Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Friends, The Vegetarians

I admit I am a meat eater, even though I probably don't eat meat but a couple of times a week. But sometimes that steak or burger, or even chicken or shrimp just tastes so good. I do have some guilt feelings when I actually think about the animals being slaughtered in order for me to enjoy my meals. That is why I just don't think about it and stay in denial. Like when I refused to go to that slaughterhouse in Argentina.....I just couldn't face that.

There is a couple I am friends with, and they are vegetarian. They do eat seafood, but no other kind of meat. I know there are different kinds of vegetarians, some more strict than others. I guess they don't feel guilty about eating a little shrimpie. It seems like once you started down that path, it would be hard to draw a line as to what you are willing to eat and not willing to eat. I guess that is why some are vegans; they just can't draw a line anywhere. But to me, that would take the fun out of eating if you had to limit your choices so much.

But back to my friends--they are also into growing some of their own food. They have a great vegetable garden and have their own composter. They have been nice enough to share some of their spoils with me. I love fruits and vegetables, but don't think I could eat them exclusively. Well OK, my friends are into wine and chocolate too, so we have a good time at happy hours once in a while.

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