, since most people have already finished their last test. I could be too if it weren't for this elective. I am exhausted, I am stressed, my house is a wreck, I have gained weight again, and I don't know how I am going to finish all this and start PMBR this week as well. I guess it is just another week in my law school career. All said and done though, I am sorry it is all coming to an end.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
A New Earth
Since I am in law school, I don't have much time to read outside of class or do much of anything else. But I am always looking for ways to think more positively and get more out of each day. A lot of people have been touting the book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. I have heard many good things about it, and will likely read it and do or at least check into Oprah's class on the book. Reading Laura Williams' Musings, she said she would not read the book, as she says the only way to God is through Jesus. It is interesting how different people have such different outlooks on the subject. I would never not read something just because I thought it contradicted my viewpoint. But then I am a journalist and have a big worldview, and I think the more information people have, and the more critical thinking they do, the better.
I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Dog-Gone It, People Like Me!
Those who have been SNL fans for some time will recognize the headline. It is the title of one of Saturday Night Live's best skits--Stuart Smalley, played by Al Franken. Franken would sit in front of a mirror and repeatedly say the above sentence. While it was hilarious, it had a point. It is bascially The Secret. You draw to you what you think. Even in my best moments these days, sometimes I feel myself slipping back into my old codependent ways. It usually happens when I feel lonely or that I am being ignored or left out of something. So, it wouldn't hurt me to think more positively, and that dog-gone it, people like me!
Friday, May 2, 2008
Price of Gas
I just found the blog Common Sense Corner and its nationwide gas price chart. Regular is listed at $3.19. I wish that were the price here in Nashville! I filled up on gas the other day at Kroger, and having spent $100 at the store last month, I got the 10 cents a gallon discount. But even with that, it was still $3.42. I won't be traveling out of town until Labor Day, so I hope it is down before then. I really feel sorry for the people who are already pressed financially up against the wall. This price of gas could really send some people over the financial edge.
My Last Class
I had my last class Thursday night. It was anticlimatic. None of my friends took the course, so there was no one to go celebrate with afterwards. The course was good--very practical, useful info--and an area of law in which I might even want to practice, but for some reason the teacher was harder to connect with than some of the others. And at the end of the class, no one clapped. Students always clap at the end of the last class when they particularly liked the course or the teacher. No clapping last night. I felt kind of bad, but am hoping maybe he doesn't know the tradition. I kind of wish I had ended with a class that was a little more "holistic," whatever I mean by that. It just left me a little sad, but it shouldn't. I think I am just starting to get sad that this will soon be all over. Maybe a little thinking about my three upcoming tests that I am sorely unprepared for will cure me of that.
Cinco de Mayo
It is the sign of the times. I drive by the fairgrounds everyday and wondered why there was a carnival being set up. A good sized one too. It is not the time of year that there is usually a fair there. I noticed a sign today saying Cinco de Mayo. And it looks like a real Cinco de Mayo celebration. Guess they are having it because of the growing Hispanic population here in Nashville. I was glad to see it. Unfortunately the weather has been bad today, so the fair has been quiet. I think it is supposed to be nice on Sunday, so maybe it will be able to be in full "tilt" then.
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