Thursday, December 3, 2009

I Love Lost!

My favorite TV show now is Lost. I never watched it on regular TV, because it was on during a bad night while I was in law school. I got on the ABC website a few weeks ago and discovered that you can watching their shows online. So I have been catching up on the past seasons. I am now midway through season three. I have two and a half seasons to go before the show starts its final season in January. I love the show--it is so creative. If I were stranded on an island, I would want to be stranded with such an interesting group. In addition to just trying to survive, they do fun things like create a golf course, and just a few shows ago they built a ping pong table and found a ball. Hugo played Sawyer and won. Because he lost, Sawyer could not call anyone by a nickname for a week.

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