Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yay For Healthcare Reform!

My premonition was right, and healthcare reform passed. I am shocked but grateful and relieved. What brave souls those reps were. They put their jobs in jeopardy, but for a good cause. I am so proud of them. I think they will be rewarded however, and won't lose their jobs. Not all of them anyway.

How could anyone be upset at the healthcare reform?

Who wants a continuation of the health care reform that

--doesn't cover 33 million people
-will drop people who are sick
--have pre-existing condition exclusions

Only the Republicans, I guess. They will live forever in perfect health, I guess, and they see no need for the reform. I guess it is that republican indocrination and lack of empathy for anyone else.And naively not seeing beyond their present condition. Thank goodness they are not in power anymore. Who needs that? Not America.

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