Sunday, May 10, 2009

Area Rugs May Be My Solution

Right now I am so uptight about the woman who owns the condo below me. She has been complaining about one thing after another. Her tenants claimed there was too much noise from my condo above--barking dog, could hear animal running around, TV on too load. Yadda, yadda, yadda. OK, so maybe I was a little lax. I started keeping the barking collar on my dog all the time. Hate to do that, but I guess I have too. I have kept the TV lower. Can't help the dog walking around. I have hardwood floors, so maybe area rugs would help muffle the sound. Or is it my two kittens chasing after each other that they are hearing? I am doing the best I can. I don't want any more complaints from her. I have talked with the tenants, and they say it is much better, so that is OK for me.

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