Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tot Mom's Lawyer Jose Baez Apparently Had Trouble With Character And Fitness

First of all--does anyone not know who the Tot Mom is?

I admit it--I watch Nancy Grace, and she coined that phrase. It is not that good of a phrase, because it makes it sound like the the mom is a tot, not that the mom is the mom of a tot.

But semantics aside, most of us know that the Tot Mom is Casey Anthony, who is accused of murdering her daughter Caylee.

Her lawyer is Jose Baez, who seems to have a perpetual smirk on his face. What is up with that?

I heard on Grace's show that Baez had had trouble with his character and fitness interview in Florida. Of course, my ears perk up, as I had my character and fitness interview not that long ago.

The Orlando Sentinel ran a great article about this issue. It said that when a case comes up in the supreme court about character and fitness, they don't use the defendant's name bu the initials. The initials of the defendant were JAB, the same as Baez's. The article points out the similarities between JAB and Baez, down to the letter. It is pretty obvious it is Baez.

The article said Baez had trouble because he had a bankruptcy, had defaulted on a student loan and had a lot of debt. That he was behind on child support and had omitted mentioning on his application about writing a bad check and going into a pretrial diversion program because of it.

That is some serious stuff. Apparently, he wasn't allowed to practice law for 8 years after graduating because of it. Eventually he proved that he had rehabilited himself and was admitted to the Florida bar.

A lot of us in school were worried about our character and fitness interviews. I was worried because of my debt. But I have never defaulted on a loan or done anything like he did. As a matter of fact, I have not heard of anyone else being denied to the point that he had been denied. He is rehabilitated, and that is good. But my classmates and I had nothing to worry about in regards to our interviews.

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