Monday, December 29, 2008

Wish I Had Someone To Dote On

Yes, I wish I had a romantic someone to buy a Christmas gift for, and for him to buy something for me! Even though, with the state of my checkbook right now, it is probably better that that is not the case. I thought I might have a live one, but then he freaked out on me at a party, and so he is history. What a waste. We could have had a good time. Of course, it is not a huge surprise, as I have heard negative comments about him for years. Nothing horrible--just that he is inflexible and negative. People generally don't like him. But we had enough in common that I thought maybe we could make a go of it where other people couldn't. But no. Not in the books. But still too bad. We could have had fun. He was just rude to me, and if he is that rude only on the second date, how much worse would it get? A lot, I am sure. My last boyfriend wore silk ties .

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