Saturday, June 20, 2009

Law Decks: Great Way To Master The Bar Exam

In the race to study and pass the bar exam, there are a number of decisions you have to make. Do you take the test in July or February? Do you take one or more bar reviews? What other bar exam study aids do you buy? How much money can you spend?

The problem is you want to have enough and the right study materials. But if you get too many, you can get overloaded and unable to use them all. One of the best study aids I found for the bar exam is Law Decks flashcards. It is a set of 800 cards color coded to the six MBE subjects.

I thought the flashcards were so good because the questions are very much like the BarBri questions. But the answers are shorter and sweeter and more to point, thus easier to commit to memory. When you are studying for the bar exam, efficiency is the goal, and the cards allowed me to increase my question speed too. I marked the ones I missed and then reviewed those again in the days right before the exam. I think Law Decks is one of the reasons I passed the exam. And the very reasonable price is great too.

---------------------------Paid Review-----------------------------------------------------

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