Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back On My Horse And Studying For The Bar Exam---Again

OK, it is almost 3 months until the next bar exam, and I have already gotten in gear to study--well mostly. My feelings about not passing in July are wierd. I am embarrassed and mad at myself. But I am not really depressed or humiliated, the way I think some people are. I think it stems from the fact that I knew I was not well prepared for the exam, not that I can't do it.

And why was I not well prepared? That is a question I have asked myself and my dean asked me. When I talked with the dean, she made me feel both better and worse. She said she expected me to pass (thank you!). And that makes me feel better. But inherent in that statement is the feeling I got fro her that I let her down. And that makes me feel worse.

So what am I doing this time? I have already started reading the Barbri Mini Conviser. (My dean couldn't believe I didn't even read that before the July bar. I was stuck in online Barbri question hell, I told her. BTW, the online questions are fun and informative, but once you start them, it is hard for some reason to switch to something else. I guess it is that instant gratification thing.) I am determined to read all of the outline books I did not read before. I have also been doing some questions. OK, I am doing some again online, but I am also going to do them in the books this time. The good thing about the Barbri question books is that they are portable. More later.

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