Wednesday, September 12, 2007

MPRE Success!

Well, I checked the MPRE website early this morning for some strange reason, and there was a message for me saying my MPRE score was ready.

What a scary moment!

I don't know why I checked the website--I didn't really expect the grade to be ready until Friday. It would then be five weeks since I had taken the test, and they said the scores would be back in five weeks. With something this big, I wouldn't expect the scores to be back early.

But anyway, check I did, and it instructed me to download my score. Before I could even organize my thoughts, there I was downloading it, saying a quick little prayer that I had passed. I thought I had done well, but three years of law school have taught me to not always trust those feelings.

OK, so it was downloading, and then suddenly it was there in front of me. 119! That was my score. I had to do a double take to make sure I was looking at the right place. Yup. I was. I felt so grateful. Not only had I passed, but I had done very well.

The scores are scaled. Normally, the scores would be up to 100, but they scale them, so the easy and hard tests will come out to be the same weight.

I am floating on air!

For those who still need to take the test, here is my main tip: Make sure you take the Barbri review course, and read the whole outline they give you very well. And take the practice tests. I think taking the practice tests, and learning from my mistakes was the best thing I did to prepare.

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