I have been glued to my TV and all of my DVRed installments of the Casey Anthony live trial. Such televised trials are a boon to a new lawyer like me. I don't have time to go and watch trials in my own town, and I need to learn trial strategy. This trial is why I got a DVR, and boy have I used it.
I really like Jeff Ashton, and think he is supberb, but was surprised sthat he was admonished for smiling or laughing during Jose Baez's closing arguments. Even I know you shouldn't do that, just from my brief moment in moot court, so surely he would know that after 30 years of experience, But he seeemed to recover himself well this morning, in his rebuttal closing arguments. So that is good.
The trial is over, and the jury is deliberating. Some things to watch: if the jury reaches a verdict very quickly, that would typically be bad news for Casey Anthony. Verdicts reached quickly are usually guilty ones.
And when the jury walks back in the courtroom, if they don't like at Casey directly, that would also be bad news for Casey. Juries don't like to look at defendants who they have judged as guilty.
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