Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Need To Go On A Diet Fast!
I really need to lose weight. I have not gotten on the stick yet to do anything about it. Not only am I going on a cruise in January, and I need to look halfway decent, but I need to lose weight to attract men better. Now, no lectures please. I know that when I am thinner, men find me more attractive. There is no doubt about that, so don't try to tell me otherwise. A friend of mine is sending me a diet and I might try a diet pill, maybe Fastin or something.
Want To Go To Florida!
Ok, I was in Florida not long ago, for a lovely week long vacation in Destin. Nothing beats Destin for its beautiful white sand and clear water. And I will be in Tampa briefly after the first of the year when I fly in to board my cruise ship. I haven't been there in a while, so that will be nice to see that city. It is so neat! But I can't get enough of Florida or the beach. I have been to Disney and Epcot, but that was so long ago, I really need to go on one of those orlando vacations and see what is new at Disney. I haven't even been to Universal yet. Can't believe it. Vacation here I come!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My Christmas Shopping Is Done!
I finished up my Christmas shopping last night, and that is a good feeling! I havent added up the expenses yet, but I don't think I spent too much. That is a nice feeling too. I am meeting someone tonight from online datin (hope there is a connection!) and then I am going home to wrap presents. Tomorrow, someone at work will help me make a box for the toys I am sending my nephew. He will have to use a box cutter to make the box fit right. Maybe combine two boxes together. I need to get those gifts in the mail by Friday. I will decorate my tree this weekend. I am a little on the late side--but that is OK.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
No Worry Vacations
My parents are fans of all inclusive vacations and have gone on many, ranging from Spain to France to Mexico to Italy and Turkey. They love them, because they pay for the trip, and everything is taken care of. The flight, the hotel, the food, and the side trips. They get to travel with people similar in age and interests. They don't have to worry about anything. Of course, they are not cheap, but they don't mind paying the price to not have to worry about anything. I hope they take me on one someday!
The Kind Of Law I Want To Practice
I am not practicing law full time, even though I have taken a few clients on the side. But it hasn't been much. Where do I want to go from here? Boy, the world is wide open. The areas I am interested in are juvenile guardian ad litem, employment law, social security disability, and libel, slander, and defamation. Those are the areas that hold my interest. I might also be interested in probate. Criminal--now sure. I doubt it, but then sometimes I think that it would be fun. Like flying by the seat of your pants. I'm just glad I have the law degree--it has given me a lot of new options.
I Love Lost!
My favorite TV show now is Lost. I never watched it on regular TV, because it was on during a bad night while I was in law school. I got on the ABC website a few weeks ago and discovered that you can watching their shows online. So I have been catching up on the past seasons. I am now midway through season three. I have two and a half seasons to go before the show starts its final season in January. I love the show--it is so creative. If I were stranded on an island, I would want to be stranded with such an interesting group. In addition to just trying to survive, they do fun things like create a golf course, and just a few shows ago they built a ping pong table and found a ball. Hugo played Sawyer and won. Because he lost, Sawyer could not call anyone by a nickname for a week.
My Cat Poops In The Bathtub!
I hate to be so blunt, but it is true! Luckily I have two bathtubs, and it is not the one I use. I started out with a regular litterbox, but she would fling the litter around on the floor so much, I got one of the hooded varieties. That prevented the flinging, but that is when she started poopin in the tub! I googled this phenomenon and found out that this is not that unusual--that some cats do do this (no pun intended) all of their lives. I hope she is not one of them. After several weeks of this icky behavior, I went back to one of the regular litterboxes again. She is now flinging the litter, but hopefully there will be no more poop in the tub. Thank goodness she is cute and otherwise sweet.
Where To Go On Vacation?
I have two friends I may travel with in the next year. And they both like the beach, so we might check into some North Carolina beaches and myrtle beach vacation rentals. I haven't been to Myrtle Beach in a long time! I used to go there a lot when I was in college, but now the beach closest to me is Destin. But I wouldn't mind going back to N.C. I also hear Wrightsville Beach is nice.
Don't Want To Get Paranoid
But I haven't heard from new guy on match today or yesterday. We had a long conversation the other day. It was great! Found out we used to work at the same big company. We haven't met yet, so don't know that the chemistry is there. I think he is a little on the hefty side, so that may be a negative. So am I, but I am going to get in shape. Hope he is too. But, that is jumping the gun. He knew my mother was going to have surgery, and he didn't write to see how it turned out???? Don't want to get paranoid, but don't you think he would write to ask how she is? If he was interested in me? Don't get paranoid......
Buying Jewelry For Christmas Presents
I love jewelry, but I don't wear it very often. I went to an art sale a few months ago, and bought a very nice ring there for about $30. It looks much more expensive. I wear it everyday and love it! You would call it Contemporary Jewelry. I like it so much, I am going to try to go to some other places where the jewelry maker will be showing her items. I may buy a similar ring for my niece and maybe a bracelet for a friend of mine.
Making A Christmas Wish List
If I were making a Christmas wish list, it would contain a lot of electronics. Like a new computer, plasma TV, Wii, all the bells and whistles, lcd monitor, Iphone, games, and movies. Plus all the apperati that goes with everything. Well, it doesn't hurt to dream does it? I can't even get my DVD player hooked up correctly, so I probably don't really need any new gadgets right now.
I'm An Email Hoarder
I have been watching the show Hoarders, and yes it is disgusting. I do feel sorry for the people who find themselves in those situations. My mother is super clean, and she does not hoard, so I did not grow up in that situation. I am not a collector, but sometimes I don't clean and throw out as well as I should. Especially when I was in law school and studying for the bar exam. Woowee! But I am getting better. But where I really hoard is in my inbox. I thought about just starting over with a new email account, and then I thought, no. I am just going to handle it. I am doing a search on obvious words, and it is easier to clean out that way. I have already deleted about 7,000 emails! And I am going to continue on.
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