I got together with a colleague from my old job the other day and found out that the problem supervisor is still there. This had been a wonderful job and office--I had been there for years and loved every minute of it. Except for the moments when I had a problem supervisor. There were two such periods out of my long tenure. The good news is that my great supervisors were there longer than the bad ones.
This is a wonderful and well respected organization. It's biggest problem, as I see it, is how they appoint supervisors. Too often they give someone a supervisory job who is terrible at that kind of work. Often they either don't know the work itself well enough, or they are bad at managing people. My last supervisor is both.
I am sorry that she is still there. I would have thought she would have left, and not of her own will, shortly after I left. She doesn't understand what the office does, she only has periferal experience, and she is terribly confrontational. Why discuss something something rationally, when you can throw something at someone instead?
The good news that I did hear from my former colleague is that her superiors have now caught on to her. It's about time. It sounds as if her remaining time there may be limited. It won't be a minute too soon.
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