Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My New Sales Career Lasted A Whole Six Weeks!

As you can see from my header, I am a career changer. Well, only sometimes. Because of duress at work, I was looking for a new opportunity. There was a sales opp that combined a lot of my skills and past experience. So I signed up.

But when I went to the orientation, I realized I was only partially impressed. With the product and the people. The product is OK and could be a go. But the people I would work for are not sophisticated and are only concerned about money, not quality. A combination that does not excite me.

I tried it for six weeks. And no one seems interested. Those I am working for might say I have not talked to enough people and have not tried hard enough. I say that I have talked with enough people and have tried hard enough. I can't imagine that other potentials would feel differently.

I have a call in right now to say that I am exiting. Stopping before I start. And that is a good thing. Knowing when not to proceed is invaluable.

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