Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Need To Go On A Diet Fast!
I really need to lose weight. I have not gotten on the stick yet to do anything about it. Not only am I going on a cruise in January, and I need to look halfway decent, but I need to lose weight to attract men better. Now, no lectures please. I know that when I am thinner, men find me more attractive. There is no doubt about that, so don't try to tell me otherwise. A friend of mine is sending me a diet and I might try a diet pill, maybe Fastin or something.
Want To Go To Florida!
Ok, I was in Florida not long ago, for a lovely week long vacation in Destin. Nothing beats Destin for its beautiful white sand and clear water. And I will be in Tampa briefly after the first of the year when I fly in to board my cruise ship. I haven't been there in a while, so that will be nice to see that city. It is so neat! But I can't get enough of Florida or the beach. I have been to Disney and Epcot, but that was so long ago, I really need to go on one of those orlando vacations and see what is new at Disney. I haven't even been to Universal yet. Can't believe it. Vacation here I come!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
My Christmas Shopping Is Done!
I finished up my Christmas shopping last night, and that is a good feeling! I havent added up the expenses yet, but I don't think I spent too much. That is a nice feeling too. I am meeting someone tonight from online datin (hope there is a connection!) and then I am going home to wrap presents. Tomorrow, someone at work will help me make a box for the toys I am sending my nephew. He will have to use a box cutter to make the box fit right. Maybe combine two boxes together. I need to get those gifts in the mail by Friday. I will decorate my tree this weekend. I am a little on the late side--but that is OK.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
No Worry Vacations
My parents are fans of all inclusive vacations and have gone on many, ranging from Spain to France to Mexico to Italy and Turkey. They love them, because they pay for the trip, and everything is taken care of. The flight, the hotel, the food, and the side trips. They get to travel with people similar in age and interests. They don't have to worry about anything. Of course, they are not cheap, but they don't mind paying the price to not have to worry about anything. I hope they take me on one someday!
The Kind Of Law I Want To Practice
I am not practicing law full time, even though I have taken a few clients on the side. But it hasn't been much. Where do I want to go from here? Boy, the world is wide open. The areas I am interested in are juvenile guardian ad litem, employment law, social security disability, and libel, slander, and defamation. Those are the areas that hold my interest. I might also be interested in probate. Criminal--now sure. I doubt it, but then sometimes I think that it would be fun. Like flying by the seat of your pants. I'm just glad I have the law degree--it has given me a lot of new options.
I Love Lost!
My favorite TV show now is Lost. I never watched it on regular TV, because it was on during a bad night while I was in law school. I got on the ABC website a few weeks ago and discovered that you can watching their shows online. So I have been catching up on the past seasons. I am now midway through season three. I have two and a half seasons to go before the show starts its final season in January. I love the show--it is so creative. If I were stranded on an island, I would want to be stranded with such an interesting group. In addition to just trying to survive, they do fun things like create a golf course, and just a few shows ago they built a ping pong table and found a ball. Hugo played Sawyer and won. Because he lost, Sawyer could not call anyone by a nickname for a week.
My Cat Poops In The Bathtub!
I hate to be so blunt, but it is true! Luckily I have two bathtubs, and it is not the one I use. I started out with a regular litterbox, but she would fling the litter around on the floor so much, I got one of the hooded varieties. That prevented the flinging, but that is when she started poopin in the tub! I googled this phenomenon and found out that this is not that unusual--that some cats do do this (no pun intended) all of their lives. I hope she is not one of them. After several weeks of this icky behavior, I went back to one of the regular litterboxes again. She is now flinging the litter, but hopefully there will be no more poop in the tub. Thank goodness she is cute and otherwise sweet.
Where To Go On Vacation?
I have two friends I may travel with in the next year. And they both like the beach, so we might check into some North Carolina beaches and myrtle beach vacation rentals. I haven't been to Myrtle Beach in a long time! I used to go there a lot when I was in college, but now the beach closest to me is Destin. But I wouldn't mind going back to N.C. I also hear Wrightsville Beach is nice.
Don't Want To Get Paranoid
But I haven't heard from new guy on match today or yesterday. We had a long conversation the other day. It was great! Found out we used to work at the same big company. We haven't met yet, so don't know that the chemistry is there. I think he is a little on the hefty side, so that may be a negative. So am I, but I am going to get in shape. Hope he is too. But, that is jumping the gun. He knew my mother was going to have surgery, and he didn't write to see how it turned out???? Don't want to get paranoid, but don't you think he would write to ask how she is? If he was interested in me? Don't get paranoid......
Buying Jewelry For Christmas Presents
I love jewelry, but I don't wear it very often. I went to an art sale a few months ago, and bought a very nice ring there for about $30. It looks much more expensive. I wear it everyday and love it! You would call it Contemporary Jewelry. I like it so much, I am going to try to go to some other places where the jewelry maker will be showing her items. I may buy a similar ring for my niece and maybe a bracelet for a friend of mine.
Making A Christmas Wish List
If I were making a Christmas wish list, it would contain a lot of electronics. Like a new computer, plasma TV, Wii, all the bells and whistles, lcd monitor, Iphone, games, and movies. Plus all the apperati that goes with everything. Well, it doesn't hurt to dream does it? I can't even get my DVD player hooked up correctly, so I probably don't really need any new gadgets right now.
I'm An Email Hoarder
I have been watching the show Hoarders, and yes it is disgusting. I do feel sorry for the people who find themselves in those situations. My mother is super clean, and she does not hoard, so I did not grow up in that situation. I am not a collector, but sometimes I don't clean and throw out as well as I should. Especially when I was in law school and studying for the bar exam. Woowee! But I am getting better. But where I really hoard is in my inbox. I thought about just starting over with a new email account, and then I thought, no. I am just going to handle it. I am doing a search on obvious words, and it is easier to clean out that way. I have already deleted about 7,000 emails! And I am going to continue on.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Don't Overlook Life Insurance
I am one of the few people in life who may not need a lot of life insurance. I am a NMNK, or never married, no kids. So at least as of right now, I don't need to pay for any kids' college or leave a spouse in a certain financial situation. But I know plenty of people who do need life insurance, and lots of it. And you never know when my situation may change. I need to check the life insurance rate for my age and the amount of benefit I would want. As with many things in life, with life insurance it may be better to be safe than sorry.
Credit Insurance And Extended Warranties
Some people scoff at credit insurance and extended warranties. I would not take out insurance for every debt I have, but mortgage life insurance would be valuable. Especially in this climate when people are losing their homes hand over fist. What if you were to die, and your spouse or beneficiaries couldn't pay the mortgage and consequently lost the home?
I have an extended warranty on my car, and I am so glad. It has paid for itself time and again in just three short years. I wouldn't be without it, for sure. I understand the views of those against it--that rather than paying for the warranty or such, just save up money to pay in cash when a problem arises. But how many people can save up thousands of dollars to pay for repairs?
I have an extended warranty on my car, and I am so glad. It has paid for itself time and again in just three short years. I wouldn't be without it, for sure. I understand the views of those against it--that rather than paying for the warranty or such, just save up money to pay in cash when a problem arises. But how many people can save up thousands of dollars to pay for repairs?
Have I Met The One?
Oh, come on. I am smarter than to say something like that. I have met someone online. Okay, I know that is not meeting them in person yet. But one can dream, right? He is nice looking and educated. Seems to have ambition, yet laid back. He says he is easy going. Have I found my laid-back executive I am seeking? Only time will tell. Watch this space.
Need To Update My Blogs
I attended a blogging conference, and it was great. Good to be around like minds. I am a word person, and I miss not working with other word people. So, the conference enabled me to be around a lot of word people for a change. And of course some techies were thrown in as well. I learned a lot of valuable info, not the least of which was how to submit your blog to a web directory or too. I need to do some updates to my blogs, but there is never enough time. Ya know? But I will do it soon.
Finding The Perfect Skin Cream
One thing I have been avid about is keeping my face looking young. Even during law school and bar study, I made taking care of my skin a priority. And I am so glad. I look at some of my friends' faces and they have a lot of cheek wrinkles. These are people both my age and younger than me! Everyday I use sunscreen and face wrinkle cream. I gently suggested to my friends' a number of years ago the value of using sunscreen and other preventive products, and they had a million excuses why they didn't want to use them. Well, the proof is in the treatment jar!
It Is So Nice To Spend Some Time At Home
I am spending this afternoon (Friday after Thanksgiving) at home, catching up on my housework and, of course, my blog writing! I got my nails done this morning (both mani and pedi) and have come home. I have been doing laundry and cleaned out one cupboard. I really need to go to the post office before it closes. I feel so happy doing all of this. My life is so hectic and crazy, just a nice day like this renews my energy.
Looking After My Doggy Stoopot
My doggy Stoopot is strong and lively, but he is getting older. Not that you would know that by looking at him. He is lean and sleek and runs like the wind. Everyone comments on how fast he is at the dog park. Makes me proud! But, since he is getting older, I do want to start paying attention to what I need to do for him. Maybe I should change his diet or give him pet supplements just to make sure he is getting what he needs as he gets older. I will go into the pet store sometime soon and start looking to see what there is for older pets.
My New TV Favorites
Now that I am not studying for the bar exam now (yay!) I am rediscovering TV. I am not one of those insufferable snobs who say they never turn on their set. I don't believe them for a second anyway. Just trying to impress everyone, and they don't fool anyone! Anyway--here are my current fav shows. Madmen for sure. What a gem! And I have just discovered The Prisoner, also on AMC. The show is a little confusing, but I guess it is supposed to be. Comcast is also featuring the original version of the show until 11/30. I hope I get to watch at least a few of the episodes before they take it down. I also love Lost, but I am having to watch the prior shows on the computer. The new season starts in January, and I still have 2 1/2 seasons to watch before then.
I really think it is a great show. It appeals to my sense of adventure.
I really think it is a great show. It appeals to my sense of adventure.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Need New Sandals For My Cruise
I have signed up for my cruise again last year and I am so excited! I really shouldn't spend the money--I had to take the funds out of my paltry savings--but hey, I am wacky and couldn't say no! I bought some nice cruisewear for last year, which I can take again, and I don't need to buy too many more clothes. I could use some cute sandals and found some Naot sandals online and thought I might go and try some on. I need something cute and stylish for my trip.
Getting My House Back In Order
I have been getting my house back in order, literally, little by little, and boy does it feel good! Cleaning out cupboards and closets, and throwing stuff out and giving it away. It is starting to look livable again and cozy like it used to. Before law school and the bar exam! I want to get it to a place where it is easy and quick to maintain it every week!
The Geico Ads Are Cute
I haven't looked around for new car insurance in a while, and maybe I should do that soon. I think I pay way too much, and I bet I could find some good insurance a lot cheaper. I think the Geico ads are cute (at least some of them) and I have heard it is really good insurance. But I have also heard that you have to have a really good driving record to get that insurance. I had that bad wreck about 3 years ago (my fault), even though I did not get a ticket for it. But I still caused the damage. So I am not sure I would qualify yet. Maybe in a couple of years I could. But I just hate to keep shelling out all that money for something I could probably get cheaper.
Attended Transitional CLE
I attended a CLE a few weeks ago that is geared toward the new law graduate. Some of the sessions were more useful than others. It talked a lot about ethics, which is good, except all of us have been pretty welled versed in lawyer ethics by now. One thing I did find useful is that it talked about how to start and end a relationship with a client, and even had some sample letters in the handout. That is useful, as I would need to know how to do that, and having sample forms or letters seems to be worth its weight in gold!
Friday, November 20, 2009
I Need A New TV
I am blessed, or cursed, with one of those old TVs that won't quit. It is actually quite good--it has never had to be worked on, and it keeps on and on, like the energizer bunny. I am thankful for that, because I once had a TV that conked out way too early. But it old enough that I can't even hook up a DVD player, without a bunch of rigamaroll. I bought something at Best Buy that did't work and am going to go back this weekend to get something else. I need a new TV, especially for my bedroom, so I think I will check out tvs sometime soon. Hope I can get a bargain. I don't need to spend a lot of money now, but do need an updated TV. I watch it so much and love movies that it only makes sense.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Feeling Better But Not Bathing Suit Ready Yet
I felt really good about myself the other day--I was walking up a hill, and I didn't even get out of breath. Didn't have to stop. A few years back, that wouldn't have been a problem. In the pre-law school days. But law school and the bar exam played havoc with my eating and physique.
I have been more active lately. Actually have gone to the gym a few times! It doesn't seem to take long to start getting back in shape. Actually a little bit of work can get you back into fine working order in no time.
But now looks are a different thing. It takes more work to look good, to be bathing suit ready. I am going to take another cruise in January, and I am determined to look better than I did in my photos from last year. I am going to try to figure out what the top diet pill and see if that helps. I need to cut my appetite. But I also want to take something that is safe. I'm doing better, but I need to ramp it up more. January will be here in no time.
I have been more active lately. Actually have gone to the gym a few times! It doesn't seem to take long to start getting back in shape. Actually a little bit of work can get you back into fine working order in no time.
But now looks are a different thing. It takes more work to look good, to be bathing suit ready. I am going to take another cruise in January, and I am determined to look better than I did in my photos from last year. I am going to try to figure out what the top diet pill and see if that helps. I need to cut my appetite. But I also want to take something that is safe. I'm doing better, but I need to ramp it up more. January will be here in no time.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
What Is Wrong With Ifreelance.com?
Over the past week, I have had a lot of trouble signing onto ifreelance.com. Sometimes I can log on, but mostly it comes back saying the link is broken. This is on top of getting a message from ifreelance.com saying my bank declined my monthly membership, when my bank says they did nothing of the sort. Does anyone know what is going on? I would love to find out what is wrong. Please share if you know. Thanks!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Personal Injury Law--Mesothelioma
As I sit here wondering what direction to take my career in--stay where I am, go back to editing full time, or go for the law career--I want to think carefully about what to do. My overriding reason for going to law school was to be able to help myself and others. Help in the form of not letting people take advantage, knowing rights, understanding how to navigate the legal arena, and how to get relief. One of the most helpful and satisfying things I could do is help people get the money they deserve for injuries they have received. Mesothelioma is such an area. The stories are so sad. People don't even know they have mesothelioma for 20 to 40 years after exposure to asbestos--that is how long the latency period is. I don't know if there are actual mesothelioma laws or not, but I am going to research that. People who want a good settlement need to choose a mesothelioma law firm that specializes in that area. I love editing and can continue that on a freelance basis, but I thinking I am answering my own question. I need to go into the law where I can help people who can't help themselves.
Good News About Health Reform
I was thrilled to find out yesterday that the House passed the dems health reform bill. Good news indeed. We are on the first step towards finding a cure for our ailing health care industry. Hard to believe the people who are against it. Many of them are people who would be prevented from health insurance if they were to lose their jobs and could really use the reformed version. Can they see this? No. But not unusual for repubs and conservatives. Mental giants they are not.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Working Out With Kettleworx Kettlebell
I am tired tonight, but it is a good kind of tired. The kind of tired you get after a good workout. I have been working out with a Kettlebell for a few weeks, and it has been great. It is this cute little 5 pound, yellow kettlebell (they come in different weights and colors) that you hold in your hands and use in various exercises. It is better than using canned goods or weighted balls for exercise, because it has a handle, enabling you to do more things with it.
The workout program I have comes with a kettlebell, an introductory CD and six DVDs that are entitled Introduction, Fast Fat Burn, Fast Abs, Cardio, Core, and Resistance. I have not done every single workout on every single DVD yet but I have done enough to be impressed. The workouts start with a warm up, then the workout, and then a cool down. I am bad about doing warmups and cooldowns, so I am glad they are included to remind me to do them.
I have seen some improvement in my body in the short time I have been using the kettlebell. I am so flabby in my midsection, a workout geared towards abs and core is perfect for me. I have been using the treadmill at the gym, but combining that exercise with the kettlebell is doing the trick. You only need to do three 20 minute workouts a week with the kettlebell to see results, so that is good too. As busy as I am , that is about all I can devote to it. And the whole program only lasts six weeks, so I should be in great shape in no time. It is good to feel my body in motion again, and getting in shape, and the kettlebell will be a big part of my success.
-----------------------------------------Paid Review----------------------------------------
I have seen some improvement in my body in the short time I have been using the kettlebell. I am so flabby in my midsection, a workout geared towards abs and core is perfect for me. I have been using the treadmill at the gym, but combining that exercise with the kettlebell is doing the trick. You only need to do three 20 minute workouts a week with the kettlebell to see results, so that is good too. As busy as I am , that is about all I can devote to it. And the whole program only lasts six weeks, so I should be in great shape in no time. It is good to feel my body in motion again, and getting in shape, and the kettlebell will be a big part of my success.
-----------------------------------------Paid Review----------------------------------------
At A Career Crossroads
Here I sit with a background in writing and editing, a law degree, and in a job that is not working out. What to do? The boss will not move forward, and in fact will not listen to me. He has threatened to fire me if I disagree with him. What lame is that? Another valuable coworker has been dissed by him and feels unappreciated as well. I came to this company with a plan and a promise to take over. That doesn't look like it is happening. Does he even care how much I gave up to come there. Of course not! Maybe there is not much confusion after all.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Getting My Law Life Organized
Not only am I trying to get my personal life organized, I am trying to get my new legal life organized. I have taken on a couple of clients, mainly for wills. Yes, I am nervous about doing this, but also energized. I am a lawyer! Those words sound awfully nice. I will be writing a first draft of a will soon and need to get a rubber stamp that says "draft" that I can use to stamp in red ink on the pages. I also need to get some other office supplies. Right now, I don't need anything really fancy. Mainly just extra time to figure out what I need to get started down this new road!
It's Important To Get In Shape
Getting back in shape is one of the top things on my mnd right now. Going to law school was bad for my waistline. Too many times I was stressed and eating junk as comfort food. And I had no time to exercise. Not only do I not look as good, I am worried about my health. I'm fine now, but what about down the road. I don't want to develop heart disease or any of the other diseases connected with being overweight. I have joined the YMCA, and have gone a few times. I need to step that up. In the last two weeks, I have been very good about my eating, and also eating less at night. I think I have shrunk my stomach somewaht. But I might need are some diet pills to help start me off on this process. Right now my hunger is out of control, but next week it might come back full force.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Can't Wait To Get Thin Again
I am not meant to be a fat person. I am small boned, and extra weight looks terrible on me. Some people gain weight, but don't look so bad, because their faces remain thin. Not me. As a roommate once told me, every ounce I gain shows up in my face. Great. As a thin person, I am kind of a babe. As an overweight person, I become invisible. I have been invisible for quite a while, and I am sick of it. I have lost a little weight lately, and I am excited. Some friends have told me about weight loss pills they are taking and like, so I might give them a try. I just don't want another year to pass where I feel like a fattie.
Anxious To Install New Security System
I used to have a security system, but I let it lapse. I was always setting off the alarm by accident and chancing getting penalties for doing so. Then the batteries died, and the whole system went haywire. It was going off with nonstop shrieking sirens. Enough, I had them snip the wires. Couldn't stand it. However, now I am thinking I should get another alarm system, maybe one of those wireless alarms. I fell asleep on the sofa not long ago, and woke up at 5 a.m. when I heard a knock on the door. My blood went cold. I live in an urban area, and I do not want people knocking on my door at 5 a.m.
Why Does It Take So Long To Get Rid Of Bad Bosses?
I heard some good news the other day. My hateful and narcissistic boss from my previous job has gotten the boot. Oh joy! I haven't worked there in a while but I am celebrating as if I did. She brought so much pain to so many people. No people skills, confrontational, sneaky, rude. And those are just her good traits. I am glad she is gone, and my former coworkers are thrilled. But why does it always take so long to get rid of a bad middle manager? Karma usually sets in, which is a good thing. But unfortunately there are casualties along the way.
Ponds Improve The Landscape
A friend of mine built a pond in her backyard, and she kept me filled in on how she did it. She told me what pond supplies she bought, where she located it on her property, how she built it, and what fish she put in. She has huge goldfish! I haven't seen the pond yet, but it sounds lovely. I think any water, even a little pond, creates a lovely and serene landscape. Add a little waterfall in, and wala! Tranquility scape! A quick and easy way to relax.
Bar Exam Result Blues
Today the bar exam results were released for our state. I am happy for my friends who passed, but sad for the ones who didn't. I am a member of the second time around club myself, so I know it is not the end of the world. Sometimes for whatever reason, you need a second go at it. I am a better person for it. But it is still not fun to not see your name on the list. So public and all!
What you have to do is assess where you went wrong the first time and fix that first. Then go back and study the other things. But make sure you plug up the holes from the first try first. That will put you way ahead in your studying.
What you have to do is assess where you went wrong the first time and fix that first. Then go back and study the other things. But make sure you plug up the holes from the first try first. That will put you way ahead in your studying.
Maybe I Am Losing A Little Weight??
It is sad when you are not sure whether you are losing weight or not. My bet is I am--I have not been eating big bowls of ice cream or fast food for the last two weeks. And that has to have an effect, doesn't it? I need to research and see what are the best weight loss supplements. I need to curb my hunger. I may be doing okay this week, but what about next week? I need to keep the munchies at bay.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Rackmounts--Configured Systems
I have been thinking about computer systems and just heard about something called a rackmount. There are some explanations on the internet about what they are and how to use them. At my previous place of employment, we used such a system and I know other workplaces do so as well. Check out the website and see what you think.
Let It Snowe, Let It Snowe, Let It Snowe
I am so happy that Snowe, a republican, voted yes for the health reform plan. She is my new hero. And she is Greek-American! Even better. Wonder if she could be the new republican candidate? I don't know much about her, but I really like what I have seen.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Buying A Bathing Suit: A Woman's Nightmare
I am on a late season beach trip in Florida and decided to buy a bathing suit on sale. Aaack! That was a nightmare! I ran down to one of the many places that sell suits to take advantage of the discounts. I had to ignore the racks of bikinis and headed for the one piece suits. I found onet hat is sort of OK on me, but it wasn't without pain. I definitely need a fat burner. Soon.
I Bought Malpractice Insurance: I Must Be A Lawyer
Yes, it is true. I have bought a malpractice insurance policy, so I must be a real lawyer. I am still working at my regular job, so I just bought a part-time policy. I was so pleased to see that there is such a thing. It makes the premium much more affordable. With this policy, you can't make more than $35,000 from the practice of law (no problem for me anytime soon), and you can't take securities, personal injury, or intellectual property cases. Again, not a problem for me, at least right now. Having this policy makes me feel so much more secure.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Disclosure Policy
This blog accepts assignments for compensation. Each individual post may not always indicate that it is a paid post. This blog may also accept paid assignments that are in conflict with each other. Despite the paid compensation, the owner of this blog will strive to be honest with the readers and only recommend a product or service if the blogger has actually used the product or service and thinks it is good. If I recommend a product or service, and get paid for that recommendation, I will indicate in that individual post that it is a paid review. Other paid posts may be neutral in character. If you want more detailed information on a product or service highlighted in my blog, contact the manufacturer, retailer, or provider directly.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Smoking Cigars
I have never smoked a cigar myself but know people who do. One of my law school buddies gets together with some of his friends once in a while and drinks bourbon and smokes cigars. When I was studying for the bar exam, I would camp myself at a coffee shop, which had a cigar store next door. I would see men come and go all day to that store, but some would stay and sit around in a circle and smoke. Looked like a real powwow! The store sold at least one kind of discount cigar if not more. To me it looks like cigar smoking is one of those things you savor.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Killed For Blogging
It is amazing what those of us in the U.S. take for granted. Like this blog--I can slap down any old post (even though I hope at least some of my posts are informative and entertaining) and not think twice about it. I wouldn't get in trouble unless I defame someone, and even then that might be hard for someone to prove damages. But in other countries--those in the Middle East for example--the penalties for posting a negative or critical blog can be much higher. You may pay with prison time or your life.
I attended a blog meeting, where someone was talking about what it takes to be a blogging activist in the Middle East. First, it takes courage. Second, it takes smarts. Third, it takes networking to find people to help you with it. Fourth, it takes other people to share their stories. Something as simple as being able to set up a blogging platform quickly can help save a life. Check out mideastyouth.com/projects to see some amazing stories.
I attended a blog meeting, where someone was talking about what it takes to be a blogging activist in the Middle East. First, it takes courage. Second, it takes smarts. Third, it takes networking to find people to help you with it. Fourth, it takes other people to share their stories. Something as simple as being able to set up a blogging platform quickly can help save a life. Check out mideastyouth.com/projects to see some amazing stories.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Kettlebell-A New Workout
In keeping with my desire to get back in shape and look better, I will soon start working out with the "Kettlebell". I don't know everything about it yet, but am anxious to try it. It will be handy, because it is a small workout tool, and you can not only use it at home but take it on the road with you as well. I think I have lost a teeny weeny bit of weight since the bar exam, but it is nothing to get excited about. I want to look more attractive and be healthier, so I need to get on the stick and lose weight and work out. I think the kettlebell will definitely help. I also need to eat smaller portions. That is a must.
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---------------------------------------Paid Review---------------------------------------------
Skateboard Jockeys
I have to laugh when people talk about skateboards and skateboarders. A number of years ago, people would talk with derision about skateboarders, because they were always skateboarding where they shouldn't, tearing up pavement, getting hurt, and crowding the sidewalks. I would chuckle and tell them that I had a skateboard when I was kid, but it was a little different then; I was the first generation of skateboarders. I was so timid and bad. I would put one foot on, then push with my other and roll about 5-6 feet. That was the extent of my ability. I'd tell them that it isn't the fact that someone has a skateboard that is bad; it is how the skateboarder uses it. Now a days, you don't hear so much complaining about skateboarders. That may be because they now have their own special places to skateboard--skateboard parks and other areas that are outfitted with skaetboard ramps and such. It must be fun to be able to manipulate the skateboard and do all of those tricks. I'll never know!
A Week At The Beach With Chick Flicks
I am so stoked! In two weeks, I will be going to the beach with two friends. We are going to eat, drink lots of wine, swim, walk, do whatever we want, including watch chick flicks. At the beach condo, we will have a DVD player, but we will also have several laptops. I have been watching a lot of streaming TV on my laptop recently, and wondered if video cards are what enable that. Being able to watch video on a computer is helpful, as you are not always by your TV. It is good to know where to buy computer parts like video cards in case you need them. I know that if I suddenly couldn't watch video on my computer I would want to get it fixed pronto. We'll be covered for video at the beach, I am sure. Can't wait!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Teen Skin Problems
I spent Labor Day weekend with my niece and was reminded how it is to be a teen with problem skin. Her face isn't very broken out, but of course she thinks it looks terrible. I think most teens in the world would like to have her skin, but she agonizes over it. Every tiny pimple is a Mount Everest to her. She is on a mission to figure out what is the best acne treatment. She and her parents were talking about what has worked so far and what hasn't. She hasn't been very happy with the treatments she has done so far, so I hope she can find one she likes.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Making My Skin Look Better
I have to admit that my face looks pretty good. Not to boast, but people consider me pretty. And I am aging well: I probably look 5-10 years younger than I am. That is because I have spent a lot of time constantly looking for the best wrinkle cream. I also have used spf on my face religiously. What I have not paid so much attention to are my arms. The skin on my arms does not look as good. For years, I have forgotten to use spf on my arms and I have sun damage. I gave gotten a new product to use, and I am going to make sure I use spf on my arms everyday. Plus I need to drink more water. Much more water! Maybe soon my arms will once again look as good as my fact does.
Dreading That 800 Call?
Like most people, sometimes I dread making the 800 phone call. Whether it is to talk to customer service at a credit card company, or my cable company, or my mutual fund company, and particularly my computer company, I have to really think about it, because I am afraid it is going to be a real time suck. I don't know how many times I have called to talk about why I can't connect to my wifi in my own house, and I am still on the phone hours later. Who has that kind of time? Fortunately, there are companies out there focusing on call center services. That is good news, because I don't have time to spend as much time as I have in the past on call centers calls, and I certainly don't have time to get annoyed by it.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Going To A Mini High School Reunion Tonight; Hope I Don't Feel Frumpy
I have a mini-reunion to go to tonight, and I hope I don't feel frumpy. I may, because I sort of look frumpy. I wonder if everyone else will be buff and toned. My luck. But maybe not. I do look better than I did just a couple of weeks ago. I guess because I have started on a small exercise routine, and I have cut down my eating. Except last night when I went through Wendy's. What can I say? I dropped by the law school, and there is an automatic path from the law school to the nearby Wendy's. My car just goes from one place to another on automatic. I want to ask a pharmacist what are the best diet pills. I feel like a pharmacist would give me the honest lowd0wn.
Mesothelioma Is A Deadly Disease
Mesothelioma is the cancer that develops in the lungs from exposure to asbestos. You don't hear as much about asbestos as much as you used to, but you do hear about those with mesothelioma as a result of having being exposed to asbestos. Some researchers think even a single strand of asbestos can trigger asbestos, which is a frightening thought. It is a terrible disease; there is no cure and the outlook for one with mesothelioma is poor. But there are clinical trials going on, and it seems as if people who are treated at a hospital with a clinical trial fare better. With clinnical trials going on, you know the treatment and survival rates will only get better.
Missed Out On Outer Banks Vacation
When I was in college, I had the chance to go to the beach. My family had rented one of those Outer Banks rentals.. I had stayed up at college for summer school, but I had a ride: I had asked a friend to go, and she agreed. She was going to drive her car, and we were going to meet my parents there. Then on the morning we were supposed to leave, my friend called and said she couldn't go. I was so disappointed! But I didn't let it show. I didn't have another way to get there, so I missed out on the Outer Banks. I have always heard how nice it was. Maybe I will get there one day!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Thinking About Buying A House In My Old Hometown
I may be crazy for thinking this, but I have a dream to buy a house in my old hometown. It wouldn't be my primary home, because I wouldn't live there full time. It would be like a toy, a vacation home. Anyone in my family could also use it. Houses in that town are beautiful and inexpensive. I love them. I would love to have one. But who am I kidding? I really need to buy a house in the town I really live in. But they are expensive, out of my reach. But I live here. I want both: a house here and a house there. I need to get working so I can afford both. If I bought one in the other town, I would have to hire long distance movers because it is pretty far away. I could buy cheaper furniture here, I am sure, and then move it. A good dream, even if maybe unattainable, at least for now.
Losing Weight The Safe And Easy Way
As I mentioned in my earlier post, I need to lose weight. I have been remiss in not doing so. I am much more attractive when I am thinner. I don't need to be too thin, just thinner. Not Madonna-arm thin, just in shape. And healthy. Stopping eating loads of ice cream might help. But how to cut my sweet tooth? And all of my other cravings? That is why I would like to find a product that cuts my appetite and maybe revs up my metabolism too. I am going to check out ultra 90 reviews. I'm hearing from a lot of guys from my past, and they would remember me as cute. If they saw me right now, I don't think they would think I was cute. I definitely need to get in shape so I get some looks again.
Losing Weight: Continuing Saga
I still need to lose weight. I am making a little headway--I am exercising more and cutting down on food some. Still not as much as I need to do. I really need to find a product that will help cut down my appetite. I have thought of trying some ephedra products. I think some are being reworked some, but I think you can still find some on ebay. I may just wait until the new version comes out and give it a whirl. I want to be buff and in shape, and I need some help! I am going to the beach this fall, and I definitely don't want to be embarrassed in a bathing suit.
Visiting Mickey Mouse
I have taken a number of orlando vacations in the past, but don't have plans to go back in the near future. Some of my friends, who had never been to Disneyworld before, just went on a vacation there. I haven't talked with them yet about how it was, but I know they were very excited about going. There is so much to do down there, and their children were very excited about it. I used to go a lot as a child, because my grandparents lived in the area. I have gone once as an adult, and it was still fun. I haven't been to Universal, so that may be a good trip for me for the future.
Getting Insurance Quotes
I am in the process of getting free insurance quotes for two kinds of insurance: disability income and lawyer's malpractice. I used to have disability insurance, but don't have it any longer, and I have felt very vulnerable without it. I also need lawyer malpractice insurance. Since I will only be practicing part time, I only need a part-time policy. I have done some research and come up with the plans I think I want. I will have to work the cost into my budget, which is always tight, but the plans are necessary, at least I think so, and reasonable.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Getting My First Cases
Suddenly, I feel more like a lawyer. In the last couple of weeks, I have been approached by people to take a couple of cases. I got my first disability case, which is good, because disability is something I might really like to do on down the road. The wife of someone I work with has been denied her benefits, and I am helping her with the appeal. And then a friend recommended me to do someone's will. I am a little nervous about the will, as my wills class seems like a long time ago. But at least two people have said they would help me with this. I am impressed with how lawyers help each other. It has gotten me thinking about keeping my options open for taking cases. Would I take a personal injury case? Previously, I thought not, but maybe if someone approached me about it I would. Until I get up to speed though they would need to choose from one of the many Tennessee injury lawyers to handle their case.
Friday, July 31, 2009
More Cleaning---Going Through My Jewelry Box
As part of my remedial condo maintenance, I am going through every nook and cranny and straightening and decluttering. My next target: My jewelry box. I have all kinds of jewelry in there--from junk to good. It will be a trip down memory lane to see some of the jewelry in there from my childhood. It will bring back good memories of my grandparents. One thing I don't have much of is pearl jewelry. I used to have some pearl earrings, and I hope they are still in the box. I would like to get a real pearl necklace. They are so simple yet elegant. Very Audrey Hepburn like.
Marketing My Blog
Like all good writers and editors, I want people to see my work. That is why I add my blog to as many web site directories as possible. When it is included in web site directories, more people will find it when they search for topics related to my blog. The more people who find my blog and read it, the more traffic is driven to my website, and then voila! More good things happen--all from the fact that I included my blog in a web site directory. Not only that, but I love to peruse web site directories for information and topics of interest to me.
Skin Problems
In recent years, I have been working at keeping wrinkles at bay. Sunscreen is a must for me, and I have developed a like for hydroderm. It makes my skin look good! In contrast, my niece is worried about acne and is trying all of the top acne treatments. Her skin is not that bad, but it bothers her, so I hope she finds a product that she likes. We are women, at different stages of our lives, but both worried about how our skin looks. And we're both a little vain. Well, more than a little. But that is OK.
Straightening Out My Condo
I finally have time now to clean my condo and declutter. I took six big garbage bags to Goodwill. That felt good! I have been sorting out my piles of junk mail, and have gotten it down from foru piles to one. Progress! I need to get new blinds put up and fix my closet shelves. I also need to clean out my cupboards soon. And then I need to fix a couple of patches in my hall, and go looking for some discount light fixtures. I also need a new dinette set. A new dishwasher, new toilet.....soon I will be in great shape!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
It's Time To Get Serious About Losing Weight
I have quit eating so much junk food, although I have not totally cut it out. But I am eating a lt less. And I have yet to get into a regular exercise routine. (Even though I have been doing some. Just not enough.) So I guess I am going to have to research to try to figure out what are the best diet supplements. I need to really find something that will cut my appetite in about half. I eat so much! I want to meet guys, and really no one is going to be interested in me, the way I look now. But lose 25-30 pounds, and watch out world1
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Online MBA Programs
It is funny how different disciplines are geared to different types of instruction. You would never want to get a law degree online, but business and MBA degrees, and other degrees like teaching degrees are perfectly fine to get online. I swore up and down I would never get another degree after my law degree, but I could see myself getting an MBA at some point. It would be very helpful to me in my present business career, and a law degree and MBA combination can be dynamite.
I would be interested in getting an MBA online. Not only is that format respectable in the business world, schools have refined the degrees to the point that you can be sure of getting excellent instruction. Of course, not all schools are equivalent. One school that looks very good is
the University of Scranton. Not only am I biased about this in the fact that I used to be from Pennsylvania, but I have discovered that the program is the only 100 percent online AACSB accredited MBA program. It also received at top 15 ranking from the Princeton Review, not an easy task, I assure you. The fact that it is entirely online is priceless--you don't have to worry about access to campus to complete the requirements. They also offer a specialization in health care management--what better time to have a degree like that than now?
I would be interested in getting an MBA online. Not only is that format respectable in the business world, schools have refined the degrees to the point that you can be sure of getting excellent instruction. Of course, not all schools are equivalent. One school that looks very good is
the University of Scranton. Not only am I biased about this in the fact that I used to be from Pennsylvania, but I have discovered that the program is the only 100 percent online AACSB accredited MBA program. It also received at top 15 ranking from the Princeton Review, not an easy task, I assure you. The fact that it is entirely online is priceless--you don't have to worry about access to campus to complete the requirements. They also offer a specialization in health care management--what better time to have a degree like that than now?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Jerone Barrett Guilty of Second Degree Murder In Marcia Trimble Case
Jermone Barrett was found guilty of second degree murder this morning in the death of Marcia Trimble 34 years ago. He was sentenced to 44 years in prison. This may be surprising and disappointing to some who think he should have been found guilty of first degree murder. But it may be that it is a compromise sentence in the fact that the proof in this case was not iron clad and a little fuzzy. The case was determined under 1975 law. The jury also determined his sentence, instead of the judge, because that was also the law in 1975.
At the press conference immediately after the verdict was read, Tom Thurman, the prosecutor, said he was happy with the second degree verdict. He said the point is to make sure that Barrett was put away for life, and he will be, considering both this verdict and his first degree verdict from the Sarah Des Prez case. He did add that we will probably never know the answers to the unanswered questions--who were the two people in the nearby driveway that had been seen? Who was the other child that had been seen? Why was the body in the neighbhor's garage not discovered for 33 years?
Thurman also said they could not verify that Barrett had been working at the time at the Geddes Douglas nursery, which used to be located in the Trimble neighborhood. He did say that the nursery had employed people on parole before, so Barrett could have been one of those. But there is no way to establish that fact. People had wondered why Barrett might be in that neighborhood, and one theory had been that he had worked at the nursery.
Virginia Trimble at the press conference said she is content with what happened today. "We got the truth, at least part of the truth," she said. She mentioned that the presence of the investigators and the neighborhood support in the early days was of great comfort to her family. (She mentioned at the press conference that someone had complained that she had not written thank you notes to people who brought food to her house back in 1975. What kind of jackass would complain about that? OK, on a TV call-in show, it was that the comment made was not made in criticism of the Trimbles. That is good.) She said the hardest part during the trial was when she was handed the blouse that Marcia had worn the day she went missing, wrapped in plastic. She was visibly upset on the stand. "That is the first time I had seen that blouse in 34 years," she said. "She should have been standing there wearing it." She gave Capt. Mickey Miller of the police force a framed painting that Marcia had done in appreciation of his work and help on the case. She also said she would like to talk with Barrett to find out why he did the crime and to fill in the missipng pieces. Trimble married former Tennessean reporter Frank Ritter two years ago.
The question is, is this case really closed?
At the press conference immediately after the verdict was read, Tom Thurman, the prosecutor, said he was happy with the second degree verdict. He said the point is to make sure that Barrett was put away for life, and he will be, considering both this verdict and his first degree verdict from the Sarah Des Prez case. He did add that we will probably never know the answers to the unanswered questions--who were the two people in the nearby driveway that had been seen? Who was the other child that had been seen? Why was the body in the neighbhor's garage not discovered for 33 years?
Thurman also said they could not verify that Barrett had been working at the time at the Geddes Douglas nursery, which used to be located in the Trimble neighborhood. He did say that the nursery had employed people on parole before, so Barrett could have been one of those. But there is no way to establish that fact. People had wondered why Barrett might be in that neighborhood, and one theory had been that he had worked at the nursery.
Virginia Trimble at the press conference said she is content with what happened today. "We got the truth, at least part of the truth," she said. She mentioned that the presence of the investigators and the neighborhood support in the early days was of great comfort to her family. (She mentioned at the press conference that someone had complained that she had not written thank you notes to people who brought food to her house back in 1975. What kind of jackass would complain about that? OK, on a TV call-in show, it was that the comment made was not made in criticism of the Trimbles. That is good.) She said the hardest part during the trial was when she was handed the blouse that Marcia had worn the day she went missing, wrapped in plastic. She was visibly upset on the stand. "That is the first time I had seen that blouse in 34 years," she said. "She should have been standing there wearing it." She gave Capt. Mickey Miller of the police force a framed painting that Marcia had done in appreciation of his work and help on the case. She also said she would like to talk with Barrett to find out why he did the crime and to fill in the missipng pieces. Trimble married former Tennessean reporter Frank Ritter two years ago.
The question is, is this case really closed?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Closing Arugments In Trimble Case
Closing arguments came sooner than I had expected. The defense claims that there is pressure to nail the murder on Barrett. Some of the main points in the excellent closing argument by the defense included that two people seen in a nearby driveway at the time of Marcia's disappearance have never been identified. That the police informants are unreliable witnesses. That the DNA testing wasn't as accurate as should have been. That all of the evidence cannot be reconciled.
The prosecution in an equally excellent closing argument said the livor mortis, or pooling of the blood, in Marcia's body showed that she was not moved after she was killed. That the police recruits just didn't find her in the garage, even though they all claimed they searched the garage. That despite some inconsistencies, it was Jerome Barrett's semen in Marcia's blouse. And that it is science, not an eyewitness, who has told us who killed Marcia Trimble.
Jury instructions will be given this afternoon. If the jury thinks that Barrett did commit the murder, they probably will not deliberate long.
The prosecution in an equally excellent closing argument said the livor mortis, or pooling of the blood, in Marcia's body showed that she was not moved after she was killed. That the police recruits just didn't find her in the garage, even though they all claimed they searched the garage. That despite some inconsistencies, it was Jerome Barrett's semen in Marcia's blouse. And that it is science, not an eyewitness, who has told us who killed Marcia Trimble.
Jury instructions will be given this afternoon. If the jury thinks that Barrett did commit the murder, they probably will not deliberate long.
Testimony In The Trimble Case
Unfortunately, I have only been able to watch a portion of this fascinating case. But here are a few thoughts about the portions I have seen. Marcia Trimble's mother, Virginia, testified first about the last time she saw her 9-year-old daughter. It was hard to watch as the brave Virginia fought back tears as she handled the blouse that Marcia wore on the day she went missing. She was very sharp on the stand, and I think everyone's heart went out to her.
A lot of DNA evidence was presented. Fascinating stuff, but I only got to see portions of it, and I am hoping the local TV stations will put up links for us to see this in entirety.
Through the years, a big question has been how did Marcia's body go unnoticed in the Thorpe garage for 33 days? Hard to believe that would happen. They have had a string of police recruits, who helped search the garage, testify on the stand. None of them saw the body in that garage. Now 34 years later, they are having to stand by their word that they found nothing. The DA seems to be making a case that they did a sloppy job of looking and that they had to fill out reports and diagrams later to cover the police department's butt. But they say that is not true. Also unfortuately, a couple of the police recruits later were terminated from their jobs at the police department for issues of truthfulness (lying on the job, etc.) which could amount to their being impeached as witnesses. (Isn't it fun having a law degree and know this stuff??)
But seriously folks--not to find a body for 33 days? Not even by someone else in the neighborhood? This has always been one of the strangest parts of the case.
Jerome Barrett waived his right to testify, which is certainly understandable.
A lot of DNA evidence was presented. Fascinating stuff, but I only got to see portions of it, and I am hoping the local TV stations will put up links for us to see this in entirety.
Through the years, a big question has been how did Marcia's body go unnoticed in the Thorpe garage for 33 days? Hard to believe that would happen. They have had a string of police recruits, who helped search the garage, testify on the stand. None of them saw the body in that garage. Now 34 years later, they are having to stand by their word that they found nothing. The DA seems to be making a case that they did a sloppy job of looking and that they had to fill out reports and diagrams later to cover the police department's butt. But they say that is not true. Also unfortuately, a couple of the police recruits later were terminated from their jobs at the police department for issues of truthfulness (lying on the job, etc.) which could amount to their being impeached as witnesses. (Isn't it fun having a law degree and know this stuff??)
But seriously folks--not to find a body for 33 days? Not even by someone else in the neighborhood? This has always been one of the strangest parts of the case.
Jerome Barrett waived his right to testify, which is certainly understandable.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Leads Are Important In Every Field
In this economy, sales are important and hard to come by. Everyone is pulling back and not spending money like usual. So sales leads are even more precious than before. In my previous job, I spent a lot of time with the marketing group and got a real appreciation for marketing. and how to go about it. Everyone needs to market themselves. Doctors need to market themselves, insurors need insurance marketing, and even lawyers need to market themselves and can in fact do so today. It is the only way to get your name out there and let people know what you can do.
I Wish I Had A Porch Or A Patio!
As I mentioned in my previous post, my condo doesn't have a lot of amenities, including a porch or patio. But I sure wish I did. I would love to sit on a porch or a patio and read a book or drink a drink and relax. My neighborhood has a lot of nice, old restored homes that have luscious porches. I love the new porch style furniture on many of those porches. Or a patio would be nice too. My parents have one of the new patio furniture sets that are featured in many stores now. Patio or porch--I just wish I had one of them!
My Condo Building Is Finally Getting Spruced Up
My condo building is small, with only 10 units. We don't have a pool, tennis courts, or even a yard, so we can only charge so much in monthly fees. The problem is our building is aging and we have been needing some repairs. We are doing our best, but our reserves have dried up because of some odd, out of the blue repairs in the last couple of years. We didn't even have the money to clean the building, but fortunately one of our owners borrowed one of the pressure washers belonging to one of his friends, and he cleaned the building himself. We are so grateful! We have now painted the building and are looking toward our next project. So hopefully, nothing else out of the blue will happen.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
My Kitties Need Some Stuff, But What?
I have the two most beautiful and sweet kitties--shalpoo and scarpoo. They are almost a year old, but are still acting like kitties. They are good for the most part--until they run through the house at all hours chasing each other and jumping up and down on the high furniture. Sounds like a basketball bouncing when they hit the floor. My downstairs neighbors must love that. But they are sweet, and I need to get them some new toys. I am going to the pet store tonight. Maybe I can pick out some cat supplies and toys that will keep them occupied and happy.
Demystifying Barcodes
I never really understood how barcodes worked before. Not that I really do now, not the technical aspect of it. But for one of my projects at work, I have to make barcode cover sheets, and it is very easy. We also make some barcodes for some of our products. We can do some work with barcodes, but not all. I know that people with POS systems may have more understanding of how to work with barcodes. We may have to get one of those systems. All I know is that the mystery has been lifted a little bit for me!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
AEDs Can Make The Difference During A Heart Attack
Last month my aunt had a heart attack. It came out of the blue. She had been suffering from another illness, but was getting better everyday. Everyone was excited at her progress. Then, one night when getting ready for bed, she had cardiac arrest. Her husband, who is elderly, could not help her. Her heart was revived, but it was too late. She had been deprived of oxygen for too long. At my former workplace, we had a Philips AED for such emergencies. I think everyone should have some kind of AED. It would have made the difference for my aunt and for many other people in similar situations.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Jury Selection Started Today In Marcia Trimble Case
Marcia Trimble
It was a big news day today for Nashville, as jury selection started in the trial of Jerome Barrett, accused of killing Marcia Trimble, Nashville's most notorious cold case. In an unusual twist, Barrett requested that the jury come from Davidson County. Usually, defendant's want a jury from outside the venue because of potential bias from news coverage. Not sure why he did that, but it has been speculated that the jury can be culled from young people and new people to Nashville, who do not have a memory of this horrific crime.Sarah Des Prez
Both of these cases had Nashville holding its breath. How could such violent crimes occur here?It has been said that Nashville lost its innocence over the Trimble murder, and people never felt safe in the same way again.
But also, how could these crimes go unsolved for so long? Sarah was murdered near Vanderbilt campus, where she was a student. Nine-year-old Marcia was killed in her suburban neighborhood as she set out to deliver girl scout cookies. The murders occurred about three weeks apart. Never did people connect the two and think the same person could have committed both. For most of the time, it was thought a neighborhood kid had killed Marcia.
But as it turns out, Barrett had worked at Geddes Douglas nursery, which was then located near Marcia's home. That makes it more probable he committed that murder.
I personally had some ties to both victims through school/church/neighborhood. And I know of many families who were turned upset down when their sons were questioned in the case.
After all these years, on the eve of the trial, there doesn't seem to be as much fanfair about the trial as one would have thought. But then DNA has linked Barrett to the Trimble case. And maybe Nashville is already at peace with the knowledge of who committed the murder.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Lawyer Has Too Many Student Debts To Practice
The article below would have sent shivers down my spine last year when I was facing the character and fitness review for law practice. I too have a lot of debt and have missed payments in the past. The difference for me is that I don't have near the amount of debt that Mr. Bowman does, and I have been making payments, albeit some late ones, over the years. And I am now caught up and am on payment arrangements. I was admitted to the practice of law. Should Bowman have been admitted? There seems to be a split feeling among readers, but the panel of appellate judges who reviewed his character and fitness application said no.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Law Decks: Great Way To Master The Bar Exam
In the race to study and pass the bar exam, there are a number of decisions you have to make. Do you take the test in July or February? Do you take one or more bar reviews? What other bar exam study aids do you buy? How much money can you spend?
The problem is you want to have enough and the right study materials. But if you get too many, you can get overloaded and unable to use them all. One of the best study aids I found for the bar exam is Law Decks flashcards. It is a set of 800 cards color coded to the six MBE subjects.
I thought the flashcards were so good because the questions are very much like the BarBri questions. But the answers are shorter and sweeter and more to point, thus easier to commit to memory. When you are studying for the bar exam, efficiency is the goal, and the cards allowed me to increase my question speed too. I marked the ones I missed and then reviewed those again in the days right before the exam. I think Law Decks is one of the reasons I passed the exam. And the very reasonable price is great too.
---------------------------Paid Review-----------------------------------------------------
The problem is you want to have enough and the right study materials. But if you get too many, you can get overloaded and unable to use them all. One of the best study aids I found for the bar exam is Law Decks flashcards. It is a set of 800 cards color coded to the six MBE subjects.
I thought the flashcards were so good because the questions are very much like the BarBri questions. But the answers are shorter and sweeter and more to point, thus easier to commit to memory. When you are studying for the bar exam, efficiency is the goal, and the cards allowed me to increase my question speed too. I marked the ones I missed and then reviewed those again in the days right before the exam. I think Law Decks is one of the reasons I passed the exam. And the very reasonable price is great too.
---------------------------Paid Review-----------------------------------------------------
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I'm Sworn In and Licensed--Ready To Go!
It's official--I'm a lawyer now. I got my temporary license in April, was sworn in a few weeks ago, and now I am a real attorney. Do I feel like a real attorney? I have to admit--no. I am not sure why. Maybe I am still shell shocked from learning that I passed the bar. Maybe I am still exhausted from almost five years of no sleep. Maybe because I am still in business and not working in a law firm with other attorneys. Am I thrilled? Absolutely. I am proud of my accomplishment and would do it again in a split second. As much as I wanted to go to law school and as much as I went through to get to the finish line, I know it was the right thing for me to do.
BarBri Ipod The Way To Go For Those At A Distance
My law school pulls in students from all over the state and a neighboring state. I am amazed at the dedication they have to drive great distances to and from class over a four or more year period. Usually they only drive to school a couple of days a week, so when it comes to bar review, it is a different story. Bar review is held everyday for about six weeks, and no one wants to drive that much. So, the BarBri ipod is a good alternative for them.
I did not use the ipod, since I live a stone's throw from school, but some of my friends did. They really liked it. Not only did they not have to drive an hour or more everyday, they could listen to the lectures at their leisure. The only problem is you have to be self motivated and get the ipod out of the box! But the beauty is you can listen to the lectures over and over.
I did not use the ipod, since I live a stone's throw from school, but some of my friends did. They really liked it. Not only did they not have to drive an hour or more everyday, they could listen to the lectures at their leisure. The only problem is you have to be self motivated and get the ipod out of the box! But the beauty is you can listen to the lectures over and over.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Euna Lee and Laura Ling: A Horrifying Story
I have been reading updates about the two detained U.S. journalists in North Korea--Euna Lee and Laura Ling--and I feel devastated. I have never met either one of them, but my heart is torn as a fellow human being and journalist. It's always bad to be arrested in another country, but this 12-year prison sentence has to be brutal. The sentence calls for hard labor. Looking on the internet, I found some information that hard labor can include working until starvation or humiliating nudity. What a nightmare. Let's work hard to bring them home. And I have heard that Current TV is working behind the scene on this. Let's hope so.
Update: I just read an article by the Christian Science Monitor, dated June 11, 2009. In that article, it was mentioned that the two women would probably not be held in a "gulag," despited the reference to hard labor. But that their existence there would still be "awful," and they would get little to eat.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Has David Letterman Had His "Imus" Moment?
When Don Imus made his disparaging remarks about the Rutgers womens basketball team, people rightly turned him off. Calling them nappy headed hos was not only ridiculous, it was appalling. What was hard to understand is why he said it. He had been in the broadcasting business for eons and should know how far, and no further, he should go. The recent incident with David Letterman joking about Sarah Palin's daughter getting knocked up by A-Rod has somewhat of a similar feel. In this case, most of the feel comes from Palin's reaction to his comments than the comments themselves. Palin said Letterman was talking about her 14-year-old daughter; he says he was talking about her 18-year-old daughter Bristol who had been pregnant out of wedlock. Looking at the TV clip, you couldn't tell if it was Willow or Bristol--they look so much alike. Part of the difference is that Letterman's comments were truly funny, whereas Imus' feel way short. Imus' comments were not funny but came off as the error of a nonthinking, careless man. Imus was directly saying something derogatory about the girls on the team; whereas Letterman was not saying anything derogatory about the Palin girl herself. So no, I don't think this is Letterman's Imus' moment. But Palin appears poised to milk it for all it is worth. The problem is she is still inarticulate and will not gain much by this.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Arrghh I Hate The Way I Look
The bad part about being overweight and out of shape is how I look in photos. Photos last forever, so they need to be darn good. And my photos lately--of my graduation, my swearing in, etc.--are just terrible. Just dog terrible. Not the kind of thing you want to see in perpetuity. I have yet to talk to my pharmacist or doctor about diet pills. I want to soon--I just need to cut down my eating and work out. I have taken a walk after work the last two nights. A good start. But I need to do much more.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I Need To Listen To Music Again--What Do I Buy?
I really need to get rid of my stereo. The one I was so proud to buy about 10 years ago. Or was it 12 years ago? The one that still plays CDs well, but all of the cassette tape buttons are jammed. Which is a shame, because I still have a lot of great cassettes that I never replaced with CDs. The only time I used my stereo during law school was when I popped in a study tape or CD on some subject like remedies, evidence, criminal law or contracts. Listening to music became a foreign idea. But now my studying is behind me, or at least that kind of studying, and I need and want to listen to music again. The music in me. So I went to look at electronics the other night, almost fearfully, not sure what there is even to buy these days. I knew ipods were an option, but what else is out there now? Much to my relief, there are still some tabletop stereo systems and even some bonafide boomboxes. Yippee! Not that I don't want an ipod, but for right now I may still go with a tabletop version.
Now On Facebook
I have taken my social networks to the next level--I have joined Facebook. I have been on LinkedIn, and friends have been after me to get on FB. But with school and the bar exam, there was no time. So far, I really like it. It could be a time suck though, so I have to be careful. After all, I need time for my blogging, and I need to do more of that too. Too much internet, too little time. One annoying thing though--FB has already given me a warning for adding too many people as friends too soon. Whaaa???? They said this can be abusive. I guess they are talking about spamming people. But when you belong to a million groups like I do, you can a lot of friends very quickly. Record time actually. Ticks me off. I read in their help section where a lot of other people are mad about this too. Some people have actually been blocked from adding others and they are not told how long the block lasts. Not a good way to run customer service, for sure.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Colon Cleanser: Another Way To Lose Weight
I am anxious to lose weight, but I have not considered a colon cleanser yet. A colon cleanser helps you lose weight by clearing out the junk in your intestines, and it rids you of toxins and other impurities. I am sure it is worthwhile--the mother of a friend of mine died from colon cancer, and my friend now has been using a colon cleanser for some time. She likes it, and I value her opinion. I have heard the stories about what people store in their colons, and to be honest, it is pretty yucky. I don't know if I will actually do this or not, but it is worth considering.
Rubber Stamp Art
I just visited the Andy Warhol museum, and I am truly amazed at his creative ability. Of course I had seen his art before on TV and in print, but seeing it in person is so much better. A lot of people claim they don't like his stuff, or that he is not really an artist, but there is nothing further from the truth. He came from an illustration and graphic art background, and that is the basis of his art. Because of my publication background, I particularly like it. I don't think he used custom rubber stamps in his art, but I could see getting some neat stamps and creating art by stamping things all over a box or a canvas. It is amazing how being around a creative person or a creative person's work can bring out the creativity in you.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Gotta Get In Shape!
I am slowly get my life back after law school and taking and passing the bar exam. I have been doing some intensive spring cleaning--clearing out clothes from 10-15 years ago that I forgot I have. Books I didn't want to read when I bought them. And shoes that I will never wear again. It is making me feel great. Now I need to get in shape. I have been reading some liporexall reviews. Maybe I can use some fat burners!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What Stays In Vegas....
It has been years since I have been to Vegas. I was just there once, and had a very good time. Stayed at Circus Circus and won enough money off a dime slot machine in my hotel to pay for my whole trip. To me, that was big! A lot has changed since I have been there. I am a boring gambler, but there is plenty to do there besides gamble. They have added a lot of Vegas hotels since I have been there. I would really like to go to the Jimmy Buffett restaurant. Vegas is also a good starting point for a vacation out west. Do what we did: stay for a few days in Vegas and then rent a car to go to the Grand Canyon or Santa Fe. Can't beat the Painted Desert.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Work Smart To End Career On Good Note
It is always sad to me when I hear about someone who ends up retiring on a bad note or who has been pushed out of the workplace. You think that after someone has worked for 30+ years, particularly at one company, it would be a time of celebration of hard work and loyalty. But too many times, you hear about such people leaving under a cloud of some sort. I know two such people right now.
Granted, I am not privy to their workplaces or the conversations and interactions that go on there, and I have only heard their side of the stories.
But from what I can gather, neither of these people have "worked smart." There are a number of ways you can work smart, but I am going to mention two that might apply to these situations.
One of them is a woman in her 70s, who has fabulous credentials and has worked hard all of her life. Young acting and thinking, you would think she is 10 years younger. But she is under a cloud right now and for all practical purposes is being targeted and forced out. What does it sound like to me? After talking with her and others who work in that department, it sounds as if some impressions were made about her early on when there was a change of leadership at the top. A rumor had gotten around that she was adverse to change, something all too simple to put at the head of an older person, but that is not the case. But she did not work smart to directly change that impression. I think she should have talked to the higher ups about this impression early and told them that it was not correct and then reinforce that through her actions. She did not see the need to do this at the time and is now struggling to turn things around when it may be too late. A bad early impression is really hard to change.
The second friend is a good 20 years younger, a man in his 50s. His problem is work overload. He is very behind in his work, which is time sensitive. His higher up has targeted him for this and written him up, the first step towards a termination. I think he should have tried to figure out a way to get his work down faster, or ask for help. Again, I am not in his shoes and have only heard his side of the story. But one thing I know is that today you have to work smarter. Even before this bad economy, you had to learn to work not only smarter but faster. I don't mean cutting corners but figuring out how to be more efficient. In my previous job, I had to do that. I had to figure out how to manage editing a magazine and all that entails faster at a time when my job suddenly was laden down with a lot more meetings. Somehow I was able to do that. But you have to be aware you have to do it and then actually work at doing it. I think too many people don't see the need to change the way they work or don't know how to change. Awareness of the need is the first step.
Granted, I am not privy to their workplaces or the conversations and interactions that go on there, and I have only heard their side of the stories.
But from what I can gather, neither of these people have "worked smart." There are a number of ways you can work smart, but I am going to mention two that might apply to these situations.
One of them is a woman in her 70s, who has fabulous credentials and has worked hard all of her life. Young acting and thinking, you would think she is 10 years younger. But she is under a cloud right now and for all practical purposes is being targeted and forced out. What does it sound like to me? After talking with her and others who work in that department, it sounds as if some impressions were made about her early on when there was a change of leadership at the top. A rumor had gotten around that she was adverse to change, something all too simple to put at the head of an older person, but that is not the case. But she did not work smart to directly change that impression. I think she should have talked to the higher ups about this impression early and told them that it was not correct and then reinforce that through her actions. She did not see the need to do this at the time and is now struggling to turn things around when it may be too late. A bad early impression is really hard to change.
The second friend is a good 20 years younger, a man in his 50s. His problem is work overload. He is very behind in his work, which is time sensitive. His higher up has targeted him for this and written him up, the first step towards a termination. I think he should have tried to figure out a way to get his work down faster, or ask for help. Again, I am not in his shoes and have only heard his side of the story. But one thing I know is that today you have to work smarter. Even before this bad economy, you had to learn to work not only smarter but faster. I don't mean cutting corners but figuring out how to be more efficient. In my previous job, I had to do that. I had to figure out how to manage editing a magazine and all that entails faster at a time when my job suddenly was laden down with a lot more meetings. Somehow I was able to do that. But you have to be aware you have to do it and then actually work at doing it. I think too many people don't see the need to change the way they work or don't know how to change. Awareness of the need is the first step.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Area Rugs May Be My Solution
Right now I am so uptight about the woman who owns the condo below me. She has been complaining about one thing after another. Her tenants claimed there was too much noise from my condo above--barking dog, could hear animal running around, TV on too load. Yadda, yadda, yadda. OK, so maybe I was a little lax. I started keeping the barking collar on my dog all the time. Hate to do that, but I guess I have too. I have kept the TV lower. Can't help the dog walking around. I have hardwood floors, so maybe area rugs would help muffle the sound. Or is it my two kittens chasing after each other that they are hearing? I am doing the best I can. I don't want any more complaints from her. I have talked with the tenants, and they say it is much better, so that is OK for me.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tot Mom's Lawyer Jose Baez Apparently Had Trouble With Character And Fitness
First of all--does anyone not know who the Tot Mom is?
I admit it--I watch Nancy Grace, and she coined that phrase. It is not that good of a phrase, because it makes it sound like the the mom is a tot, not that the mom is the mom of a tot.
But semantics aside, most of us know that the Tot Mom is Casey Anthony, who is accused of murdering her daughter Caylee.
Her lawyer is Jose Baez, who seems to have a perpetual smirk on his face. What is up with that?
I heard on Grace's show that Baez had had trouble with his character and fitness interview in Florida. Of course, my ears perk up, as I had my character and fitness interview not that long ago.
The Orlando Sentinel ran a great article about this issue. It said that when a case comes up in the supreme court about character and fitness, they don't use the defendant's name bu the initials. The initials of the defendant were JAB, the same as Baez's. The article points out the similarities between JAB and Baez, down to the letter. It is pretty obvious it is Baez.
The article said Baez had trouble because he had a bankruptcy, had defaulted on a student loan and had a lot of debt. That he was behind on child support and had omitted mentioning on his application about writing a bad check and going into a pretrial diversion program because of it.
That is some serious stuff. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to practice law for 8 years after graduating because of it. Eventually he proved that he had rehabilited himself and was admitted to the Florida bar.
A lot of us in school were worried about our character and fitness interviews. I was worried because of my debt. But I have never defaulted on a loan or done anything like he did. As a matter of fact, I have not heard of anyone else being denied to the point that he had been denied. He is rehabilitated, and that is good. But my classmates and I had nothing to worry about in regards to our interviews.
I admit it--I watch Nancy Grace, and she coined that phrase. It is not that good of a phrase, because it makes it sound like the the mom is a tot, not that the mom is the mom of a tot.
But semantics aside, most of us know that the Tot Mom is Casey Anthony, who is accused of murdering her daughter Caylee.
Her lawyer is Jose Baez, who seems to have a perpetual smirk on his face. What is up with that?
I heard on Grace's show that Baez had had trouble with his character and fitness interview in Florida. Of course, my ears perk up, as I had my character and fitness interview not that long ago.
The Orlando Sentinel ran a great article about this issue. It said that when a case comes up in the supreme court about character and fitness, they don't use the defendant's name bu the initials. The initials of the defendant were JAB, the same as Baez's. The article points out the similarities between JAB and Baez, down to the letter. It is pretty obvious it is Baez.
The article said Baez had trouble because he had a bankruptcy, had defaulted on a student loan and had a lot of debt. That he was behind on child support and had omitted mentioning on his application about writing a bad check and going into a pretrial diversion program because of it.
That is some serious stuff. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to practice law for 8 years after graduating because of it. Eventually he proved that he had rehabilited himself and was admitted to the Florida bar.
A lot of us in school were worried about our character and fitness interviews. I was worried because of my debt. But I have never defaulted on a loan or done anything like he did. As a matter of fact, I have not heard of anyone else being denied to the point that he had been denied. He is rehabilitated, and that is good. But my classmates and I had nothing to worry about in regards to our interviews.
I Have My BPR Number--Now What????
I am feeling more like a lawyer now. I got my BPR number, the number assigned to you by the Board of Professional Responsibility. I am still not quite the real deal--I have to be sworn in before the state supreme court. But for all practical purposes I am an attorney now. Still hard for me to believe. When will it hit me for real?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
I Have My Temporary Law License--Now What????
I hit another milestone--I received my temporary law license, embossed and everything. That will last me until I get my real license, sometime after I am sworn in. Last week, I also went to get my PBR number from the Board of Professional Responsibility.
This is all very exciting, but it hasn't sunk in yet. It probably won't until I am sworn in. I think I am a little scared--after all I am a real lawyer now, and what if someone expects something from me I can't deliver? I am trying not to worry about that. I tell myself to relish the moment, and I will learn things as I need to.
This is all very exciting, but it hasn't sunk in yet. It probably won't until I am sworn in. I think I am a little scared--after all I am a real lawyer now, and what if someone expects something from me I can't deliver? I am trying not to worry about that. I tell myself to relish the moment, and I will learn things as I need to.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Buy A Net, Save A Life, April 25 On World Malaria Day
You've heard of malaria, but do you know how easy it is to prevent it? Probably not. Tomorrow is World Malaria Day. Skip a lunch, or a couple of coffees, or a movie and instead spend $10 to send a mosquito net to Africa. I heard a presentation recently on Nothing But Nets (the program that Ashton Kusher is talking about, and Exxon is advertising on TV) and it is amazing. Ten dollars buys a treated mosquito net that you put over bed to prevent being bitten by a malaria-carrying mosquito while you are sleeping. Buy one--you'll sleep better if you do.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Top Ten Reasons It Is Good To Have Passed The Bar Exam
10. I can spend energy on cleaning my condo again.
9. I can get a makeover.
8. I can exercise.
7. I can diet.
6. I can go to Starbucks and read a newspaper or a novel rather than law outlines
5. I can save money. And I can walk right by the aisles in the stores that sell highlighters and wired index cards and not feel that I have to stock up.
4. I can travel more.
3. I can now feel like a real lawyer.
2. I can spend time with friends and on hobbies that I enjoy. I can rediscover who I am.
1. I can finally get rid of the pile of BarBri and PMBR study guides in my living room!
9. I can get a makeover.
8. I can exercise.
7. I can diet.
6. I can go to Starbucks and read a newspaper or a novel rather than law outlines
5. I can save money. And I can walk right by the aisles in the stores that sell highlighters and wired index cards and not feel that I have to stock up.
4. I can travel more.
3. I can now feel like a real lawyer.
2. I can spend time with friends and on hobbies that I enjoy. I can rediscover who I am.
1. I can finally get rid of the pile of BarBri and PMBR study guides in my living room!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Fender Bender At A Stoplight
I was stopped at a stoplight last weekend, and a man rear-ended me. Luckily, there was a policeman right behind him, so the blue lights came on right away. That was nice, because sometimes you have to wait so long for a policeman to arrive. He wrote down all of our information and gave it to each of us. I'm worried though, because a week has passed, and I have not been contacted by the other man. I finally called him this morning, and I think I woke him up. I asked him how he wanted to handle this. He said he had to talk to his dad, and he would call me back. Is he being truthful? I hope I don't have to turn my own auto insurance on him. Regardless, after this fiasco is over, I might try to get some free auto insurance quotes. I am sure I can find a better deal on insurance than what I have now.
Wish I Had A Dog-Friendly Yard
Wish I had a dog-friendly yard. I wish I had any yard at all. But I wish I had a big house with a big yard with a big fence all around that yard. That way, I could open my back door and let my dog out, and he could run around to his heart's content without me taking him out on a leash. That would warm my heart and his too. So, I hope I passed the bar exam and and I can start making the big bucks. If I did, maybe I could get a fence installed and make everyone's life easier!
Dying To Get In Shape
If I needed anymore evidence of how out of shape I am, I got it tonight. I put together my mini trampoline and started jumping in front of the TV. After only 15 minutes, I stopped, thinking surely to goodness I had already done 30 minutes. I used to jump on the mini trampoline for an hour or more with little discomfort. And tonight I could barely do 15 minutes. Hangs head in shame. Why did I not do at least 15 minutes everyday for the last year? Shakes head in disbelief. Well, as they say, today is the first day of the rest of my life. Tomorrow, I will strive to do at least 30 minutes on an elliptical, and at least 15 minutes of some kind of exercise everyday.
Bar Exam Results Angst
It is now less than 36 hours until I find out if I passed the bar exam. I was feeling very positive about it until last week when I had a dream that I did not pass. That shook me to my core. I am trying not to conclude that that means I failed. Maybe it was just to inject some reality into me that I shouldn't be so sure about it. Or maybe it just means that deep down I am more nervous about it than I realized. Or who knows? All I know is that I want to see my name on the success list. And I haven't even prepared myself for the possibility that it may not be up there. I feel that I did so much better this time than I did in July that I can't imagine not passing. But that scares me too. This time if I don't pass, I think it will take a greater toll on me.
Stemulite: Key to Fitness
As I enter the downhill phase of my law study (hopefully), I need to turn my attention to getting back into shape. And into health. I am healthy and not sick, but if I don't change my ways soon I may not be for long. Too little sleep, too much junk food, no exercise. I have to learn to be a grownup again and take care of myself. I have been thinking of trying out some appetite suppressants or diet pills but haven't done anything about it so far. I just heard about Stemulite. I used to be on top of my game physically, and I need to get back up there. Not only will I feel better, but I will look better, and I need that advantage on my side again. I am definitely going to look into this. I studied hard for law school and the bar exam, and now I am ready to work hard at getting myself back in shape.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Slot Cars: A Favorite Childhood Memory
When I was a young child, I loved my extended family. I hung onto them like I knew it could all go away in a second. While it didn't go away in a second, it did go away sooner than I would have ever wanted. When F&&&11stt came into my mother's life, a lot that I loved went away. We moved away, and I missed everyone so much. It was not a good move. But one of my favorite childhood memories involved slot cars. We went to visit my cousin in Wisconsin, and as usual, he was always up on the neatest and latest stuff. Which at that time was slot cars. I was just a litle girl, but I loved it. And I still think of it with fondness. I am going to check out SCX slot cars and see what the current offerings are.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
RVing In The Midnight Sun
My only experience with an RV was unusual. First of all, it didn't go anywhere. I slept in an RV that served as a makeshift hotel room when I was in Anchorage for the Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon. They didn't have enough hotel rooms in Anchorage for all the runners/walkers, so they set up rv parks for us. It was a hoot! Our group arrived in Anchorage in the middle of the night, and we got a quick lecture on how to use an RV. huh????? Like we were really going to follow and understand how to turn on the hot water heater and such when we were so hog tired after being on a plane for more than 8 hours.
My roommate was coming in on an even later flight, if you can believe that. As I started to get ready for bed, I thought I should take the elevated bed, since it would be easier for her to use the regular bed when she came in later. I climbed up there, and it was so tiny and narrow, it had to be a child's bed, I thought. I tried to sleep but the whole time was worried I would roll off. She came in a little while later and turned on the light and started laughing. You have never been in an RV before have you? she asked. I said, how did you know? That bed folds out, she laughed.
My roommate was coming in on an even later flight, if you can believe that. As I started to get ready for bed, I thought I should take the elevated bed, since it would be easier for her to use the regular bed when she came in later. I climbed up there, and it was so tiny and narrow, it had to be a child's bed, I thought. I tried to sleep but the whole time was worried I would roll off. She came in a little while later and turned on the light and started laughing. You have never been in an RV before have you? she asked. I said, how did you know? That bed folds out, she laughed.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Problem Supervisors
I got together with a colleague from my old job the other day and found out that the problem supervisor is still there. This had been a wonderful job and office--I had been there for years and loved every minute of it. Except for the moments when I had a problem supervisor. There were two such periods out of my long tenure. The good news is that my great supervisors were there longer than the bad ones.
This is a wonderful and well respected organization. It's biggest problem, as I see it, is how they appoint supervisors. Too often they give someone a supervisory job who is terrible at that kind of work. Often they either don't know the work itself well enough, or they are bad at managing people. My last supervisor is both.
I am sorry that she is still there. I would have thought she would have left, and not of her own will, shortly after I left. She doesn't understand what the office does, she only has periferal experience, and she is terribly confrontational. Why discuss something something rationally, when you can throw something at someone instead?
The good news that I did hear from my former colleague is that her superiors have now caught on to her. It's about time. It sounds as if her remaining time there may be limited. It won't be a minute too soon.
This is a wonderful and well respected organization. It's biggest problem, as I see it, is how they appoint supervisors. Too often they give someone a supervisory job who is terrible at that kind of work. Often they either don't know the work itself well enough, or they are bad at managing people. My last supervisor is both.
I am sorry that she is still there. I would have thought she would have left, and not of her own will, shortly after I left. She doesn't understand what the office does, she only has periferal experience, and she is terribly confrontational. Why discuss something something rationally, when you can throw something at someone instead?
The good news that I did hear from my former colleague is that her superiors have now caught on to her. It's about time. It sounds as if her remaining time there may be limited. It won't be a minute too soon.
Monday, April 6, 2009
SD Flash Memory
I still get freaked out by computer problems. Just tonight one of my cats walked across my keyboard, and then I couldn't type a "period." It would type a "greater than" sign instead. Talking about getting upset! I needed to work on my computer, and how could I get anything done without being able to type a period???? Well, luckily, I remembered what I seldom remember, and that is to restart my computer. I don't know how many awful computer problems can be avoidec by just restarting your computer. I ususally don't remember that until I have called many computer techs. And then, oh yes, I could have avoided the whole problem if I had just restarted my computer. One problem I have had in the past is lack of memory. Maybe a sd flash memory would help? I'll have to check into that.
My Grandpa's Work Bench
As a child, I loved to hang around in my grandparents' basement. My grandpa's office was down there. He was a building contractor, and he had his drafting table down there, along with a lot of his tools and supplies. My name was etched all over the inside of the closet door in that basement. That made me proud. I loved the office. Thinking of his office, I think of levelers, knobs, handles, gadgets, and spring plungers, and his other work apparati. I miss my grandpa Pepe very much.
No Moralizing On The Bar Exam
I heard from a friend who heard from a friend who heard from a friend that an unnamed bar exam grader had earlier complained to someone that too many of the test takers had moralized on her test question, rather than just applying the law to the question. When I heard this, my ears immediately perked up. Because I did not moralize on my questions. Yippee! But I suspect that some people may "moralize" on the exam, because they can't cough up the law itself pertaining to the question. And you have to come up with something to write in the bluebook. . But it is no-no, and I am glad I didn't do it.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Playing Like A Lawyer
I am in that sweet spot--or hot spot depending on how you look at it--of having taken the bar exam and not yet knowing if I passed or not. I can sit here and pretend for a couple more weeks until the results are released that I have passed. My gut feeling is that I did pass, but is that dangerous? When I took it last summer, I knew I wasn't prepared well enough and that it would take a miracle for my name to appear on the pass list. And so when my name wasn't on the list, I was disappointed but not devastated. This time around, I feel much better, though not perfect, about it. Some days I actually feel great about it. I would not be surprised if my name were on the list this time. But that can be dangerous, for if my name is not on the list this time, I will have a harder fall. After all, this time I think I really have a chance. I signed up for a free CLE program this afternoon, and I enjoyed it. For a few hours, I could sit in there and dream that I am a real lawyer now. Hope that will be the case.
Character and Fitness Interview
Well, I had my character and fitness interview today. What can I say? It was short and sweet and less painful than I expected. The lawyer assigned to me fussed at me for my traffic tickets, which I hear is par for the course. And he questioned me about my debt. Yes, my debt--my big bugaboo. My debt has been a yoke around my neck for quite a while. I worried when I didn't have my interview last summer. Was it an indication that I didn't pass back then? Possibly. But not sure. All I knew was that I was concerned because others were getting their interview and I wasn't. But this time around it is different. My debt actually is in better shape now. I am caught up on my credit card payments, and I have made payment arrangements with some of the companies. And in this environment, my debt doesn't look so bad. He commented that he hoped I paid off the debt soon, and I said me too! But he seemed satisfied that I had done what I needed to do. Maybe having to wait on the interview was a good thing after all. And is having my interview this time an indication that I passed? Probably not, but it is a good sign in the right direction at any rate.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Needed Repairs Around Home
Now that I am through with the bar exam, I am trying to catch up on my life. One of those things is to get all of the repairs done around home that I have needed to get done. Last week I got my bathroom sink unstopped, and my washing machine fixed. It would wash the clothes but not spin well enough to get the water out of the clothes. I had to run each load through the dryer at least twice. This weekend, I am going to get my kitchen faucet fixed. The hot water spigot won't turn off, so I had to turn the hot water off under the sink. I might actually need to get a new faucet put in. On down the road, I need to get a new sink too. Mine is looking pretty dated. I am going to look at a Kohler sink.
Ridiculous Online Writing Fee
I am a longtime writer who isn't writing so much these days. I love blogging, but I would love to try to make some money online from my writing, so I have checked into some online freelance writing sites. I have not won any assignments so far, so I probably need to amp up my bids. But some of the requests for writers are just ridiculous. Someone was looking for a writer who would rewrite a 1,000 word article for $8. How ridiculous. A writer commented on it saying that fee was ridiculous, and the offeror had the nerve to defend it.
Home Theater Seating
I have gone on a couple of home tours recently, and many of the homes on these tours have a common denominator beyond the fact that they are tremendously fantastic and expensive: They all seem to have home theater seating . The rooms in which the home theaters are contained are often called the "media room. It is all pretty cool: big comfy chairs, cocktail tables, and a big nice theater screen. What fun for a party or just for the family to enjoy. I don't have room for home theater seating in my small condo, but I would love to enjoy myself in someone else's home theater!
Bad Law Career Market
I had dinner tonight with a law school classmate who did pass the bar in July, and she has yet to find a job. Well, she had a part-time job for a while, but it was barely paying her anything. And then she was let go last week. Now she is looking around again. She has a few interviews scheduled, so she is hopeful but not optimistic. Another friend of mine who is a partner in a law firm hasn't gotten a paycheck in almost six months. Another classmate of mine is taking criminal defense appointments and seems to be doing OK. I guess even in these times, criminal defense work is necessary.
Monday, March 23, 2009
My Laptop Is Joined To My Hip
I really have become a laptop addict. Almost the minute I get home, I fire up my laptop. I have been blaming my house looking like crap to being in law school and studying for the bar, but it is really because I am a laptop junkie. When I could be washing dishes or cleaning out cupboards, I am on my laptop instead. Maybe I need an intervention? Between blogging and visiting my forums and checking email and reading news, a few hours fly by. What is a girl to do?
I am on it so much I am afraid I am wearing out my computer. It has gone in for major repairs several times already. I am hoping to wait a while until I buy another computer. But when I do need to buy a new one, I will have to compare computer prices online. I have a toshiba right now. I'd really like to get one of those cute laptop cases that I have seen around. I was on a tear around town trying to find one, and I eventually did find one, but there are a lot more choices online.
I am on it so much I am afraid I am wearing out my computer. It has gone in for major repairs several times already. I am hoping to wait a while until I buy another computer. But when I do need to buy a new one, I will have to compare computer prices online. I have a toshiba right now. I'd really like to get one of those cute laptop cases that I have seen around. I was on a tear around town trying to find one, and I eventually did find one, but there are a lot more choices online.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Microdermabrasion--Good For The Skin
Now that I am finished with law school, and hopefully the bar exam, I want to spend more time on beauty. I really need to get in shape and lose weight. Yesterday! I also need to eat better. And I need to get more sleep. All of which will make me look prettier. I have been pretty good with skincare over the years, wearing sunblock and stuff. One thing I haven't tried is microdermabrasion. I know there are some doctors in Nashville who do it, so I might look into it.
Law License Interview
I received the much anticipated (and dreaded) law license interview letter recently. It was sent from a local attorney who has been assigned to do my interview for the bar examiners. The letter said the interview would be held soon and would last about 30 minutes. I have heard stories about people being grilled at these interviews and also of interviewers recommending that their interviewees not be licensed, at least for a while. Ouch! I hope that is not the case for me. I doubt it would be, but being the worrier I am, it has to cross my mind. I have also heard of a lot of interviews running smoothly. (A better outcome.) The rumor going around (totally unsubstantiated) is that you get the letter if you passed the multi-state portion of the exam. Of course, that may not be the case at all. Do I dare be optimistic? (knocks on wood)
Wii--I Want To Have Fun!
I have yet to play any Wii game, but I am dying to do so. I don't know when I will do that. I won't buy one myself, so I will need to use someone else's. I will probably have to wait until I visit my cousin this summer. Her children have Wii. I want to play. I want to play! I am not much of an athlete, but I might be a better Wii athlete! I will have to look into the system, how much they cost, etc., and what kind of Wii accessories are available.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Natasha Richardson Dead
I didn't follow Natasha Richardson's career much. I didn't even realize she was married to hearthrob (to me at least) Liam Neeson. It is hard to believe that she died from such a small accident. It didn't sound like a big deal at all. How many times have people, including me, hit my head in some fashion. OK, not from skiing, but from a car door, etc. It didn't sound as if she was taking much of a risk. Someone mentoned to me that maybe it was just her "time" to go. As sad as that seems, maybe it is as simple as that.
When You Are Involved In A Motorcycle Accident
The husband of a friend of mine lost his leg in a motorcycle accident many years ago. I knew him for many years before I was aware of what was wrong. I knew he limped but didn't know the reason. I thought he just had arthritis or a knee problem, or something similar. But the reason is because he has a prothesis. He is the first to know the dangers of motorcycles and that if you have an accident, you should look for one of those motorcycle accident attorneys. Such attorneys would have the know-how to succeed in such litigation.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Sad Story About A Busted Boomer
Story just goes to show that this economy can negatively affect anyone.
Story just goes to show that this economy can negatively affect anyone.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I Could Use A Long Vacation
Now that the bar exam is over, and my regular life has resumed at least until April 17 (when I find out if I passed or not), I feel the need for a lot of pampering. I want to get manis and pedis, and massages. I could use a long vacation. I want to really save money now so I can do things like go on extended vacations. I have been researching some extended stay hotels. I want to get back out and rediscover life, away from the books!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bar Exam Aftermath
Now that I have finished the bar exam (for the second time) here are my observations.
I feel much better this time and dare I say it--I feel as if maybe I passed this time. That is a dangerous assumption to make regarding law tests. Sometimes you can feel like you aced it and you blew it. Sometimes you feel like you blew it and you did well. A lot of the time you can't tell.
But when I took it in July, I left feeling unsettled. Like I didn't reallly have a chance at passing. That if I passed, it would have been the miracle of the decade.
This time I feel much better, as if the uncertainty meter is more in my favor. That I have at least a decent chance at passing.
I worked harder this time on the MBE questions. Of course, I didn't spend as much time on them as I hoped, but I spent a doggone amount of time. I got to the point where I recognized quickly what kind of answer the question was looking for. And that is where you need to be for the bar exam.
The MBE questions during the morning session were really pretty easy. I felt on top of the world at lunch. The afternoon session was harder--but still easier to me than the MBE questions in July. Of course I was more prepared this time--and I guess that helped. But I had also heard that they were getting rid of stacked answer questions--the kind that asking you a question and then the answers are like this: I and II; I, II, and III, I only, etc. I guess they did get rid of them, because there were no such questions on this bar exam. And immediately makes it easier.
The essay portion is what really did me in last July. I had studied more for it this time, but still fell woefully below my target. I was mad at myself and slightly frantic the morning of the essay portion. What was I thinking? I asked myself. I only know a sliver of the information they could ask me today. I felt again like a lamb going to slaughter.
My feeling of doom only worsened when I saw the first question. It asked about a point of law I knew about, but not much. The question asked me to answer the question fully. Fully? Are you kidding? I barely can tell you what it is. I wrote down what I could, and felt like I should just get up and walk out the door. If the other 11 questions were as bad, I had no chance of passing.
But luckily, they weren't as bad. I am hoping I got a 135 on the MBE, because then I only have to pass seven essays. And I know I got seven right. Maybe even eight. Maybe even nine right. But I am iffy on that ninth one. But I might squeak by even on the ninth.
So all in all I have a fair chance of passing. Maybe even a good chance of passing. I won't know until April 17. So until then, I could use everyone's good thoughts my way.
I feel much better this time and dare I say it--I feel as if maybe I passed this time. That is a dangerous assumption to make regarding law tests. Sometimes you can feel like you aced it and you blew it. Sometimes you feel like you blew it and you did well. A lot of the time you can't tell.
But when I took it in July, I left feeling unsettled. Like I didn't reallly have a chance at passing. That if I passed, it would have been the miracle of the decade.
This time I feel much better, as if the uncertainty meter is more in my favor. That I have at least a decent chance at passing.
I worked harder this time on the MBE questions. Of course, I didn't spend as much time on them as I hoped, but I spent a doggone amount of time. I got to the point where I recognized quickly what kind of answer the question was looking for. And that is where you need to be for the bar exam.
The MBE questions during the morning session were really pretty easy. I felt on top of the world at lunch. The afternoon session was harder--but still easier to me than the MBE questions in July. Of course I was more prepared this time--and I guess that helped. But I had also heard that they were getting rid of stacked answer questions--the kind that asking you a question and then the answers are like this: I and II; I, II, and III, I only, etc. I guess they did get rid of them, because there were no such questions on this bar exam. And immediately makes it easier.
The essay portion is what really did me in last July. I had studied more for it this time, but still fell woefully below my target. I was mad at myself and slightly frantic the morning of the essay portion. What was I thinking? I asked myself. I only know a sliver of the information they could ask me today. I felt again like a lamb going to slaughter.
My feeling of doom only worsened when I saw the first question. It asked about a point of law I knew about, but not much. The question asked me to answer the question fully. Fully? Are you kidding? I barely can tell you what it is. I wrote down what I could, and felt like I should just get up and walk out the door. If the other 11 questions were as bad, I had no chance of passing.
But luckily, they weren't as bad. I am hoping I got a 135 on the MBE, because then I only have to pass seven essays. And I know I got seven right. Maybe even eight. Maybe even nine right. But I am iffy on that ninth one. But I might squeak by even on the ninth.
So all in all I have a fair chance of passing. Maybe even a good chance of passing. I won't know until April 17. So until then, I could use everyone's good thoughts my way.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Learning New Gadgets
Since I have been in law school, I have been slow to adopt new technology. Heck I just recently got my first digital camera, and my MP3 player is still not out of the package. But you don't really have much need for such things in law school. Well actually, I could have used my MP3 player to play my recorded class lectures. But there was never enough time to learn about the technology. You can get an sd card too. I am just thrilled about my digital camera, because that means I can put more pictures on this blog, and I have plenty of other uses for it too.
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