Sunday, February 6, 2011

Getting My Doggy A Jacket

My wonderful doggy Stoopot is very wiry and thin. He is a bird dog type, not sure what mix exactly. He does not eat much--rarely wolfs down his food, like other dogs I have had. He more grazes all day. Once in a while, he chows down, but that is unusual.

Because of this he is a thin dog. But strong as a mule! Don't let his thinness take you unaware. He could pull you down on the leash in a second if you are not paying attention.

Because he is thin, he gets cold in the winter. He shivers when I take him outside and that makes me sad. I am thinking about geting him one of those dog jackets. It just occurred to me the other day to do that. I think that would make our walks outside more enjoyable for him. He doesn't have the fat or the thick coat to keep him warm otherwise.

I am going to look for dog jackets online first. I now there are a lot of different kinds to get. I am also not sure how to find the right size. I might check at some of my local pet stores to see if they have dog jackets too. I'd like to get something in red. Stoopot would look pretty spiffy in a red jacket!

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