Monday, November 7, 2011

Making My Dog Stoopot Look Extra Special

I love my dog dearly, but I am not the best at dog grooming. You only have to look at the dog hair on the floor or on the furniture to see that. I need to brush him more. Not only would that cut down on dog hair, but it would be a bonding experience for the two of us. Dogs love to be brushed.

I don't even give him a dog bath as often as I should. He is not a water dog and doesn't like to get wet. So the hang dog face he gives me when I give him a bath breaks my heart. Since I live in a condo and have no yard, I have to give him an indoor doggy bath. I manage that by puttiing him in the shower. Yesiree! Step right in. He stands there so nice and quiet, but so sad  when I give him a doggy shampooing. You would think I am torturing him.

But not long after he gets out and gets dry, he seems to know how good he looks--all clean and fluffy. He has an extra spring in his doggy steps. I need to do this more often for sure.

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