Saturday, July 14, 2007

Touching Base With the Old Office

I had dinner last night with my best friend from my old editing office. I can't believe it has taken this long to get together. But because of my law school and his hectic schedule, we couldn't seem to get together until now.

I loved working there. The work was exciting and meaningful to me and I loved the people. Well, most of them. I did have a co-coworker that I wouldn't trust in a fox hole, and I did not like my last boss who came to work there about a year before I left. But other than that, it was great. We were like a big family. I was lucky.

The toxic boss is very confrontational and self centered. A number of us have left, and she has only replaced a couple of us, leaving everyone else in a real pickle about their workload. I feel so bad for them about this. I am afraid one by one all of them will face real burnout about their extreme work overload. The problem is, the job is good enough that you don't just want to leave for any but a real good reason. So, they will stick it out until something better comes along, or she leaves, whichever comes first. I hope it is the latter. From what he says, the higher-ups are starting to catch onto her. Thank goodness, but as always, it seems like it takes too long for people to figure it out.

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