Friday, March 11, 2011

Do I Need A New Computer?

I have a little netbook that I love. It is small and red and I can stick it in my purse and take it anywhere. I am crazy about it. But of course, it has the limitations of all netbooks, mainly you can't play a CD or DVD in it. I am also wanting to eventually buy some bankruptcy software, and am just not sure yet that my netbook can take it. And if I do download it on there, can I download it on another computer, when I get another one? I will have to get the answers to these questions. So I am wondering if I should get another desktop eventually for these law-related software needs. I am going to run to Best Buy to look soon and also online. I will probably consider Dell, Mac, and gateway desktops and some others. I will need something that can accommodate some pretty heavy duty downloads and am just not sure my netbook will suffice.

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