Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Thursday, November 27, 2014
I Need To Start Dancing Again
There was a time in my life when I took dance lessons. But I never took them long enough to get really good. I would go to these dance studios with friends for a free night here and there, and then I remember signing up for a three-lesson package or some such. But it was never enough to get good.
Before I went to Argentina in the late 90s, I did take some tango lessons, but again not enough to be good once I got there. I remember another student in the class told me she had taken some
salsa dance lessons in los angeles and that she had really enjoyed it. I may look into some salsa lessons as well. Anyway, I kind of miss the activity and meeting people through the lessons.
I Love the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Another Thanksgiving and another Macy's Parade. I really, really love it. Seems like it is just part of the Thanksgiving tradition. I like to watch the marching bands in particular and marvel at how the flag corps members never seem to mess up (since messing up wa a regular part of our flag routines in college, it seemed). Anyway, maybe there are thing we can't see! The TV cameras can only pick up so much, to be honest. I have always wanted to go to NYC for the parade. Maybe at some point I will. Seems like that would be a fabulous thing to do and a new tradition for Thanksgiving as well!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
I Don't Really Get Karaoke
I have to admit that I have never really "gotten" karaoke. Like, why do people do it? I can see at a party if you are just goofing around, but I am not sure why people do it in a restaurant. Are they trying to get discovered? I am just not sure. I would think if they are just out for a fun time, they would do something else. But to stand up and sing in front of a bunch of strangers? Why?
I was out of town for work recently and stopped to eat at a TGI Fridays and it was late at night, and the only place I could sit is at the bar. They had a professional karaoke system set up in there, and the same two people kept getting up and singing. It was very annoying. Again, my only question is why?
I was out of town for work recently and stopped to eat at a TGI Fridays and it was late at night, and the only place I could sit is at the bar. They had a professional karaoke system set up in there, and the same two people kept getting up and singing. It was very annoying. Again, my only question is why?
New TV Season!
I know now-a-days, television shows start at different times of the year. But there still seems to be a fall TV season, when a majority of new TV shows start. The two that I am watching now are The Walking Dead and American Horror Story--Freak Show. I see a trend here! I do enjoy different kinds of shows, but I have a special interest in horror and weird. Both of those shows definitely fit into horror and weird. This is only the second week of Freak Show, but it seems to be pretty good. (I really liked Asylum from a couple of years ago). Maybe it plays into my sense of curiosity or voyeurism? Anyway, it is good. And the actors in both shows are superb.
I Love The Drums In A Marching Band
I just attended a college football game and ran by the band room before the game to see the marching band getting ready to perform. They show up early with their uniforms on, and their instruments in their cases, or if they have drums, in drum bags. Then they practice the songs in the band room, and then they line up to march to the stadium. I love the drums the best. I am a cadence freak, and could listen to that all day. And nearly have. Hearing the drums practice by themselves is like a tribal ritual. The call to arms! The call to another band performance. Their tribe. Marching bands and drum lines are the best.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Why Am I Making Mistakes? And On Such Easy Things?
I am in a precarious place now. I am self employed and I am an older adult. Not a senior citizen, of course. But not a millennial either. I am very detailed oriented. And yet, I have made very stupid mistakes the last couple of times I was in court. Not irreversible. But stupid.
Both involve me not printing out things that I need to take to court. And there I am in court, not having what I need. And that means I cannot point to the contract where it shows we should get attorney's fees, and therefore the judge did not grant them. Worse still, I am representing another attorney in court, so of course they are not happy with me.
Mistakes like this can be fixed. It just means amending the judgment and going back to court. But I can't keep making these kinds of mistakes. Who is going to want me to continue representing them, if this happens more than once? (Luckily, it happened once to two different clients.) I don't want to become the doddering old fool yet, when I am just starting out!
But this cannot happen again under any circumstance. I have to make sure everything prints out, and I have it with me. How much more basic can that be?
Both involve me not printing out things that I need to take to court. And there I am in court, not having what I need. And that means I cannot point to the contract where it shows we should get attorney's fees, and therefore the judge did not grant them. Worse still, I am representing another attorney in court, so of course they are not happy with me.
Mistakes like this can be fixed. It just means amending the judgment and going back to court. But I can't keep making these kinds of mistakes. Who is going to want me to continue representing them, if this happens more than once? (Luckily, it happened once to two different clients.) I don't want to become the doddering old fool yet, when I am just starting out!
But this cannot happen again under any circumstance. I have to make sure everything prints out, and I have it with me. How much more basic can that be?
Friday, September 19, 2014
Catching Up With Life
I have a lot to write about. So hopefully, I will write a number of posts in the next week or so. Right now, one of the main things on my mind is catching up with life. Just everyday life. Like organizing my home, regular housekeeping, cooking again, and getting exercise. Why do things get so hectic and complicated that we often start ignoring these areas of life? I am feeling a great need to slow down a little and smell the roses. If I start paying attention to these things, and doing the best for myself, the rest of my life can only get better too.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Public Speaking Equipment Failures
I was at a CLE workshop today. It was a big room with lots of people. The subject matter was interesting, and everyone seemed into the material. And then the microphone quit working. You could not hear the speaker. I felt sorry for me. She is like me and has a soft voice. She tried to talk as loud as she could, but it did not carry well. I can empathize. It is hard for me to talk loud. It is almost impossible for me,and I am not sure why. They didn't have a backup microphone either, which would have been a smart idea. It was wireless, which is convenient, but when they quit working, they quit working. The man sitting next to me said he thought there were some websites, including guitarcenter.com, where you could find such items. I hope whoever plans those CLEs, which take backup equipment into consideration next time! Those classes are not cheap, and it is annoying to not be able to hear.
Old Friends/New Careers
I had dinner tonight with a couple of friends from college. I didn't know them that well and haven't seen them in ages. So, it was good to catch up and learn a little more about them.
It was an interesting conversation. We all graduated with the same degree and started out in the communications business. In the intervening years, we have also all broken away from communications. I have gotten into my second career since leaving communications. Another left communications a long time ago for another field and is now retired, although looking for something new to do. The third left communications several years ago and is now working on some independent projects.
What struck me is that we are three middle-aged people who are looking for our next gig. I have my new gig but am aware I might need to look for another new gig at any time. The other two seem a little out of sorts, feeling a little dissatisfied with their current situations and wondering which way to go. I told them you never know what will come down the pike. I basically didn't even know that a job like mine existed until I got it. New and different jobs and careers, as well as ways of working, are created everyday. That might be bad for people who want their careers to stay the same. But in the same vein, it can be good for people like us who want to evolve too.
It was an interesting conversation. We all graduated with the same degree and started out in the communications business. In the intervening years, we have also all broken away from communications. I have gotten into my second career since leaving communications. Another left communications a long time ago for another field and is now retired, although looking for something new to do. The third left communications several years ago and is now working on some independent projects.
What struck me is that we are three middle-aged people who are looking for our next gig. I have my new gig but am aware I might need to look for another new gig at any time. The other two seem a little out of sorts, feeling a little dissatisfied with their current situations and wondering which way to go. I told them you never know what will come down the pike. I basically didn't even know that a job like mine existed until I got it. New and different jobs and careers, as well as ways of working, are created everyday. That might be bad for people who want their careers to stay the same. But in the same vein, it can be good for people like us who want to evolve too.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
My Five Minute Foray Into Being A Banjo Player
After I graduated from journalism school many moons ago, I wanted to work in small town journalism. I took a class in community journalism my senior year, and I was hooked. My dream job (then) was to own my own small newspaper. A trip back to Mayberry maybe.
And I pursued that dream--for a while. As long as it was my dream. I got a job at a small town newspaper owned by a man who owned a number of small papers. Had I worked there for several years, I probably would have become editor of one. But I didn't work there for a number of years. (But that is a different story.)
But while I was there for a year and a half, I dove into my work. I was all about the small town. And I discovered there is news everywhere, even in a small town. And people want to know this news.
At this same time, my personal interests changed. I became more artsy craftsy. More settled. And more centered.
During this time, I became fascinated by the banjo. I loved it. Listening to it at least. I went to several live shows and saw players sporting a Gold Star Banjo and making great music. I wanted to do that!
I saw an ad for a banjo class and rented a banjo and some other gear. I even showed up to the first class. My heart was in the right place, but my schedule wasn't. When you work for a small town newspaper, you are working all the time. And sometimes that can be till 11 p.m. So, I went to that one class, and then the banjo stayed in my trunk. Lonely and sad. I never found out if I could be a good banjo player. But I know i still love listening to it.
And I pursued that dream--for a while. As long as it was my dream. I got a job at a small town newspaper owned by a man who owned a number of small papers. Had I worked there for several years, I probably would have become editor of one. But I didn't work there for a number of years. (But that is a different story.)
But while I was there for a year and a half, I dove into my work. I was all about the small town. And I discovered there is news everywhere, even in a small town. And people want to know this news.
At this same time, my personal interests changed. I became more artsy craftsy. More settled. And more centered.
During this time, I became fascinated by the banjo. I loved it. Listening to it at least. I went to several live shows and saw players sporting a Gold Star Banjo and making great music. I wanted to do that!
I saw an ad for a banjo class and rented a banjo and some other gear. I even showed up to the first class. My heart was in the right place, but my schedule wasn't. When you work for a small town newspaper, you are working all the time. And sometimes that can be till 11 p.m. So, I went to that one class, and then the banjo stayed in my trunk. Lonely and sad. I never found out if I could be a good banjo player. But I know i still love listening to it.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Back in the Saddle
It has been more than a year since I have last written. And I am appalled. I love this blog and love writing and hearing back from my readers. But I have been busy with my new job and life stuff. That life stuff can really get in the way.
But the whole year I have felt uneasy. Like I should put pen to paper, or in reality, fingers to keyboard. I have a lot to say, but I haven't had time to put it down.
But I am turning over a new leaf, or starting a new chapter, so to speak. I am excited to start blogging again regularly.
Until the next time--which will be soon.
But the whole year I have felt uneasy. Like I should put pen to paper, or in reality, fingers to keyboard. I have a lot to say, but I haven't had time to put it down.
But I am turning over a new leaf, or starting a new chapter, so to speak. I am excited to start blogging again regularly.
Until the next time--which will be soon.
Friday, April 11, 2014
The Health Insurance Saga
What a year it has been for health insurance. As many a liberal says, including me, why do the republicans fight so hard to keep people from having health insurance? I don't need to rehash the whole thing here. There arguments include that it is socialism and that Obama is a dictator. The truth be told, the repubs couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.
Let's just say that the ACA is now the law of the land, and thank goodness. Is it ideal? Is it perfect? No, but it is the first step in the right direction. People will now be able to get the health insurance they need without regard to health or employment. It is a good day indeed.
When I became self employed a year ago, I had to buy my own health insurance. I looked
for health insurance quotes and found a good priced one for me. That was before the ACA came into effect. I have been told I can keep my policy for another year, which is good. The equivalent ACA policy would be about twice as much. But am I ticked off by that? No! If I needed it, I would buy it. And maybe the prices will come down or even out. But at least we are moving in the right direction regarding heath care.
Let's just say that the ACA is now the law of the land, and thank goodness. Is it ideal? Is it perfect? No, but it is the first step in the right direction. People will now be able to get the health insurance they need without regard to health or employment. It is a good day indeed.
When I became self employed a year ago, I had to buy my own health insurance. I looked
for health insurance quotes and found a good priced one for me. That was before the ACA came into effect. I have been told I can keep my policy for another year, which is good. The equivalent ACA policy would be about twice as much. But am I ticked off by that? No! If I needed it, I would buy it. And maybe the prices will come down or even out. But at least we are moving in the right direction regarding heath care.
A Lot Has Happened!
My life has changed a lot this past year--new job, traveling almost nonstop, and continuing to try to be a mom to my niece. All while trying to improve my financial situation and have a social life too. My subhead remains relevant. I am still traveling at 5,000 miles a minute, even though the pieces I am juggling are slightly different from when I started the blog.
But what I haven't done so much this past year is write on my blog. And I have missed it! I have lots to say on current issues, and I plan to get back to work at expressing them. And I hope you will leave comments, so we can have a conversation!
But what I haven't done so much this past year is write on my blog. And I have missed it! I have lots to say on current issues, and I plan to get back to work at expressing them. And I hope you will leave comments, so we can have a conversation!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Kid Musicians
I studied music when I was a kid, even though I was never very good. I just did the mandatory piano lessons. My teachers were never very creative, and that did nothing to spark my learning.
However, I am glad I took the lessons, as a love and understanding of music has stayed with me the rest of my life. It helped me in high school and college band, and in being an educated member of the music audience.
I see kids studying and using the qchord, as well as studying and practicing other methods and kinds of music. And I applaud them. Not only is it good for individual development, but being involved in music tends to surround you with interesting people that can turn into lifelong friends. I know.
However, I am glad I took the lessons, as a love and understanding of music has stayed with me the rest of my life. It helped me in high school and college band, and in being an educated member of the music audience.
I see kids studying and using the qchord, as well as studying and practicing other methods and kinds of music. And I applaud them. Not only is it good for individual development, but being involved in music tends to surround you with interesting people that can turn into lifelong friends. I know.
Going To The Beach Tomorrow--Don't Want To Get Burned Again!
I am going on a beach excursion tomorrow and am so excited. It is supposed to be one of the best beaches in the world. I never get enough beach or enough water. It is good for my soul. I can't wait, but am hoping I don't get burned like I did last time I went to the beach. I was so red that the other people on the cruise almost gasped when they saw me. I was the color of a ketchup bottle. I think I had bad sunscreen on the that trip. Obviously it didn't work!
This time I am using spray sunscreen and as far as I can tell, it works well. Here's hoping I don't get burned. When I get burned like that, I can feel nauseated and lightheaded. And when you are on a trip, you don't want that.
This time I am using spray sunscreen and as far as I can tell, it works well. Here's hoping I don't get burned. When I get burned like that, I can feel nauseated and lightheaded. And when you are on a trip, you don't want that.
Finally Got My Car Fixed
I was looking at my blog tonight and noticed that I had written about being worried about getting CO2 from my car. I don't see the date on that post though, so I am now worried about how long ago that was written. Eek!
I finally got my muffler replaced. Well ok--I do have one of those foreign cars that take a long time to get replacement parts. So, it took me a long time to get the muffler. But I still took too long. Between the holidays and my traveling, there is no time. But I did take too long to get the part ordered and the installed.
And with CO2, you don't want to mess around. The guy at the car place said it wouldn't be dangerous to drive as long as I didn't idle the car a long time. But I still don't like that I was breathing in that gas. Day to day, it didn't seem like a big deal, but again when I see that blog post, it points out how long it was. Hopefully, I didn't breathe in too much. I will be optimistic and think that I didn't.
I finally got my muffler replaced. Well ok--I do have one of those foreign cars that take a long time to get replacement parts. So, it took me a long time to get the muffler. But I still took too long. Between the holidays and my traveling, there is no time. But I did take too long to get the part ordered and the installed.
And with CO2, you don't want to mess around. The guy at the car place said it wouldn't be dangerous to drive as long as I didn't idle the car a long time. But I still don't like that I was breathing in that gas. Day to day, it didn't seem like a big deal, but again when I see that blog post, it points out how long it was. Hopefully, I didn't breathe in too much. I will be optimistic and think that I didn't.
I Am Watch Crazy
I really like watches, but can't seem to keep one. I tend to buy cheaper models, and maybe that is the problem. The strap breaks, or I lose it, or the battery just stops working, and I don't replace it. OK, so I am lazy about watches. But I find that my eye keeps wandering over and over to the watch tables when I am in a store. Come to think about it, maybe it is not so bad to buy cheap watches if I keep losing or breaking them. At least I am not out that much money.
Sometimes though I think it would be nice to have a really nice watch. A really nice one. I do some mystery shopping on a part-time basis, and recently I had an assignment that involved high-end watches. I was trying on $24,000 watches, and I was thinking, "If I could afford a watch like this, would I actually take care of it?" I would certainly hope so. But it is not a problem I have to worry about anytime soon.
I see people wearing nice watches from time to time, like Cartier, Rolex, and the like. I think it would be nice to have a pricey watch sometime. Maybe when I celebrate my 5-year anniversary as a working attorney!
Trying the Flylady
Because I am such a bizzy girl, I feel like I am going in a million different directions. I have started a new job, I am a blogger (I have fallen down on this job recently, but I want to get back in gear), I have custody of a relative, and I have pets, among other things. Guess what gets short shrift? Nothing on this list.
What a shock!
I have discovered a lifeline for this. Flylady. She is kind of the Dave Ramsey for the household chore deficient.
When I first started reading her, I have to admit I thought it was kind of dumb. I don't like the Flylady logo--looks old and dumpy.
But now I am a believer. I don't read every email that comes my way. But I read the subject line and click on any that appeal to me. Like Dave Ramsey doe for finances, Flylady approaches housework by babysteps. And trying to create habits around housework. Perfect for a bizzy housework deficient nut like me.
What a shock!
I have discovered a lifeline for this. Flylady. She is kind of the Dave Ramsey for the household chore deficient.
When I first started reading her, I have to admit I thought it was kind of dumb. I don't like the Flylady logo--looks old and dumpy.
But now I am a believer. I don't read every email that comes my way. But I read the subject line and click on any that appeal to me. Like Dave Ramsey doe for finances, Flylady approaches housework by babysteps. And trying to create habits around housework. Perfect for a bizzy housework deficient nut like me.
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