Debt can be the bane of the soul, credit card debt in particular. I say credit card debt is particularly bad, because many times people run credit card debt up on junk. Not always, but sometimes you go on shopping sprees or too many dinners out, and then you have enormous credit card debtI kno, because I have been one of those people.
So how do you get credit card debt relief?I am doing it the old fashion way: paying it off slowly. I am paying larger monthly payments that the minimum due, because that is the only way you can make any headway. I should be debt free within 18 months, hopefully sooner. It has been such a huge drag on my life.
I was recently helping a couple of people who are also trying to get debt relief. One couldn't pass a security clearance because of her student loan debt. The other was a 75 year old woman being sued for a large credit card debt. Think of all the things we could do if not saddled with this stupid debt. I am always going to be much more careful with my money from now on.
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