Friday, March 25, 2011

Law School Can Be Bad For Your Health

I have needed to get in shape for a while, but since my friend died earlier this month, it has become of premier importance to me. She was three years younger than me, and although I don't know what health issues she had, we had similar outward characteristics: We are both early middle age, had gained weight in law school, are working at our previous careers while taking on law clients and tackling that steep learning curve, are basically doing way too many things, trying to still have a social life, and not losing weight or excercising as much as we should.

I am not sure what she died of, but it scares me. Was it a stroke or a heart attack, or something else that would never affect me? They did not do an autopsy, so we will never know. But was it basically because she slacked on her health during law school and studying for the bar exam that she died at this young age?

I loved going to law school, and it was one of the best things I have done in my life. Absolutely loved it, and met some great people and added valuable skills to my repertoire! But it does take a toll, especially when you are working at the same time. I know they say to exercise and all of that during school and the bar exam, but it is so darn hard to do.

At any rate, her death has made my health of upmost  importance. I have

  • started a diet
  • started exercising, although just a little burst training everyday, but they say that can just be as good as longer periods of exercise
  • started getting my house literally in order, decluttering and updating, modernizing (although the time this takes has added to my stress level. However I am determined to start looking at this as fun, as it should be.)
  • tried to adopt the strategy of putting things in boxes that an old lawyer boyfriend of mine taught me. When you have too much going on, put everything in boxes in your head, and open only one of them at a time and deal with it before moving on to the next one. (This sounds like a guy thing, but I am willing to try it.)
  • tried to start letting go of stress. Easier said than done. Think happy thoughts and visualize pretty places.
  • started avoiding problem people. At this point in my life, I have one more friend, an old friend unfortunately, who just sets me on edge.She wants to argue about everything and acts like she is an expert on everything, even though she knows jack. She has a negative attitude and trys to bring you down. I know I am stressed when I concentrate too much on how much she is bothering me.
  • tried to stop being perfect. I watched part of a great show on PBS the other night about the book The Art of Imperfection, or some such title. It was a great needed message.

Anyway, that is my game plan. It is good I wrote it down. I am sure I left some things out. But my mission is to try make as much money as I can (I desperately need to and am trying to be gazelle-like at it as Dave Ramsey says), be as good at my jobs as I can, and have as much fun as I can without going crazy.

I want to live long and strong and be as productive and happy as I can be. I have a lot of things I have to do. So I need to take care of myself.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Close Friend From Law School Just Died

I am devastated and heartbroken. One of my closest friends from law school just died a couple of days ago. She died in her sleep. They don't know why. She had had a bug for a couple of weeks, and then suddenly she was gone. It doesn't make sense. I don't understand death (who does?) and I don't handle it well either. How could she be here one day and gone the next? She was always so alive. So excited, so giving, such a friend. Everyone who knew her is so upset. I still think about calling her and talking to her about something, and then I remember. Oh yeah. She is not here anymore. Just can't grasp it.

I did want to send flowers to the church for the service. I had a Proflowers radio code so decided to use it then so I could get a nicer arrangement. The service was touching and lovely. And the flowers were gorgeous. There is something about flowers at a funeral that helps soften it, just even a little.

It's Almost Easter Time!

I remember with fondness some Easter holidays at my grandparents' house when I was a child. I would wear a pretty Easter dress, and we would have the Easter baskets and chocolate bunnies all around. Extended family would come, and we would have a big dinner. It was always fun. I miss those days so much. I am looking for some Easter stuff to send my niece and nephew. I would like to think their Easters would be as special as mine. Maybe I will order something for them from or another online source. I need to have it shipped, so I will have to act pretty quickly and order something.

Picture Frames For Gifts

A lot of times I need to think of nice little gifts to give people for Christmas or their birthdays. If I know them well, I don't have any trouble finding gifts, because I can find something personal and meaningful for them. The problem is when I don't know someone well. Then I have to think of a nice but not so personable a gift. I have thought about gift cards, but they are too impersonal. Someone told me about Customized Photo frames and I might check into those. Everyone loves photographs, and it is fun to have creative frames to display your favorite photos That may just be the thing!

Looking For More Life Insurance

Now that I have private disability insurance, I am thinking I need to get more life insurance. At work, we just get a measly amount--can't believe how little. I don't have children, but I think I do need some to help pay for any outstanding bills and to leave to some beneficiaries. I am not really sure how to shop for life insurance.. I guess I will look online and do some research. I have seen some ads on TV, and that insurance sounds pretty good, but I feel like I should investigate it more. I don't want to be insurance poor, but you do need to have your bases covered.

Health Care Careers Are A Good Bet For The Future

We don't know what the economics of the future will bring, but one thing is certain: Health care jobs are always going to be plentiful, especially since the population is aging. Someone with a health care career has many choices: They can work in a hospital, nursing home, doctor's office, home health care. The options are unlimited. And the good point is you will always have a job! You can't outsource healthcare.

Watching All Kinds Of Movies Today

I have gotten some new TV equipment this weekend, and I am busy watching movies. All kinds of movies, comedies, dramas, documentaries, foreign films, etc. The good thing about watching movies at home is that it is free! At least free in the sense that you don't have to fork out ten dollars or more at the box office, although you still have to pay for cable obviously. And when you can watch for free, you can watch things you ordinarily wouldn't go to the theater to see.

Case in point, I was watching some movie I wouldn't think I would like but I did. It was about some men running around with bushnell rifle scopes. But it was really quite lively and kept my interest. I need to remember that like everything else, things may be more interesting than you at first think.

Cleaning Out My Cupboards

In my quest to clean and declutter my whole condo, I am having to reach up into some high places. Some of my cupboards (as well as light fixtures) are just too high to reach, even on my tippy toes. I had a little foot stool that I have had since my childhood and love it, but one of the legs came off, and now I am scared to step on it, as it might come off again.
Even standing on my kitchen chairs to reach to these high places causing me concern, because they are not the sturdiest either. I don't need to fall! I am probably going to look for a sturdy step stool that I can fold up and put in my laundry room. I think that is one of the things I need to invest in and have around for times I need to reach to the back of my cupboards.

Ongoing Condo Update Project

I am still working like a fiend to get my condo decluttered, updated, repaired, snazzier. I was in a fog all through law school and didn't go any housework or home projects that I didn't have to. There was no time or money to do so.

But now I am doing whatever my budget will bear--replaced a toilet and my dishwasher and am hoping to get new carpeting and shelving installed in my laundry room. On top of that, I need to buy new sheets and towels, as well as a new kitchen table. I have some other projects that I will do on down the road.

While I am updating, I am also going to replace my cooking tools as best as I can. I am wanting to save money and go out to eat less often, so will be cooking more. Like everything else in my condo, my cookware is outdated. But soon I will have everything of the best!

Cute Rain Boots Can Be The Perfect Fancy Dress Accessory

In my previous post, I talked about how I go once in a while to chi-chi horse events--I have been to the Kentucky Derby (not the infield) , some others in Kentucky, the Iroquois Steeplechase in Nashville and others. People dress to the nine--wearing beautiful summer and spring dresses, and shoes and hats to die for. I was in Nashville a couple of years ago when they had a monsoon the morning of the Steeplechase. Everyone was wondering if they should still go, as it would be a mud pit. My friend and I decided to go, me in my new great skirt and top and new hat. And I wore sandals. Big mistake! My feet were covered in mud not long after I got there, and it was hard to walk around with mud squishing between your toes.

Some people were smart and were wearing rain boots. They were in all kinds of fun and bright colors and patterns and actually went pretty well with the fancy dresses. Those wearing those boots were the only ones able to walk around without difficulty. I have been meaning to get some to keep on hand--just in case.

Approved For Private Disability Insurance

I feel on top of the world today. I applied for private disability insurance two months ago and found out today that I was approved. And I didn't even have to have a health exam, quite a feat, since I am middle age, and it is harder as you get older to get approved. I feel like it is a stamp of approval for me somehow.

Of course, I have to cough up $100/month for it, a little sore point, since I could get it for $5/month at work if my stubborn boss felt like letting us have it. And the company wouldn't even have to pay anything for it! Our trade association said that if at least two people at work wanted it (and believe me there are many who would like it) we only had to pay $5 a month each for it. Talked with my boss, and he said he didn't see any need for it. I can't believe how stupid and selfish that response is. So I have to pay $95/more just because he doesn't see the need for it.

But on the positive note, at least I have the coverage now. And I feel financially more secure in a way that I didn't just two days ago.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sales Jobs Drive Companies

I have never had one of those honest to goodness sales jobs, you know like in pharmaceuticals, or whatever. Even though I wish I had. They make good money and get to travel. Not bad!

In some way or other, however, maybe most of us down deep really have had sales jobs or at least customer service jobs. Because no matter what we do for a company, we are really selling the company and its customer service as well. Even front line people behind the counter are sales and customer service. If someone has a bad experience at any level of the company, it can mean lost revenue if the customer decides to go somewhere else.

That kind of thinking should be instilled in every person who works for a company--they are the face of the company.

Are Electronic Cigarettes The New Thing?

I had never heard of electronic cigarettes before watching that famous episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, when Camille Grammer had a dinner party and invited not only the housewives from the show, but her psychic friend Allison Dubois. Dubois supposedly is the character that the TV show Medium is based on.

Boy what a kook and a mean kook! I loved the show Medium, but don't know if I can watch it again. The character in the show is so nice, and Dubois, at least at the dinner party seemed mean and vindictive. Can't be good for her career. But anyway during the episode, she was seated at the dining table puffing on her electronic cigarette. The other women commented on it alot.

I do have to say that if you are going to smoke, electronic cigarettes may be the way to go. They don't produce smoke like regular cigarettes do, but do have some nicotine, according to some product literature. If that is the case, it would be better for others, because you wouldn't have to breathe second hand smoke.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Getting Social Security Disability Benefits Is Tough

Applying and getting approved for social security disability benefits is very difficult, and many are turned down repeatedly. On top of that, the backlog of cases is huge--some states are more backlogged than others. People who desperately need their benefits wait months and months and sometimes years before they see their monthly checks, if they ever do. And most need the money so very badly.

Those who are represented before the Social Security Administration have a greater chance of getting approved. That is true. And people never have to pay their representative upfront, and representatives are only paid if the client wins. Representatives receive a percentage of the backpay awarded. Representatives know how to persist with a claim and build up a record that can help the client win. You paid into the social security system all these years through your hard earned money, and you deserve your benefits. Let someone help you get them.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Still Looking For Cheap Car Insurance

I am serious about wanting to save money in any way I can. I already have changed my phone/cable/internet packages to see significant monthly savings and now am looking in others areas to cut back. Insurance is another area. I am looking at and some other online sites to see if I can get some good quotes. I want to maintain good car insurance--insurance that pays and doesn't drop you when you make a claim--so that is important to me in addition to price. But even if I could shave off a little of my cost each month, that would be wonderful for me.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Looking For Cheap Car Insurance

It seems like I have been paying too much money for car insurance for too long. Years and years. I have had a wreck or two, but over a period of many years, and it never seems to come down to a reasonable level. I am needing to save as much money as I can in many areas, so I think car insurance is a good area to see if I can lower my costs. Surely I can find some cheap car insurance somewhere. I will have my car paid off this summer, so maybe at some point after that I can get my rates lowered, to where I would not have my car worked on if I had a wreck.

When Books Fall Apart

When I was studying for the bar exam, I was reading some of the books so much, they were falling apart at the seams. Literally the pages were falling out. That was frustrating, because when you are dealing with important information, such as what you are using to study for the bar exam, you don't need the pages to be out of place. And, you don't want the pages to fall out and lose them. I work at a printing plant, and there is a man there who took my books and tried to patch them up. That worked for a while, but then the pages were coming loose again. It would have been better to just get them professionally bound. I think there are a number of companies that do that. I have heard of Velo Bind and am sure there are many others. Next time a book of mine is falling apart, I will take it to a pro.

Home Decorating Is Fun

I am starting to be a little homemaker. And it is just me at home! But I can be a homemaker for myself. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am cleaning and decluttering, and doing upkeep and repairs. Busy, busy bee! I have installed a new toilet and hopefully will get a new dishwasher installed tomorrow. I also have bought some new used furniture off Craig's List. And I still need to get a new or used cafe table. And I will need a new sofa soon. I have to be careful and not spend too much. Once I get on a roll, things can get out of hand money wise. Another thing I want to do is decorate with glass mosaic tiles. I don't think they are very expensive, and they might liven things up a bit. Sometimes small touches like adding some tiles can make all the difference. And that is what makes a home nice.

What If You Need To Get Your Own Health Insurance Policy?

Right now I work for a company and am covered by its insurance health policy. It is not the best health insurance I have ever had, but at least I have health insurance. It would cover me for a lot of bad situations.

But if I go out on my own and practice law, I would need to get my own health insurance policy. I am sure you can understand when I say that scares me to death. Where would I start? What if I choose the wrong policy? It makes me tired just thinking about it.

I have always had Blue Cross insurance, so I would probably get some Blue Cross Blue Shield quotes but I also would want to look at other companies and see what they have to offer. I won't have to worry about this for a couple of years, so who knows what will happen with healthcare by then anyway. Here's to not getting sick!

Do I Need A New Computer?

I have a little netbook that I love. It is small and red and I can stick it in my purse and take it anywhere. I am crazy about it. But of course, it has the limitations of all netbooks, mainly you can't play a CD or DVD in it. I am also wanting to eventually buy some bankruptcy software, and am just not sure yet that my netbook can take it. And if I do download it on there, can I download it on another computer, when I get another one? I will have to get the answers to these questions. So I am wondering if I should get another desktop eventually for these law-related software needs. I am going to run to Best Buy to look soon and also online. I will probably consider Dell, Mac, and gateway desktops and some others. I will need something that can accommodate some pretty heavy duty downloads and am just not sure my netbook will suffice.

Thinking About Reactivating My Security System

I had a security system installed in my condo a while back and then after a few years decided to deactivate it. Didn't really want to pay the money and felt like I was pretty safe without it. Now I am reconsidering. Not that crime is any worse in my neighborhood or anything, but you just never know. I think it is better to be protected just in case. So, I am thinking about starting it up again. Now I hear there is something called
remote security and may check into that. I am not surprised--you can do everything else remotely today. Why not security for your home? I just know I would feel better if I was wired up again.

Going Through My Old Jewelry

I am on a massive cleaning and decluttering mission. I am so excited. I never feel like doing housework, and now I can't stop. I have a deadline, which I am not going to talk about here, at least not now. But I have needed to clean out, declutter, make repairs, and do some fix me up in my condo for a long time, and now I am. Whee!

Law school and bar exam study is one of the reasons I am so far behind, and it is taking me so long. I have to go through everything! I have let things go so long. Thank goodness I am not a hoarder! But I can see how it happens. You live your everyday life, and just don't have time or inclination to pick up around the house
And then, wala! You are on one of those hoarding TV shows. Luckily for me, that is nothing like my case.

One of the projects I am going to do in the next couple of weeks is go through my old jewelry. I need to see what I still want to wear and what I can give away. I have some beautiful Beads and other jewelry items that I haven't even looked at in a long time. So it will be an adventure. Hopefully in a few weeks I will be done with my cleaning project and can start reading again. But it will be nice to have a neat home again.