I am a new attorney, trying to eke out a side practice in law while staying in my old job. Don't know whether I will practice law full time or not. Most times I do want to go full time, but can't figure out how to do that. Especially in this economy; especially since I am single and there is no other income or person who provides benefits
Two of the legal areas I am interested in are disability law and juvenile guardian ad litem work. I am already a disability lawyer, with a couple of clients. I like the work, but it is slow. I heard a judge say the other day that claimant representatives (lawyers) do not the have the best reputations with the judges. That they consider many disability lawyers to be lazy, etc. Some of that, apparently, is seen as an outgrowth of the slowness of the process, that it makes for bad lawyering. At least that is what he seemed to be saying.
Then the other day, I heard that an assistant DA said she had never seen a good guardian ad litem. I guess she sees a lot of them--I don't know for sure, but I guess she does; juvenile issues must creep into the domestic violence cases she handles.
But never seen a good guardian ad litem? That is pretty strong. Of course, that is just hearsay to me, as I didn't hear her say that; someone else just told me she said that.
I feel kind of depressed--both of my areas seem to be looked down on, at least from these two people. Yes, they are only two people, but their opinions carry a lot of weight.
Going from one career to three, learning a new business, attending night law school...and managing a life at 5,000 miles a minute.

Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Cookies As Gifts
I didn't have time to make Christmas cookies for gifts this year, so I had to buy all of my gifts. Which means of course that I spent too much money. Ouch. But I have made Christmas gifts in the past and want to do so again in the future, maybe next year. Part of the problem is knowing where to get good containers for cookies, whether you are giving them as gifts or for use at home. I am wanting to find some
great jars for cookies and treats, That way, if you give cookies in a nice jar, they get two gifts: the cookies and a cookie jar! Next year will be the year I am organized for Christmas.
great jars for cookies and treats, That way, if you give cookies in a nice jar, they get two gifts: the cookies and a cookie jar! Next year will be the year I am organized for Christmas.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Still Need To Lose Weight
I thought I had lost weight, but I tried on a couple of tops yesterday and guess what?? They didn't fit. I am so bummed. I know some clothes run small, and maybe this was the case. But still it bummed me out. I need to lose weight. I want to look pretty and be healthy, and this is the best way to accomplish both goals. I want to date again, and I know guys won't be interested until I lose some pounds. I am going to read up on some diet aids, maybe something like Lipofuze and others. Also, maybe some appetite suppressing teas.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
My Fledgling Law Career
I am still working full time at my old job and still doing a little bit of law on the side. My second disability case is coming up for a hearing sometime soon--don't have a date yet. In addition, I have written a petition to establish paternity and the court date for that is set. I may also work on a petition to terminate parental rights and then an adoption. (this is a horrible situation, and I want to help). The one case I have that I feel frustrated with is a short sale/deed in lieu. Someone had to quit paying her mortgage because of a hardship situation, and I am trying to oversee a short sale and if that doesn't work out, a deed in lieu. The problem is these large banks talk a big game, but then they do what they always do: foreclose. The good part is she doesn't want to keep the house, so that is not an issue. She just wants to have as little impact on her credit as possible.
The ramifications and seriousness of being a lawyer has really hit home These people are depending on me, and I have to give them my best. And I will.
The ramifications and seriousness of being a lawyer has really hit home These people are depending on me, and I have to give them my best. And I will.
Need Some Warmer Clothes
I am here in New England visiting my sister who just gave birth to twins. It is a lot colder up here than where I am from. I packed some of my warmer clothes, but I had gotten rid of most of warm clothes in my last closet clean out. So I realize now that my warmest clothes are not warm enough!
If I am going to visit a lot, and I am because of the babies, I need to buy some new winter clothes. I have been looking at things like North Face clothes and getting some ideas of what I might need. I need a new
winter coat or jacket, and I looked at some North Face jackets. A new coat is my number one need, but I will continue looking online and hitting the malls. I'd love to find a sale! And soon!
I like the look of boots, like Ugg boots, but I don't want to spend the money when I can't wear them much at home. So, I might just try to buy a coat and some new sweaters and warm-ups. I did notice on the website their North Face sports bras. Who would know! That is another item I need to buy. I can't even find my sports bras anymore.
If I am going to visit a lot, and I am because of the babies, I need to buy some new winter clothes. I have been looking at things like North Face clothes and getting some ideas of what I might need. I need a new
winter coat or jacket, and I looked at some North Face jackets. A new coat is my number one need, but I will continue looking online and hitting the malls. I'd love to find a sale! And soon!
I like the look of boots, like Ugg boots, but I don't want to spend the money when I can't wear them much at home. So, I might just try to buy a coat and some new sweaters and warm-ups. I did notice on the website their North Face sports bras. Who would know! That is another item I need to buy. I can't even find my sports bras anymore.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Need An Updated Sink
Again, as I think ahead to hopefully one day renting out my condo, there are some things I need to do to update it. One is maybe get an updated cool sink. I have seen some interesting kitchen sinks when I have been out and about, and I need to check online too. Would love to have a white porcelain sink, or a neat new metal one. Just need to go look and see what the new styles are. People love updated kitchens, so I need to get a new stove and dishwasher too. Maybe new cabinet? Oh dear. More money needed!
Updating My Condo
I am really getting into the nesting mode, which is good for me, as that is usually not the case. I am starting to sort out, clean out and get clutter free. Yippee! Not there yet, but am definitely working on it. Things I need to get for my condo as soon as possible: new dishwasher, new toilet, shelving for my laundry room, new carpeting in hallway and bedrooms, and maybe some plantation shutters. Plus getting a new kitchen table and maybe a new sofa. Whew! I need to hit the consignment shops and garage sales to try to save money. Here's to a new, cooler space in 2011!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Mystery Shop At The Airport
When I go to the airport tomorrow, I have to go early enough to do a little work. As part of a mystey shop, I have to pretend to apply for a credit card. I have done it before, and it is not hard. You have to pretend you are just walking by and happen to see their kiosk. Then you go over and pretend to apply for a card with a fake social security number. You are supposed to observe their salesmanship, demeanor, the neatness of the kiosk, etc. And then, I might get to do it again on my return trip, if there is another sales rep working the desk. I want to make sure I do this well, because I just messed up another mystery shop with the same company, and I don't want to get a low score!
Leaving On A Jet Plane Tomorrow
I am only working a half day tomorrow, and then I am flying to Boston to see my new niece and nephew. I can't wait--am so excited. Of course, that entailed me buying a plane ticket, which I can't afford. But I got online and looked for some flight deals, and found an unbelieveable fare. I am glad, because that made it affordable for me to go.
I love to travel, more than anything really. I love the airports, the hustle bustle, the people watching. I don't even mind long layovers, as it gives me time to read. Sometimes you have to get out of town, and away from your routine, to relax and do something else.
And the two little babies. Can't wait to meet them and play with them. Of course they are too small to do much with except hold. But it will be a bonding experience.
I love to travel, more than anything really. I love the airports, the hustle bustle, the people watching. I don't even mind long layovers, as it gives me time to read. Sometimes you have to get out of town, and away from your routine, to relax and do something else.
And the two little babies. Can't wait to meet them and play with them. Of course they are too small to do much with except hold. But it will be a bonding experience.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Why Aren't Employers Hiring?
Read this article today: http://money.cnn.com/2010/12/03/news/economy/employers_doing_more_with_less/index.htm?hpt=T2
The question is, why aren't employers hiring? Well, it is a common but bad problem. The employers are getting used to getting things done with less people. That is understandable up to a point. You want to maximize profits for the company and make sure things are going to stay good before you hire more people.
But if you put it off too long, you run the risk of getting too comfortable with that and wearing your employees out. To take your employees and their good natures for granted. And that is bad, because your employees may be giving up their good time and good health to make you a few extra bucks. Don't do that to them. Hire some more people to get the work done.
The question is, why aren't employers hiring? Well, it is a common but bad problem. The employers are getting used to getting things done with less people. That is understandable up to a point. You want to maximize profits for the company and make sure things are going to stay good before you hire more people.
But if you put it off too long, you run the risk of getting too comfortable with that and wearing your employees out. To take your employees and their good natures for granted. And that is bad, because your employees may be giving up their good time and good health to make you a few extra bucks. Don't do that to them. Hire some more people to get the work done.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Need To Reassess My Skincare
I am losing a little weight, and I want to pay more attention to my beauty regimen. I am basically pretty, but I have not been paying attention to my looks in the last couple of years because of law school. And that does not a pretty girl make! My facial skin actually looks good. I don't really have dark circles under my eyes, so not sure I need under eye cream for dark circles. But I do have some puffiness, so need to deal with that. Also, my hands looks in bad shape. I have been paying so much attention to my face, that my hands have been neglected. I need to do something fast to get them in shape, as I don't want the skin there to age any more. You know what they say--you can tell a woman's age by her hands. And I don't want that to happen with me.
Going To Do A Stair Climb Saturday
I am going to do a stair climb for charity this Saturday, and I am really looking forward to it. I am not sure why, except that it is new and different and sounds fun. I know I am not excited because I am well trained. As a matter of fact, I have not trained at all for the event. And I am out of shape. How stupid is that? It is 600 steps, but half of the race is running down the stairs, so at least I will get a break there. I am hoping that it will kick my butt into gear for exercising.I am looking better slowly, but it is because I am eating less.
I need to keep at it, both for my looks and my health. I am slowing getting a few more looks again from men. I want more looks! It would help if I could take something that would cut my appetite or rev up my metabolism. I am going to look online, at http://www.bestdietpillsforwomen.org/ and some other sites to get some ideas of what is out there that might help me.
I need to keep at it, both for my looks and my health. I am slowing getting a few more looks again from men. I want more looks! It would help if I could take something that would cut my appetite or rev up my metabolism. I am going to look online, at http://www.bestdietpillsforwomen.org/ and some other sites to get some ideas of what is out there that might help me.
Fairy Jobmother Offers Good Tips
I saw the Fairy Jobmother show for the first time last night. I was surfing the web and found it. It was really pretty good. It is about an Englishwoman who acts like a job or vocational coach who helps people find jobs.
The show last night was about a woman who had been a TV anchor, but for some reason had lost her job. I didn't see it from the beginning, so am not sure why she lost her job. She really loved that job, and it had served as her self identification for many years. After she lost her job, she lost her pizazz and self esteem.
The best thing the fairy jobmother did was give her some objective advice. She was trying to get the fire back inside the woman. She also helped her with introducing herself to the interviewers and with handling some of the tough interview questions. And when she really messed up in an interview, helped her get past it quickly.
After she had felt a little bit of success, you could see her get the light back in her eyes and the spring in her step. Sometimes that is all it takes--to get the fire back in you and the spring in your step.
The show last night was about a woman who had been a TV anchor, but for some reason had lost her job. I didn't see it from the beginning, so am not sure why she lost her job. She really loved that job, and it had served as her self identification for many years. After she lost her job, she lost her pizazz and self esteem.
The best thing the fairy jobmother did was give her some objective advice. She was trying to get the fire back inside the woman. She also helped her with introducing herself to the interviewers and with handling some of the tough interview questions. And when she really messed up in an interview, helped her get past it quickly.
After she had felt a little bit of success, you could see her get the light back in her eyes and the spring in her step. Sometimes that is all it takes--to get the fire back in you and the spring in your step.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Affordable Car Insurance
I really need to research car insurance rates now. I have had the same car insurance for many years and have not taken the time to find some competitive car insurance rates.
I feel that my car insurance is too expensive, and if I would even take a little time, maybe even look online, I could find some good car insurance rates.
It is important that I do that soon, so I can see if I can get good car insurance at lower rates. I need to tighten my budget in many areas, and I have not looked at insurance costs in a long time. I bet I could I could lower it substantially. I am going to tighten up my phone and cable bill, so there is no reason that I cannot get better car insurance rates too.
I feel that my car insurance is too expensive, and if I would even take a little time, maybe even look online, I could find some good car insurance rates.
It is important that I do that soon, so I can see if I can get good car insurance at lower rates. I need to tighten my budget in many areas, and I have not looked at insurance costs in a long time. I bet I could I could lower it substantially. I am going to tighten up my phone and cable bill, so there is no reason that I cannot get better car insurance rates too.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Herpes Is Still Around
When I was in college, you heard about herpes all the time, and you sure didn't want to get it. But when AIDS came on the scene, herpes simplex was pretty much forgotten. But it is still around. And there is still no cure. And if you get it, you have it for life. It is manageable, but who wants to live with that? Better to protect yourself and never get it.
Finally, Some Good Photos Of Me!
I went to a college reunion last week and have already been tagged in photos on Facebook. I was happy to see for the first time in a long time that I don't look too bad. I have not been dieting, but I have been eating less, and I guess that is the age old recipe for losing weight. I was so happy to see those photos. I look slimmer.
However, there is still room for more weight loss. I am still thinking of what diet aids I could use. I may look at some diet pill reviews to get some insight on some products. I would like to find something that would cut my appetite without causing me any harm. I have been drinking green tea, and that seems to have cut my appetite some.
However, there is still room for more weight loss. I am still thinking of what diet aids I could use. I may look at some diet pill reviews to get some insight on some products. I would like to find something that would cut my appetite without causing me any harm. I have been drinking green tea, and that seems to have cut my appetite some.
People Asking For Money On The Street
Our town has had less panhandling recently, because many of the homeless are now selling a homeless newspaper and as a result are getting off the street. They are becoming little entrepreneurs and making enough money to put deposits down on apartments. And the writing in the paper is actually very good.
So we are getting used to less panhandling, which is good. It is really uncomfortable to have people come up to you and ask for money.
So I was taken back the other day when I went to get gas and to the post office and was confronted twice in a 10 minute period by someone asking for money. One man said his wife and children were in a motel about a mile away, and could I go there and help them? That was a red flag. Why would I need to go to the m otel, and what could I possibly do for them. When I was getting gas, a man was running up the street toward me with a gas can, yelling and point at me. I guess he wanted me to buy him some gas. That is a bad position to be in, but it scared me, so I finished pumping gas and jumped back in my car, shaking my head at him that I could not buy it for him.
Is this going to get worse or better?
So we are getting used to less panhandling, which is good. It is really uncomfortable to have people come up to you and ask for money.
So I was taken back the other day when I went to get gas and to the post office and was confronted twice in a 10 minute period by someone asking for money. One man said his wife and children were in a motel about a mile away, and could I go there and help them? That was a red flag. Why would I need to go to the m otel, and what could I possibly do for them. When I was getting gas, a man was running up the street toward me with a gas can, yelling and point at me. I guess he wanted me to buy him some gas. That is a bad position to be in, but it scared me, so I finished pumping gas and jumped back in my car, shaking my head at him that I could not buy it for him.
Is this going to get worse or better?
Friday, November 12, 2010
Need More Business Cards
Starting a new law practice means I give out a lot of business cards. I got my first set printed at a jiffy print that is around the corner from me. I needed them fast, and they were close, so I placed an order. I got them back on time and started handing them out.
They look nice, but I am wondering if I could get a better price elsewhere. I may try to look at online business cards. I have heard you might be able to get some good deals and maybe they would even give you some free business cards. Free is always good!
I really need to hand out even more business cards than what I have been doing. I might need to get some printed up anyway, to update them with a P.O. box. Who knows, I may reorder from the jiffy print, but it doesn't hurt to check around. If online business cards are competitively priced or cheaper, that may be the way I go.
They look nice, but I am wondering if I could get a better price elsewhere. I may try to look at online business cards. I have heard you might be able to get some good deals and maybe they would even give you some free business cards. Free is always good!
I really need to hand out even more business cards than what I have been doing. I might need to get some printed up anyway, to update them with a P.O. box. Who knows, I may reorder from the jiffy print, but it doesn't hurt to check around. If online business cards are competitively priced or cheaper, that may be the way I go.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Getting Sales Info
When you are in certain fields, getting leads is what it is all about. Rather than just cold calling, you can get the names of people who might need your services. That doesn't guarantee a sale, but knowing who might be interested in your products and services does help streamline the process.
Like for instance, if you are in the insurance business, you might like to get insurance leads. Same if you are in the mortgages or financial services industries. Another way you can get leads for your business is through
affiliate programs. So again, if you are in the insurance business, you might like to be part of an insurance affiliate program.
And there are even some programs out there for such things as car loan leads. When you are in the sales business today, you need to get as much info as you can.
Like for instance, if you are in the insurance business, you might like to get insurance leads. Same if you are in the mortgages or financial services industries. Another way you can get leads for your business is through
affiliate programs. So again, if you are in the insurance business, you might like to be part of an insurance affiliate program.
And there are even some programs out there for such things as car loan leads. When you are in the sales business today, you need to get as much info as you can.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Festival of Beer
Post contributed by Hilton Miranda
Now that Autumn has rolled around, I got to participate in my favorite activity, San Diego's Festival of Beer. Held downtown on Columbia and B street, the event included 65 breweries and well over 6000 beer drinkers. This year was the 16th annual event and my 6th consecutive one. I've pretty much been going ever since I turned 21. I can't tell you how fun this day is. I even got my brother to fly down from college to enjoy the festivities with me and my friends.
After spending the day grilling up some barbecued steaks and whatnot, we set the home security alarm (Denver Adt home security systems) and departed for the festival. This year we received a free souvenir event logo tasting mug. Tickets were a little pricey at $40 a head, but I believe part of it goes to a good cause - helping to fight cancer. We try to stick together and test out all the new brews, but it's not always easy with the crowds and mingling. Plus some of us wanted to enjoy the live music they provide every year along with all of the fun events while others just wanted to drink. We always meet back at the ticket area at the end of the five hour event. This year, since my brother was out, we decided to continue our drinking with a walk over to the clubs.
Now that Autumn has rolled around, I got to participate in my favorite activity, San Diego's Festival of Beer. Held downtown on Columbia and B street, the event included 65 breweries and well over 6000 beer drinkers. This year was the 16th annual event and my 6th consecutive one. I've pretty much been going ever since I turned 21. I can't tell you how fun this day is. I even got my brother to fly down from college to enjoy the festivities with me and my friends.
After spending the day grilling up some barbecued steaks and whatnot, we set the home security alarm (Denver Adt home security systems) and departed for the festival. This year we received a free souvenir event logo tasting mug. Tickets were a little pricey at $40 a head, but I believe part of it goes to a good cause - helping to fight cancer. We try to stick together and test out all the new brews, but it's not always easy with the crowds and mingling. Plus some of us wanted to enjoy the live music they provide every year along with all of the fun events while others just wanted to drink. We always meet back at the ticket area at the end of the five hour event. This year, since my brother was out, we decided to continue our drinking with a walk over to the clubs.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Needing A New Dining Table
I am wanting a new dining table. Just don't have the money for it right now, but am starting to look around. I like some of the small, squarish dining tables--think they are called cafe tables. Not sure about that. I might want to get a smaller type of table that is actually an extendable dining table. I have a small condo and don't have much room, but would like on occasion to have dinner parties. So an extendable table would work for me. Another item for the wish list! At some point, I probably need a new sofa and a new chest and desk for my guest room, but those are on the list too!
I Love My Dell Mini
I have a Toshiba laptop that I used in law school. It served me well, but I had so many problems with it. It was slow, it would overheat, and I had to take it in for work too many times. I still have it, but I only use it as back up for my mini. Before I bought my Dell, I researched different laptops and decided that a netbook would probably suffice. I actually love it--it is small and lightweight, and I can even put it in a large purse. I haven't tried to download heavy duty software, so I don't know how that would work. That might make my mini slow and probably would work better on a more powerful computer. But so far so good. I love the flexibility it offers me.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My Former English Boyfriend
I met a sexy Englishman in Paris, and we were an item for several years. We are not anymore, but are still friends, even facebook friends! He works in construction, and I remember trying to figure out how to get him some construction jobs here in the U.S. I thought I had some leads, but it all came to naught. He reallly wasn't going to move here or quit his job. And that was probably OK. But I am glad we are friends.
What Do You Do If Your Boss Is Creepy?
I don't mean creepy in the serial killer way, but creepy in the micromanaging way. Eek. He gives me the creeps and makes my skin crawl. And oh yeah. I happen to be related to him. Lucky me. I am looking for other work, but hard in this economy.
I Love My Disability Practice
I have been licensed as a lawyer for a year and I now have my third disability client. I won for my first client on a disability appeal, and that was so satisfying! I now have two other clients. I was hoping the second one would get approved before going before a judge, but no go. We are hearing bound. I have a third client, but her case has hardly gotten off the ground. I would love to get more clients, and I spread the word as much as possible. I love helping people get their disibility benefits!
Why Do I Love The Real Housewives?
I love all of the Real Housewives series. Except Atlanta. I never saw the original season, and for some reason, I can't get into it. I think it is because I don't know the back stories. But I love all of the other series. I am watching Beverly Hills right now. I guess I am just a voyeur. I love to peek into other peoples' lives.
Getting Crazy For Business Opportunities
I used to work at a business school and boy howdy, I was exposed to people coming up with business opportunities all the time. It was so exciting to see people come up with new business plans all of the time and make boat loads of money. They acquired a toolkit in school that they could use in any setting.
That environment rubbed off on me, and I went into business. But now that I am blogging, and it has become a business, I can tell that I am more aware of business opportunities. There are so many exciting things out there and ways to be entrepreneurial. I feel like I am only starting on my business journey.
That environment rubbed off on me, and I went into business. But now that I am blogging, and it has become a business, I can tell that I am more aware of business opportunities. There are so many exciting things out there and ways to be entrepreneurial. I feel like I am only starting on my business journey.
Melanie's You Have A Brand New Key
The singer Melanie from the 1970s, or was it the 1960s seems to be having a comeback lately. I have heard her name a lot, and then there is the commercial on TV with the baby in the runaway scooter toy that is careening to the tune of "You Have A Brand New Key." Can't tell you how much I loved that song as a kid. I think I used to rollersake to it.
We Are Being Watched. All Of The Time
I have heard that we are on security cameras all the time. And especially in Britain, where people are photographed on security cameras all the time, more than any other country. But to me that is OK--we need to be able to feel safe. And I think security cameras are more good than bad. Just think about all the crimes they have helped to solve!
Keep Seeing Such Nice Cars Around Town
Our town has always had some pretty rich people, and some pretty rich cars to match. People new to town would look around at the cars driving around and be amazed at the wealth here. Despite the economy, there are still these amazing cars on the road, so I think our town has escaped some of the economic downturn--still affected but maybe not as much as some other places. I saw a local ad for Ferrari parts recenlty, and I had to chuckle. To need Ferrari parts, you need a Ferrari, and that means you make serious bucks. I am not there yet.
Ok, My Bad Elance Review Wasn't That Bad
I freaked out earlier today, because I had gotten my first bad Elance review, out of five reviews so far. It made me scared because I am just getting started and getting up some steam. I was afraid it would keep me from getting more jobs, and it is important for me to build up that income stream.
Well, I saw the review, and it was middle of the road. She praised my work, but counted me down on the schedule. And that was fair. So even though it has lowered my score, if anyone looks into it, they will see that the review is not that bad. Relieved.
Well, I saw the review, and it was middle of the road. She praised my work, but counted me down on the schedule. And that was fair. So even though it has lowered my score, if anyone looks into it, they will see that the review is not that bad. Relieved.
Service Warranties--A Blessing For Vehicles
I will have my car paid off in July and I can't wait. Another $400 in my pocket every month! But the bad problem is that my car extended warranty expires about the same time. And boy have I had to use it the last couple of years. It was a life saver for sure. I will never get another car without one. I just don't have thousands of dollars sitting around for car repairs at a moment's notice.
I have seen some ads on TV for other car warranties that I might look into when this one expires. I don't think I could a 5th wheel warranty, since I think that is for RVs, but there are some others out there. I don't mind paying a small monthly amount in order to know that I am covered when a big repair may come due.
I have seen some ads on TV for other car warranties that I might look into when this one expires. I don't think I could a 5th wheel warranty, since I think that is for RVs, but there are some others out there. I don't mind paying a small monthly amount in order to know that I am covered when a big repair may come due.
Got My First Bad Rating Through Elance
I am bummed--I think I have gotten my first bad review today through Elance. I am saying I think I have, because my rating went down today, even though no negative review has been posted yet. I called Elance to talk about it and to find out what is going on. They said sometimes the profile takes a while to catch up to the rating. So even though I can see my rating has gone down, I won't be able to see the review until midnight or so.
I know why I got it. I was supposed to write 4 blog posts a week on a law topic. They told me it would take 30 minutes. Are they crazy? To figure out what to write, research it, write it, tweak it, and then post it to the blog? More like a couple of hours of work. And all for $10 a piece to boot.
I was late on some of the posts. Give me a break. They got quality work, and they had a queue of posts backed up for days. If I was late, it didn't really matter.
I was an editor for years, and as long as my writers gave me quality work, I would work with them on the schedule.
No more $10 blog posts for me, meaning the kind where you have to do research on a certain topic. That is a slow death for sure.
I know why I got it. I was supposed to write 4 blog posts a week on a law topic. They told me it would take 30 minutes. Are they crazy? To figure out what to write, research it, write it, tweak it, and then post it to the blog? More like a couple of hours of work. And all for $10 a piece to boot.
I was late on some of the posts. Give me a break. They got quality work, and they had a queue of posts backed up for days. If I was late, it didn't really matter.
I was an editor for years, and as long as my writers gave me quality work, I would work with them on the schedule.
No more $10 blog posts for me, meaning the kind where you have to do research on a certain topic. That is a slow death for sure.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Body Acne--What Can You Do About It?
I never knew you could have acne on places besides your face until I saw a man with acne on his back. I thought--how painful that must be! And embarrassing! And what do you do about it? And then recently I heard there is such a thing as body acne wash. I guess you use it like acne face wash. Acne is such a useless problem. Why do people have to get it? At least you grow out of it.But until then, you just gotta endure.
My Dog Is Chewing Up The Constitution
I'm sitting here blogging and I hear my dog tearing paper. I look down and he is tearing into my pocket Constitution--the small mini versions. I discovered it too late to make him stop. I won't even fuss at him. I know he gets bored being in the house too much. He chewed out the pages with amendments 13 though 22. I wonder what that means?
I Am Looking A Little Better, But Have To Keep Working On It
I am slowly getting my looks back. I am a nice looking woman who put on too much weight in law school. And then I didn't look so good. I have been wondering why I wasn't losing when I wasn't eating junk food anymore. My diet isn't perfect, and I am not exercising much, but hey--cutting out junk food would be a big step when I ate so much of it in law school and when studying for the bar. But my clothes are fitting better and I seem to have more energy. So, I am feeling pretty good about everything. Now I need to learn how to lose belly fat.
Making Progress With Losing Weight
There is always that moment when you are trying to cut back on your food, and watching what you eat, and maybe even exercising, where you feel like you are finally making progress. It takes a long while, and you are afraid it is never going to happen, and then SUDDENLY! You see you have lost weight. You can fit into your clothes better. That happened to me last week. I hadn't noticed because my stomach is still hanging out there, but I have lost weight on my back. My bra fits nicely, no fat hanging around the bra, and my waist feels smaller! I still need a weight loss program because of my stomach and hips, but at least I am getting there!
U2 At Vanderbilt!
I just found out that U2 is going to play July 2 at Vanderbilt stadium, and I am so there! As an alum, I get to buy an advance ticket. I have never forgiven myself for not going to the Rolling Stones concert there. I did go to the Pink Floyd one at the stadium, and it was great. Can't wait. Gonna buy the tickets tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I'm A Flag Football Maniac
Thanks for the article from Rubin Osborne
It's fall. Do you know what that means? It means it's football season. And this is meant in more ways than one. I'm a flag football fanatic. In other words, I play as much flag football as I possibly can. The only dilemma I have with the game is a good dilemma. I never know if I should play cornerback, which I probably should, or rush the QB, which is a lot of fun. There's a simple solution on offense - I play WR. I can't play QB for my life. I can throw a baseball or any other round object well, but not a football. I don't know why, but those are the facts and I have to live with them. WR can still be fun. Once I catch the ball, I always try to make the first guy miss. This can be done with a hop-step, a fake lateral, a spin move, and more. Prior to catching the ball is also important. If the defense is in a zone, I love just finding a hole in that zone and staying there until my QB finds me. It's pretty simple. If the defense is playing man, I think I have an advantage.
I'm so into flag football that when I turn on my satellite tv from http://www.directstartv.com/directv_programming/directv_seasonal_sports.html and watch the NFL games, I'm constantly trying to see and remember new moves. These guys are the best football players in the world. If I can mimic their moves in my flag football league, I can do some serious damage.
It's fall. Do you know what that means? It means it's football season. And this is meant in more ways than one. I'm a flag football fanatic. In other words, I play as much flag football as I possibly can. The only dilemma I have with the game is a good dilemma. I never know if I should play cornerback, which I probably should, or rush the QB, which is a lot of fun. There's a simple solution on offense - I play WR. I can't play QB for my life. I can throw a baseball or any other round object well, but not a football. I don't know why, but those are the facts and I have to live with them. WR can still be fun. Once I catch the ball, I always try to make the first guy miss. This can be done with a hop-step, a fake lateral, a spin move, and more. Prior to catching the ball is also important. If the defense is in a zone, I love just finding a hole in that zone and staying there until my QB finds me. It's pretty simple. If the defense is playing man, I think I have an advantage.
I'm so into flag football that when I turn on my satellite tv from http://www.directstartv.com/directv_programming/directv_seasonal_sports.html and watch the NFL games, I'm constantly trying to see and remember new moves. These guys are the best football players in the world. If I can mimic their moves in my flag football league, I can do some serious damage.
What In The World Is Wrong With Sharon Angle
She really says the most stupid stuff. Please people of Nevada--see through her,
For The Best Beach Trip, You Need The Right Beach Parapharnalia
I live to go to the beach. I really do. I have been to the coast two times since August, which is a lot for me, and I could go right back. On my last trip, I noticed that some people near us had a beach cabana tent which was bright and colorful. I am a big believer in having an umbrella or tent out there to protect yourself from the sun and so you can read better.
I also spend a lot of time floating in the water. Well, either floating or jumping the waves. Everytime I go to the beach, I have to track down a raft. I have a favorite kind, the denim kind, because they are hardy and don't tear. I have seen some people use foam pool floats and I might check those out. Of course, there are also inflatable water floats. As long as someone else is inflating them, I could use them!
When I am down there, I also love to walk around the neighborhood and see all the lovely homes. Most of them are rentals, but they are gorgeous. Worth a mint, I am sure. Most of them have individual pools or
hot tubs, and have wonderful porch and patio furniture. I heard someone mention agio outdoor furniture the other day, as well as some other kinds. I am going to start looking at outdoor furniture and see what kind I like best and what is affordable.
I also spend a lot of time floating in the water. Well, either floating or jumping the waves. Everytime I go to the beach, I have to track down a raft. I have a favorite kind, the denim kind, because they are hardy and don't tear. I have seen some people use foam pool floats and I might check those out. Of course, there are also inflatable water floats. As long as someone else is inflating them, I could use them!
When I am down there, I also love to walk around the neighborhood and see all the lovely homes. Most of them are rentals, but they are gorgeous. Worth a mint, I am sure. Most of them have individual pools or
hot tubs, and have wonderful porch and patio furniture. I heard someone mention agio outdoor furniture the other day, as well as some other kinds. I am going to start looking at outdoor furniture and see what kind I like best and what is affordable.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I Think I Have Lost A Little Weight!
I have been feeling a little down lately, because I still haven't lost weight or gotten in shape. Granted, I am not exercising as much as I should and am not formally dating. But I am not eating junk food like I did in law school, and that by itself should have shed some pounds.
But I did feel a little better the other night, when I realized I have tightened up in a few spots: on my back and my hips. I can feel the difference in those areas. So I am feeling better. It is just that my stomach doesn't look better, so that is why I have still felt discouraged. Still looking for a product like diet pills or thermogenic fat burners or something like that that can help speed up the process. I am ready to look good and be healthier, and it can't start soon enough for me.
But I did feel a little better the other night, when I realized I have tightened up in a few spots: on my back and my hips. I can feel the difference in those areas. So I am feeling better. It is just that my stomach doesn't look better, so that is why I have still felt discouraged. Still looking for a product like diet pills or thermogenic fat burners or something like that that can help speed up the process. I am ready to look good and be healthier, and it can't start soon enough for me.
Dems Picking Up Steam?
Watching the news the past couple of days, it looks like the democrats are picking up steam. I hope so, as we need to win. Maybe people are waking up from their stupors. I can't believe people would fall for that Tea Party crap. And what a joke O'Donnell is. When did ignorance become so desired? It is like the stupider you are, the better the tea party crowd likes you. We need to keep the democrats in power!
My Niece Is In Her Terrible Teens
My niece is 15 and she is in the throes of teenism. Boys, school, grades, sports, acne. We are facebook
friends, so I get to see her updates, and her ups and downs. Boys, she writes, and I know what she means. They can be frustrating. We had a phone conversation last night, and she said she is still concerned about her skin, and that she has started using an acne serum. I hope that works for her, as she has had trouble with her skin. But she will out of that phase in a couple of years anyway, so she won't have to deal with acne much longer.
friends, so I get to see her updates, and her ups and downs. Boys, she writes, and I know what she means. They can be frustrating. We had a phone conversation last night, and she said she is still concerned about her skin, and that she has started using an acne serum. I hope that works for her, as she has had trouble with her skin. But she will out of that phase in a couple of years anyway, so she won't have to deal with acne much longer.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Vote Dem and Save Our Country
I have a hard time believing that the Democrats will do so badly when you look at the quality of the Republican candidates. They are just plain stupid. It is concerning to me that the Repubs think ignorance is such an important quality. And for those dems out there who are disappointed in Obama, please vote dem anyway. If you are disappointed now, think how much more so you will be under a repub congress and senate. Plus Obama will get his groove on.
Looking for Halloween Costumes
Written by Shannon Tillman
I couldn't help but be excited this year when Halloween rolled around. I love all the spooky stuff. The only problem is trying to figure out what kind of costume I want to wear. Normally I'd so something classic with a twist. I like the idea of a vampire this year, but all of the twilight stuff kind of ruined it for me. Vampires should not sparkle in the sunlight.
Since I had no other ideas yet, I chose to head out earlier to find an idea. After I set my home security alarm (Detroit ADT HOME SECURITY specials) I considered what I wanted to do this year. Over the last few years I had been everything from a zombie samurai to a bondage demon. That had been a rather daring outfit to say the least!
I went to several costume shops and chain stores but nothing seemed to be coming to mind. I didn't want to be cheesy and pick a movie costume. There are a lot of people that like to be Freddy Kreuger or Na'vi from Avatar. What I wanted was something traditional but unique.
It took all day searching and I never found what I was looking for. However, despite my failure I will persevere. There are thousands of costume ideas. I simply need to settle on one and make it happen.
The next few days I squeezed in some shopping time as well, while trying to figure out what I wanted to be. It wasn't until the idea of Avatar crossed my mind again that I finally hit on one. I didn't want to be a Na'vi, but a catman oriented concept wouldn't be a bad one. In the end a few more ideas came and I ended up deciding on a ludicrous but interesting design. In some ways it would be like a grown up version of Puss N' Boots. A cat-pirate might be just the way to go this year.
I couldn't help but be excited this year when Halloween rolled around. I love all the spooky stuff. The only problem is trying to figure out what kind of costume I want to wear. Normally I'd so something classic with a twist. I like the idea of a vampire this year, but all of the twilight stuff kind of ruined it for me. Vampires should not sparkle in the sunlight.
Since I had no other ideas yet, I chose to head out earlier to find an idea. After I set my home security alarm (Detroit ADT HOME SECURITY specials) I considered what I wanted to do this year. Over the last few years I had been everything from a zombie samurai to a bondage demon. That had been a rather daring outfit to say the least!
I went to several costume shops and chain stores but nothing seemed to be coming to mind. I didn't want to be cheesy and pick a movie costume. There are a lot of people that like to be Freddy Kreuger or Na'vi from Avatar. What I wanted was something traditional but unique.
It took all day searching and I never found what I was looking for. However, despite my failure I will persevere. There are thousands of costume ideas. I simply need to settle on one and make it happen.
The next few days I squeezed in some shopping time as well, while trying to figure out what I wanted to be. It wasn't until the idea of Avatar crossed my mind again that I finally hit on one. I didn't want to be a Na'vi, but a catman oriented concept wouldn't be a bad one. In the end a few more ideas came and I ended up deciding on a ludicrous but interesting design. In some ways it would be like a grown up version of Puss N' Boots. A cat-pirate might be just the way to go this year.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Will I Have Good Enough Credit To Buy A House?
I won't be buying a house for a couple of years, but I am already worried about qualifying and getting a good mortgage. My credit is improving, but it is "not there" yet.
I am hoping that in a couple of years time, I could qualify for one of the
mortgages for people with good credit. I don't know how much headway I can make in two years. My credit score is OK now, and it will only be better in two more years. I am not adding to my debt at all.
I need to start doing research on how to get a mortgage with good credit. Get well versed on the different
requirements and kinds of mortgages. I hear now that it is hard to get a mortgage if you are self employed. I guess I can't hang a shingle yet.
If I could get a mortgage for people with good credit, I would be happy the rest of my life, or at least until I buy the next house!
I am hoping that in a couple of years time, I could qualify for one of the
mortgages for people with good credit. I don't know how much headway I can make in two years. My credit score is OK now, and it will only be better in two more years. I am not adding to my debt at all.
I need to start doing research on how to get a mortgage with good credit. Get well versed on the different
requirements and kinds of mortgages. I hear now that it is hard to get a mortgage if you are self employed. I guess I can't hang a shingle yet.
If I could get a mortgage for people with good credit, I would be happy the rest of my life, or at least until I buy the next house!
Weepy Over Toy Story 3
Let me be clear--I have not seen Toy Story 3
. But I was listening to an interview on NPR today with the
producer or the director or some such, and heard the storyline. It gripped my heart. It is all about toys who
feel obsolete after their owner grows up and goes off to college. They are headed for the dump, but get saved and find a new life in a daycare. Alls well that ends well. But the story is so poignant. And something i thought about much as a child. Even toys don't want to feel unappreciated and forgotten.
producer or the director or some such, and heard the storyline. It gripped my heart. It is all about toys who
feel obsolete after their owner grows up and goes off to college. They are headed for the dump, but get saved and find a new life in a daycare. Alls well that ends well. But the story is so poignant. And something i thought about much as a child. Even toys don't want to feel unappreciated and forgotten.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Need To Manage My Stress Better
I haven't been to the Y in a couple of weeks, and I can tell the difference in my stress level. Except for the week I was on vacation recently, my stress level can spike high quickly. Even today, on a weekend, I was getting ready to host my book club. I was way behind in fixing dinner and I was getting strressed. Very sweaty. Finally, I caught up and was OK. I really need to have a mantra to say at times like that. And go to the Y.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Can't Wait To Play Wii Tennis Again
I am going to visit my sister over the holidays, and they have wii! I played for the first time at their house last year. They have a couple of games--bowling is too boring, but tennis was fun. I didn't play enough while there, so am looking forward to it again. I want to really get better this year. As a matter of fact, I may buy my brother-in-law some wii accessories for Christmas. I think he would like that a lot.
Too Much To Do This Weekend
I am getting overwhelmed--I have to clean almost my entire condo and cook dinner for my book club tomorrow night. And oh yeah, finish the book. I have to vaccuum, clean the carpet, wash dishes, dust and move stuff around Cook lasagna, and oh yeah, finish the book. And some other stuff in there too, like finishing a freelance article. Sometimes I do too much. I need to watch that.
Health Insurance For the Self Employed
I am at the point now where I could think about going out on my own--hang a shingle as a lawyer--and try to make it as a lawyer, with a little side income as a writer and maybe a mystery shopper. Could I make it? At this point, it would be hard. But what give me pause is losing my benefits. I would have to pay for my own health insurance, and that stops me dead in my tracks.
Actually, only being out of law school a couple of years stops me dead in my tracks. I still have too much debt, but that will be different in a couple of years. I would have to find affordable health insurance but that still has good medical benefits.
I am sure I won't try this for a few more years until I have more experience and clients under my belt. Maybe by then health reform will result in more affordable health insurance.
Actually, only being out of law school a couple of years stops me dead in my tracks. I still have too much debt, but that will be different in a couple of years. I would have to find affordable health insurance but that still has good medical benefits.
I am sure I won't try this for a few more years until I have more experience and clients under my belt. Maybe by then health reform will result in more affordable health insurance.
New Avenues For Writers
Old dogs can learn new tricks. At least some of us. I was trained as a newspaper reporter, then moved into magazine writing and editing. I loved my career. It was fun and I got to experience a lot of things and had access to people I would have otherwise. I would still be in my magazine career (and loving it) if I hadn't gone into business a few years ago. I find that I miss writing. But what can I do now? Well this is one avenue--blogging. I love it and wish I could spend more time on it. I went to a digital conference today and learned even more. Podcasting! Podcasting is a little like blogging, except it is audio. But you can do it in your free time and make money with it. I got a good source to learn more if i want to follow this path.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Need Rubber Stamps For Christmas Cards
I am wanting to be creative this year with my Christmas cards, so I may try to buy some custom rubber stamps with a neat Christmas design on it and make them myself. I read an article about this a few years ago and thought it sounded like a great idea. Not only would it be cheaper than buying cards, but they would be
unique. I love Christmas cards and always want to send out the exact one. Maybe this year, I can make the exact one.
unique. I love Christmas cards and always want to send out the exact one. Maybe this year, I can make the exact one.
Going To A Digital Conference Tomorrow
Can't wait--going to a digital conference tomorrow. I hear there are hundreds of people attending. Funny--a few years ago, I never would have thought to go to something like this. But now, I am all into it. I will learn how to make my blog better, and also info about podcasts. I might need that info someday. I would love to meet some interesting people there.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Renting Cars To Go Out Of Town
My car is getting up in miles, and I only have 6 more months on my warranty. So after that 6 months period is over, I may start renting cars to go on long distance trips to save on miles and in case the car breaks down. If a rental car breaks down, I can just walk away from it. No worries. I am going to check out prices with
alamo car rental as well as other car rental companies to get the best price. Once I don't have a car payment anymore, renting a car to go on vacation a couple of times a year will not be a big deal.
alamo car rental as well as other car rental companies to get the best price. Once I don't have a car payment anymore, renting a car to go on vacation a couple of times a year will not be a big deal.
Amazing Miners Rescue
I was glued to the TV watching the Chile mining rescue. I can't believe they were stuck down there for 70 days, and that they looked so good when they were brought up. What a great plan they came up with to get the miners in shape, eating right, and ready to come up to the surface. Very coordinated and very scientific. It was very emotional to see every miner brought to the surface.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Wonderful Pittsburgh Steelers
This guest post from Margaret Mills
Since my husband has lived in Western Pennsylvania his whole life, it is only natural that he is a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan. After I married my husband, ten years ago, I quickly became a Steelers fan. We try to go to all the home games, but if we can't we watch the professional football games at home on our satellite TV from expertsatellite.com.
One of the reason that I love going to watch football in Pittsburgh, is because my husband and I always go shopping before the game in downtown Pittsburgh. We go shopping, before the games, in an area close to Hines Field called the strip district. The strip district has everything and anything that you could want to buy. Of course my husband and I love to buy all of our Steelers gear there. When we are there we also buy lots of Steelers gear for all of our friends and family who live out of state.
One of the reason that I like the Pittsburgh Steelers so much is because of the players. A lot of the players are not only great players, but they are also nice people. Many of the Steelers like to give back to the community during their off season. I have seen Steelers raise money for many different charities in the Pittsburgh area. My husband and I try to attend charity events that a Steelers player is sponsoring.http://www.expertsatellite.com/
Since my husband has lived in Western Pennsylvania his whole life, it is only natural that he is a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan. After I married my husband, ten years ago, I quickly became a Steelers fan. We try to go to all the home games, but if we can't we watch the professional football games at home on our satellite TV from expertsatellite.com.
One of the reason that I love going to watch football in Pittsburgh, is because my husband and I always go shopping before the game in downtown Pittsburgh. We go shopping, before the games, in an area close to Hines Field called the strip district. The strip district has everything and anything that you could want to buy. Of course my husband and I love to buy all of our Steelers gear there. When we are there we also buy lots of Steelers gear for all of our friends and family who live out of state.
One of the reason that I like the Pittsburgh Steelers so much is because of the players. A lot of the players are not only great players, but they are also nice people. Many of the Steelers like to give back to the community during their off season. I have seen Steelers raise money for many different charities in the Pittsburgh area. My husband and I try to attend charity events that a Steelers player is sponsoring.http://www.expertsatellite.com/
Money Problems Abound
I got a frantic phone call from a friend roday who lives in D.C. who just lost his job. It was a little bit of bad judgment. He gave up one job for another, and then the second one didn't turn out the way he thought. So they mutually partked ways. But I can hear the panic in his voice. He doesn't have a job, he lives in one of hte most expensive cities in the country, and he has bills to pay. What is he going to do?
I have not lost a job, but I have been in panicky money situations before. Mainly a lot of debt. And you get panicky when you get behind and start getting those phone calls. Those darned phone calls.
What can you do? Well, let's talk first about what you might not want to do. When you are looking for financial help, make sure you know what you are doing. Realize that there are no government debt consolidation programs. Remember that and you will be fine.
There are credit card debt settlement programs, however, They help you negotiate your balance with the credit card companies.
There is legitimate debt help out there. Just make sure you don't panic and take your time to research the different ads and offers. Make sure you can find real help for your situation.
I have not lost a job, but I have been in panicky money situations before. Mainly a lot of debt. And you get panicky when you get behind and start getting those phone calls. Those darned phone calls.
What can you do? Well, let's talk first about what you might not want to do. When you are looking for financial help, make sure you know what you are doing. Realize that there are no government debt consolidation programs. Remember that and you will be fine.
There are credit card debt settlement programs, however, They help you negotiate your balance with the credit card companies.
There is legitimate debt help out there. Just make sure you don't panic and take your time to research the different ads and offers. Make sure you can find real help for your situation.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I Want A Nice House!
Maybe with the downfall in home prices, I will be able to buy a nicer house. I really want a house, and I am way behind the curve. Well, not as much behind the curve as some people because I do own my condo, but I need a house.
The homes in my neighborhood are still too pricey for me. Can't believe it. I don't wish anyone ill, but do wish they could be more affordable. I guess whatever price range you are in, there are still homes that are out of your reach. For example, there are some Paradise Valley Homes for Sale (Paradise Valley in Arizona is where the likes of Stevie Nicks and Linda Ronstadt live). They may be on sale, but are still too pricey for some people, I guess. Including me.
I want to make a bunch of money and then buy a really nice house somewhere--hopefully in my neighborhood!
The homes in my neighborhood are still too pricey for me. Can't believe it. I don't wish anyone ill, but do wish they could be more affordable. I guess whatever price range you are in, there are still homes that are out of your reach. For example, there are some Paradise Valley Homes for Sale (Paradise Valley in Arizona is where the likes of Stevie Nicks and Linda Ronstadt live). They may be on sale, but are still too pricey for some people, I guess. Including me.
I want to make a bunch of money and then buy a really nice house somewhere--hopefully in my neighborhood!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Looking Young and Fresh
As I mentioned in my last post, everyone wants nice looking skin. The skin around the eyes is particularly
fragile, so you have to work to keep it looking young and fresh. To keep your eyes looking nice, you might want to find the best eye wrinkle cream. If you figure out what that is, let me know!
fragile, so you have to work to keep it looking young and fresh. To keep your eyes looking nice, you might want to find the best eye wrinkle cream. If you figure out what that is, let me know!
Everyone Wants Nice Skin
Whether you are a teen or a middle age person, everyone wants nice looking skin. If you are a teen, you want clear skin and might read an acne treatment review to find out about the latest treatments. If you are an older person, you might read about how to keep your skin wrinkle free. Whether you are the former or the latter, nice looking skin is the key to looking good. We all strive for it, and some of us attain it, if we work hard enough. One key is to drink lots of water and exercise. Also use sunscreen--that is key.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Money Trouble
I am one of the ones maybe doing better now than this time last year, or the year before. The reason being I am paying off my debt. And that is good and is putting me in a better position. I am also making a little moneyh practicing law part time and doing some other freelance work on top of my regular job. So things are OK right now.
But it wasn't than long ago, when I was wonder how I could get one of those peronal loans with bad credit; Sometimes you just have to have a little money to tide you over. And you are too embarrassed to ask a friend or family member.
I know there are some online sites where you can get 500 dollar loans. If I wanted to get a $500 Dollar loan or any loan like that, it would be good to get it online for the convenience and privacy it affords.
But it wasn't than long ago, when I was wonder how I could get one of those peronal loans with bad credit; Sometimes you just have to have a little money to tide you over. And you are too embarrassed to ask a friend or family member.
I know there are some online sites where you can get 500 dollar loans. If I wanted to get a $500 Dollar loan or any loan like that, it would be good to get it online for the convenience and privacy it affords.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Best 90s-00s Sitcom: Friends
The article written by Geraldo Russo
I'm usually not a fan of sitcoms, but I must admit that Friends has always kept my attention for all these years. Friends is about six, well, friends - Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey - who live in New York City. We laugh at their silly exploits and cry at their heartaches as they grow up through their 20s and 30s. I try to catch this show at least a few times a week, as it's syndicated on many different channels which I can view with direct tv.
One of the strongest aspects of the show is the excellent writing. The jokes and crazy situations the characters find themselves in are genuinely, laugh-out-loud funny. The actors themselves also have a hand in the script, as they will often use their own wit and knowledge of the character to give line suggestions. At times, though, the constant wittiness of these characters strains credulity, but it's best just to laugh and enjoy the show.
The writing is perfectly complemented by the strong ensemble cast. The cast members have great chemistry with one another, and they all play the quirks, strengths, and weaknesses of their characters very well. The actors believed so strongly in the 'ensemble' nature of the show that they all agreed to sign contracts as a group - if one member bowed out, the rest would follow. Due to the show's popularity, guest stars frequently appear on the show, some for one-offs, others for more extended runs. Overall, Friends is a show that will only get better will age, as it handily depicts the innocent, carefree mid-to-late 1990s.
I'm usually not a fan of sitcoms, but I must admit that Friends has always kept my attention for all these years. Friends is about six, well, friends - Ross, Rachel, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Joey - who live in New York City. We laugh at their silly exploits and cry at their heartaches as they grow up through their 20s and 30s. I try to catch this show at least a few times a week, as it's syndicated on many different channels which I can view with direct tv.
One of the strongest aspects of the show is the excellent writing. The jokes and crazy situations the characters find themselves in are genuinely, laugh-out-loud funny. The actors themselves also have a hand in the script, as they will often use their own wit and knowledge of the character to give line suggestions. At times, though, the constant wittiness of these characters strains credulity, but it's best just to laugh and enjoy the show.
The writing is perfectly complemented by the strong ensemble cast. The cast members have great chemistry with one another, and they all play the quirks, strengths, and weaknesses of their characters very well. The actors believed so strongly in the 'ensemble' nature of the show that they all agreed to sign contracts as a group - if one member bowed out, the rest would follow. Due to the show's popularity, guest stars frequently appear on the show, some for one-offs, others for more extended runs. Overall, Friends is a show that will only get better will age, as it handily depicts the innocent, carefree mid-to-late 1990s.
Friday, September 24, 2010
I Miss The Snow
I msis the snow. Well, I will qualify that. I miss the snow in my old hometown in PA. The snow is different there--it is not icy like it is where I live now. You can drive around in it and not worry that you are going to slide off the road or into the next car.
But I remember when I was a kid that sometimes you had to put on a tire chain. That was only in the worst of the worst snow days. But we lived up a pretty big hill and on the days of the big snowfalls, that is what we had to do.
When the tire chain came out of the trunk, that is when we knew the snowstorm was a big deal. It was kind of fun actually.
Of course, with the tire chain on, we had to drive slowly. But that was Ok. The snow there was so pretty, it gave us more time to look at the winter wonderland.
But I remember when I was a kid that sometimes you had to put on a tire chain. That was only in the worst of the worst snow days. But we lived up a pretty big hill and on the days of the big snowfalls, that is what we had to do.
When the tire chain came out of the trunk, that is when we knew the snowstorm was a big deal. It was kind of fun actually.
Of course, with the tire chain on, we had to drive slowly. But that was Ok. The snow there was so pretty, it gave us more time to look at the winter wonderland.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
When You Really Need Money, What Do You Do?
Haven't we all been in tight money situations where we need some fast cash? Goodness knows I have.
I have been money stupid most of my life. I hope I am finally coming out of it. I am paying down debt and making more money, not using credit, so I am making progress and am so excited about it. I want to stay in that place.
I know people knock payday loans, but I have to admit that in some situations they may not be so bad. Like you are going to bounce a bunch of checks if you don't make a deposit. Now, I know you shouldn't be in that position anyway. You shouldn't have outstanding checks that you can't cover.
But we all know there are extenuating circumstances from time to time. Maybe it is better to pay $30 interest on a $200 payday loan, then pay a couple of hundred dollars in overdraft fees? Maybe the better of two evils sometimes.
I hear that you can get payday loans online, which would make the process a lot easier. But better to get hold of your money and not need loans of any kind!
I have been money stupid most of my life. I hope I am finally coming out of it. I am paying down debt and making more money, not using credit, so I am making progress and am so excited about it. I want to stay in that place.
I know people knock payday loans, but I have to admit that in some situations they may not be so bad. Like you are going to bounce a bunch of checks if you don't make a deposit. Now, I know you shouldn't be in that position anyway. You shouldn't have outstanding checks that you can't cover.
But we all know there are extenuating circumstances from time to time. Maybe it is better to pay $30 interest on a $200 payday loan, then pay a couple of hundred dollars in overdraft fees? Maybe the better of two evils sometimes.
I hear that you can get payday loans online, which would make the process a lot easier. But better to get hold of your money and not need loans of any kind!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Joints Are Feeling Better
I mentioned in a previous post that I don't have arthritis, even though some of my family members do, but a few times last year my ankle joints have felt wierd. I am not sure how to explain it, but when I had been sitting for a long time and suddenly got up, it was like my feet wouldn't move well for a few seconds. And then, they would loosen up. I don't know what that was, but I was worried it might be the early stages of arthritis. I thought about trying some of the supplements I see advertised, like joint juice or glucosamine sulphate but never got around to getting any. For almost a year now my ankles have felt fine, and I haven't experienced that. Maybe it is because I have lost a little weight, am eating little better, or have exercised some. Just glad it isn't happening anymore.
Arthritis Can Be So Painful
I don't have arthritis, but I am lucky in that because several people in my family do. They didn't have the worst cases, but it did seem to be very painful. I had a friend who was in sales and she said some days she can't even get out of bed. Now I have a disability client who has RA, and she has the same situation. Most days, she isn't able to be mobile until afternoon. She is trying to look at different treatments for arthritis. Hope she can find one soon. She is a single mother with several small children, so her health is a huge problem for their family. Heartbreaking.
Setting Up A 529 Account For Niece
I got a wild hair today. Maybe I'll set up a 529 educational trust for my niece. And then my nephew. I don't think their parents have saved any money for their college or even thought about it, for that matter. And time is marching on. I looked it up and decided to open one in their state, but they can use the money to go to school wherever they want. I won't be able to save much money, but at least enough to help out. I am kind of excited about it.
Pimple Preventers?
Talked with my niece again last night about what are the best acne products She says she hasn't found the perfect product for her skin yet. Her skin is looking better though--maybe it is just a product of her getting older. Nature is taking its course. Her skin has never been as bad as I remember from my high school days. You really saw some pimply kids back then! Maybe there has been some great progress in acne treatments that I don't know about.
Looking Better But Have A Ways To Go
I keep thinking I must be losing weight, because I am not eating all that junk food that I did in law school. And I am at least exercising a little bit more. I'm probably not sleeping more though. Still addicted to staying up too late and night and catching up on sleep on the weekends. They say a lack of sleep can contribute to weight gain. Maybe that is it. I haven't gained any weight, but I haven't lost enough. Still looking for the magic formula. I have started to drink green tea in the afternoons at work now. It is my newest ritual. I am still wondering what are the safest diet pills that work. I am a healthy person, so I don't want to take something that could harm me. So I want to find out what the safest weight loss products are.
DADT Has To Be Repealed
I was shocked at the news that the repeal of DADT faltered yesterday. Because they didn't get enough votes. And they are trying to blame it on the democrats again, when it is the repubs that won't budge. I keep hoping these shenanigans will backfire on the repubs in the upcoming election. They should. And I hope they will.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Herpes Is Still A Problem
You don't hear much about herpes thiese days, and the tendency is to forget about it. It doesn't quite carry the stigma, at least publicly, that it once did. But for those who have it, I am sure it is still a hassle and an embarrassment. I don't know if there is a cure for herpes yet, but it would be great if there could be one someday. I know the sufferers would feel better and there would be an end to the spread of it. And that is always a good thing.
Stop The Tea Party Now!
Really, how much warning do people need? First Sarah Palin. Then Christine O'Donnelll. Two of the biggest lightweights and they may be put into positions of power? How scary is that? Ignorance is not a trait to be
encouraged or revered. Please vote democratic on election day. We need to keep our country strong. And smart.
encouraged or revered. Please vote democratic on election day. We need to keep our country strong. And smart.
It's Football Time In Tennessee!
And you know what that means! A trip to the Smoky Mountains. I go up about once a year on average and either rent a hotel room and or a cabin. It is fun to rent a chalet or cabin if you have several friends with you.
Some of the chalets are so high up in the mountains with such windy road that it gets a little scary. I don't like to drive when there are big dropoffs with no guard rails.
But other than that, a weekend in a mountain cabin is great. Usually we go to the grocery store right after we get there and stock up. Then we hibernate in the cabin all weekend. We may to go a football game or go to once of the nice restaurants in Gatlinburg one night, but other than that, we are holed up. And it is so nice--the view of the mountains and all the trees is so beautiful. Especially in the fall. And they are decorated so tastefully with wonderful cabin furniture and modern conveniences. It is always so much fun. Can't wait to go again.
Some of the chalets are so high up in the mountains with such windy road that it gets a little scary. I don't like to drive when there are big dropoffs with no guard rails.
But other than that, a weekend in a mountain cabin is great. Usually we go to the grocery store right after we get there and stock up. Then we hibernate in the cabin all weekend. We may to go a football game or go to once of the nice restaurants in Gatlinburg one night, but other than that, we are holed up. And it is so nice--the view of the mountains and all the trees is so beautiful. Especially in the fall. And they are decorated so tastefully with wonderful cabin furniture and modern conveniences. It is always so much fun. Can't wait to go again.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Outlook Dismal For Unemployed Older Workers?
It has been no secret for some time how hard it is to find a job and how many jobless people are out there. And how much harder it is to find a job if you are unemployed. I can't imagine being unemployed as long as some have been.
I read this article in the New York Times today that broke my heart though. It is about how some people over the age of 50 are afraid they will ever work again. I am sure that is an exaggeration, but if someone has been looking for a job for four years without one offer, that is how you would feel.
Even more important today to always keep up your skills and continue learning. Never has it been more important than today.
I read this article in the New York Times today that broke my heart though. It is about how some people over the age of 50 are afraid they will ever work again. I am sure that is an exaggeration, but if someone has been looking for a job for four years without one offer, that is how you would feel.
Even more important today to always keep up your skills and continue learning. Never has it been more important than today.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dealing With Debt
I am happy to say that I am on the downhill slope from debt. I have been in debt my whole adult life, some to a scary degree. I could have easily been forced into bankruptcy. Or other humiliation. I was able to handle it on my own through sheer perseverance. But I can't say I didn't suffer. I think my blood pressure became worse because of my debt situation.
At one point, I did credit card consolidation. That made it easier to keep up with my payments, since I just had one. But to be honest, after I paid off the consolidation, I got in debt again.
I didn't do any kind of unsecured debt relief or credit card debt relief. I finally just cut up the credit cards and bit the bullet. Several years later I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In two years I should be DEBT FREE! And never again.
At one point, I did credit card consolidation. That made it easier to keep up with my payments, since I just had one. But to be honest, after I paid off the consolidation, I got in debt again.
I didn't do any kind of unsecured debt relief or credit card debt relief. I finally just cut up the credit cards and bit the bullet. Several years later I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In two years I should be DEBT FREE! And never again.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Buying Tickets Online Is Easy
I love music and going to concerts. Any kind of concerts--outdoor amphitheaters, large indoor venues, outside street festivals, and small intimate music houses. I was perusing concert tickets today to see if anything looked good. Now that money is tighter, I don't go to as many concerts, and I pick them more carefully. It is a realy treat now to go to a concert.
While online, I realized you can also buy sports tickets online. I don't think I have ever done that, but it too is so easy. I love basketball. I like college basketball the most, but also enjoy professional games as well. I watch a variety of teams on TV including Memphis Grizzlies, Utah Jazz, Orlando Magic, and the Chicago Bulls. I would love to see them in person too!
While online, I realized you can also buy sports tickets online. I don't think I have ever done that, but it too is so easy. I love basketball. I like college basketball the most, but also enjoy professional games as well. I watch a variety of teams on TV including Memphis Grizzlies, Utah Jazz, Orlando Magic, and the Chicago Bulls. I would love to see them in person too!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Speaking of New Orleans.....
Rotary International is having its annual convention in New Orleans this coming May, and I am hoping to go. I have been looking for an opportunity to go back there, and this may be it. I haven't been there since Katrina, so I am sure it will be a moving experience for me. I have always loved NOLA. I am glad to go and help out their economy. As part of the convention happenings, I think we will get to participate in a service project, helping out those who lost their homes a little bit. I would like that a lot. I have wanted to be down there doing that for some time but had no opportunity. Maybe I can help out, at least a little.
Guest post written by Kat Solomon
My favorite things to do on trips is go on ghost tours. Part of me wants to see a ghost, another part of me is terrified of seeing one and then I also just love the history aspect of hearing about all of these people that lived in places before us, rather than if they're haunting the places they lived in before us or not. So, I had been waiting to go to New Orleans to hear the great ghost stories there for a long time.
One tour was a vampire-themed tour and the tour guide was talking in a low, creepy voice that so many tour guides like to talk in on those things, except i was having a tough time understanding her. It really bothered me that I didn't understand a lot of the storytelling that was going on, but I didn't want to ask my family what was being said so I wouldn't ruin it for other people.
When I was talking about it later that night at the hotel, so I looked up Miracle Ear on my smart phone. I ended up buying some free hearing aids in Cincinnati when we got home from our trip. So I'm not worried about getting spooked on future ghost tours!
My favorite things to do on trips is go on ghost tours. Part of me wants to see a ghost, another part of me is terrified of seeing one and then I also just love the history aspect of hearing about all of these people that lived in places before us, rather than if they're haunting the places they lived in before us or not. So, I had been waiting to go to New Orleans to hear the great ghost stories there for a long time.
One tour was a vampire-themed tour and the tour guide was talking in a low, creepy voice that so many tour guides like to talk in on those things, except i was having a tough time understanding her. It really bothered me that I didn't understand a lot of the storytelling that was going on, but I didn't want to ask my family what was being said so I wouldn't ruin it for other people.
When I was talking about it later that night at the hotel, so I looked up Miracle Ear on my smart phone. I ended up buying some free hearing aids in Cincinnati when we got home from our trip. So I'm not worried about getting spooked on future ghost tours!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I Miss Con Law
One of the law classes I miss the most is constitutional law. While it sounds dry, it was anything but. I had no idea had fascinating it would be. How everyday things can be constitutional problems. And how the courts scrutinize the cases and make their decisions.
Like I remember one case--can't remember the name--that involved snow chains. At one time, one state was not allowing tire chains, while the neighboring states were. That meant that trucks that were going from state to state would have to stop and to take off their chains in order to travel through the state that would not allow them. And it was too expensive for the trucks to go way out of their way to avoid that one state. So can't remember exactly how things came out, but basically it was deemed to be unconstituional for that one state to not allow snow chains. Because it was impeding interstate commerce. (Can't remember the exact wording, but it was something like that.) Who would have thought?
Like I remember one case--can't remember the name--that involved snow chains. At one time, one state was not allowing tire chains, while the neighboring states were. That meant that trucks that were going from state to state would have to stop and to take off their chains in order to travel through the state that would not allow them. And it was too expensive for the trucks to go way out of their way to avoid that one state. So can't remember exactly how things came out, but basically it was deemed to be unconstituional for that one state to not allow snow chains. Because it was impeding interstate commerce. (Can't remember the exact wording, but it was something like that.) Who would have thought?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Want To Take My Websites To The Next Level
I have had several websites for a while, and am wanting to spend more time on them and take them to the next level. I need to do a number of things including build links. I need to continue adding good content, geared to my audience/s. I love blogging, so that will not be hard.
Some people have said you can get free links through a free link exchange. Or you can just get links naturally by building your content and attracting readers, who then may leave links to their sites. That is probably the better way.
But at any rate, I am looking forward to working on the websites/blogs and making them soar!
Some people have said you can get free links through a free link exchange. Or you can just get links naturally by building your content and attracting readers, who then may leave links to their sites. That is probably the better way.
But at any rate, I am looking forward to working on the websites/blogs and making them soar!
Hoarder Blows Through Retirement Fund
A woman on Hoarding: Buried Alive tonight is in his situation because she is a compulsive shopper. She has spent all of her retirement fund. That is so frightening. It is scary that people get in these situations. I know that after they become hoarders, they also tend to become recluses. But I wonder if they have somewht tendency towards that to begin with. Because if they had a steady stream of visitors, it would be harder for people to become hoarders, I would think. There would be pressure to pick up and keep things clean.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Learning Poker
I am going on a cruise again in January and love to spend some time in the casino. I mainly play the slots and love it, but want to expand my horizon. I am thinking about learning how to play poker. I watch the people play the game, especially late at night, and they seem to have so much fun! And they can win some real money.
My brother-in-law, when they lived in my town, used to belong to a poker club. They would get together every Friday night, rotating the homes, gets some wings and beer, and play poker. It was a great way for him to get to know some guys in town.
I may buy some books on poker or look online for some instruction. I would like to be at least a little knowledgeable before January.
My brother-in-law, when they lived in my town, used to belong to a poker club. They would get together every Friday night, rotating the homes, gets some wings and beer, and play poker. It was a great way for him to get to know some guys in town.
I may buy some books on poker or look online for some instruction. I would like to be at least a little knowledgeable before January.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Naked Creativity
Watching Mad Men tonight gave me a chuckle. Two copywriters were told to go to a hotel room and not come out until they had written some winning copy. They took off their clothes to try to get some inspiration, even though what they were writing had nothing to do with being naked. And the most I ever used to get creative was a glass of wine!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Watching Movies Whenever And Wherever
My sister and brother-in-law and I love movies. I mean really love movies. We have been known to have our own little film festivals, focusing on a theme or a director, etc. During those events, we pop a lot of popcorn.
But whereas I only enjoy movies on a personal level, my sister and brother-in-law also are involved in film on a professional level. They love them on a personal level too, but they have been employed as film editors and such. They mention all kinds of technical methods and equipment such as DVD Ripper, DVD Ripper Mac (since they have a mac), and Video Converter Mac. They have all kinds of film projects lined up that they want to work on.
I am getting an iphone in a couple of months, and they suggested I look at some equipmet that would help me rip and convert movies to the iphone. I would feel so cool if I could actually do that! Movies anywhere and everywhere. Here is one kind of software I looked at.
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But whereas I only enjoy movies on a personal level, my sister and brother-in-law also are involved in film on a professional level. They love them on a personal level too, but they have been employed as film editors and such. They mention all kinds of technical methods and equipment such as DVD Ripper, DVD Ripper Mac (since they have a mac), and Video Converter Mac. They have all kinds of film projects lined up that they want to work on.
I am getting an iphone in a couple of months, and they suggested I look at some equipmet that would help me rip and convert movies to the iphone. I would feel so cool if I could actually do that! Movies anywhere and everywhere. Here is one kind of software I looked at.
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Monday, August 23, 2010
Stop The Presses, er Email!
In case you need to quickly rethink that email you just sent (and if you use gmail), here is a handy dandy way to take it back. Being a journalist, I am pretty good at wording emails the way I want them and to know how they are likely to be perceived. But I'll add the feature just in case.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Law and Order: SVU Mirrors Real Life
Guest post from: Winston Stewart
I'm not usually a big one for procedural dramas, but I often find myself watching "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" when I flip through the channels on tv direct in Texas. The stories are interesting because they often are yanked right from the headlines of contemporary news.
"Law and Order: SVU" is a long-running spin-off of the even longer-running Law and Order. The focus of this particular show is victims of sexual assault. Hence, many of the episodes contain disturbing elements, though the material is rarely presented in an especially graphic manner.
Detectives Elliot Stabler, played by Christopher Meloni, and Olivia Benson, played by Mariska Hargitay, are the team at the heart of the series. Theirs is an intense partnership, and their friendship is so profound that it sometimes compromises their cases. More often, however, it helps them to catch perps more easily because they make such a great team.
One of the most intense episodes in the series called for Olivia to go undercover at a prison in an attempt to lure in a corrupt guard who had been accused of sexual assault. In the process, Olivia almost was raped herself, leading to mental trauma down the line. While each episode is self-contained, there are story arcs that continue throughout the series, so following the series regularly makes for a more satisfying experience than watching occasionally.
I'm not usually a big one for procedural dramas, but I often find myself watching "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" when I flip through the channels on tv direct in Texas. The stories are interesting because they often are yanked right from the headlines of contemporary news.
"Law and Order: SVU" is a long-running spin-off of the even longer-running Law and Order. The focus of this particular show is victims of sexual assault. Hence, many of the episodes contain disturbing elements, though the material is rarely presented in an especially graphic manner.
Detectives Elliot Stabler, played by Christopher Meloni, and Olivia Benson, played by Mariska Hargitay, are the team at the heart of the series. Theirs is an intense partnership, and their friendship is so profound that it sometimes compromises their cases. More often, however, it helps them to catch perps more easily because they make such a great team.
One of the most intense episodes in the series called for Olivia to go undercover at a prison in an attempt to lure in a corrupt guard who had been accused of sexual assault. In the process, Olivia almost was raped herself, leading to mental trauma down the line. While each episode is self-contained, there are story arcs that continue throughout the series, so following the series regularly makes for a more satisfying experience than watching occasionally.
Silence From Laura Schlessinger Is Golden
I am glad that Laua Schlessinger is off the air.Not that I ever listened to her. Except once in a long while in the distant past. I would occasionally run into her on the radio and listen to her for a few minutes. She is so filled with anger and hate. She really needs to get help. And she thinks she can help others?
I love it how she talks about getting her First Amendment rights back. Como? First, she has been a media person for a long time, and she should know how to conduct herself on air. She should also know when to zip her mouth. As a so-called doctor, she should also know how to respond to people who reach out to her for help.
Since she did none of these things, I can see why the sponsors pulled the plug on her. Good for them. She cries about the interest groups pressuring the sponsors to do so. Maybe they are just using their First Amendment rights to not sponsor her? They are not required to do so. People like Schlessinger never undersand the free marketplace of ideas, and that people may choose not to do business with her because of what she represents or espouses. It's the market baby! You lose.
I love it how she talks about getting her First Amendment rights back. Como? First, she has been a media person for a long time, and she should know how to conduct herself on air. She should also know when to zip her mouth. As a so-called doctor, she should also know how to respond to people who reach out to her for help.
Since she did none of these things, I can see why the sponsors pulled the plug on her. Good for them. She cries about the interest groups pressuring the sponsors to do so. Maybe they are just using their First Amendment rights to not sponsor her? They are not required to do so. People like Schlessinger never undersand the free marketplace of ideas, and that people may choose not to do business with her because of what she represents or espouses. It's the market baby! You lose.
Frenemy Is Now A Real Word
Frenemy, meaning both friend and enemy, has been a word bandied about for a while. I know I have used it, since I have had a few frenemies in my life. But it has only been a casual word until now. I heard today that it is being included in the Oxford dictionary. I love the English language!.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Nashville Needs To Improve Its Black Males High School Graduation Rates
Almost everything is rated today. I just saw on the news a few minutes ago that Nashville is one of five cities with the worst graduation rates with black males. That is horrible! That is not a rating that you want. The people on the news program were talking about the need for black role models who can encourage young people to aspire to higher heights. Hopefully Obama will do that, and we will see it trickle down in future years.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ways To Make Money Online
Many people want to make money online. Surveys and such are one such way. Some sites I have seen advertised include SurveyPro, Suvey Savvy, inbox dollars, etc. I am very interested in making extra money, because I never seem to have enough.
I am not the best money manager, at least on a personal level, and being single, I probably do too many things to entertain myself, such as go on too many trips, go out to eat too much, etc. I need to cut down on all that, but it is hard. Because I really want to do all of those things. So I really want to make extra money to pay for all of that, to pay off my debt, and to save some too. If I can make money online, that is even better, because I can do it wherever and whenever I want. How great is that? It is much better than having a part-time job somewhere.
I am not the best money manager, at least on a personal level, and being single, I probably do too many things to entertain myself, such as go on too many trips, go out to eat too much, etc. I need to cut down on all that, but it is hard. Because I really want to do all of those things. So I really want to make extra money to pay for all of that, to pay off my debt, and to save some too. If I can make money online, that is even better, because I can do it wherever and whenever I want. How great is that? It is much better than having a part-time job somewhere.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Exercising On Vacation
I really want to continue and actually increase my exercise level. I have gone swimming a couple of times per week for the last month or so. It makes me feel so good and I think I am tightening up some. Now I need to increase that level. Burn those calories! Relieve that stress! I will definitely take my swim suit to swim in the ocean and pool. And for walks along the beach. All good for exercise. I need to take my tennis shoes too for good long walks. Some people have started talking about mbt shoes for exercise, but I don't know anything about them yet.
Leaving On Vacation
I am leaving on vacation in about an hour, and I can't wait! I still have to pack (put clothes in the suitcase; I already know what I am taking). Read an email for a client and send it on, and shower. I am already gassed up, bought wine to take ont the trip and have already gotten all the dog and cat food and cat litter for the pet sitter. Can I really leave in an hour? Fingers crossed.
Love A Hot Tub!
My parents have a pool and a hot tub. I love both. They have had a little trouble with the hot tub--the heater had to be fixed, and then the blow didn't work right. Or the motor, or whatever you call it. And now they having to look at hot tub covers, Theirs had gotten some crackx in it and seemed crusty and crackly. But I am glad it is up and running again. I need to go over there and have my day at the spa!
Friday, August 13, 2010
There Is Good Diet Food Out There
I had a yummy salad for lunch today: lettuce with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and lite honey mustard dressing. It was so good and very low cal actually. Which is what I need. I need to fill up with low cal food, That way, I can eat quite a bit and not eat too many calories. Tonight, after dinner I had a weight watchers cookies and cream ice cream bar. So wonderful! But I probably need a weight loss supplement too. I need all the help I can get!
Working On Two Cases
I am now working on two cases: my second disability case and a short sale. Since I have a full-time job, I don't have that much time to devote to the cases. I think I am doing OK, but then I worry that I am not doing enough. But then I think I am. I will keep my eye on everything and make sure I am doing what I need to do to succeed and win for my client.
Hope My Car Holds Out
I have had so much trouble with my car lately. Every few days it won't start. And back in the shop it goes. Luckily it is under warranty, so I don't have to pay for any of the repairs or the loaner car. I am going on a long trip tomorrow. I am a little worried that I will get somewhere and it won't start. I know I can be towed through the warranty. But it may be a hassle. I know it wouldn't be like I had to do rv towing or anything, but still. I just hope I can get there and back. I am going to assume I will make it fine.
I Must Go To Rio
I am sitting at home watching Wild Orchid
and there is something so palpable about Rio, even on the TV screen. It must be terribly sensuous when you are actually there. It has just risen up on my travel list. Must go. And soon! And the movie stars pre-plastic surgery Mickey Rourke. We'll see if it is anything like 9 1/2 weeks.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Finding Nashville Buyers For Short Sales
I am still a fledgling lawyer. Mainly because I have only been licensed a year. Even more so, because I am still at my old job and doing law on the side. Law by myself on the side. So I am getting less experience and less money. Maybe someday this will change, but that is my reality right now.
Recently, a man I work with asked me to help his step-daughter. Her husband died suddenly, and she can'f afford her house anymore. She wants to do a short sale or maybe a deed in lieu of foreclosure. I went to talk with her tonight about her options. I told her we need to find buyers for houses in Nashville, find someone who wants a great deal on a beautiful new home. The home is beautiful, and they hardly lived in it. It would be lovely for a family.
I got paid for the third time as a lawyer today, in connection with this situation, and feel the awesome responsibility of a professional hired to help someone with a pressing problem. I feel a little scared, but a little energized, but a little proud of myself. Just sayin'
Recently, a man I work with asked me to help his step-daughter. Her husband died suddenly, and she can'f afford her house anymore. She wants to do a short sale or maybe a deed in lieu of foreclosure. I went to talk with her tonight about her options. I told her we need to find buyers for houses in Nashville, find someone who wants a great deal on a beautiful new home. The home is beautiful, and they hardly lived in it. It would be lovely for a family.
I got paid for the third time as a lawyer today, in connection with this situation, and feel the awesome responsibility of a professional hired to help someone with a pressing problem. I feel a little scared, but a little energized, but a little proud of myself. Just sayin'
The Sopranos in HD
Content by Mitch Osborne
One of my absolutely favorite shows to watch is The Sopranos, and although I have been a fan of the show since it first premiered on HBO in 1999 I have got to say that the first time I watched it in HD I was totally blown away. The sharpness of the picture made me look at the show as if I were seeing it for the very first time. The color alone was fantastic but I noticed details in the show that I had missed viewing it with regular television.
The photography of the area in which the show is set, the New Jersey area, came alive for me. I noticed that the cinematography was phenominal, the architecture of the buildings in the area shots possessed a beauty of it's own that I had never noticed before HD. The sharpness of the picture gave me a new appreciation for the simple beauty of the areas shown.
I noticed that the HD also gave a new life to the action scenes that I never appreciated before. I noticed new things in the fight scenes and discovery scenes that I missed when I first watched the show. The characters took on a new appearance that I had never noticed before. It was so amazing to realize what I had missed before the innovation of satelite tv.
One of my absolutely favorite shows to watch is The Sopranos, and although I have been a fan of the show since it first premiered on HBO in 1999 I have got to say that the first time I watched it in HD I was totally blown away. The sharpness of the picture made me look at the show as if I were seeing it for the very first time. The color alone was fantastic but I noticed details in the show that I had missed viewing it with regular television.
The photography of the area in which the show is set, the New Jersey area, came alive for me. I noticed that the cinematography was phenominal, the architecture of the buildings in the area shots possessed a beauty of it's own that I had never noticed before HD. The sharpness of the picture gave me a new appreciation for the simple beauty of the areas shown.
I noticed that the HD also gave a new life to the action scenes that I never appreciated before. I noticed new things in the fight scenes and discovery scenes that I missed when I first watched the show. The characters took on a new appearance that I had never noticed before. It was so amazing to realize what I had missed before the innovation of satelite tv.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Cigar Clubs
One of my law school study buddies would often take a break and meet his non-law school friends for a night of drinking whiskey and smoking cigars. It sounded like a lot of fun. I know this cigar group, or club so to speak, helped relieve stress for him during those years. I don't know what kind of cigars they would smoke--maybe macanudo cigars and other kinds. These were really good guy friends of his and getting together with them helped him through the tests and briefing. I didn't do that of course, but instead would get together with good friends for dinner and wine as often I could.
John Denver PBS Special
John Denver is singing "Sunshine on my Shoulders" right now on a PBS show, and I am crying. I am crying for the beauty of this music and and the loss of this great talent. His death in his small glider plane a number of years ago seems like such a waste. I know he was doing what he wanted to do, but still such a waste. This song, as well as Country Roads, Rocky Mountain High, and Calypso, holds such meaning for me. So many memories--the music connects to my soul. It is amazing too how far ahead of his time he was pertaining to environmental issues.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
I Love Homes With Cozy Porches
I love driving around my neighborhood and looking at the houses. I have a condo, but I live in an area with a lot of older homes that have been rehabbed and modernized, and I drool, wishing I could afford one. They have these lovely big porches with that new styled outdoor furniture. The porches look almost like living rooms outdoors. I find the look of these porches very appealing, and is one more reason I want one of those houses or some like it. The weather here is so hot in the summer, you wouldn't be able to use it much then, but springs and falls would be nice. It would be comfy to sit out there and read the paper or have breakfast out there, or a few people over for cocktails.
Want To Watch HGTV For Tips
I used to watch HGTV but then stopped. I get hooked on some TV shows for a while and then switch. I want to get more house knowledgeable, since within a couple of years I want to rent mine and buy a house. I have been watching Property Ladder and think these kind of shows would be good for me to watch. I could learn a lot. I probably won't flip houses as well, but who knows?
Body Check: Looking A Little Better
Well, I was able to go to my high school reunion without embarrassing myself. Except when I looked at the photos afterward. I looked pretty good in person, but I still look too fat in the photos. I know the camera adds 10 pounds, but still. I look 25 pounds overweight. So tally ho!
I am swimming at the YMCA, which has been wonderful for me. I have been doing my water aerobics routine in the outdoor pool. Not only am I getting wonderful excercise, I am getting some needed therapy in the sunshine.
I am also still wondering if I should go on some diet plan, besides just eating more healthy and cutting down. Like doing Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers, using apidexin or some other product. I am going to the beach twice in the near future and a cruise in January. I can't lose more weight before I go to the beach next week, but maybe before I go in Oct. and definitely before I go on the cruise in January.
I am swimming at the YMCA, which has been wonderful for me. I have been doing my water aerobics routine in the outdoor pool. Not only am I getting wonderful excercise, I am getting some needed therapy in the sunshine.
I am also still wondering if I should go on some diet plan, besides just eating more healthy and cutting down. Like doing Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers, using apidexin or some other product. I am going to the beach twice in the near future and a cruise in January. I can't lose more weight before I go to the beach next week, but maybe before I go in Oct. and definitely before I go on the cruise in January.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Ten Worst Places To Live
I clicked on this link today to find out if my city was one of the top 10 worst places to live in America. I needn't have worried. Nashville is a great place to live, and it would take a lot to get it on that list. But our sister city, Memphis, is number 10 . While I have always enjoyed going there for fun weekends, I have heard that the crime there is high.
Some of them I expected to be on the list, like Detroit. But others, like Miami and Oklahoma City, were a surprise. Especially Oklahoma City. The article calls it the most unfit city.
Anyway, I feel bad when I read the foreclosure rates in some of these cities. On the other hand, if I were foot loose and fancy free, I just might move to Detroit or Las Vega and buy one of those $10,000 houses. That part is appealing.
Some of them I expected to be on the list, like Detroit. But others, like Miami and Oklahoma City, were a surprise. Especially Oklahoma City. The article calls it the most unfit city.
Anyway, I feel bad when I read the foreclosure rates in some of these cities. On the other hand, if I were foot loose and fancy free, I just might move to Detroit or Las Vega and buy one of those $10,000 houses. That part is appealing.
Testing For Asthma
Lung problems run in my family. Several have asthma, allergies, and a number have unfortunately died from lung cancer. That is why I am so glad I have never smoked, and I try to stay away from people who do as much as possible. A few of the guys I have dated have smoked, and that was awkward. I didn't want to tell them they couldn't smoke around me, but to be honest, I was relieved when I quit dating them.
I have allergies and get a bad cough from drainage. Several people have told me that my cough sounds like ashthma, so I have been tested with a spirometer. I have not tested for asthma, so that is good. Both my mother and grandmother were diagnoses with it late in life, however, so I am not out of the woods yet.
I have allergies and get a bad cough from drainage. Several people have told me that my cough sounds like ashthma, so I have been tested with a spirometer. I have not tested for asthma, so that is good. Both my mother and grandmother were diagnoses with it late in life, however, so I am not out of the woods yet.
Your One Vote Can Make A Difference!
People often comment or feel that their one vote won't make a difference. One race in TN yesterday begs to differ. State senator Doug Henry only won the democratic primary by 2 votes. This has not been certified yet, but goodness gracious! What if those two people hadn't voted, or a third person hadn't voted? The other guy would have won. Proof positive that one vote can definitely make a difference.
No Black Tie Required
Guest post from: Kent Lara
In a world where designer labels and A-list celebrities dominate, the DO SOMETHING awards on VH-1 stand in stark contrast.
My husband and I have spent a lot of time in third world countries. We've witnessed poverty that has brought us to tears. Sometimes it's hard to view award shows where just one dazzling earring is worth more than it would cost to feed an entire village for a year.
It was with great joy that we tuned in to watch the DO SOMETHING awards on directTV. Instead of handing out awards to top name celebs, the awards went to young men and women who are doing radical things with their lives. These award winners have at least two things in common: they are all twenty five and under and they are all out to change the world.
The list of accomplishments range from starting a school for young girls to tackling the failing economy in a small town. Some of the award winners have been inspired to start theater programs and others have opened up community centers.
It would be a wonderful world to live in if our culture put more value on changing human lives instead of changing designer labels.
I hope that Hollywood takes note and that there are more award shows like this one in the future. Bravo VH-1.
In a world where designer labels and A-list celebrities dominate, the DO SOMETHING awards on VH-1 stand in stark contrast.
My husband and I have spent a lot of time in third world countries. We've witnessed poverty that has brought us to tears. Sometimes it's hard to view award shows where just one dazzling earring is worth more than it would cost to feed an entire village for a year.
It was with great joy that we tuned in to watch the DO SOMETHING awards on directTV. Instead of handing out awards to top name celebs, the awards went to young men and women who are doing radical things with their lives. These award winners have at least two things in common: they are all twenty five and under and they are all out to change the world.
The list of accomplishments range from starting a school for young girls to tackling the failing economy in a small town. Some of the award winners have been inspired to start theater programs and others have opened up community centers.
It would be a wonderful world to live in if our culture put more value on changing human lives instead of changing designer labels.
I hope that Hollywood takes note and that there are more award shows like this one in the future. Bravo VH-1.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Getting My House In Order
When oh when am I going to get my house in order? I hope soon. I still have reorganizing to do around the house and repairs still need to be done. I still have to sort that pile of junk mail and file the important papers! Also, save up money to buy things for my house that I need. And make needed upgrades. After all, I might rent my condo someday when I buy my fantasy house. Well, hopefully not fantasy, but that is how it seems right now. Since I don't have money to buy one. Well, at least I have a nice place to live. Which is more than many people can say.
But I am going to make my list of things I need. New toilet, new stove, shelving in the laundry room, maybe a Hansgrohe faucet. I want to be as fanatical about home and housework, as I was about law school. Then maybe I could get things done.
But I am going to make my list of things I need. New toilet, new stove, shelving in the laundry room, maybe a Hansgrohe faucet. I want to be as fanatical about home and housework, as I was about law school. Then maybe I could get things done.
Trying Out New Templates
I apologize that I have changed my template again, but I did not like the "candy stripe" effect I had before. I found some template downloads for Blogger, and I chose this news type format. Comfortable for me since I am a journalist. Hope you enjoy it.
Got My First Elance Job
Well, I finally got my first Elance job. I thought it would never happen. I have only recently paid any real attention to it, so no wonder. I have a full time job, plus trying to break into law, plus have a social life. And, I am trying my hand at freelancing through Elance. So I don't have much time to check the jobs and bid on them. When I do, I am usually outbid. So, I was thrilled to get this first job.
It is a balancing act: You want to bid on jobs and get them, but you have to think about your schedule and can you meet the deadline. Many of the jobs are due yesterday--not sure why there is always such a fast turnaround. It wouldn't matter so much if you did freelancing full time, but when you have only a limited amount of time, you have to think carefully. If you don't meet the deadline, you might get bad feedback, and that would be bad for getting future work.
The other bugaboo is the lowballers. Elance is famous for lowball bidders. A lot of times, they are writers from other countries who outbid us and win. The problem, it seems from the buzz around Elance, is that these non native speakers do poor work, which then sometimes has to be rebid. And it pushes the prices downward. The buyers though tend to go with the low bid, and many times they are burned.
I bid a little less on the job I won than I would have liked. But I was able to write the posts pretty easily and without too much research. And at least now I have one job on my profile. I need a few more, and then I will be in business!
It is a balancing act: You want to bid on jobs and get them, but you have to think about your schedule and can you meet the deadline. Many of the jobs are due yesterday--not sure why there is always such a fast turnaround. It wouldn't matter so much if you did freelancing full time, but when you have only a limited amount of time, you have to think carefully. If you don't meet the deadline, you might get bad feedback, and that would be bad for getting future work.
The other bugaboo is the lowballers. Elance is famous for lowball bidders. A lot of times, they are writers from other countries who outbid us and win. The problem, it seems from the buzz around Elance, is that these non native speakers do poor work, which then sometimes has to be rebid. And it pushes the prices downward. The buyers though tend to go with the low bid, and many times they are burned.
I bid a little less on the job I won than I would have liked. But I was able to write the posts pretty easily and without too much research. And at least now I have one job on my profile. I need a few more, and then I will be in business!
Lose Your Job....And Your Friends Too?
I have been reading a lot of press recently about how the long term unemployed can lose their friends too. Maybe it comes from embarrassment, a sense of shame, feeling unlucky or jealous of others who are working. Maybe they suffer from depression and shy away from people, or are just tired of being asked about their job search and having nothing positive to say. At any rate, all of the articles I have read sound like the loss of friendship originates from the unemployed themselves, rather than their friends. So, it is up to the unemployed people to still reach out and keep contact. And if anyone shirks you because you lost your job, they are no friend and you are better off without them.
I was laid off once when I was very young. I did not experience any of this loss of friendship or depression. I actually was less depressed, because I hated that job! Or at least was tired of it, and that depressed me. But also, I was only unemployed for two months before I found another job. Those chronicled in the recent articles have all been unemployed for six months or more. Apparently that is when the chronic effects of unemployment can kick in.
I am sure those unemployed are looking as hard as they can for a job. What I did to keep myself positive was doing something every single day about looking for a job. I either found another position to apply for, or I actually applied for another job. I wanted to always have an open application out there, to keep my hopes up. And it worked. Of course, that was a different time. It is just harder today, but I hope people try to keep their good attitudes....and their friends.
I was laid off once when I was very young. I did not experience any of this loss of friendship or depression. I actually was less depressed, because I hated that job! Or at least was tired of it, and that depressed me. But also, I was only unemployed for two months before I found another job. Those chronicled in the recent articles have all been unemployed for six months or more. Apparently that is when the chronic effects of unemployment can kick in.
I am sure those unemployed are looking as hard as they can for a job. What I did to keep myself positive was doing something every single day about looking for a job. I either found another position to apply for, or I actually applied for another job. I wanted to always have an open application out there, to keep my hopes up. And it worked. Of course, that was a different time. It is just harder today, but I hope people try to keep their good attitudes....and their friends.
The Country Music Awards--Not Just For Hillbillys!
The Country Music Awards - Not Just For Hillbillys!
Post contributed by Hilton Miranda
The Country Music Awards ceremony last took place on June 9, 2010 at Nashville's Bridgestone Arena. The CMA's are interesting to watch, as voting is often so competitive that it is difficult to predict who the winners will be. This year was my favorite year watching, not only because some of the best artists performed and took home awards, but because I got to watch it like never before, on my new big screen TV with my high definition direct tv family package channels!
This years Country Music Awards biggest winners included Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, Brooks and Dunn, Luke Bryan, Shaun Silva, Blake Shelton and Trace Adkins.
*Carrie Underwood was this year's big winner with two awards, one for CMT performer of the year, with her hit single "Temporary Home", and one for video of the year, with the video "Cowboy Casanova".
*Keith Urban won the male video of the year award with "Til Summer Comes Around".
*Miranda Lambert took home the female video of the year award for "White Liar".
*Lady Antebellum took home the group video of the year award for "Need you Now".
*Brooks and Dunn dominated the duo video of the year category with "Indian Summer".
*Luke Bryan won the USA weekend breakthrough video of the year award for "Do I".
*Shaun Silva took home the director of the year award for "Indian Summer", "Out Last Night", "Rain Is a Good Thing", "Here Comes Goodbye", "Summer Nights", "Living for the Night", "Nightswimming/Joey", "Keep You", "I'm Alive" and "Do I".
*Lastly, Trace Adkins and Blake Shelton won the collaborative video of the year category with "Hillbilly Bone".
Post contributed by Hilton Miranda
The Country Music Awards ceremony last took place on June 9, 2010 at Nashville's Bridgestone Arena. The CMA's are interesting to watch, as voting is often so competitive that it is difficult to predict who the winners will be. This year was my favorite year watching, not only because some of the best artists performed and took home awards, but because I got to watch it like never before, on my new big screen TV with my high definition direct tv family package channels!
This years Country Music Awards biggest winners included Carrie Underwood, Keith Urban, Miranda Lambert, Lady Antebellum, Brooks and Dunn, Luke Bryan, Shaun Silva, Blake Shelton and Trace Adkins.
*Carrie Underwood was this year's big winner with two awards, one for CMT performer of the year, with her hit single "Temporary Home", and one for video of the year, with the video "Cowboy Casanova".
*Keith Urban won the male video of the year award with "Til Summer Comes Around".
*Miranda Lambert took home the female video of the year award for "White Liar".
*Lady Antebellum took home the group video of the year award for "Need you Now".
*Brooks and Dunn dominated the duo video of the year category with "Indian Summer".
*Luke Bryan won the USA weekend breakthrough video of the year award for "Do I".
*Shaun Silva took home the director of the year award for "Indian Summer", "Out Last Night", "Rain Is a Good Thing", "Here Comes Goodbye", "Summer Nights", "Living for the Night", "Nightswimming/Joey", "Keep You", "I'm Alive" and "Do I".
*Lastly, Trace Adkins and Blake Shelton won the collaborative video of the year category with "Hillbilly Bone".
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Wanting To Be A Volunteer At The 2012 Olympics
I love the Olympic Games, especially the summer ones, and have enjoyed them for years. A few months before the Greek Games started, I came up with the idea of trying to be a volunteer. Unfortunately, it was really too late at that point to apply, and the pickings were slim. They did have one volunteer job for me, but it wasn't of interest to me, so I declined.
This time, I am on top of my Olympic game, so to speak. I have already inquired as to how to be a volunteer and will apply at the appropriate time. It will be costly to be a volunteer, so it needs to be something I really want to do. If it is the right position, it will be worth the time and money. After all, it will be worth a lifetime of memories.
If I go, I need to start thinking about cameras, maybe do a video camera hire or camcorder hire. It would be fun to record the sights and sounds of the Olympics,and who knows, maybe using a camera would even be part of my job.
I don't have a really good camera, just a small digital one, so I am sure I would need to do a camera hire rather than spend a lot of money on something new. I used to own a Nikon, so I might check into those cameras again, or maybe do a canon lens hire. I would need something that would record excellent photos and allow me freedom of creativity that my little digital camera just doesn't provide.
This time, I am on top of my Olympic game, so to speak. I have already inquired as to how to be a volunteer and will apply at the appropriate time. It will be costly to be a volunteer, so it needs to be something I really want to do. If it is the right position, it will be worth the time and money. After all, it will be worth a lifetime of memories.
If I go, I need to start thinking about cameras, maybe do a video camera hire or camcorder hire. It would be fun to record the sights and sounds of the Olympics,and who knows, maybe using a camera would even be part of my job.
I don't have a really good camera, just a small digital one, so I am sure I would need to do a camera hire rather than spend a lot of money on something new. I used to own a Nikon, so I might check into those cameras again, or maybe do a canon lens hire. I would need something that would record excellent photos and allow me freedom of creativity that my little digital camera just doesn't provide.
Companies That Are Hiring
Found this article on msn.com this morning that listed companies that are hiring. I might check out Holland America.........
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Reruns Of The Office
The article written by Frances Blevins
Although The Office is still producing new episodes it is still possible to catch reruns on NBC and other channels that cable tv offers. I can never get enough of the day to day events of Dunder Mifflin, even though I have seen most of the episodes two or three times. It has almost become an addiction, where I have all the seasons on DVD but still find myself watching them all the time when they are on TV.
The Office is a made in the style of a mockumentary that follows the day to day happenings of the fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin. Set in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the workers of Dunder Mifflin are well aware of the cameras that follow them around the office. Manager Michael Scott loves the extra attention that the camera's provide, often times pulling the cameras aside so that he can talk to them. Other members of the office are not as thrilled about the cameras, such as Angela the accountant, who would like nothing more than to get back to work.
As the show progressed, it broke free from the office setting and began to focus on stories that were happening outside of work. The first story of this sort was when Michael began to date his boss Jan. Although it didn't work out for Michael, it did provide viewers an opportunity to look into Michael's condo for the first time. Another important storyline that happened both inside the office and outside was the marriage of Jim Halpert, and receptionist Pam Beesly. The show can often be found later at night, and is a great show to start watching if you have never seen it.
Although The Office is still producing new episodes it is still possible to catch reruns on NBC and other channels that cable tv offers. I can never get enough of the day to day events of Dunder Mifflin, even though I have seen most of the episodes two or three times. It has almost become an addiction, where I have all the seasons on DVD but still find myself watching them all the time when they are on TV.
The Office is a made in the style of a mockumentary that follows the day to day happenings of the fictional paper company Dunder Mifflin. Set in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the workers of Dunder Mifflin are well aware of the cameras that follow them around the office. Manager Michael Scott loves the extra attention that the camera's provide, often times pulling the cameras aside so that he can talk to them. Other members of the office are not as thrilled about the cameras, such as Angela the accountant, who would like nothing more than to get back to work.
As the show progressed, it broke free from the office setting and began to focus on stories that were happening outside of work. The first story of this sort was when Michael began to date his boss Jan. Although it didn't work out for Michael, it did provide viewers an opportunity to look into Michael's condo for the first time. Another important storyline that happened both inside the office and outside was the marriage of Jim Halpert, and receptionist Pam Beesly. The show can often be found later at night, and is a great show to start watching if you have never seen it.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Biden Came To Town And Inspired Us All
Vice-president Joe Biden came to town and gave an inspiration talk. It is not one republicans would like to hear though. He revved up the democrats in attendance and reminded all of us that the country's mess is not their/our fault. Republicans get tired of hearing them say they inherited the mess. But they did. On their first day in office, before they had time to do anything, they were handed a bill for the nation's debt. It was about a trillion dollars, he said. If that isn't clear as to who is to blame, then what is? And he is right: Why would we want to get those same people back in the White House that brought this mess on us in the first place?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Need To Reassess My Insurance Policies
As I am trying to focus more on my finances and getting my life together, I want to reassess my insurance policies and make sure I have what I need in the way of insurance, including car insurance, and that I am not spending more than I should.
I am sure that after I got that speeding ticket on vacation, my car insurance rates will go up, but hopefully not. Or hopefully not very much. I have updated my longterm care insurance, and my rate is still amazing low, because I bought my policy at such a young age. I need to get disability insurance as soon as possible. I think my homeowner's insurance is up-to-date, but I better check that again. I do need to focus on disability and car insurance though, and make sure I am covered the way I need to be.
I am sure that after I got that speeding ticket on vacation, my car insurance rates will go up, but hopefully not. Or hopefully not very much. I have updated my longterm care insurance, and my rate is still amazing low, because I bought my policy at such a young age. I need to get disability insurance as soon as possible. I think my homeowner's insurance is up-to-date, but I better check that again. I do need to focus on disability and car insurance though, and make sure I am covered the way I need to be.
More Problems With My AC
When is this going to end? My AC unit is again freezing up and not cooling. I have a serviceman coming out Saturday morning and hopefully he can fix it. I just can't afford to buy a new one right now. I have thought about it because of the tax credit and state rebate. Tempting, but still can't afford it. Need to keep it running for a few more years.
Needing To Sign Up For Disability Insurance
I am a few months away from applying for disability insurance. I used to have it where I previously worked, but do not have it through my current employer. And that is a real shame. It is so much harder to get an individual policy than to be part of a group disability policy. Many people get turned down. I hope I don't. I am putting applying off for a few months, but want to make sure I apply before my next birthday, so I don't get into the higher price category. I need good but cheap insurance. Hope it works out for me.
What To Do With All The Receipts
I am in a cleaning out mode now. Cleaning out closets, the laundry room, the spare room, etc. And I have too much paper! Too many papers from law school still around, too many magazines, newspapers, receipts from an epson receipt printer, old birthday cards I don't want to throw out. Good golly! What to do? All I know to do is sort through and throw out a little at a time. But I need to step it up. I want my house like it used to be.
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