I usually don't listen to conservative talk radio. On the local channel here, they do offer some good specific programming: Dave Ramsey, Handle on the Law, Dr. Asa Anderson. Those shows are good. The rest of the programming is like a train wreck: You really don't want to see (listen to) it, but it is so bad, you can't help yourself.
Today, I was scanning the channels and heard one of the "wonders" of our station talking about how the democrats are the new elite. And in typical fashion, he was saying something really clever like "democrats say one thing and do another."
He was talking about a survey, I guess, that was apparently done by the Heritage Foundation, that said that democrats now represent the majority of the nation's wealthiest congressional districts.
He kept trying to turn it into something deceptive or sinister. Hello???
My first reaction is--how stupid! If democrats are wealthy and live in the nicest neighborhoods, great! What is wrong with that? One of the most tired, worn out cliches about democrats is that they are bad for business, that they don't want business to do well. If they are living in such nice neighborhoods, I would say they are pretty good at business, and good for business.
Further, democrats tend to be concerned about their fellow man. What is wrong with that? And if they are so wealthy, and still concerned about their fellow man, that only means that they are really nice people. They are concerned about the underdog, even though it may have nothing personally to do with them, or it won't help them.
Republicans could really take a lesson from this. Concern about others is a good thing, not a negative thing. Too many republicans are only concerned about themselves and what is in it for them.
When republicans and conservatives go on and on like this, it really looks like they have a huge chip on their shoulder. It is quite obvious they are the underdog (and know it) and losing ground fast when they feel their only recourse is to stoop to such inane chatter.
I can't figure out what is worse: Whether this DJ on our local network really thinks his listeners are this stupid, or if the listeners are really this stupid, which would be much more frightening.
Conservative talk radio can really get irritating with all of the relentless whining. But it can be fun entertainment. After all, these little children need to have their "rants."
I won't be on a conservative talk radio diet, but sometimes you have to have a chuckle or two. And you can get a chuckle listening to these himbos. I'll have some cheese with that whine, once in a while.
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