One of the law classes I miss the most is constitutional law. While it sounds dry, it was anything but. I had no idea had fascinating it would be. How everyday things can be constitutional problems. And how the courts scrutinize the cases and make their decisions.
Like I remember one case--can't remember the name--that involved snow chains. At one time, one state was not allowing tire chains, while the neighboring states were. That meant that trucks that were going from state to state would have to stop and to take off their chains in order to travel through the state that would not allow them. And it was too expensive for the trucks to go way out of their way to avoid that one state. So can't remember exactly how things came out, but basically it was deemed to be unconstituional for that one state to not allow snow chains. Because it was impeding interstate commerce. (Can't remember the exact wording, but it was something like that.) Who would have thought?
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