Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lose Your Job....And Your Friends Too?

I have been reading a lot of press recently about how the long term unemployed can lose their friends too. Maybe it comes from embarrassment, a sense of shame, feeling unlucky or jealous of others who are working. Maybe they suffer from depression and shy away from people, or are just tired of being asked about their job search and having nothing positive to say. At any rate, all of the articles I have read sound like the loss of friendship originates from the unemployed themselves, rather than their friends. So, it is up to the unemployed people to still reach out and keep contact. And if anyone shirks you because you lost your job, they are no friend and you are better off without them.

I was laid off once when I was very young. I did not experience any of this loss of friendship or depression. I actually was less depressed, because I hated that job! Or at least was tired of it, and that depressed me. But also, I was only unemployed for two months before I found another job. Those chronicled in the recent articles have all been unemployed for six months or more. Apparently that is when the chronic effects of unemployment can kick in.

I am sure those unemployed are looking as hard as they can for a job. What I did to keep myself positive was doing something every single day about looking for a job. I either found another position to apply for, or I actually applied for another job. I wanted to always have an open application out there, to keep my hopes up. And it worked. Of course, that was a different time. It is just harder today, but I hope people try to keep their good attitudes....and their friends.

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