Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Project Pyramid

The neat thing about being an MBA student these days is that it seems there are increasingly innovative ways of doing business, and an increasing desire to do good in the world.

I heard a presentation recently about Vanderbilt University's Project Pyramid Program. It's tagline is "Changing the World from the Bottom Up." The program had its genesis at VU's Owen Graduate School of Management but is now an interdisciplinary program involving multiple schools at VU. Their mission is to help alleviate global poverty. Through education, collaboraton and sustained action, the goal is to alleviate poverty by outfitting future leaders of business, law, education, medicine, and religion with tools and the mindset to tackle the problem.

Activities have included a Project Pyramid case competition and a trip to India. An inspiration for the program was Dr. Muhammad Yunus, an economist from Bangladesh, and Vanderbilt alumnus, who received the Nobel Peace Prize for founding Grameen Bank, a microfinance institution. Yunus is a true hero.

The Project Pyramid site has an online journal with interesting comments and observations, and also links to, an online microfinance site. As soon as I get a little extra money, I will loan money through Kiva.

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