Thursday, July 19, 2007

Last Minute MPRE

Well, I signed up for the MPRE BAR/BRI review at the absolute last minute today. I signed up for the actual MRPE test (professional responsibility) at the last minute too--July 3. Today was the deadline to sign up for the review, and I had to drive my application and check downtown. This is consistent with all of my law school applications so far--I didn't even start on my law school application until two weeks before it was due, and I had to drive it over to the school on the deadline day. Not only that, but the office was closed and I had to slide it under the office door. But I still got my acceptance letter about two weeks later!

Hard to believe--I will be taking the ethics part of the bar exam on August 10. I had the ethics course my first year in law school and found it easy. The ethics rules for lawyers are straightforward and simple, but the applications of the rules can be a little tricky. I will study my arse off for this test for the next several weeks (at the expense of my housework and sleep, I am sure). More on this later.


Tammy Faye--oh my. She was on Larry King tonight, and she is in the last stages of lung cancer. It is hard to look at what cancer does to the body. I am not comfortable at all with how it makes a body wither away. It is very frightening. I really look forward to the day they cure the big C in all of its variations. I think Tammy was as guilty as her former husband in bilking fans of the PTL club, and I wonder if that is not why she keeps appearing on TV and making more serious religious statements--to try to atone for some of that.

I used to watch the PTL Club --Tammy and Jim Bakker's show--out of desperation for entertainment back in the days before Nashville had cable. Yes, Nashville was sort of late in the cable game--we had cable in PA back when I was a child--and when we moved to Nashville were shocked that the city had no cable TV. (Of course now it has anything you could possibly want in the cable realm and has for some time.)

I used to do freelance proofreading and had to stay up late finishing the manuscripts. I would proofread at my kitchen table with a little TV on it, and have PTL on to keep me company because there was nothing else on to watch. It was so obviously a sham that it was funny. I got hooked watching it, waiting to see what other hilarious stuff they would pull. During the hour show, there was only about 10 minutes worth of anything religious, the rest was all a plea for donations and shots of their warehouse. Then back at work the next day, another man and I would have a recap of the previous night's silliness. We would have fun talking about it, but always felt bad that so many people were obviously taking their show seriously and sending them a lot of money that they couldn't afford.

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