Being a Vanderbilt alum, I am certainly aware of Muhammad Yunus. He is an alum of Vanderbilt University too. He went back to his home country of Bangladesh after teaching in the U.S. for a while, and put his education in action, starting the business of microlending. He lends small amounts of money to people, mostly women, so they can start their own businesses and pull themselves out of poverty. They repay the loans promptly, and the success rate is phenomenal.
Today on CNN, I learned that Yunus has now started a Grameen America Bank. I was so proud to hear the anchors talk about him on TV. The last time I heard him speak at Vanderbilt, he mentioned that Grameen Bank might someday tackle the health insurance problem in the U.S. He was only partly joking. I think he should take a crack at it, because I know he could do it. Obama really needs his expertise in the White House.
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