Friday, August 7, 2009

Going To A Mini High School Reunion Tonight; Hope I Don't Feel Frumpy

I have a mini-reunion to go to tonight, and I hope I don't feel frumpy. I may, because I sort of look frumpy. I wonder if everyone else will be buff and toned. My luck. But maybe not. I do look better than I did just a couple of weeks ago. I guess because I have started on a small exercise routine, and I have cut down my eating. Except last night when I went through Wendy's. What can I say? I dropped by the law school, and there is an automatic path from the law school to the nearby Wendy's. My car just goes from one place to another on automatic. I want to ask a pharmacist what are the best diet pills. I feel like a pharmacist would give me the honest lowd0wn.

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