Friday, November 27, 2009

My New TV Favorites

Now that I am not studying for the bar exam now (yay!) I am rediscovering TV. I am not one of those insufferable snobs who say they never turn on their set. I don't believe them for a second anyway. Just trying to impress everyone, and they don't fool anyone! Anyway--here are my current fav shows. Madmen for sure. What a gem! And I have just discovered The Prisoner, also on AMC. The show is a little confusing, but I guess it is supposed to be. Comcast is also featuring the original version of the show until 11/30. I hope I get to watch at least a few of the episodes before they take it down. I also love Lost, but I am having to watch the prior shows on the computer. The new season starts in January, and I still have 2 1/2 seasons to watch before then.
I really think it is a great show. It appeals to my sense of adventure.

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