Monday, July 9, 2007

Road Review--Contracts

I drove home to Nashville today, listening this time to contracts tapes. It was a good review--hearing things I hadn't heard since first year law school. I really think torts is more interesting than contracts, but contracts will be more applicable to my job at the business. (Although I can see some problems of negligence creeping into my responsibilities as well.) The problem with both subjects--torts and contracts--is that they are taught first year, when everyone is freaked out by law school and worried about flunking out (At my school, they still flunk people out.). You are freaking out so much, you lose a lot of the subject matter, so it is good to go back over it. It seems so much easier a few years later. I was reminded about LACC, and a lot of good other mnemonics. Next, I need to review property, criminal law, and civil procedure!

Driving through Knoxville, I stopped for an early dinner at Sam and Andy's. Anyone who went to the University of Tennessee is very familiar with their famous delis. They used to have several restaurants near campus, but now I think just have the one restaurant in West Knoxville. It is a real treat indeed and takes my back to my undergraduate days there.

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