Friday, March 11, 2011

Home Decorating Is Fun

I am starting to be a little homemaker. And it is just me at home! But I can be a homemaker for myself. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am cleaning and decluttering, and doing upkeep and repairs. Busy, busy bee! I have installed a new toilet and hopefully will get a new dishwasher installed tomorrow. I also have bought some new used furniture off Craig's List. And I still need to get a new or used cafe table. And I will need a new sofa soon. I have to be careful and not spend too much. Once I get on a roll, things can get out of hand money wise. Another thing I want to do is decorate with glass mosaic tiles. I don't think they are very expensive, and they might liven things up a bit. Sometimes small touches like adding some tiles can make all the difference. And that is what makes a home nice.

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