Monday, March 23, 2009

My Laptop Is Joined To My Hip

I really have become a laptop addict. Almost the minute I get home, I fire up my laptop. I have been blaming my house looking like crap to being in law school and studying for the bar, but it is really because I am a laptop junkie. When I could be washing dishes or cleaning out cupboards, I am on my laptop instead. Maybe I need an intervention? Between blogging and visiting my forums and checking email and reading news, a few hours fly by. What is a girl to do?

I am on it so much I am afraid I am wearing out my computer. It has gone in for major repairs several times already. I am hoping to wait a while until I buy another computer. But when I do need to buy a new one, I will have to compare computer prices online. I have a toshiba right now. I'd really like to get one of those cute laptop cases that I have seen around. I was on a tear around town trying to find one, and I eventually did find one, but there are a lot more choices online.

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