Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
I Need To Reduce Auto Insurance Costs
My car insurance is way too high. I have bee meaning to get a new auto insurance quote but I keep forgetting. You know, life gets in th way. And then I cringe when my bill is due again. I am sure I could find a much better price. Maybe I could go with the gecko or with the company that keeps talking about their remote. The problem is, I have some insurance products bundled,bt I am sure I could get the other insurance from these other companies as well. I need to save money!
Extended Warranties Have Helped Me Financially
I know Dave Ramsey and other money gurus would argue with me, but I am a firm believer in the extended service plan idea. They would argue that rather than spending your money on that, you should save your money in case you need repairs. Well, that doesn't always happen. I have extended service plans for both my car and my computer, and it gives me such peace of mind. Both have already paid for themselves, and I wouldn't hesitate to buy one again.
Filing My Important Papers
Part of what I am going to do while being snowed in this weekend is continue sorting through my papers and filing the important ones. Like my deed, my insurance papers, and retirement fund statements. I am so sick of these things piled in my spare room, I really need to take care of it. I have been handling a lot of my insurance papers and realize I need to get a life insurance quote. My life insurance through work is paltry. I need some more insurance and will follow up on this soon.
Need A New TV Soon
I am dying for a new TV. I am one of those people who didn't have to worry about switching over to digital TV, because I had cable TV. In other words, my TV is really old. I just haven't had some extra cash to go get a new one. I have been look at the flat screens, and am not sure what kind of tv stand I would need. I probably would need one, because I don't have a good place on the wall or ceiling to put it.
All Snuggled In For A Weekend Snowstorm
We are supposed to get an ice and snowstorm this weekend, and I have mixed feelings. It will be nice to relax, do needed things around home, and spend time with my animals. But there you have it; you notice I didn't say spend time with my significant other. The only time I really hate being single is at times like these. Many people have fun being snowed in, because they have other people there. I don't. Sometimes it gets lonely.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Drip, Drip, Drip--Allergy Problems Again
My allergies flair up a couple of time a year. I get post nasal drip badly, and it makes me cough. Sometimes it lasts for a couple of months at a time. I found a good allergist a few years back, and I got a couple of good nose sprays that will dry me up. That is good, as I get self conscious when I cough so much. Especially when I am in a play or movie, somewhere you shouldn't be making noise! And when I feel self conscious, the cough gets worse! My prescriptions for my nose sprays have run out, so I need to make an appointment and get some more allergy relief. I don't want to go through another allergy season without it!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Sarah Palin, Mad Tea Party To Be At Opryland Hotel
Ugh, ugh, ugh is all I can say. The Mad Tea Party with Sarah Palin starring as the Queen of Hearts is going to be held at Gaylord Opryland Hotel. Why, why, why does it have to be in my backyard. But to be honest, it might be fun to go out there and observe the train wreck. :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Lots Of Repairs Needed At My House
I have dreams of buying a house within a few years and renting out my condo. My condo is in a hip, trendy area of town, so I would have no trouble renting it out. The problem is I need to make a number of repairs before I could do so. Here are some of the things I need to do: replace one of the toilets, update the stove and refrigerator, replace the dishwasher, put up wire shelving in my laundry room, replace the bedroom carpeting, and put a ceiling fan in the master bedroom. I love ceiling fans--it helps soothe me to sleep--and it would be a good feature to have.
Need To Update My Insurance
I have purchased malpractice insurance; I already have long term care insurance (cheap monthly rate at my age); I have health insurance; and I am looking into disability insurance. My life insurance offered by my workplace is pretty pathetic, so I am supplement it with anoter policy. I'll want to get some life insurance quotes online to see what the best deal would be. I am not married and have no kids, so I don't need a lot, but I do need at least some more than I have now.
Dreaming About Dream Jobs
I am still thinking about what kind of job I should try for next. My biz job may not be working out so well. Owner is too stuck in his ways, won't listen, has too many meltdowns, and can't see obvious problems for it to be comfortable here. I think I should move on and am starting to thinking about careers, law careers in general. After all, I do have my law license now, and I would like to try to use it. I had often thought about working for one dept in the federal government where you mainly are intermittent employees. Only called up when you are needed. To me, this is intriguing. It would be interesting and important work, and you would have a lot of time off. Of course, when called up, your time would not necessarily be your own. I don't know how I would work out the logistics, with my animals and all. I googled and found some retirees talking about how they work for the department and live out of their motorhome when called up. I may not be able to do it until I am retired either. You don't get any benefits, and I need those right now.
Online Airline Ticketing
I have taken a couple of trips lately and been at the airport more than I am usually. I really like the ticketless flights--I remember a long time ago always worrying that I would lose my tickets. Now, walla! You just walk up to the ticket counter, insert your credit or debit card, and the computer finds your reservation and prints out your baggage claim and boarding passes. Then you just show the boarding pass to the agent as you go down the ramp, and they use a barcode scanner to check you on the plane. It is so easy nowadays, and that is great.
I've Been Defriended And Feel Hurt--Why??
I am on facebook and have more than 250 friends. I just found out today that a law school classmate defriended me, and I have to admit it stings a little. It's been on my mind more than it needs to be. But I guess the question why lingers out there. She didn't defriend other classmates. Well, maybe she did, and I just can't tell. But she still has a healthy cadre of them on there as friends.
How I know she defriended me is that I wanted to send her a message today. When I called her name up on facebook, it said "add her as a friend." What? She is already my friend. And then I realized she wasn't. Not anymore. It doesn't make sense. We were always friendly. I might even go into the same field that she is in, and she knows that. Wouldn't that be worth keeping me as a friend? We were never buddies, but friendly. I decided to ignore the defriendment and send her the message anyway. I wonder when she sees if she will worry that I am asking about being defriended???? Well, she can rest assured. I am not going to. Maybe she didn't even mean to defriend me; I'll never know.
But as I heard someone say recently, if you are worried about facebook at all, it is too much.
How I know she defriended me is that I wanted to send her a message today. When I called her name up on facebook, it said "add her as a friend." What? She is already my friend. And then I realized she wasn't. Not anymore. It doesn't make sense. We were always friendly. I might even go into the same field that she is in, and she knows that. Wouldn't that be worth keeping me as a friend? We were never buddies, but friendly. I decided to ignore the defriendment and send her the message anyway. I wonder when she sees if she will worry that I am asking about being defriended???? Well, she can rest assured. I am not going to. Maybe she didn't even mean to defriend me; I'll never know.
But as I heard someone say recently, if you are worried about facebook at all, it is too much.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Anti-Aging Products
I have been an avid user of anti-aging products, such as skin cremes and vitamins. Until recently, I have been on a vitamin regimen that reportedly can make your skin look good. And until recently, my skin did look good. Coincidence? Not sure. I am not sure I have the nerve to go as far as taking hgh pills to look young but I have read that some people swear by them. I really want to look good as long as I can. I am going to the store tomorrow and replenishing my vitamins and skin cremes.
I Want To Look Pretty Again
I am a pretty woman, but you wouldn't know that right now. Overweight and out of shape. But that won't be for long. I will be in shape and buff by May. Honest to goodness I will be. And then my body and face will look better now. I need hand help too. They are looking bad now. I notice that there are not many products that can help your hands, but that is beside the point. I need to find a good anti aging product. I will be in shape and noticed by men again by May!
My Joints Are Better
Several months ago, I was appalled at my joints. I would sit down for a while, and then have trouble walking when I first stood up. Just for a sec. Or a nanosecond. But enough for me to notice. And enough that I was afraid that others would notice. it. I am too young for joint problems! Well, to be honest, that may not be true. Joint problems run in my family, and my mother had joint problems when she was 25 years younger than me. So I need to take that into account. But for some reason, my joints have felt better recently on their own. I have not taken any treatment for it. But I no longer have diffiulty when I first stand up. Maybe, it is because I lost an ounce of weight? Or maybe because I am eaing a little better. It can't be much, because I haven't changed my exercise or eating behaviors much. But maybe it has been enough. And also, I know that joint problems come and go. So maybe mine went, for the time being. But if it happens again, I will check into some joint pain relief. There are a number of products on the market now.
Helping With Disasters
The disaster in Haiti is awful. I can't imagine life there right now. The truth is, I really want to be down there helping. I have felt that way for some time--that I would like to work for a disaster relief agency. To be more than just a volunteer. To be focused on that as my life's work. I am going to look into it.
Is There Another Marathon In My Future?
I need to lose weight desperately. I also need to get into shape desperately. As I mentioned in my previous post, one look at my vacation pictures reminded me that I am not a pretty picture right now. I am involved with a charity right now and got an email today mentioning they were wanting to sign up people to do the local marathon and half marathon to raise money for the cause. Hello! Training for a half marathon, in my case, would take care of both of my goals. I did three full marathons a decade ago for another charity and know what fun it is. The more I think about it, the more I might do it again. But just the half marathon this time, as the route in my city is very tough. I will have to ponder this some more, but it is appealing. In the meantime, I need to lose weight. I am still wondering does alli work? I will have to ask my pharmacist.
Need To Up My Beauty Routine
I just looked at my pictures from my cruise, and yuck--do I look bad. Some of this may be taken care of when I lose weight, but I feel like I need to pay more attention to my beauty routine. I used to be so good at it, and then law school and the bar exam.....and you know where I am going with that. It was a good day if I could get dressed during bar exam study, so you know I didn't have a lot of extra time for beauty routines. Maybe I will look int arcona and see what that has to offer. I think it is good to vary your beauty routine every so often.
Devastated. Mass You Let Us Down
Massachusetts, what is wrong with you? You have your healthcare, but you won't let the rest of us have ours. Shame on you. You let Ted Kennedy and the rest of us down. Please dems, take this as a wake up call. I know we are diverse, and harder to corral than repubs, but we must hold our place. It is too scary to think of what will happen if we don't. The only saving grace is that Brown seems a lot better than Palin. Maybe he will prick a hole in her balloon.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Massachusetts--Don't Let Us Down: Vote Dem
Please Massachusetts: carry the torch and vote dem tomorrow. Everyone in the country has a dog in this fight. I know Coakley may not have asked for your vote, said the wrong thing about the ball player, yadda, yadda, yadda. Please see past this and vote Dem tomorrow. Our healthcare depends on it. We are depending on you!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Gonna Get My Exercise
I really love treadmills. I especially love them now that they have individual TVs on them at the Y. I love to go over there and watch one of my favorite programs. I like to watch hour programs, so that I will stay on the treadmill that long! I need to start going more often, so I can burn my calories, and see my body tighten. I have no excuse--I just haven't been going. But as soon as I get back from vacation, I will be over there hopefully almost every night.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Warding The Flu Away
I spent New Year's Eve in New England. Brr, it was cold! Coming back, my planes got delayed with increased security and such, and I missed my connection. Luckily, the airline put me up in a hotel, but I didn't get enough sleep. I felt terrible by the time I got home, and all the next day. I was very tired, felt all stuffed up, and achy. Oh no, the flu I thought. I can't get sick because we don't have sick days (cheapskates) and I am going on a cruise in a couple of days. I needed a quick flu cure. I tried respiratory guard lozenges. http://www.respiratoryguard.com/
They are elderberry flavored, which is unusual but good, and the claim is they are supposed to boost your immunity--helping to prevet the flu and fight the symptoms. I took a couple in the morning and at night for several days in a row, and I feel amazing today! No more snufffles, and actually no more aches either. I have a lot of respiratory ailments every year, so I am going to keep these in mind. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but these lozenges seemed to work. I'll take them again!
_________________________Paid Review
This review is a result of a feedback campaign by Respiratory Guard. The recipients were asked to give their honest opinion about the product they received. Good reviews were not incentivized and poor reviews will not be censored for their opinion of the product. **
They are elderberry flavored, which is unusual but good, and the claim is they are supposed to boost your immunity--helping to prevet the flu and fight the symptoms. I took a couple in the morning and at night for several days in a row, and I feel amazing today! No more snufffles, and actually no more aches either. I have a lot of respiratory ailments every year, so I am going to keep these in mind. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but these lozenges seemed to work. I'll take them again!
_________________________Paid Review
This review is a result of a feedback campaign by Respiratory Guard. The recipients were asked to give their honest opinion about the product they received. Good reviews were not incentivized and poor reviews will not be censored for their opinion of the product. **
Going On A Cruise--Doing A Quick Diet
I am heading on a cruise on Saturday. No, I am not packed, and I am still overweight. I will start packing in a few minutes, and I did go on a quick diet The four-day diet. I am on day two. Unfortunately, my fourth day will be the day that I am flying to my port. But, oh well. Supposed to lose 5-10 pounds from this. That would be great. You eat healthy food, but the diet claims it is not nutritionally sound (probably too few calories) so you are not supposed to do it more than once a month. But to me, that is doable. For the first time, I really feel psyched again about losing weight.
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