Sunday, October 10, 2010

Money Problems Abound

I got a frantic phone call from a friend roday who lives in D.C. who just lost his job. It was a little bit of bad judgment. He gave up one job for another, and then the second one didn't turn out the way he thought. So they mutually partked ways. But I can hear the panic in his voice. He doesn't have a job, he lives in one of hte most expensive cities in the country, and he has bills to pay. What is he going to do?

I have not lost a job, but I have been in panicky money situations before. Mainly a lot of debt. And you get panicky when you get behind and start getting those phone calls. Those darned phone calls.

What can you do? Well, let's talk first about what you might not want to do. When you are looking for financial help, make sure you know what you are doing. Realize that there are no government debt consolidation programs. Remember that and you will be fine.

There are credit card debt settlement programs, however, They help you negotiate your balance with the credit card companies.

There is legitimate debt help out there. Just make sure you don't panic and take your time to research the different ads and offers. Make sure you can find real help for your situation.

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